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Old 10-06-2017, 10:50 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by JasonJG View Post
Strange, but LTD also posts negative comments, and quite coincidentally, for the same Mei Mei, who goes by the name Ida on LTD. $110, FC, can't massage, 30 min service. She deserves the negative comments.
I was also surprised that they allowed negative MRs to be posted. Maybe Ida owe them ad fees. Anyway just conjectural. Think in the long run it would be beneficial to the cheongsters and the web master as well. No fake photos and genuine reviews. Hope that day comes soon.
Old 10-06-2017, 11:02 PM
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Originally Posted by JasonJG View Post
Strange, but LTD also posts negative comments, and quite coincidentally, for the same Mei Mei, who goes by the name Ida on LTD. $110, FC, can't massage, 30 min service. She deserves the negative comments.
Yeah. It's a new one. You can check my MR of her anyway. Posted one in mid May on tiger's den same date as my MR but not there liao.

Anyway, my point being that it's depending on the ML that advertise and not really the websites. Paat years we seen the same old thing everywhere isn't it. Sigh.

Don't think it will end lah. Just have to be careful.
Old 11-06-2017, 12:16 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by z9878987898789 View Post
How was Anqi?
I tried Anqi a long time ago, so I can't really comment on her standards nowadays. What I can say is that while her face isn't pretty, her body is very well maintained for a Milf and certainly an improvement compared to Xiao Xiao if I have to compare these two bodies.
Old 11-06-2017, 12:27 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls" (Hmm her name has been censored by the system for some reason.. her name sounds like a cat's meow.. remove # to get the address?)

Tried this ML too, and again a bit of a mixed review...

Looks: 80% like photos on SGLG but her hair style has changed, more straighter. She has a pleasant face which I find attractive.
Boobs: I'm a boobs person so when I saw 34c and those cleavage I thought great. Turns out to be closer to a big A or small B, but not saggy and nice and round, with inverted nips.
Body: Fits her boobs, slim thin with SYT smooth skin. Petite size.
Location: This part I don't like. Instructions are clear enough but have to watch out for neighbours in this area, hard to avoid. Ample parking nearby.

Massage: She massaged topless wearing her panties. Massage skills are actually decent, not Tuina strong but not piano either... I would say equivalent to some of those spas out west that offer p massage.
Service: Hugs me while tugging, but her body a bit sweaty from her hard work. She has a very nice smell when she was close to me though. No bottom roaming cos panties still on. She was quiet during the massage and a lot more chatty and friendly during the service portion and after.

RTM: $100 for 1 hour versus p massage at $88 and you have to sneak your hand into their bras... think if I can get past the location issue, I would prefer m#iao m#iao. I think she's the kind that will warm up to her regulars, but I think she is leaving end of June.

Last edited by johnleee; 11-06-2017 at 05:32 PM.
Old 11-06-2017, 02:08 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by johnleee View Post$$$$-$$$$-massage/

Tried this ML too, and again a bit of a mixed review...

Looks: 80% like photos on SGLG but her hair style has changed, more straighter. She has a pleasant face which I find attractive.
Boobs: I'm a boobs person so when I saw 34c and those cleavage I thought great. Turns out to be closer to a big A or small B, but not saggy and nice and round, with inverted nips.
Body: Fits her boobs, slim thin with SYT smooth skin. Petite size.
Location: This part I don't like. Instructions are clear enough but have to watch out for neighbours in this area, hard to avoid. Ample parking nearby.

Massage: She massaged topless wearing her panties. Massage skills are actually decent, not Tuina strong but not piano either... I would say equivalent to some of those spas out west that offer p massage.
Service: Hugs me while tugging, but her body a bit sweaty from her hard work. She has a very nice smell when she was close to me though. No bottom roaming cos panties still on. She was quiet during the massage and a lot more chatty and friendly during the service portion and after.

RTM: $100 for 1 hour versus p massage at $88 and you have to sneak your hand into their bras... think if I can get past the location issue, I would prefer $$$$ $$$$. I think she's the kind that will warm up to her regulars, but I think she is leaving end of June.
who is $$$, which one you referring to
Old 11-06-2017, 02:33 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Anyone had tried ManDy from sg.wolves.
( hmm...SB seen to auto censor with $ )

Old 11-06-2017, 05:46 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Is Javabeans' list still being updated? Anyway, I msged a bunch of MLs yesterday and settled on Laura from SLG (Mint sister?), as location seemed easiest to access for me and she has overwhelmingly positive reviews (altho the last review was mths ago); this is my MR of her.

TLDR: Not the most attractive but made up for with good service.

--LOCATION: 3/5. Easily walkable from Eunos MRT. Condo is easy to find, but facing main road and next to a religious bldg (which just happened to have an event that day, so had many people around.) IMO, not the most discreet place. Have to be a bit careful going to and from her unit.
--ROOM: 4/5. Staying alone. Tiny shower stall. Not sure if towel is fresh. She spread a thin gauze over the towel on the bed; I assume that's new and disposable--first time I saw anybody doing this and I think it's great for hygiene.
--PHOTO vs PERSON: 3/5. It's her but...she's a LOT meatier in person. (That photo with her touching the wall...check out the crooked lines of the curtain--obviously tweaked inwards to make her waist look slimmer.) Face-wise, the photo of her in pink dress is the one that's most accurate.
--PERSONALITY: 4/5. Gentle and very accommodating. Offered me water before and after session, and a kiss+hug goodbye. We didn't talk very much but I can tell she's a very nice person.
--MASSAGE: 4/5. Fully nude. Decent technique. Quite forceful; in fact, when she used her knees and her full body weight, she was virtually crushing me (I'm a slim guy.)
--SENSUAL: 4/5. Assisted shower. Catbath+HDLY+JG+BF. She ran her boobs over my back and, at one time, she placed my feet on her boobs--that's a new thing for me, and it felt...weirdly nice. Her skin is smooth and her hair smells nice. This is the 3rd time I tried BF (which I requested for) and it is also the ONE and ONLY time where I actually came during it. This category would get a perfect score except for one thing: I don't find her all that attractive TBH (but not to extent of being turnoff.)
--TIME MGT: 5/5. I came on the 45m mark. Rested a while, then showered, and it was exactly one full hour by the time I finished. The phone buzzed one time during the session but she did not answer.
--DMG: 100. Can say it's worth it just for the good service.
--RTM: Probably not, unless there are no other options available. (Hoping to try Hui Zi next, but I seem to recall seeing quite a few negative reviews last time; can't find her on Javabeans list now tho.)
Old 11-06-2017, 03:10 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Mint 很可爱,有年轻女朋友的感觉,服务也非常好,声音很甜,和她聊的很开心

Last edited by kyouke2; 13-06-2017 at 11:37 AM.
Old 11-06-2017, 04:19 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Nice to see Baby back
Old 11-06-2017, 04:20 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by derrickboy View Post
she working today liao.
Yup Momo working again
Gonna RTM soon
Old 11-06-2017, 04:26 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by Catch22 View Post
Thanks for heads up...
Abit surprised to see her back in this line.

Mango, Tomato
Old 11-06-2017, 04:35 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by derrickboy View Post
Thanks for heads up...
Abit surprised to see her back in this line.
Ya same lor, when received her WeChat notice. Tot she had moved on from the line alr.
Old 11-06-2017, 04:42 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Where did Cheryl from sglonely go?
Old 11-06-2017, 08:26 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Simple MR for this ML.

Location is central but not discreet.
About 8 minutes walk from the nearest MRT and parking should be fine.
Unit is shared and her room is neat.
Toilet is shared.

Massage is acceptable but there is room for improvement.
She only covered the back.
Sensual is slightly rushed so it was not my type.
Roaming is 3.5G and I did not wish to explore further.

She answered calls during my session.
Her personal hygiene could be improved.
This ML is not in my RTM list.
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Old 11-06-2017, 09:10 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by Aerodime View Post

A deserving special mention for the above lady who gave me the BEST session in 2017 thus far.

I was my usual skeptical self when I came across her web page. I thought she looked good, especially the 生活照片. Figure D cup? Hmmm.. In the end small head ruled over big head, just go look look see see lo, if no good then just walk away lo.

When she received me at the door of her apartment in Area F, I was stunned. Literally JAW-DROP stunned for at least 5secs. She was drop dead gorgeous. Kinda like 古典美。Your head will definitely turn if you see her on the street.

I took a quick shower and laid prone as instructed. She started her massage routine and it was not piano. Definitely not pro, not the best massage I have had but good enough by my usual high massage expectations.

We engaged in small batter and chatter and there wasn't a dull moment. Plus points for that.

Fast forward to sensual portion which was the main highlight. Started with nice catbath from waist gradually moving up to nape of neck, her hands gently sliding over my bottom caressing and touching. Man I was steamed, and itching to roll over.

“我想翻过来了“ and rolled onto my back. I guided her into a kneeling position between my legs and lifted her dress over her head.

OMG, those boobs were near perfect. It looked exactly like that last photo on her web. Full C+, round, firm and topped with light colored small nipples. Snow fair and smooth complexion, taut tummy, curvy ass covered by the sexiest black lace underwear.

Just imagine 胸推, just imagine that pretty face going down on you. I blew my nuts in less than 3mins and my member was still rock hard.

This gal has the complete package, looks, body, boobs, gfe, and most importantly bbbj cim.
Thanks bro for the MR. Will try out when free and timing gam
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