It's an intriguing topic. I'm not too familiar with the recruitment scene in Singapore, but when I was in Kuala Lumpur, I spoke with some women about how they got involved in this line of work. Nearly all of them mentioned that they only engage in it occasionally, maybe a few times a year. They explained that agents typically search Malaysia's Telegram party/KTV groups, Instagram, and Facebook to find potential candidates, then approach them about the opportunity to make extra money entertaining high-net-worth local or foreign gentlemen. The women would then negotiate their own rates, ranging from MYR 2.2k to 3.2k, or even up to 4.5k for influencers
story saver. If I were in your shoes, I might consider posing as a new agent to reach out to Singaporean influencers. Then, if one of them expresses interest, you could arrange a meeting under a different guise to engage in intimate activities.