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Old 06-03-2018, 10:44 PM
ExBro ExBro is offline
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Re: Boob enhancement & Yoni Massage

Till now still got Bros asking for FREE tutelage...

Originally Posted by KxxA
Bro, I m interested in what u r doing, will u take me as apprentice and we can offer tarma to clients?
haizzz been here > 6 years.

What do you think?

Originally Posted by KxxA
No worries.

I’m not here to get contacts. I am jobless and considering this line. I thought u can develop this further by taking on students and develop your biz.

But I guess u prefer working alone, which is fine.

Anyway thanks for replying, cheers.
Just reiterate to avoid same requests:

Originally Posted by ExBro View Post
Anyways, I've been PMed by Bros from here and dunno where else like this PRC guy:

To Y massage his GF for a week long 7 consecutive sessions but wanted to watch...

Apologies to all with similar fetish and "smart" thoughts. I rejected all including the above PRC bro, who threatened to cancel if cannot watch, I said "随便你" but he kena kicked butt by GF and in the end LL go for a swim at the pool to cool off... while GF got her daily sessions... still... he had his fun every night as reported by her

"Smart" if you hope to get free lesson by watching, but watching fee is 50 100 times more... cheaper if GF teaches PRC Ah Tiong how to do it after her 7 (ended up doing) 10 sessions..

Sorry if I offended anyone, but I place that HIGH figure to:

1. discourage people from asking &
2. That's what I paid to learn years ago &
3. your gal may not achieve her big O or enjoy her session due to your presence.
4. If (3) happens, it becomes my fault and rep gone because you were there

So please don't ask about watching or lessons ok? I'm open to meeting up for kopi or food trail...peace!


Originally Posted by ExBro View Post
Reiterate Post 73

If money is no issue to you and you are looking for the non ML / FL types? Sure I’ll teach but it’s going to cost not quite an MBA program but certainly more than a detailed computer programming / culinary course... because you may DATY of your choice and even reject those you don’t like

Else cheaper to pay $150-200 per pop. Short term wise. Lol

Originally Posted by ExBro View Post

It's quite hard to get me to agree to teach...& my teaching fees are so expensive... so far I've rejected requests to teach guys for a 4figure sum.

Even watchers who book for their Gf / wife / FBs for between 1-10 sessions. Translate: $2xx - $2xxx's, were rejected. Not interested 4 figure sums. Hence EXPENSIVE. PRC Bf already pay double that and CAN'T watch lol!

Read the PRC story... So go figure

Do u wechat? I dun want my inbox here to be flooded Anyone else who would like to chat pls drop ur. Wechat ID. Cos my inbox is 95% full
Hope this answers all. Thanks!
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Last edited by ExBro; 06-03-2018 at 11:18 PM.
Old 07-03-2018, 01:17 PM
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Re: Boob enhancement & Yoni Massage

Sarpok Ex bro.... He is very kind!
Old 07-03-2018, 03:21 PM
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Re: Boob enhancement & Yoni Massage

Originally Posted by viviankoh View Post
Sarpok Ex bro.... He is very kind!
Tks for Sarpok

Originally Posted by viviankoh View Post
Hi all,

Vivian is grateful for the kind support . Please give me more time to reply . As this is a very small scale home biz, I do not take in alot of clients at the moment.

I love massage myself and I love massaging people . I am still constantly learning from my instructor. I am thankful to be able to make use of this hobby to serve you guys.

Please bear with me. See u soon.
When do you want to do a massage exchange? Clean one is ok la! I also enjoy giving / being massaged...

* smuackzzz*
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Old 14-03-2018, 01:30 PM
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Re: Boob enhancement & Yoni Massage

Going for this new wonton mee called Fatty Thai at Beach Road.

Any Bros nearby wanna limkopi?
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Old 14-03-2018, 09:12 PM
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Re: Boob enhancement & Yoni Massage

Wow TS, U Pro!

This Bro here wish he have your massage skill also, but me only know foot massage
Old 14-03-2018, 10:48 PM
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Re: Boob enhancement & Yoni Massage

Originally Posted by GiveHerO View Post
Wow TS, U Pro!

This Bro here wish he have your massage skill also, but me only know foot massage
Fwahhhh! If u can GiveHerO just by giving foot massages... u win liao lor!
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Old 15-03-2018, 08:03 PM
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Re: Boob enhancement & Yoni Massage

Originally Posted by ExBro View Post
Fwahhhh! If u can GiveHerO just by giving foot massages... u win liao lor!
haha me cun t give O by foot massage. Footmassage does help her relax then me rOd do the jOb
Old 16-03-2018, 08:17 PM
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Re: Boob enhancement & Yoni Massage

Originally Posted by GiveHerO View Post
haha me cun t give O by foot massage. Footmassage does help her relax then me rOd do the jOb
Whatever floats ur boat Bro.

But not every woman wants to be penetrated, neither do I wish to penetrate (with rod) every woman but if it’s a Yoni massage, even if CCB, use Lactacyd 1st helps to prevent losing appetite

Shouldn’t a good foot massage hit the right acupoint and be a little bit painful? Doesn’t help me relax but after a good hard massage, indeed it feels relaxing
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Old 05-04-2018, 09:55 PM
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Talking Re: Boob enhancement & Yoni Massage

Originally Posted by HG
I have never wrote an FR before but ExBro would like me to write an FR about him cos I really believe he deserves many massage businesses.
Had sessions with him on 8th and 18th Feb and promised to help him with a FR.

During yoni massage, he was fingering me non stop and suddenly I squirted as I felt buildup almost like I need to pee. He reassured me that it was not urine. I let him finger me non stop resulting me to squirt. It was a pretty decent sized wet spot on the bed.
I am just kinda freaked out, it felt strange, and good. But I did feel very satisfied.

After these sessions, I got good sleep every night. Never knew that he knows how to expel wind by just his unique yoni and breast massages!

Face: he is not bad looking in person!

Attitude: full marks as he is out to please me during massage due to his good service oriented attitude.

BFE: full marks as he is a great bfe for me due to his great personality and highly intelligent mindset

Ladies, pls treat him well as he is really a nice guy with a kind heart.


Guys, pls do not zap him out of jealousy and hatred. He is really intelligent and kind hearted with a sense of humour in reality!
Wow! First it was a V that cums easily:

Then I think I’ve created a horny monster with insatiable appetite..

I did ask her if she is willing to take a step closer to the dark side but was flatly rejected twice to Swing GB or MMF or MFF.

She has the sex drive of someone 15-20yrs younger.

Must be fun if she agrees to GB.

Sorry guys. Just posting this for my own future reading, like my e-diary. Not meant for exchange.

She’s not even into coffee meetups. But I am..

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Old 13-04-2018, 02:52 PM
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Re: Boob enhancement & Yoni Massage

Sexting fun:

Although she says she doesn’t like to BJ and complain of jaw ache afterwards, she does an amazing one, except I wish it lasted longer than 5-6mins, actually bbbj

Today’s the meetup. Guess she’s so addicted to ML, Yoni and Boob massage, that I’m book for next Tue / Wed / Fri too. Well since she’s unselfish in reciprocating the feel good BFE / GFE Experience, no harm since I’m free on those days...

She was referring to scammers cheating people of money. Bit off topic tho

Gonna teach her to. Use her V muscles to squeeze during ML,

BJ, JG & ML she’s picked up pretty fast for a V... whoever she ends up with have me to thank for. Hehe...

She said it... I didn’t:

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Last edited by ExBro; 11-05-2018 at 09:42 AM.
Old 07-05-2018, 11:28 PM
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Re: Boob enhancement & Yoni Massage

Just realized I missed out this story which happened in early 2017, will edit in the story when I have time...

It’s about this Indo chi 28, B cup V girl whom we connected over social media and had a 10min kopi meetup (supposed to be lunch) but strange thing is; she’s a vegan, brought her own lunchbox of greens and water bottle, plain water, while watching me have my lunch at food court near Orchid hotel)


After 1st meetup, asked if she would return to sg someday and we could date but she said “Sorry, you are not my type...

But yet a week later flew in just to try my Yoni massage and then...


Never trust what anyone says! Why would she wanna fly into Sg just to meet for a day and even ask about sex!? When she says I’m “Not her type” implying I’m not handsome or what not

TBC... wanted me to go meet parents and marry me! After just a session of Yoni massage!!!��
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Last edited by ExBro; 11-05-2018 at 09:38 AM.
Old 08-05-2018, 10:02 AM
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Re: Boob enhancement & Yoni Massage

keep it cumming, bro
Old 08-05-2018, 11:23 AM
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Re: Boob enhancement & Yoni Massage

Lol looks like a sticky tape. Once attached, cannot shake it off.
Old 10-05-2018, 08:47 AM
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Re: Boob enhancement & Yoni Massage

yes , your story coming ,please continue ....
You will enjoy your massage more if you learn to 放松
Relax man relax. Don't fight it, don't tighten-up. Just relax...
All the pain will go away and you will doze off....
Old 14-05-2018, 02:13 PM
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Re: Boob enhancement & Yoni Massage

Haizzzz! Some gals think that by stroking your Didi or gang it a HJ is the same as tantric or lingam massage... so much to learn!


Even for Vs; once u make them cum thru Yoni massage or finding the right e zone on their bodies, boobs, neck, ears,... they can achieve a big O too and the result... they fall in love... oh dear, I’ve gamophobia, so sorry my dear!


Yup! I already know that and you ain’t the 1st nor will you be the last to tell me you have fallen in love w me and wanna marry me...

But truth be told, you have fallen in love with being able to achieve a big O, and probably addicted to it such that... you wanna take me home for good..

But please consider that I’m a bird with no legs, will always fly away... so enjoy it while it lasts...

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