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Old 09-02-2011, 04:21 PM
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Re: Have you guys/gals tried having sex in the rain before?

Originally Posted by lustarhymes View Post

It was the night of her poly graduation and she had asked me to a celebration party along with her classmates whom I mostly knew as well, but not nearly as dear with Beckie. Even so, my affection for Beckie was obvious to them and it should be the slightest noticeable to her as well no matter how naive she truly can be, otherwise, clear as a bell. However, she didn't seem to register that throughout the semester, and I was prepared to make clear my feelings to her that night...
Here is PART 3 below. Please refer to the previous Part(s) to get better continuation. And I hope to get more responses & support. TQ.


Beckie had put on a simple tank-top, short denim skirt and low heels. Her hair wasn't as long as now, but it was somewhere around her shoulders. The party was at a small pub along Boat Quay where we enjoyed ourselves immensely in dancing and drinking, which wasn't a common thing to us at that time. That was when I first discovered she was an unconceivably dirty dancer on the floor with her unintentionally provocative moves.

There wasn't a good opportunity for me to tell my affection to her with all the loud music and the partying atmosphere, so I waited till we were leaving. By good fate, we were both staying just a few blocks away back then, and none of her friends shared our bus route. Hence, I was blest with the chance to be with her alone and to send her home. Both of us had drunk quite a bit, but I fared better than Beckie and intentionally too, so that I could stay sober enough for my plans.

Both of us waved goodbye to the rest and made our way to the bus top staggering along the way. I supported her with an arm around her tiny waist and she leaned onto me like her life depended on it. Suddenly it just poured. We were still quite some distance away from our stop, so we had to dash to the nearest shelter at the back of a building. I was half-dragging Beckie out of the rain in her drunken stupor.

We were soaked to the toes by the time we reached cover, so I helped Beckie to sit on the floor with her legs straight out, took off her heels and placed them beside her. She looked stunning even when she was totally wet with her hair matted to her face, her body drenched and her clothes dripping, perhaps more so actually. She was like a mermaid except she has legs, in fact, an exquisitely gorgeous pair of legs. Her clothes clinged to every inch of her body like they were part of her and all her charms were on full display.

I stood up shakily and breathed in the erotic sight of the semi-nude goddess with her wet tank-top turning almost transparent, her nipples evident even with her cute bra on. Her nipples were not the only thing hard because blood instantly shot into my penis. Without knowing, my hand was stroking my erection through my pants. At this moment, Beckie shifted a leg and bent the other casually. She's literally naked now with her skirt hitched up and half her ass in the open. The soaked underwear did nothing to hide her treasure below, so I could clearly make out her pussy lips with her shaven pubis. The seduction was complete; my heart was thumping and my cock twitching uncontrollably in my hand...
Old 15-02-2011, 12:34 PM
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Re: Have you guys/gals tried having sex in the rain before?

Hi Bros,

I just recalled a ODS (One Day Stand not One Night Stand) that just happened more than a few years back with a Teenage Ang Moh model. Ok this was how it went.

I was working around Alexandria / Depot road / Bukit Merah area at that time and my usual lunches were always with colleagues and we would drive out to makan at the neighbouring food centres or kopi tiams. We took turns to drive when it came to lunching out.

I do remember that it was right after lunch one day and I was driving. We were just approaching the right turn junction to head back to the office, and it was raining very heavily. I was stopped at the traffic light and the rain was pouring like mad and one of the folks in my car commented and we saw across the street there was this young girl walking in the rain like she didn't have a care in the world. It was an ang moh teen and she was drenched in her T-shirt and jeans in the heavy rain.

Anyway - the cars honked as the light turned green and I drove back into the car park and went back to the office. The image of the girl was freshed on my mind when we entered the lift and I was telling myself that I must quickly check out from the windows if she's still out there.

I excused myself as the lift reached my floor and I muttered like an excuse :
Oh Shit !! I forgot I have a customer appointment today.. and quickly ran to my desk. We keep our product brochures in the meeting rooms and so I pretended to rush to the meeting room to get the brochures. My intent was merely to get to the meeting room because the windows faced the road where I saw the drenched teen.

My luck was holding. The rain was still heavy and steady. And she was still waiting under a tree for a taxi.

I quickly rushed back out - and not even waiting for the lift, I literally half jumped and half dropped in the fire staircases. That was a 4 storey high staircases as I busted out back into the carpark and ran to my car.

I rushed out of the gate and squeaked my tires on 2nd gear as I rushed out just so that I can hopefully catch the girl before a taxi came.

As luck would have it - she was still there. So I signaled my hazard lights on and slowed and stopped at where she was. I rolled down the passenger side and with a big smile I yelled :
" hey you looked like you need a ride in this rain, and you are drenched.."

She stooped over and smiled and said - ok thanks and I unlocked the passenger door.

Man - SHE WAS DRENCHED to the bone. As she got in, she said :
"Are you sure, I am so sorry that seats are all wet.."

I said : No no no ... its ok... no problem and so where are you going?

And she replied with the address - and i said - home? and she said - no its my friends place... I told her - it wasnt out of the way... I was lucky.

The address she gave me was close to my apartment that I just gotten the keys to and was in the process of fixing lightings. The whole apartment was empty now.

As I drove - I learnt she was a student at the local American school and was doing parttime modelling and she had just finished her session at the photo studio somewhere in BMC and when she got out - it started to rain.

She was shivering at this point and so I turn down the A/C, but I decided to even bring the AC temp down to like 20C and pretended I accidentally turned that dial down as I reach to turn down the fan dial.

She asked if it was on the way and I said - yes yes as a matter of fact I was heading to my apartment to see if I had shut the windows now that it was rainining heavily. I asked her if she'd mind if I go to my place first as it was on the way to her friends home.

The aircon temp was taking its effect as I could see goosebumps from her skin and her light brown hair was darker brown from the dampness of the rain. I could see her nips erected against the tee-shirt she wore.

My mind quickly switched to the boot of my car, where I always had my gym bag all packed and ready because I usually either hit the gym or played soccer after work. Good - the gym bag was packed this morning and it's with towels and all.

So anyway - we arrived at the basement carpark of the condo and I fumbled reaching across from her to the glove compartment to get my condo keys..
I likely brushed against her soaked wet jeans and she didn't even flinched. And so I said - sorry - why don't you help me fetch my cardkey and my keys under the dash... and She obliged.

We got out and I popped the boot and took out my gym bag. She look quizzically at me when I grab my gym bag. I just smiled and said

"Ah... no worries - you'll be glad I am taking this with me."

We waited like FREAKING FOREVER for the lift to come down from Level 5 in the basement lobby and I told her I just bough this apt to fill in the time and the empty awkwardness. She strangely was quite friendly and didn't feel scared. The lift finally came and we went in and I punched the 7 floor button.

We got off the lift on the 7th level and I took my keys out and open the door to the quiet, musty dark apartment.

At first, she was hesitant when i opened the door - I told her - come on in, it will only be like 2 minutes... And she stepped in.

She said : Oh... Its new ... and hey there are no lights !!!

I said : yah...I just got the keys and the lighting guy supposed to come this weekend... but we have power, and water but no lights... hang on will ya, while I check the bedroom windows...

Then I gave her my gym bag and I said -

here - you might find this useful. I am going check the kitchen and the bedroom, why don't you use my towels and go lock yourself in the masterbedroom as there's an attached bath there and clean up and dry yourself up before you get sick.

I continued : And oh... you will be doing me a favor as the bathrooms are virgin and you will be the 1st to use it. Let me know if the heater works or if there are leaks...

And with that she laughed : No... I dont think I will use the bathroom... But I will use your towel to dry my hair and wipe off if you don't mind. Thanks a lot.

I quickly went to lock the maindoor and pretended to open and close the windows in the 2nd bedroom, the hall and the kitchen...

I tiptoed silently back to the hallway to the masterBR door and could hear the zipping of my gym bag... I stuck my ears closer and and hear nothing.. sigh... she's not going to shower and is indeed wiping herself off.

But then I heard the splashing of water and I quickly let out a silent YELP ! and whispered YESSSSSSSSSS !!! to myself.

I turn the door knob and the masterBR door open and the bathroom door was closed. (Damn!) Anyway... I took up her white G-string panties and sniffed at it like some pervert.. really i am such a pervert!!!! Shame on me... But hey that was a few years back and what do you expect from a hormone raging 30's guy !!!

I looked around and I kicked myself for not setting up the apt yet when I had the keys - it was just a empty apt, no bed, no chair, no table, NOTHING.
But lucky enough as with modern condos, the bathrooms are already full kitted out with shower stalls and long bath.

It was getting stuffy with the closed windows in the rain. I turned on the aircon and the air got better. I was about to leave and to go back out to turn on the living room aircon when the bathroom door opened behind me.

I turned, and saw her wrapped in my SAF issued worn out green towel and her hair dripping wet. She was surprised to see me - and for a split second - I thought she was gonna scream - but then she smiled and said - oh... you are in here.

I stammered and said : oh.. yah.. I checked on the windows and also turned on the aircon as the air is a bit musty. But I did knocked on the door before I came in... and you were in the bathroom ....

She looked at me with her big brown eyes and then looked at the floor where the gym bag was.

I thought : SHIT !!! The G-string panty. I hope she doesn;t realised it was shifted...

She looked at her pile of clothes and and then looked at me and said : Hey - you touched my shit?

I said : no no.. it was kinda dark and I stumbled onto the gym bag sorry....

She just smiled..but I kept looking at her and she said :
Hey... stop gawking otherwise I will scream

I laughed and said : Ok sorry.. I mean.. I am just human. There you are in a towel only and what do you expect to do ? Look at the floor?
Old 17-02-2011, 11:23 AM
Lovestar1 Lovestar1 is offline
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Re: Have you guys/gals tried having sex in the rain before?

Interesting ! Camp here for more,pls continue. Thanks you very much!
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