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Old 02-07-2017, 10:32 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Any info on this honey?

want try her out Thanks all bro here
Old 02-07-2017, 11:03 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by hakone View Post
For the regulars, LTD Summer / SH69 Crystal is back. Those who had visited her before will know how good she is.

She is working at a spa. Contact number is 94253836.

Her MR:
Though she mentioned not coming back...
No wonder her personal we chat no updates since May.

Definitely good news nevertheless.
Old 03-07-2017, 12:10 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

definitely one chio bu is back.....

Originally Posted by DanChin76 View Post
Though she mentioned not coming back...
No wonder her personal we chat no updates since May.

Definitely good news nevertheless.
Old 03-07-2017, 08:49 AM
mikeshinodaz mikeshinodaz is offline
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Originally Posted by DanChin76 View Post
Though she mentioned not coming back...
No wonder her personal we chat no updates since May.

Definitely good news nevertheless.
They always say that but in the end, if gomen permits, they will always be back.. hahaha
Old 03-07-2017, 08:52 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by mikeshinodaz View Post
They always say that but in the end, if gomen permits, they will always be back.. hahaha
Most likely change new number only.
Old 03-07-2017, 10:13 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Is just me or now the new or popular ML take longer time or nvr reply to confirm?
Old 03-07-2017, 11:25 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

If ML has the look and service, I don't mind if it's shop or spa, provided overall damage is not more than what those in private residence is charging
Old 03-07-2017, 01:23 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Chio quality MLs will come backing to earn some quick money before Chinese new year.
Tax payer in the day, wild at night.
Old 03-07-2017, 02:29 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by Lonelyg View Post
Just came back. Think starting work already
Mica is back, with liltiger now. But don't know why she changed her name to Donna.

Any new reviews?
Old 03-07-2017, 03:50 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by richardongwc View Post
Mica is back, with liltiger now. But don't know why she changed her name to Donna.

Any new reviews?
Seems like her latest review was last week by a bro

Her ad also on SLG as Donna.
Old 03-07-2017, 09:07 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Tried Yanzi on the recommendation of a ML friend, who assured me that she's a well-trained masseuse. She's staying in a shared apartment with another girl at a convenient part of area G.

On arrival, was greeted by a pleasant looking young lady in her mid-20s wearing a pink nightie which made her looked cute. (Looks 7/10) She looks slightly younger than 26 (actual age), which was also her listed age on SLG. Her body is a bit overweight, some would consider it bah-bah or plump, but she's definitely not fat nor an elephant, baby or otherwise. (6.5/10 - I prefer slim girls)

Yanzi then gave me a pair of slippers to wear, as the toilet floor was wet, she said. She led me to the toilet which was sparkling clean, and handed me a clean, fresh smelling towel. (Hygiene 10/10) Waited for me outside while I showered. She entered the toilet as I turned off the tap, and insisted on helping me wipe dry. She said that she didn't want me to feel cold when I re-entered the room. Very attentive, which I wasn't quite used to.

Lay face down on the bed on another fresh smelling towel, and the massage duly started. It covered the neck, the back, the spine, the legs and the buttocks, before ending off with a mean 蚂蚁上树. Every stroke and finger press was spot on, with the right amount of pressure and strength, and almost TCM standard. A good masseuse would ask you if the amount of strength was sufficient or too hard, but an expert masseuse could make the assessment and adjust accordingly without asking, from the bodily responses of the customer. Yanzi, in my view, belongs to the latter. Pure enjoyment. (Massage 9.5/10)

Then she reached underneath my body and started to press at the acupoints around the pelvic region, as well as rubbing at the balls in a professional manner, while explaining the importance of prostrate maintenance. Somewhat​ unexpectedly, she reached for my didi, and started to grab at it, which signalled the beginning of the sensual segment.

As she stripped down to her panties, Yanzi requested me not to turn around. She revealed that she is new to the trade, and was uncomfortable with her body. She added that she only had one previous relationship, and had not got used to stripping in front of another man. She acknowledged that she would have to quickly get accustomed to it in the days ahead. Then she apologized further, revealing that she had just learnt how to do sensual massage, and asked to give chance a bit. I assured her that it was alright, and she proceeded with the sensual. It started with kisses on the neck, shoulders and gradually working downwards to the buttocks. Then, flipped over and she repeated the process, starting from the forehead downwards, ending around the pelvic region, while she gyrated and rubbed her private part (with panties on) against my didi, and her body/breasts pressed against my mine. Throughout, I could sense that she was not at ease, and a novice in this aspect, just as she claimed. Then, she slid her body to my right and started to jerk my didi, slowly and gently at first. I started to roam her boobs, caress her body and squeeze her buttocks, and her body squirmed involuntarily. I couldn't be sure whether it was from enjoyment or she was hyper sensitive or simply because she was not used to being touched sexually/sensually by another man. (She had shared that when she had sex with her ex-boyfriend, she was always passive, and he was the "wham bam thank you ma'am" kind.) As I continued to roam her, the squirms increased in frequency and intensity. I tried to hold out to see if she would reach her climax, but lost the battle and shot first. She continued to jerk my didi, and only realised that I had ejaculated when my didi began to soften. (Sensual: 8.5/10, very good for a novice IMO)

Thereafter, she helped me clean up, and told me to take a rest, before seeking my permission to go clean her hands. When she returned, she noted that there was still time left and she insisted on giving me a head and neck massage, which was again near TCM standard. It was only slightly after the hour mark that I went to shower, where she once again waited outside the toilet, and helped me wipe dry. (Service attitude: 10/10)

As I was putting on my clothes, I noticed that she had a few pieces of pebbles, that are used for hot stone massage. She suggested that I could try her hot stone massage the next time, and I promised her that I would be back sooner, rather than later. Paid up, and gave an extra $10 tips for the excellent service that I had received. Before I left, she gave me a long hug at the door. Left the place an extremely satisfied customer.

End note - In the context of the ongoing debate of spa vs condo MLs, Yanzi is a rare breed who offers high end spa standard massage in a condo environment and price.

Last edited by JasonJG; 03-07-2017 at 11:57 PM.
Old 03-07-2017, 11:20 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Trying New Blood ML.

Finally got a confirmation for 'Xiaobei' from Liltigersden. No.2 Day working.

100% Attitude

100% Service Orientated

100% Effort

90% Massage

80% Looks similarity from the photo like the girl next door kind

80% Body average kind maybe bah bah or slight overweight not slim type but no elephant type

Location MRT walkable distance (Sharing with another ML)

Service Tip Top, help you to put the clothes nicely, before bath ask you want help you wash your back, but the toilet very small, during massage check enough strength. after massage ask you want to drink water.

Massage Skills got learnt 9days course before coming to SG, cfm chop not piano type

I felt my back *clk clk*. Super relaxed after session.

Sensual not bad, gfe type from back to front effort kind. topless and autoroam top no problem

RTM likely when vitamin M
Old 04-07-2017, 01:07 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Never written an MR before in all the years I've benefitted selfishly, but since it's been such a long time since I visited a ML that ngam me, here it is.

Looks: 9/10 hands down prettiest ML i ever visited, good complexion too. I'll be honest when i look at girls i usually stare at some other parts but for her i can't help but look into her eyes

Body: 8/10 slim, no fats. Boobs lover probably rate her body lower since its a small B, but lucky for me i'm a B lover

Massage: 7/10 most ML i go rates at best a 5 so i do think Donna is better than average. If i wanted better massage i wouldve gone elsewhere. Good strength and massaged the right spots for me, but only did back i can't say for other parts

GFE: 9/10 when i was in her room i think i love her more than i love my wife. Heng out the room i recovered my senses. Enough said

Sensual: 6/10 lacking but a very pretty syt lying beside you jerking you off... give it time you will still blow your load. Didn't rush me, and i didn't want it to end that quick either

RTM: i have never ever RTM any ML before but if someone puts a gun to my head and ask me to RTM someone i suspect Donna might be the one

Enjoy guys
Old 04-07-2017, 02:03 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Dunno why when people start asking "is the ML fully clothed ?" Then nobody want to respond then suddenly another mr that gives no clear and direct answer to question.

Just a simple question yet so difficult to answer. Sigh nowadays .
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Old 04-07-2017, 02:42 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by Mr_don_juan View Post
Dunno why when people start asking "is the ML fully clothed ?" Then nobody want to respond then suddenly another mr that gives no clear and direct answer to question.

Just a simple question yet so difficult to answer. Sigh nowadays .
WHo are you referring to?
If you are referring to Mica/Donna, yes she is fully clothed.

For my previous session with her, she insisted on keeping her top on.

For Crystal, I'm still awaiting for the price of the whole session.
I used to be her regular till she went missing.
My assumptions was that some rich bro manage to bao her.
Her other sister from other season is working in a spa too.
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