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Old 19-07-2016, 07:52 AM
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Angry Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by conquer View Post
You need to be very good in gynecology in order to tell how often a masseuse offers sex service. LOL...

It would be fine to gently decline the sex offer, the masseuse knows how to keep the rest of the conversation going... anyhow you won't be the first who reject the offer.

I know it is possible to strip her, and I believe by certain means she can be penetrated as well. But fellow bros pay to enjoy the service but not to try their luck... If she feels offended showing tits to costumers, that's alright, just state it in the thread. Fellow bros will take it into consideration before booking. Now some costumers feel they have been "tricked"... that's the problem.
We are being led by these MLs with a hand on our little head! Either the big head takes over and think logically or we are going to see price heading for $150 without removing their tops!

Such MLs must be boycotted in order to bring back decent service at reasonable price. This is the mentality of many PRCs, you must be tough with them or they will shit on your head. Ask the Taiwanese and they would know, after all they have been doing business in China for a long time and they have realized that being nice does not pay.
Old 19-07-2016, 08:20 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Randomly picked a few new MLs n sms them.
Asked them got remove top.......
All replied NO removal.

Seemed liked this is the new norm n there is this internal agreement going on among the gals.
Anyway, im moving back to my milf regular from now onwards.
Wont try any MLs liao.
Old 19-07-2016, 08:59 AM
LeeHsienLoong LeeHsienLoong is offline
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

All MLs who refuse to remove their tops will be on my ban list.
Time to take a stand against such MLs who come to Singapore to rip us of our hard earned money.
Lets see how long they can sustain unless there are idiots who are supporting them blindly.
Singaporeans complain their jobs are being taken by foreigners. Who is to be blamed?
Old 19-07-2016, 09:21 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Kaylee had much leeway during her last stint here.
She used to take out her top for me back then but had to tell her to take it off then.
But i visited her last week at her new place in central, iland honestly i can say her standard had dropped.
She did one handed massage me quite a few times and when it comes to sensual part, she dun let me take off her top!!
Told her what and why cos i used to see those melons of hers so whats wrong.
She just no no, i may have forgotten..
I was like wth!!
Ok, just go ahead with it and from now on i will not visit her and thank you though she is a nice and friendly lady.
Old 19-07-2016, 09:29 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by mariosuper View Post

probably can have a list of ML that wont strip to highlight to other bros out there?
There used to be an indication on JB list for such ML, now not sure.

Check the services listed on the ad, If there is no BM/BF. Likely it's gonna be fully clothed.

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Old 19-07-2016, 09:35 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by mariosuper View Post
minimal for me must pull down top.
not acceptable for me for ML not stripping.

probably can have a list of ML that wont strip to highlight to other bros out there?
Think it also depends what they wear bah...

Just last year this time there was xxmm...

xx always wore super tight and stiff clothing (machiam protective gear) that my finger might get cramps just trying to reach in even though she not big...

mm on the other hand wore super light and she was small so it was loose for full access and can see also...

Mango, Tomato
Old 19-07-2016, 10:03 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by whoizzit2 View Post
Kaylee had much leeway during her last stint here.
She used to take out her top for me back then but had to tell her to take it off then.
But i visited her last week at her new place in central, iland honestly i can say her standard had dropped.
She did one handed massage me quite a few times and when it comes to sensual part, she dun let me take off her top!!
Told her what and why cos i used to see those melons of hers so whats wrong.
She just no no, i may have forgotten..
I was like wth!!
Ok, just go ahead with it and from now on i will not visit her and thank you though she is a nice and friendly lady.

Thanks for sharing. Guess I won't RTM if she say no to taking off her top. When ppl become more ang pai, they think they can get away with doing less. Paying more than $100 and they won't even take off their top is abusing our consumer rights.

Would there be such a list of the MLs who would not take off their tops? I agree that this list would be good to have and would like that too. But key points to take note are

- there is a difference between refusing to take their tops off and not using her own initiative to take off her top. The former is definitely is no-no. Its a bit controversial on the latter though.

- would there be different treatment for different bros? How do you rate such MLs? Taking off tops = maybe?
Old 19-07-2016, 10:08 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

No taking off top is too much. If wear shorts or undies at bottom still can accept but show boobs are minimum. I can accept no licking or squeezing too hard but at least can see and touch. Nowadays go mp also can get to see and touch boobs with 50+50. Though mostly are milfs and not syt.
Old 19-07-2016, 10:11 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

what else can we say? times have changed. but minimum for me must be top off.
Old 19-07-2016, 10:29 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by conquer View Post
I know it is possible to strip her, and I believe by certain means she can be penetrated as well. But fellow bros pay to enjoy the service but not to try their luck... If she feels offended showing tits to costumers, that's alright, just state it in the thread. Fellow bros will take it into consideration before booking. Now some costumers feel they have been "tricked"... that's the problem.
That's true and it really spoils the mood when you have to pry the TOP off them with much negotiations although those with rape fantasy might enjoy it... I suspect it's all part of the ploy by MLs and WM to increase their chargeable fee to be honest since the attempt to raise the avg massage to $120 seemed to have failed.

PRCs really do take Singaporeans for Roberts and honestly, I'll stop visiting all these MLs if TOP removal not being allowed becomes the norm instead of trend.
Old 19-07-2016, 10:34 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by titan View Post
"she commented how dare I ask her to strip her TOP on my first visit..." I would reply her my wallet won't dare to pay if she don't dare to take off her top.. 100/110/120 for a non topless HJ... money very easy to earn.. just ban girls like her! besides that, my first visit oridi chu pattern.. u think I will come again?
They probably think this allows them to gain regulars but for me it backfires big time...
Old 19-07-2016, 10:36 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by Wateverla2 View Post
what else can we say? times have changed. but minimum for me must be top off.
Vote with our wallets I Guess. They are really treating us like how the Govt has been treating Singaporeans all along, majiam like raising CPF withdrawal retirement age bit by bit.
Old 19-07-2016, 10:42 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by macktamer View Post
There used to be an indication on JB list for such ML, now not sure.

Check the services listed on the ad, If there is no BM/BF. Likely it's gonna be fully clothed.
Haha, will add "Fully Clothed" remarks to Kaylee and Dora.

Anymore FC MLs? Do let me know.
Old 19-07-2016, 10:58 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by Javabeans View Post
Haha, will add "Fully Clothed" remarks to Kaylee and Dora.

Anymore FC MLs? Do let me know.
imo none of those fully clothed MLs deserve to be in your tier one. They failed to provide the most basic service of top off. It's an insult to the other MLs in the tier one that really provide us good services.

Since they downgrade their services it's only fair we that we downgrade their rankings, they do not deserve the additional advertisement
Old 19-07-2016, 11:04 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

I manage to convince Dora to take off her top for me. The process of doing it kind of excites me. If you are aggressive from the start, she will be be even more reluctant to do so thus my advice is to ask her nicely and politely. In the end she says since you so nice, I will take it off for you but be gentle.

But IMHO, If a ML does not take off her top, I will definitely not visit her. The purpose of visiting a ML is to see her topless. If I want a good massage, I can visit a decent spa for it. If more bros still patronize them despite knowing they do not take off their top, more ML will follow suit and we will be the one paying more in the end. Be smart
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