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Old 08-09-2004, 10:26 AM
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Re: Golden Million FR & Pricing Guide

Originally Posted by Chief
Eh Datuk, thanks for going to all the trouble in answering my questions and doubts.. WESPECT TO YOU !!!.. A few more questions... What are Puyings, Tiraks, Farangs, and some of the terms u guys used to classify people ??? Thanks again and WESPECT !
Puying = girl in thai language
Tirak = darling in thai
Farang = ang moh

go to and you will get to know all the basic thai words used here.
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Old 08-09-2004, 10:36 AM
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Re: Golden Million FR & Pricing Guide

Originally Posted by tourist
Hi! I'm caucasian and have been to Golden Million 5X. On one trip I was quoted 100 RM by the captain for a bonk with a girl (after happy hour). The other four trips I was quoted 130 RM. Each time they asked for 130RM, I negotiated down to 100RM for a bonk. Thankfully I knew the price from reading this fine forum I was friendly but persistent with the captain that I had paid 100 RM last time. After a few minutes and talking to several captains they agreed to 100 RM. I don't recall the captains names. I did the captain something on the way out.

Have other been changed 130 RM at GM? Is this standard for non-asian customers? What about other LSBs? Any info would be most appreciated!

My friend (also caucasian) and I had a great times at GM. The girls were nice. GM was the easiest LSB to find for a couple of newbies to JB.
Remember the captain name and look back for him the next time. Ground floor taken care by Ah Siang and at upstairs by Siew Fu, both are Snr captain where the rest will listen to them.

With exceptional for freshed deflowered or popular girls, the std price is Rm100. I have brought caucasion friends to other LSB like Sakura as well with the std pricing.
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Old 08-09-2004, 02:19 PM
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Re: Golden Million FR & Pricing Guide

Originally Posted by Chief
Dear bros, Chief here also recently just visited Golden Million with a few friends.. Just wanna share it.. btw, i first time cheong GM, so pardon me. Reached there, found that the lights are off and its only like 8pm+. And got a few people checked our passports before entry.. 1) Is it normal to have passport checks ? Then we proceed into the rooms, each of my friend got a girl. Me chose this Thai Chinese.. Looks are okay, but she very cheeky, playful, like a schoolgirl. Speaks chinese as well as LHL can do 2.4KM. ie FUCKED UP !. Quite excited.. When inside the room, and she stripped.. I super sian.. Knn.. As sian as when Singapore lost to Myanmar in pk in the Sea Games 93.. Cos her tits super small... most its a 32 1/2A......... No kidding !! I bet my last dollar all the samsters here got bigger breast than her.. Maybe next time must intro her to Expressions or wad.. So sian, that i opted for a bj, though i already paid 100RM for full... Yah lar. i know waste of money, but if little chief cannot stand, Chief also cannot bang.. BJ was great lar.. Lots of suction, like electrolux..brilliant !! but fj, didnt.KNN.... body so flat, that when she lie on the bed, i really wanted to play Pool or marbles on her... Swee swee culy pok.... Even can run my shuttle run and clocked under 10sec on her.. Confirm won't trip, unlike those cb rough roads in army... No joke.. On the other side, her attitude was brilliant... GF 10/10.... maybe next time can just opt for a bj only... Lesson learn.. In the room, i must open my fuckin eyes to see the body.. But newbie, so inexperienced... Hope u guys dun mind, but i dun want to post her no cos its aint nice to spoil her market.. Lastly can i also ask u guys 2) if we kenna caught inside the place during a raid, will we be in trouble, and if so, what kind ? 3) Will the place admit in Singaporean Muslims? 4) If the singaporean Muslim was caught inside, will they be subjected to malaysia law ?? Thanks a million and WESPECT !!!

?????Are you sure bro Chief, you went there for BJ only? Alamak, wasted bro, even if her fig cannot make can still do FJ.
Old 08-09-2004, 02:30 PM
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Re: Golden Million FR & Pricing Guide

[QUOTE=Chief] So sian, that i opted for a bj, though i already paid 100RM for full... Yah lar. i know waste of money, but if little chief cannot stand, Chief also cannot bang.

Bro chief..obviously ..ur little chief stand wat ..thats y she blow u ma ..but serious bo .. u neber take Fj after paying 100? flat chest also can ..fuck wat long ..pussy licious...and tight ..?
Old 08-09-2004, 11:40 PM
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Re: Golden Million FR & Pricing Guide

Thanks a lot Mr Devil for your explanation of those Thai terms.. Wespect and KHORB KOON!!
Old 08-09-2004, 11:46 PM
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Re: Golden Million FR & Pricing Guide

Dear Bro Jaucifer and BroadRod24, yah lar... I opted for a BJ.. I am a titty person, so when flat chested, i also no appetite ... Knn lar u 2... Keep talking about the RM100 for what...Ch**bye.. its like when u go KFC and ask for crispy, and they give u original.. U still want to eat meh ?? Same feeling lar..Anyway, difficult to explain to u.. Maybe got chance to chiong together in the future, then we talk over some beer !! Wespect to u two bros !!
Old 09-09-2004, 04:29 PM
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Re: Golden Million FR & Pricing Guide

Originally Posted by Chief
Dear Bro Jaucifer and BroadRod24, yah lar... I opted for a BJ.. I am a titty person, so when flat chested, i also no appetite ... Knn lar u 2... Keep talking about the RM100 for what...Ch**bye.. its like when u go KFC and ask for crispy, and they give u original.. U still want to eat meh ?? Same feeling lar..Anyway, difficult to explain to u.. Maybe got chance to chiong together in the future, then we talk over some beer !! Wespect to u two bros !!
Bro Cheif, I too also got a almost flat one but the service can based on looks bro. Even though mine figure wise not that good, but her FJ,BBBJ and HJ are the tops. No problem bro, whenever you're free with bro BroadRod24, pm me for a time slot. Cheer.
Old 01-11-2004, 11:40 AM
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Re: Golden Million FR & Pricing Guide

Sad to c dis thread JB threads gng down oreadi....

wat's the reason? overly patronised by us such that we do not post our FR on our JB tour anymore... or izit that wind is blowing strong nowadays, such that no one wants 2 go there anymore??? lemme know pl.....

Got a recent FR to share:
Number: 6x6
Age: 17/18yrs old (I think)
BBBJ: 7/10 (Got suction)
FJ: 7/10 (Was very wet and do come easily..)
RTF: Maybe (but choices r too many!)

(am not dat gd with words so that rest pl fill it up with your imaginations!! hahah....)
went 2 2 of my frenz... one was like a maddog just unleashed frm his cage... so a hungry dog tends 2 bite anything that goes near him and he's hooked up soon after we got there.... another one was waiting for my old flame who he was eyeing the first time I met her in GM but she went back soon after...
I was waiting for a good one whole night and had 2 hunt high n low.. got someone who caught my eyes but kena called for duties until I dun c her anymore...
was quite fed up with the selection given 2 me.... got me one who gave me a I-owe-her-a-million dollar kinda look.
and when i went 2 toilet, someone coming up from the stairs caught my eyes... so i asked the captain 2 get her in....
I was presented with this sad gal after a whole night of searching as it was on a weekend and was packed with patrons and shortage of good gals (typical weekends)... very young and sweet face, very chinese looking... hahaa...
asked her wat happened, told me she's angry with her OKT and cried as she wanna get a samsung v200.
I asked her why and she said wanna buy fone so dat can call her bf, so I comforted her and before we knew it, we were in the room.

saw her taking off her clothes and I tot.. such a pretty yound gal.... went for a standard catbath and den she was on top give me a good BBBJ while I was fingering her..... finger her until cannot tahan and ask me 2 ride her rough!! wow ... as I slipped in, i felt tightness and she got a full grib on me.... I was thinking this was not so bad even after working over here for a whil oreadi.... stereo was superb and did her missionary, left, right n centre in random rythnm before cuming with me on the top....
was talking to her after another shower and all the while complaining to me abt her OKT... I told her I'll do a booking on her next time and bring her out 2 buy fone....

well... will still be scouting ard so pl contribute generously to dis thread!!!
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Old 20-11-2004, 01:31 PM
nike1to6 nike1to6 is offline
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Angry Re: Golden Million FR & Pricing Guide

golden million a real con case.
just went with 2 friends last week. total bill for 2 jugs of beer RM291.
crazy man.

latest update... the girls mostly ugly and no quality.
some came in and just put thier legs on you and thats it!

then after you ask for bill all will rush in for tips even they don't service
you. ( including those fat aunties )

try not ot visit there for the time being. felt cheated !!!
Old 20-11-2004, 02:43 PM
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Cool Re: Golden Million FR & Pricing Guide

hi bro , my friends also went last 2 week ago. end of the days 4 abt 3 - 4 hrs n 2 jugs was charged abt rm 290. he complain 2 expensive. hi bros , i think its time to ban (blacklist) this place. i belived its easy to find girls elsewhere like Aplollo 1 or Apollo 2 . or even loveboat ktv. i don't thinks they charge that high.they though wat singaporean rich , can chai tou.let's miss this place 4 some time n hope they can lower their price. girls everywhere can find. but not to go to a plce where prices for beer and room are expensive.
Old 23-11-2004, 03:48 PM
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Re: Golden Million FR & Pricing Guide

hi there,
any one can share which lsb to hang out about 3pm onwards.
feel boring lah. normally go to golden million but now F them off
Old 23-11-2004, 04:42 PM
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Re: Golden Million FR & Pricing Guide

Originally Posted by nike1to6
hi there,
any one can share which lsb to hang out about 3pm onwards.
feel boring lah. normally go to golden million but now F them off
Go to any SPA in town, more relex and more safe,
Old 24-11-2004, 11:38 AM
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Talking Re: Golden Million FR & Pricing Guide

Originally Posted by nike1to6
golden million a real con case.
just went with 2 friends last week. total bill for 2 jugs of beer RM291.
crazy man.

latest update... the girls mostly ugly and no quality.
some came in and just put thier legs on you and thats it!

then after you ask for bill all will rush in for tips even they don't service
you. ( including those fat aunties )

try not ot visit there for the time being. felt cheated !!!
Originally Posted by gold
hi bro , my friends also went last 2 week ago. end of the days 4 abt 3 - 4 hrs n 2 jugs was charged abt rm 290. he complain 2 expensive. hi bros , i think its time to ban (blacklist) this place. i belived its easy to find girls elsewhere like Aplollo 1 or Apollo 2 . or even loveboat ktv. i don't thinks they charge that high.they though wat singaporean rich , can chai tou.let's miss this place 4 some time n hope they can lower their price. girls everywhere can find. but not to go to a plce where prices for beer and room are expensive.!!!
the "Shou Ye" should have told you the price before you sat down ... the RM 290 is for both the room n the drink charges... drink is cheap but d room is a bit more exp... if i remember correctly, dat place also offers 3 jugs for d room free... best is u can check out other bros whether r they there o not n share room o take over d rooms.... jz like last time i did with MrDevil n greenbird bro, joined them!!!

next time, u shld go in packs of fours so dat it will be cheaper... if 4 person n 2 jugs, it's only RM72.50 per person which is only S$30!! but shag rate is RM100 per shot is very cheap oreadi!!

fyi, dat place is fully packed during fridays n sats as a lot of pple go there for instant fun, not like pubs where u shld have 2 sit down n drink wif d gals, HOPING for them to go with u (no guarantees) ...

as for the cleaner ladies ... i always tell them to get out n dun come in as i will not tip them!!!

for the gals, it depends on how many gals u sat with and how long they sat with you... if they sat with you for a fairly long time, like at least 15 min, then u r expected to tip them, say RM5-10 (depends on ur mood)... for those gals dat serviced u, at least a RM10....

u can tell d "Shou Ye" dat u like wat kind of gal n they will intro, if u dun like, u can immed reject d gal frm d room!! hahaha... as for good quality gals, u can refer to this thread or pple 2 intro... no point to look @ info older than 1 months as the gal may have gone back oreadi...

I think basically u muz determine wat kind of fun do u want ... relax can always go to spas ... if u wanna drink only, can go 2 pubs... if u wanna drink n shag, can go 2 lsb .... if depends ... n watever venue u choose, pl prepare 2 take out money for the quality of entertainment u want ....

anyway, next time u go, let me know n i'll show u pple ard!!
Blatancy with subtlety - a sublime phase... easy to say but hard to master~!

Last edited by japboy; 24-11-2004 at 11:49 AM.
Old 27-11-2004, 06:10 PM
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Re: Golden Million FR & Pricing Guide

Originally Posted by Uncle69
been there a couple a of time and i have a qn regarding overnite.
do they have a specific hotel for us to go since they keep a tight rein on the gal movement or the nite is spent at the normal bonking room?

Nope they dun have a specifc hotel for overnite. They might have a few prefer hotel for them stay. Can check out with them. Normally u can chose any hotel u like as long as it is not too far away from sentosa.
The gals are not criminal, why should they keep a tight watch on the gal movement
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Old 28-11-2004, 12:07 AM
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Re: Golden Million FR & Pricing Guide

was wondering if K133 is still working there.. anyone knows?
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