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Old 03-09-2004, 09:57 PM
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Re: Cat 150 Listing - Gals and Homebase Updating

[QUOTE=hottie111]Hey guys,

Is Ada (L14H25) still around or she retired alredi? [/QUOTE]

Brudder hottie111,

Ada is still around but used to be MIA. Try your luck calling L14H25 and when she is working, go down immediately lor.

Happy Bonking,

Old 05-09-2004, 02:30 PM
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Re: Cat 150 Listing - Gals and Homebase

Had the fortune of bonking her about 1 to 2 weeks ago, omfg...her CFM face and her butt...
Me:Can you be my gf?
Girl:We are friends, ok?
Me: How about fuck buddies?
Girl: No. Never. You not handsome.
Me:.......(feel my hate!! dine in hell !! nbcb!! )
Old 11-09-2004, 08:28 AM
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Re: Cat 150 Listing - Gals and Homebase

Thank for your detailed report on most beautiful and sexiest WLs available.

I wanna know one thing - are these resident WLs ? ( meaning: they always stay in that House , waiting for you to come and see them? In that case, OKT dont have to contact her via phone if you want her , he can just lead you to her in the room .)

One other thing, which WLs in CAT 150( from which houses) always wear bras during the course of their work? ( When she come to the room, she would take off her top, and allow cheongster to unhook her bra.) (I like that. ) ( Next month, I will go and see one of CAT 150 WLs based on your info and recommendation.)

Thank for your trouble in providing infos.
Old 11-09-2004, 10:52 AM
Ch1k3rnM4n Ch1k3rnM4n is offline
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Re: Cat 150 Listing - Gals and Homebase

Was at L14H25 yesterday to try my luck if Ada was around (no) but noticed a "new" housegirl, quite good figure and pleasant face.

Asked the Auntie Boss but she said that this girl was not new - Bonnie (L16H37??) has transferred to L14H25. Can other bros verify?
Old 11-09-2004, 10:14 PM
phantom53sg phantom53sg is offline
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Re: Cat 150 Listing - Gals and Homebase

Originally Posted by Ch1k3rnM4n
Asked the Auntie Boss but she said that this girl was not new - Bonnie (L16H37??) has transferred to L14H25. Can other bros verify?
Brudder Ch1k3rnM4n,

House L16H37 was closed down. The 2 residential gals, Bonnie and Xiao Ai was redeployed to other houses.

Bonnie was deployed to L14H25 while the where about of Xiao Ai is still not known. Hope this will clear yur doubts.

Happy Bonking,

Old 11-09-2004, 10:26 PM
phantom53sg phantom53sg is offline
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Re: Cat 150 Listing - Gals and Homebase

Originally Posted by ang076
Thank for your detailed report on most beautiful and sexiest WLs available.

I wanna know one thing - are these resident WLs ? ( meaning: they always stay in that House...

One other thing, which WLs in CAT 150( from which houses) always wear bras during the course of their work?
Brudder ang076,

The gals listed in the in the home base listing are WLs of that particular house although you can get them from any other brothels also. But it is easier to get them at their homebase. For example, Zhi Yi is easier to get at L20H34A rather than other brothels.

By nature of their work and their dressing, most of these WLs do not wear bras during the course of their work...what I used to do is to go to their homebase early before they start work and wait for them to turn up. Usually they will go to the room [if you are the first customer] in their "outside casual wear" w/o changing into their working dress and thus will present you with the opportunity to assist them to undo their bra. Just some suggestion.

Happy Bonking,

Old 12-09-2004, 12:25 AM
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Unhappy Re: Cat 150 Listing - Gals and Homebase


Understand that Happy(2220) has been gone for 2-3mths now.....

Can some kind bros confirm if her card has been cancelled?

Old 12-09-2004, 08:53 AM
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Re: Cat 150 Listing - Gals and Homebase

Thank you for your detailed explanation.
I will write the list of home-based WLs of CAT150 and visit one of them next month.

Originally Posted by phantom53sg
Brudder ang076,

The gals listed in the in the home base listing are WLs of that particular house although you can get them from any other brothels also. But it is easier to get them at their homebase. For example, Zhi Yi is easier to get at L20H34A rather than other brothels.

By nature of their work and their dressing, most of these WLs do not wear bras during the course of their work...what I used to do is to go to their homebase early before they start work and wait for them to turn up. Usually they will go to the room [if you are the first customer] in their "outside casual wear" w/o changing into their working dress and thus will present you with the opportunity to assist them to undo their bra. Just some suggestion.

Happy Bonking,

Old 25-09-2004, 06:53 PM
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Re: Cat 150 Listing - Gals and Homebase

I see that Leeds is still listed as active. I 'heard' that she has left for greener pasture.
Old 26-09-2004, 10:39 PM
Ch1k3rnM4n Ch1k3rnM4n is offline
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Re: Cat 150 Listing - Gals and Homebase

Today, heard from OKT Honey (L14H25) that Happy (L22H20) has cancelled her card.
Old 27-09-2004, 12:06 PM
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Unhappy Re: Cat 150 Listing - Gals and Homebase

Originally Posted by Ch1k3rnM4n
Today, heard from OKT Honey (L14H25) that Happy (L22H20) has cancelled her card.
Bro, r u sure?? princess gone...............
Anyway I will ask directly to her home based and enquiry abt her!!!
Old 09-10-2004, 11:36 AM
phantom53sg phantom53sg is offline
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Re: Cat 150 Listing - Gals and Homebase

Cat 150 Listing - Gals and Home base update as at 091004

“when the numbers get increasing smaller, every retirement is a painful loss”... Smaller pols of gals, no newbies to add freshness, wonderland is going to loose its attraction to the FLs and China Mei very soon...

Retired –
Sugar (L16H07), Ah Cat (L16H07), Fang Ling (L16H07), Lisa Mimi (L20H58), August (L20H58), Connie (L28H31B),Fong Ling (L28H31b), Kelly 1(L22H24), Moon (L22H24), Shirley (L16H58B), Mei Ting (L20H43A), Prada (L20H47), Joey 2 (L28H31B), Leeds (L22H26), Kikko (L16H06A), Happy (L22H20)…16 gone and more are on the way. What is happening? No newbie to replace those retired.

Re-deployed –
Elaine (L28H37 to L22H24A)
Bonnie (L16H37 to L14H25)
Xiao Ai ( L16H37 to ???? ) As she is MIA for so long, her new home-base cannot be verified. Possibility that she has also retired already.

Down Graded – Elle (L28H31A)

L16H37 – The place is not closed but OKT is operating this place w/o any gals. Bonnie & Xiao Ai will be deployed to other home base. (refer to above)


01] L14H25: Ada, Bonnie, Carol; Casino; Dolphin; Sandra; Summer, Theresa; - [ 8 ]

02] L14H27: Crystal; Yu Mei, Zhu Er - [ 3 ]

03] L14H29: Blue Diamond; Blue Ice; Blue Ocean; Blue Sky, Queen - [ 5 ]

04] L16H06: Cola; Janet - [ 2 ]

05] L16H06A: Pinky - [ 1 ]

06] L16H07: Coco; JC; Ruyi; Sammi; - [ 4 ]

07] L16H08: Agnes; Christy; Yuki - [ 3 ]

08] L16H08A: [ 0 ]

09] L16H10: Civic; Mei Bo; Yoko - [ 3 ]

10] L16H10A: [ - ]

11] L16H12: BoBo - [ 1 ]

12] L16H37: Xiao Ai - [ 1 ]

13] L16H39: Irene; Jolin; More; Sin Zhi; Wei Wei; - [ 5 ]

14] L16H49: Ping Ping - [ 1 ]

15] L16H54A: Mei Hui; Queenie; Twin - [ 3 ]

16] L16H56A: Chivas; Kelly; Money-Money; Nokia, Xi Xi; Wine - [ 6 ]

17] L16H58: Swee Xian - [ 1 ]

18] L16H58B : Lilian, Sharon - [ 2 ]

19] L16H58A : M1 aka cheng cheng - [ 1 ]

20] L16H67 : Ah Girl, Cynthia@Singtel; Big ‘S’ - [ 3 ]

21] W16H04 :Chris; T-one - [ 2 ]

22] W16H06 : Ai Lee; Bai He; CK; Evon 1; OG, Xiao Ching; Xin Yee, YY-one - [ 8 ]

23] W16H08 : Eva; Evonne, MJ; Susan - [ 4 ]

24] L18H05 : Bai Xue; Iris; Niki; Qian Hong, Star; Winnes - [ 6 ]

25] L18H15: Vivian - [ 1 ]

26] L18H57A : [ - ]

27] L20H01A : Chew Lian - [ 1 ]

28] L20H03A: Orchid - [ 1 ]

29] L20H05: Winnie - [ 1 ]

30] L20H07: Ah Girl, East; Sally - [ 3 ]

31] L20H09: [ - ]

32] L20H11A : Lisa; Sammi1 - [ 2 ]

33] L20H17: Emelda; Happy1 - [ 2 ]

34] L20H33 : Hai Xin, Hai Yang - [ 2 ]

35] L20H34A : Maggie; Violet; Xiu Wen; Zhi Yi - [ 4 ]

36] L20H41: Ginger - [ 1 ]

37] L20H43: Miki 1; Kimmie - [ 2 ]

38] L20H43A: Tian Tian - [ 1 ]

39] L20H47: AB; BB1; Peggy; Sony - [ 4 ]

40] L20H47A: - [ 0 ]

41] L20H58: Angel; Diamond; Fei Xue; Joey; KK; Yong Yong - [ 6 ]

42] L20H58A : Yoki, - [ 1 ]

43] L20H60 : Moon; SK; Tong Tong; - [ 3 ]

44] L20H62A : Ivy; JoJo; Kah Yen - [ 3 ]

45] L22H14 : [ - ]

46] L22H20: Bess; Candy; Leena; LS; Mei Zhi - [ 5 ]

47] L22H22: Amanda; Annie;Cartier; Christ2; Fanny - [ 5 ]

48] L22H24: [ - ]

49] L22H24A: Elaine; Lily; San San - [ 3 ]

50] L22H26: Arsenal@Armani; Derby; Inter Milan, - [ 3 ]

51] L24m09: Li Wen - [ 1 ]

52] L24m13: Accord; Cefiro; Corrolla; Jaguar; MG; Seiko - [ 6 ]

53] L24m51: [ - ]

54] L28H29b: Irene; Kinki; Lily; Jean - [ 4 ]

55] L28H31: Fern Fern; Gigi; Joanne - [ 3 ]

56] L28H31A: Dong Dong - [ 1 ]

57] L28H31B: Michelle; Xue Er aka Orange, Xue Ling - [ 3 ]

58] L28H33 : S'pore Ice - [ 1 ]

59] L28H37: Celine; Eva; Ka Leng; Yan Zhi - [ 4 ]
60] L28H41 : [ - ]

61] L28H41A :Zhen Zhen, - [ 1 ]

62] L28H45: [ - ]

63] L28H47: Zhen Zhen - [ 1 ]

64] L30H21A: Amy; Jenny, Linda - [ 3 ]

65] L30H28A: [ - ]

66) L30H33: [ - ]

Total number of Active brothels – 66

Total numbers of Cat 150 Gals in GL (Est. only) – 156

Newbies in 2003 : Kikko - 03/03 (L16H06), Angel - 03/03 (L20H58), Candy - 03/03 (L22H20), Eva - 03/03 (L28H37), Maggie - 03/03 (L22H24A), Joey2 - 04/03 (L28H31B), Bonnie (L16H37) - 06/03, Inter Milan - 07/03 (L22H26), Jenny - 07/03 (L30H21A), Hai Xin – 08/03 (L20H33), Ah Girl - 08/03 (L16H67), Yong Yong – 09/03 (L20H58), Baby – 10/03 (L18H15), BoBo – 10/03 (L12H16), Blue Sky – 12/03 (L14H29), Yu Mei – 12/03 (L14H27), Xiao Ai – 12/03 (L16H37),

Newbies in 2004 :Sakura - 01/04 (W16H08), Elaine - 03/04 (L28H37), Miko – 03/04 (L14H27), Christy – 03/04 (L16H08), Winnes – 04/04 (L18H05), SK – 04/04 (L20H60), Ginger – 08/04 (L20H41)

Retired Gals in 2003 : Xiao Mei (L22H20), Wendy (L22H20), Yoko (L28H47), Xiao Yu (L16H06), Depola (L14H29), Fong Fong (L28H29B), AA (L28H33), LV (L20H47), Diana (L20H33), Hai Yan (L20H33), Eileen -d24 (L16H39), Sakura (L22H24), Christina (L28H45), Rose (L24M52), Apple (L16H10A), BM (L24M11), Pei Yi (L16H08), Hong Hong (L18H05), Lily (L20H11A), Nokia (L20H47A), Pauline (L22H14), LB (L24M13), Jacky (L28H45), Karen (L28H45), AC Milan ( L22H26), Castle (L22H26), Fei Fei (L20H28), Kiss Me@Wen wo (L8H19), Baby (L16H08A), Maggie (L22H24), Jaime (L22H24), Jolin (L20H60), Reds (L18H15), Ada (L14H25), Hai Chew (L20H33), Cola (L22H22), Gucci (L20H47), Li Zhen (L16H08A), Miao Miao (L20H58), Hai San (L20H33), Yan Er (L28H29B), Chelsea (L22H26), Hello Kitty (L18H05).

Retired Gals in 2004 : Jasmine (L14H25), Zhen Zhen (L18H15), Xin Xin (L28H33), Yuki (L16H39), Jia Jia (L20H01A), Mong Er (L20H01A), Ruby (L28H47), Cherry (L30H21A), Joyce (L18H19); Vanessa (L14H25), Janet (L14H27), Mei Zhi@Miko (L28H45), Alice (L30H21A), Kitty (L20H17), Elaine (L16H54A), BB2 (L20H58), Altis (L22H22), Baby (L18H15), Sakura (W16H08), Sharon (L28H31A), Apple (L28H41A), Vivian (L28H41A), Mun Mun (L20H58A), Miki (L16H39), Irene (L20H47A), Rena (L30H28A), Jasmine (L18H57A), Yi Yi (L20H60), Blue ‘K’ (L16H06A), Sugar (L16H07), Ah Cat (L16H07), Fang Ling (L16H07), Lisa Mimi (L20H58), Connie (L28H31B), Fong Ling (L28H31B), August (L20H58), Kelly 1 (L22H24), Moon (L22H24), Shirley (L16H58B), Mei Ting (L20H43A), Prada (L20H47), Joey 2 (L28H31), Leeds (L22H26), Kikko (L16H06A), Happy (L22H20),

Downgraded : Maggie (L22H24A), Rose (L14H25), Xiao Tian (L14H29), Miko (L14H27), Elle (L28H31A)
Old 09-10-2004, 11:04 PM
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Re: Cat 150 Listing - Gals and Homebase

I guess miki 1 might be one of the next few to retire soon.........cos long time no hear from her liao
Old 10-10-2004, 05:29 PM
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Re: Cat 150 Listing - Gals and Homebase

Originally Posted by kent32
I guess miki 1 might be one of the next few to retire soon.........cos long time no hear from her liao

Bo Kent32,

As far as i know, Miki 1 is still around. Why not check with her OKT? When she is working, head to her homebase at L20H43. This place open for biz quite early at 1200 hours.

Old 14-10-2004, 01:28 PM
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Re: Cat 150 Listing - Gals and Homebase

I heard Diamond from L16H05 also retired. Anybody has any news??
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