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Old 04-11-2018, 07:09 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by Chidorigan View Post
Hi bros. Other than Laura who else is good at jg and has high playability?
Is Laura back?
It seems her wechat suddenly came to life last week with new posts n chatter after few months no activity.

But call her number no response leh.
Old 04-11-2018, 07:10 PM
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Originally Posted by HEATJAWS View Post
After text her to check and confirmed found the $130 is just the surface price, there is some hidden price to top up

For $130 that is only half nude for 1 HJ, if want fully naked must top up another $20, will be $150/1 HJ with fully naked, if want top up for bj will be to total $180 with 1 bj

When I saw these pricing I immediate give up on her, dont waste my money on her, she really thought that we carrot head easy to chop

I go find AP Carol/Yuki also fully naked with bj only charge $110 with very good service which more more worth it
She is delusional lah imo, believing that marketing as "LOCAL" means can command a premium automatically. As i have commented earlier and some bros also pointed out, it's not the nationality that matters, the ML herself should gauge herself against the market players. In a market where:

-Eye candy Donna $120
-SYT princess Annie $110
-Sensual Queen Long Nu $110
-All rounder Carol/ Yuki $110
-Failsafe Ms Consistent Feel $100
- New Hottie on the block Ai La $110

Not to mention the ex-APs like Mint, MoMo are at $110..

This ML has lots of confidence to quote $130 and hidden costs somemore..

Some bros seems to feel us talking about her rate is wrecking her ricebowl but to me we gotta look after our own interests. All we need is few MLs quoting above market rates can easily cause those really good MLs to start thinking they are shortchanged.

Let's hope this ML will realize that she is making a mistake, but well, if there are indeed enough people who take her "local girl" bait, then good luck to us all, get ready to fork out more SOON
Old 04-11-2018, 07:16 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by Johndick View Post
This ML has lots of confidence to quote $130 and hidden costs somemore..

Some bros seems to feel us talking about her rate is wrecking her ricebowl but to me we gotta look after our own interests. All few MLs quoting above market rates can easily cause those really good MLs to start thinking they are shortchanged.

Let's hope this ML will realize that she is making a mistake, but well, if there are indeed enough people who take her "local girl" bait, then good luck to us all, get ready to fork out more SOON
Don't think can last for so long ba. If business is bad, then she also bo pian will have to lower her price to market rate. I think the APs will be smart enough to judge this as a one-off situation.
Old 04-11-2018, 07:18 PM
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Originally Posted by SMRTLTD View Post
Don't think can last for so long ba. If business is bad, then she also bo pian will have to lower her price to market rate. I think the APs will be smart enough to judge this as a one-off situation.
I hope so bro. Remember not so long ago only like 1 or 2 dare to quote $120? Look through SLG bro.. The number of MLs quoting $120 these days is growing fast. Sigh
Old 04-11-2018, 07:29 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by JLamb View Post
The cost will only goes up and will not come down. This is despite the strong SGD vs RMB. Then again, there are ppl who are willing to book 3 or 4 hours and tip heavily. That certainly set a benchmark for MLs or FLs in commanding their fees.

These days the range of $100 -120 is a norm. So don't expect you will get a chio ML at $110 in the current climate. I was so disappointed recently that I kena a MILF at $110, certainly conned by her meitu's photos and some positive reviews in this thread. Having said that, it i is a lesson learnt and I just have to move on.
Bro, see wrong picture, leave on the spot. prepare the website photo before going up. you can even suan siao, show her picture and say totally different ppl!! dont be a sucker and give in!
Old 04-11-2018, 07:38 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

anyone tried this fei-er & tian xin tarma? long time nvr try tarma liao
Old 04-11-2018, 07:50 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by Johndick View Post
I hope so bro. Remember not so long ago only like 1 or 2 dare to quote $120? Look through SLG bro.. The number of MLs quoting $120 these days is growing fast. Sigh
Well, I looked through SLG and these are the MLs at $120 (feel free to add on if I missed out anyone or any extra details):

-Ying Tao (double up as FL on animal site)
-QQ (double up as FL on animal site)
-Nicole (double up as FL on animal site)
-Li Li (FJ service, so technically can exclude)
-Xiao Yu

So I wouldn't say there's a lot of them out of the entire listing, and which of the girls above can be considered as an AP, at this juncture? I doubt any ML will want to price themselves out of the market if they aren't in the APs' league.
Old 04-11-2018, 08:02 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by Dapaper View Post
First FR. Tian xin and Fei er. Rare boob lover tarma. howling site. Overall session was good. Massage was good even though no massage bed. Tx looks like pic, and like what some bro said, not skinny; but ok for me. Hard to have that size natural boobs without a little fats and sag. Fei er boobs should be b+,c-.
There was chemistry for me but I can understand why some bros say a little commercial feel and strict about boundaries.
bro, you saved my $. was aiming for 2 D
Old 04-11-2018, 08:05 PM
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Originally Posted by SMRTLTD View Post
Well, I looked through SLG and these are the MLs at $120 (feel free to add on if I missed out anyone or any extra details):

-Ying Tao (double up as FL on animal site)
-QQ (double up as FL on animal site)
-Nicole (double up as FL on animal site)
-Li Li (FJ service, so technically can exclude)
-Xiao Yu

So I wouldn't say there's a lot of them out of the entire listing, and which of the girls above can be considered as an AP, at this juncture? I doubt any ML will want to price themselves out of the market if they aren't in the APs' league.
Bro, Nicole is pure ML even at wolf site for quite a while.

Qing Chuan is also $120
Let's not forget Aini only just returned, she was $120
Donna, whom i believe is just taking a break, also $120.
If memory serves me right, SaSa was also $120.
And now the "local girl" $130 lol.

6 months ago $120 is rarity. These days, it's not uncommon. Especially those returning APs, like what Donna and Aini did.

Nothing we can control of course, but not a healthy trend from our perspective.. Without $120 appearing as "normal", we won't have this local girl quoting $130 for sure.
Old 04-11-2018, 08:14 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by Johndick View Post
Bro, Nicole is pure ML even at wolf site for quite a while.

Qing Chuan is also $120
Let's not forget Aini only just returned, she was $120
Donna, whom i believe is just taking a break, also $120.
If memory serves me right, SaSa was also $120.
And now the "local girl" $130 lol.

6 months ago $120 is rarity. These days, it's not uncommon. Especially those returning APs, like what Donna and Aini did.

Nothing we can control of course, but not a healthy trend from our perspective.. Without $120 appearing as "normal", we won't have this local girl quoting $130 for sure.
I just checked and Ying Tao also converted to ML on the animal site.

Yup I mentioned Qing Chuan in my earlier post together with Ai Ni and Donna. She's tall and pretty, so that could explain her premium pricing.

Ai Ni just returned? Didn't a Bro here recently say she has RTC for good?

SaSa's $110, unless you're referring to another SaSa I'm not aware of.

Well, let's see how things go ba but ultimately that $130 pricing plus add-ons comes with the "local" tag, which the ML's don't have, so I'm not too worried in the short run about the pricing norms.
Old 04-11-2018, 08:16 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by Johndick View Post
Bro, Nicole is pure ML even at wolf site for quite a while.

Qing Chuan is also $120
Let's not forget Aini only just returned, she was $120
Donna, whom i believe is just taking a break, also $120.
If memory serves me right, SaSa was also $120.
And now the "local girl" $130 lol.

6 months ago $120 is rarity. These days, it's not uncommon. Especially those returning APs, like what Donna and Aini did.

Nothing we can control of course, but not a healthy trend from our perspective.. Without $120 appearing as "normal", we won't have this local girl quoting $130 for sure.
I would like to comment on this fake sg local ML who has lots of pattern and misguiding customer with lots of incorrect info. Like her nationality or she is local born and studying up to polytechnic but u can clearly hear that she is PRC and her english is CMI, not even Pri 1 standard. Once found out she will immediately change her advertisment to continue cheating other customers at other forum. Not going to break her rice bowl but it is unfair to other ML who are not resorting to such tactics to win customer. Overall bros do take note if u encounter a ML who say she is frm TW or SG but u can hear she is clearly from PRC. Or story like her grandma is sick n need lots of money for treatment. Please be careful and do not let your hardearn money goes to this ML for her plastic surgery.
Old 04-11-2018, 08:22 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by Spinda View Post
I would like to comment on this fake sg local ML who has lots of pattern and misguiding customer with lots of incorrect info. Like her nationality or she is local born and studying up to polytechnic but u can clearly hear that she is PRC and her english is CMI, not even Pri 1 standard. Once found out she will immediately change her advertisment to continue cheating other customers at other forum. Not going to break her rice bowl but it is unfair to other ML who are not resorting to such tactics to win customer. Overall bros do take note if u encounter a ML who say she is frm TW or SG but u can hear she is clearly from PRC. Or story like her grandma is sick n need lots of money for treatment. Please be careful and do not let your hardearn money goes to this ML for her plastic surgery.
Aiyo already explained ma why her ang moh cmi and got china accent.
Old 04-11-2018, 08:30 PM
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Originally Posted by SMRTLTD View Post

Yup I mentioned Qing Chuan in my earlier post together with Ai Ni and Donna. She's tall and pretty, so that could explain her premium pricing.
Can any bro comment on Qing Chuan looks?
If she is comparable to Donna and Ai la I got to give her a try, am a sucker for looks
Old 04-11-2018, 08:34 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by Delorean101 View Post
Can any bro comment on Qing Chuan looks?
If she is comparable to Donna and Ai la I got to give her a try, am a sucker for looks
You go read her MRs on the animal site lor. So many positive comments on her chio looks. I seriously doubt you'd get something drastically different from what you've read.

I'm also a sucker for tall and pretty girls with long, never ending legs. She and Ai La will be my next targets, for darn sure.
Old 04-11-2018, 08:40 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by Spinda View Post
I would like to comment on this fake sg local ML who has lots of pattern and misguiding customer with lots of incorrect info. Like her nationality or she is local born and studying up to polytechnic but u can clearly hear that she is PRC and her english is CMI, not even Pri 1 standard. Once found out she will immediately change her advertisment to continue cheating other customers at other forum. Not going to break her rice bowl but it is unfair to other ML who are not resorting to such tactics to win customer. Overall bros do take note if u encounter a ML who say she is frm TW or SG but u can hear she is clearly from PRC. Or story like her grandma is sick n need lots of money for treatment. Please be careful and do not let your hardearn money goes to this ML for her plastic surgery.
By hearing one person way of speaking English ,it is a way of knowing where one person is really from

Just like some Japanese and Koreans who can read and write perfect English but when they speak English, they will still have their country accent in them and it is the same for China people speaking English

Now there’s even Google translator for people to translate Chinese to English lol

From words you can hide but from speaking there’s no way to hide where you are really from lol
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