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Old 14-09-2023, 08:35 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Have not visited this forum for a really long time because I found a regular which I have been visiting at least twice a week for the past half year. Yiyi was the only ML I have been going to all this while and I am coming here to pen this down because something really interesting happened and I think she deserves a MR again to help with her business.

Just two days ago, I visited her as usual and she suddenly asked me if I wanted to try her King’s treatment service. Since I have her number saved in my phone, I have not visited her page for as long as I have not visited this forum and was completely unaware about her new service. She told me it had been there for at least the past three months or so. Felt like a fake regular for that moment and since it was only a forty dollars difference, I opted for it. I wondered if she thought that I was a joke lol.

Those who have visited her before should know that she has awesome BBBJ skills which I shall not elaborate further. Below is a summary of what additional services will be provided for this King’s treatment package.

1) She showers with you. You also get a short DT inside the shower.
2) There is a water treatment that covers every inch of your back. In exchange, massage is also cut short.
3) There is AR for about five mins but she spends abit too much time cleaning up your asshole. She goes water>tissue>spray>tissue>more tissue>even more tissue. Quite time consuming IMO and breaks the momentum.
4) When flipped over, there is a one minute raw grinding which feels really good.

That’s about all and everything else remains the same. Do expect massage time to be lesser since there is only so much time in a session. She told me business is slow recently so I am just here to share my honest experience. Cheers!
Old 14-09-2023, 08:50 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by future96 View Post
Verification is a buzzword used to justify higher price both from service provider end and consumer end.

Audi site got verification video, end up different girl also.
Years back I provided feedback to SLG webmaster that a ML (actual person looked like an auntie) was not the same person as the one in the video (person in video looked mid-20s). The webmaster dismissed my feedback, stating that he had personally verified the person via video call. It did not occur to him that the auntie ML could've asked a younger, better looking girl to engage in the video call with him, which I believe was what the auntie ML had done. So even video verification did not fulfil its purpose.
Old 14-09-2023, 08:58 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

She used to be very popular few years back.
Anyone her regular?
How's her service now?
The best catbath..$$$$$ to bottom and front n back...
Any ml can do catbath better?
Old 14-09-2023, 09:03 AM
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Originally Posted by Alwx View Post
Haven't visited her for some time. Looks like she learnt new sensual techniques
W told me she just learnt these techniques from her friend recently.

Her friend was trained in China for sensual.
Old 14-09-2023, 09:04 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by SGBJ2016 View Post
Interesting question. The pictures (at least most of those) are of a massage lady who used to be in a Katong shop together with another lady named Mia. She is a very nice person. MILF 30s, awell maintained, friendly and decent massage. She moved to a shop in Jurong West. But then her Wechat name changed while the location was still Jurong West. Is it same person after Wechat name change? I don’t know because I haven’t visited Jurong west location for a long time. And also the last time I was there she told me on phone that she had some emergency in home, so assigned me a very nice quite young ML instead. Could it be that now the number is being used by another ML? Now in FP. Previously she regularly used to post certain type of exercise pictures but doesn’t do that any more. So my suspicion is that this is a different person.
How about you ask her if she used to work in Katong? If same person then no risk visiting her.
If you do visit her please PM me name of the MP.
Is the wechat photo a woman in a white top facing the ocean (back facing the camera)?

Recently was introduced to a so-called JG-trained ML operating in FP with the WeChat id 水多多 with the above-mentioned photo (currently the id is changed to a pink heart symbol). She regularly posted photos of a "headless" female (i.e. neck downwards) with delicious looking boobs, and her massage and JG service. Turned out to be a PRC woman about 40 years old with limited massage and JG skills. My suspicion is this Ivy is probably 水多多 (pink heart) because apart from masking their actual looks, location and advertised services, they both respond to messages similarly, (caveat - this is just my guess)

If they are indeed the same person - don't waste your time and money.

Last edited by JasonJG; 14-09-2023 at 09:16 AM.
Old 14-09-2023, 09:21 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by future96 View Post
Verification is a buzzword used to justify higher price both from service provider end and consumer end.

Audi site got verification video, end up different girl also.
Ya lor, the word "verification" is subject to controversy... no third party accreditation how can say is verified?
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Old 14-09-2023, 09:41 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by JasonJG View Post
Years back I provided feedback to SLG webmaster that a ML (actual person looked like an auntie) was not the same person as the one in the video (person in video looked mid-20s). The webmaster dismissed my feedback, stating that he had personally verified the person via video call. It did not occur to him that the auntie ML could've asked a younger, better looking girl to engage in the video call with him, which I believe was what the auntie ML had done. So even video verification did not fulfil its purpose.
They don't care, they just collect money from ML who post with them.

So hope all bros can share the real & fake ML here
Old 14-09-2023, 09:55 AM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

First FR here in a long time. Visited W yesterday.
Looks: 7/10. beautiful mid 20s girl. a bit of makeup but nt much diff from her photo. boobs big C but looks and feels enhanced. shes dressed in undergarment and unbutton shirt. hair long and nice to touch. shes chatty and responds well to questions.
massage: 9/10. she really put in hard work and no rush in her massage. attentive and asked "力度够吗,哪里不舒服'. probably her best trait.
sensual 6/10: for me catbath important and maybe her tongue is quite small so don have tat shiok feeling for me. Had better sensual b4 so for me nothing special( YMMV). but patient and no rush.
location: need her to open gate for car to go in but no security. need to call her twice; once for gate once for lift. apartment is nice and clean but the foot mat is wet. clean towel and clean bed(no smell)。
time: did not shortchange me. left at around 1 hr.
RTM: yes if i feel like i need a young pretty girl to massage me. safe choice.
Old 14-09-2023, 01:40 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by fs1036le View Post

I hope my MR will help for some doubt here (11/09/2023)

Visited XLN today for her recent return from China. Decided to visit her again after 4 months of rotation with so much hoo-haa around here. Really dont know who should I go for at the East.

The past no need further introduction, as she already had a lot of famous story here.

As for a 4 months returnee , I was surprised that she still remember me. Probably due to rotating around their sister gang. Should have some talk and gossip around.

When I first entered she was dressed with anime kind of uniform. Just some kind of cosplay that old uncle dont understand.

As for the service she did improved from the past visit, overall vanillaness level has getting lower, light peek on the mouth, and catbath (I dont remember she provide in my previous visit). Had a great fun to play around her little panty. YMMV

Personality wise, she still same with fun and gigging around when she is doing HJ.
Slightly embarrassing but I think just that's her personality that she feel shy easily.

Anyway, still rtm if I'm need to choose from east side due to some constraints
Yea one thing I realize her memory is pretty damn good. I did not rtm that much but she can pretty much remember stuff I said in my first/second visits.
Old 14-09-2023, 01:50 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by MLTR View Post
I was angry because she did not check her HP earlier on and suddenly Informed me that her next customer was coming and already at the carpark. I thought she had unlocked the door already after leaving her room when I was putting on my clothes. When she came back to the room to prepare the bed, I paid her and was ready to leave but she did not stop me or open the door for me.

She could have checked the coast outside before letting me leave her house discreetly. Scolding a regular customer stupid is not a wise move. If she had apologized to me via WhatsApp for over reacting, I will continue to visit her. Too bad...
Originally Posted by timeliness View Post
I agree with this stance, yes no doubt safety is important, but ML or FLs should recognise that we are the ones paying them and therefore onus is on them to keep us paying customers happy.

Imagine if she said "Come let me open the door for you" AND check if the coast is clear versus "Are you fking stupid?" when one tries to open the door.

Who will leave the session as a happier man and more likely to RTM or RTF?
Not saying they should be rude or something, but again it’s a matter of what is of utmost importance to them here. Not keeping one regular, but more on sustainability and staying here as long as they could which means safety will always be more important than any customer.
All I can say is no need to rush to leave even if there is a next customer. Let her handle those things. Just make sure you follow their instructions and general rules for safety if you want to keep your playgrounds safe. Different condos also got different rules one, you also don’t want to be the one who kena caught by a leaving neighbor because u rush to leave, or get caught by management because u blur blur. That is not fun for you also.
Old 14-09-2023, 02:01 PM
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Originally Posted by JasonJG View Post
Is the wechat photo a woman in a white top facing the ocean (back facing the camera)?

Recently was introduced to a so-called JG-trained ML operating in FP with the WeChat id 水多多 with the above-mentioned photo (currently the id is changed to a pink heart symbol). She regularly posted photos of a "headless" female (i.e. neck downwards) with delicious looking boobs, and her massage and JG service. Turned out to be a PRC woman about 40 years old with limited massage and JG skills. My suspicion is this Ivy is probably 水多多 (pink heart) because apart from masking their actual looks, location and advertised services, they both respond to messages similarly, (caveat - this is just my guess)

If they are indeed the same person - don't waste your time and money.

That's interesting, the only 水多多 I know was based in selegie previously. She doesn't seem to be active already but I kept her contact as her profile pic is still sexy 😆
Old 14-09-2023, 02:24 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by JasonJG View Post
Is the wechat photo a woman in a white top facing the ocean (back facing the camera)?

Recently was introduced to a so-called JG-trained ML operating in FP with the WeChat id 水多多 with the above-mentioned photo (currently the id is changed to a pink heart symbol). She regularly posted photos of a "headless" female (i.e. neck downwards) with delicious looking boobs, and her massage and JG service. Turned out to be a PRC woman about 40 years old with limited massage and JG skills. My suspicion is this Ivy is probably 水多多 (pink heart) because apart from masking their actual looks, location and advertised services, they both respond to messages similarly, (caveat - this is just my guess)

If they are indeed the same person - don't waste your time and money.
No, the Wechat photo is not white top facing ocean. The Wechat pic is in fact that of real Ivy (she used to have that picture on SLG). Also original Ivy is definitely not in 40s, she is in early 30s and as I mentioned before she is in fact a very nice lady, decent massage, no short changing etc. The real question is: is this the real Ivy?
Old 14-09-2023, 03:19 PM
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Originally Posted by loneyheart View Post
For me I will just walk out ... 1st impression is very important from a svc provider
Sometimes its always a gamble, wouldnt know if service is good.

My first meeting with XueEr also made me wait for maybe 5-10 mins.

Subsequently i ended up being her regular for about 4-5 years.
Old 14-09-2023, 03:29 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by Ahbei View Post
Have encountered rude MLs before. One made me wait 20 min outside with no reasons given, went in, she never apologised,
Originally Posted by loneyheart View Post
For me I will just walk out ... 1st impression is very important from a svc provider
Originally Posted by blitzace View Post
Sometimes its always a gamble, wouldnt know if service is good.

My first meeting with XueEr also made me wait for maybe 5-10 mins.

Subsequently i ended up being her regular for about 4-5 years.
Guess is heng suay.

Pre covid, I made appt with this ML. 15 mins before appointed time, she sms me say she mixed up and have to push back my appt 30mins.
Usually I will just reject, but that day I very free and nearby was aircon mall.
So, I say ok.
She replied thank you and say she will minus off $20 from the full fare.
She was apologetic when we met and she honor the discount $20.
The session was just so-so though.
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Old 14-09-2023, 03:32 PM
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Re: TCSS thread "My favourite MASSAGE girls"

Originally Posted by blitzace View Post
Sometimes its always a gamble, wouldnt know if service is good.

My first meeting with XueEr also made me wait for maybe 5-10 mins.

Subsequently i ended up being her regular for about 4-5 years.
I think within 10 mins I still can accept.
Sometimes have to factor in previous customer being late and some try to push their luck staying longer.
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