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Old 04-02-2005, 02:33 PM
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Talking Re: Why are you hooked to your girl (WL)?

Originally Posted by wahpiang
affiliation or infatuation or otherwise? well, they are being paid by you to keep you company and make you happy.
2 perspectives frm 2 different camp...

a) a sensual perspective...

i think dis kind is more of trying 2 get dat faded feeling of being passionately in luv... kekeke... jz like d time whe u first started out w ur wife/gf/lover... well, as time goes by, dat feeling fades away as both of u take each other for granted and let dat feeling slip away...

hence when u r w ur WL, dat feeling will be back again as it re-energise ur sould n rekindle ur spirit... and as u r more familiar w her, can't b bothered 2 start from gnd-zero w another WL and hence stayed on a while longer before dat feeling fades away again n u jz simply move on....

warning: very easily hooked w one particular WL and may leave everything here to do under d illusion of love...

b) a lustful perspective...

i think u deemed urself as a hunter.. constantly on d move n looking for prey.... u r decisive n ruthless.. move in for a quick kill... eat d meat n suck d marrow out frm d bone n den move on to another prey.... u call it sport hunting... strictly a commercial man... a go-getter... kekeke..

warning: too much hunting although will sharpen ur instinct but will impair ur ability to taste ur prey as u'll lose all ur teeth by then frm eating d prey raw~!... kekeke...

for d gals, u may never b their only bf/lau gong but d first priority... hence thread w care n always reserve a bit of feelings for urself... if u give all, u will end up losing all.... leave urself a slip rd to escape....
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Old 04-02-2005, 02:57 PM
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Re: Why are you hooked to your girl (WL)?

Originally Posted by japboy
2 perspectives frm 2 different camp...
nice to hear your views. just added you (forgot to include my nick in my comments, hehe!). whether it is from a lustful or sensual perspective, you may still end up being hooked. From a lustful perspective, you hunt the play-hard-to-get prey so hard that you may forget what is your initial objective or you may treasure her even more. From a sensual perspective, you just said it all.

Question is when that WL exits from your life, do you feel a void in your heart? Mind games at play?
Old 04-02-2005, 02:58 PM
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Re: Why are you hooked to your girl (WL)?

btw, WL can be any gal from the hotbeds of sex around sg, not restricted to just GL.
Old 04-02-2005, 03:34 PM
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Re: Why are you hooked to your girl (WL)?

Originally Posted by wahpiang
btw, WL can be any gal from the hotbeds of sex around sg, not restricted to just GL.
Not only in SG, there are other places also.. like Riau, LoS etc etc..

Sometimes when you are hooked, it's just when you know a little more and more loh.. chemistry is most important.. the connection between the two. Maybe there are less taboo between the two person as they are totally open already... so can chat more and can easier find out more loh.. unlike with normal bf/gf.. have to sianz dunno until where then can slowly find out.. moreover with WL you know if don't work out, finish also easy, but with actual gf.. wah lau.. heart pain lah, this lah that lah.. so much things to handle.. maybe that's the case.. lolz
A.k.a. Hyugo to some.

Please inform me if I still owe you rep points. I dunno who liaoz.. hehe

Oh yah, don't forget to give me your posting also. If not very hard to find sometimes.
Old 04-02-2005, 04:38 PM
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Talking Re: Why are you hooked to your girl (WL)?

Originally Posted by wahpiang
nice to hear your views. just added you (forgot to include my nick in my comments, hehe!).
no probs bro... thks for adding mi... as i've oso added u oreadi... kekeke...

if type b kena hooked, means type b has transformed into type a liaoz.... 4get 2 add dat type a and type b are interchangable... depends on circumstances and encounters...

i know of type a changing to type b and now really ruthless... eat n throw... no question asked...

void in ur heart? well, everyone will inevitably have it as it's like u have a very gd frenz who cheong n go out w u everyday but suddenly he/she found sum one special and stopped cheonging n gng out w u... of cos got void...

but d next step is most critical... whether u linger on longing for dat special feelings o move on to find more frenz... pple make different decisions at different point of time.... u may choose 2 linger on but eventually, u'll move on as u r sick of waiting...
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Old 05-02-2005, 05:36 AM
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Re: Why are you hooked to your girl (WL)?

It's all very deep psychology thing.

I also agree that WL may have fake the feeling, hoping the customer can come back.

But sometime, just can't help it. Just can't think that the feeling share between the WL is fake.

Still pondering...Can WL ever recieve happiness(not in financial sense) like normal women?
Old 05-02-2005, 05:26 PM
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Cool Re: Why are you hooked to your girl (WL)?

As a WL once told me... "It's always better to do it with a Regular than someone new." She then told me of some of her tactics to hook guys so they will keep come back for more. Include..."missing you type" of sms... hugging/kissing.... remembering things that customer said to them.... etc and believe me she was gd at it... cus I oso went back several times, almost felt as if she was my gf. She would place her head on my shoulders, letting her hair fall over my face. Hugged me tightly from behind b4 I leave. Place her hands on my face and look at me while moaning my name. Just some of the little things that she does that make you feel so special and loved... until in the end you r hooked by her and cannot get her out of your mind.

So I know for a fact that the feelings/passion that we will develop for the WL are actually fanned by them. Most of the time it's fake but we are too caught up in our rosy-coloured world to see it... However, it's also true that they are more comfortable with their regulars and whose to say that this is not in fact a form of feeling from them. Even if it's just a feeling of "comfort" and not love.

I am myself caught in that stupid web again with a TN gal... knowing the feelings might be fake and it could be a trap... I still walk open-eyed into it. Maybe this time it might be for real.... even if it isn't I would have no regrets as it was nice reliving the feeling of "falling in love again" even if it is just an illusion.

For those who want to know if a WL and a cheongster can ever get together can check out the thread below...

Until then.. for all bros who are stuck in a similar situation - HANG TOUGH!!
A Rainbow might still appear after a heavy downpour.
I don't know why we hang on to something we know we are better off letting go.

lt's like we are scared to lose what we really don't have.

I once thought I rather have something than nothing at all, but the truth is..... To have something halfway is so fucking harder than having nothing at all.
Old 05-02-2005, 06:23 PM
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Re: Why are you hooked to your girl (WL)?

Originally Posted by japboy
u may choose 2 linger on but eventually, u'll move on as u r sick of waiting...
think most of us will linger for quite some time. even though there might be another one on the horizon, still some tend to hold back.

how do we know if their feelings are genuine? what if it is some kind of mind games they are playing against us? guess onlt time will tell....
Old 05-02-2005, 06:31 PM
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Re: Why are you hooked to your girl (WL)?

Originally Posted by Optimus_Prime
So I know for a fact that the feelings/passion that we will develop for the WL are actually fanned by them. Most of the time it's fake but we are too caught up in our rosy-coloured world to see it... However, it's also true that they are more comfortable with their regulars and whose to say that this is not in fact a form of feeling from them. Even if it's just a feeling of "comfort" and not love.
bro, you took the words right out of my mouth. of cos, there are instances where the feelings involved are very real. In reality, how often do these occur? More unlikely epecially when a WL is involved.

Thanks for your input! up your pts for a good post!
Old 05-02-2005, 07:54 PM
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Re: Why are you hooked to your girl (WL)?

Originally Posted by wahpiang
nice to hear your views. just added you (forgot to include my nick in my comments, hehe!). whether it is from a lustful or sensual perspective, you may still end up being hooked.

Hello hello wahpiang,,, u hijack my Jit Poon Kia to go sian Viet gir,,, how is the going??? Got result?

Actually regard to your question,,,, there is simply no answer to it,,,,,,,,, cos it concern of '''Mind'' & '''Heart'''......... There is no explaination to it,,,,,,,,, it is not like car component or computer part whereby most of time can detect the fault..... Mind & Heart is simply no logic.......
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Old 05-02-2005, 10:50 PM
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Re: Why are you hooked to your girl (WL)?

Originally Posted by wahpiang
I believe many bros in the forum have a favourite gal..... What I am intrigued is that how some bros can go for the same gal over and over again?
Kana Gong Tao???

Originally Posted by wahpiang
Question is why? Some of us seem to have a particular liking for a particular gal. Is it the sex or looks or boobs? Or is it the potential for many or some FOC bonks? What was the initial objective?
It got to be one of those if not all of them.

Originally Posted by wahpiang
How is it that some of us feel a lingering or a tugging at our hearts when the gal leaves even after achieving our objective ? How can some bros be sad or upset when the gal exits from our lives?
It is because something one likes is lost, or true feelings had been invested or maybe... both.

Originally Posted by wahpiang
But when the game ended, I still have a lingering for her. Why? I ask myself this question. Not because i didn't achieve my objective. Not that i regretted ending the game. The problem sometimes i think of what could have been. Is it love? Dun think so. Then what makes me hooked to this girl? sigh..
Probably your encounter with her consist of majority sweet memories versus those forgetable.
The imagination of what it might had... continuation from beyond the end point.....if only the good times never ends...the sky's the limit...
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Old 05-02-2005, 11:05 PM
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Re: Why are you hooked to your girl (WL)?

Originally Posted by TooFast
Sometimes, I sit down and wonder are there any WL who just wanted....a simple happy life and have a loving husband instead of just thinking of money money money!!!*Sigh*
I guess everyone wants a happy one likes to worry about money rite?

Originally Posted by wahpiang
If you own a retail shop, would you treat your customers nice in order for them to come back and thus giving you good business or at least a steady income?
It works both return for good service, they give good service to get you to trurn.

Originally Posted by wahpiang
If one fine day, you have great chemistry with this WL, maybe the sex is out of this world, and then, you find out that she is actually with you becos of the money. The feelings could be fake. The actions could be just part of a show. Then what? can you walk away just like that? or in your heart, there is a chance you might forgive her? wat if you are not her only "bf"? will you feel hurt? Ultimately, are you hooked?
If one's one and only objective is to get that out of the world sex with the GF feeling, i think he will still achieved his objective and walk away a happy man. But if he was expecting exclusiveness and full devoteness, guess a wrong place and gal to start off with...cruel true....

Originally Posted by japboy
2 perspectives frm 2 different camp...
warning: very easily hooked w one particular WL and may leave everything here to do under d FALSE illusion of love...
Good perspectives !!! Up you!!
I left as a fallen angel, will return as the devil.
Old 06-02-2005, 04:26 PM
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Re: Why are you hooked to your girl (WL)?

[QUOTE=wahpiang]agree, totally agree. long time no see. how have you been?

In my opinion, other than chemistry, it's also because our gfs/wives will not give us sex like the professionals.

I mean how many of us will get a gf that CIM, or lick it's not really the chemistry, but the service. But remember, it is a business transcation, these WLs do it for everyone who can afford to pay.

You are no special. So dun even think it's LOVE.
Old 07-02-2005, 12:42 AM
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Talking Re: Why are you hooked to your girl (WL)?

Originally Posted by wahpiang
=how do we know if their feelings are genuine? what if it is some kind of mind games they are playing against us? guess onlt time will tell....
i guess most of us would as most of us longed for dis feelings as we had it before but yet think we lost it...

basically after a while u n ur gf/wife start 2 take each other for granted n started 2 lost all dis nice little things both of u do when u r courting... like hugging u, sms u "i miss u"... dis r d things d WLs will do all d time...

i guess 4 those WLs, even if they've fallen in love w u... i guess we'll not believe it... always thinking whether r d feelings true o not...

vice verse, do u really think u r really in love o jz a passing cloud?... u may b under d illusion of love n think likewise... but.... .haiz..

well, i guess like wat sexlover said, there's no simple answer 2 it... but i guess u'll have 2 go by ur instincts...

well, everything is dis material world is only a passing cloud... wat's impt today may no longer b there tmr... cherish wat u have at dis moment n live like there's no tmr...
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Old 07-02-2005, 01:33 AM
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Re: Why are you hooked to your girl (WL)?

Originally Posted by japboy
well, i guess like wat sexlover said, there's no simple answer 2 it... but i guess u'll have 2 go by ur instincts...
There's just no way to tell if they are true to you, is there?
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