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Old 04-04-2005, 10:04 PM
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Re: Hatyai airport BOMBED

Originally Posted by lee890 goes all the fun in Hatyai...especilly so near to Sogkra Festival....there is suppose to be a 3 nights all night party in Hatyai. I wonder what is going to happen next? May be the plane ticket price will drop drasticly?

One thing very very puzzle is that: what are these people trying to prove by bombing here and there? They can't get people to respect them by doing so. Lee Garden may well be a very prominent target, besides Novetel. As if the rumour about the cracks in Lee gARDEN after the earth quack is not bad all seems gloomy for Hatyai for a while...
if these people can think properly they won't bomb here and there. Really curious what difficulties are the thai government facing in wiping them out.
Old 04-04-2005, 10:11 PM
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Re: Hatyai airport BOMBED

I really feel sad for those victim and I am sure the Thailand tourism industry will going to suffer big time. First its Tsunami and now its bombing, really don't know what coming next ?
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Old 05-04-2005, 01:22 AM
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Re: Hatyai airport BOMBED

Originally Posted by Khun_Thai_Jedi
I really feel sad for those victim and I am sure the Thailand tourism industry will going to suffer big time. First its Tsunami and now its bombing, really don't know what coming next ?
Thailand tourism suffer good....we can get cheaper girls to bonk kekekekeke and more girls will run out of the country to work.....
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Old 05-04-2005, 04:37 AM
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Re: Hatyai airport BOMBED

Originally Posted by penny
if these people can think properly they won't bomb here and there. Really curious what difficulties are the thai government facing in wiping them out.
Its the same problem faced when not everyone in area is a terrorist, as in any situation, only a small percentage are hard liner=extremist(terrorist) so cant really see the good guys from the bad. Same situation USA facing in Iraq. They smile at U during the day and say they your friends, then shoot and bomb your ass at nite.
Old 06-04-2005, 11:43 AM
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Re: Hatyai airport BOMBED

Thai officials claiming that there'll be more bombing in HDY.

Hope TV could give fellow cheongsters his view on the situation.

Old 07-04-2005, 12:03 AM
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Re: Hatyai airport BOMBED

Yes TV, please fill us in on what you've heard....

Originally Posted by Halffull
.... there'll be more bombing in HDY.

Hope TV could give fellow cheongsters his view on the situation.

Old 10-04-2005, 01:23 AM
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Re: Hatyai airport BOMBED

Powerful bomb defused at Hat Yai trade centre
Published on Apr 08 , 2005

Police have defused a bomb in the commercial district of Hat Yai, where suspected Muslim planted a bomb last Sunday in an usual attack outside their usual target area, security officials said Friday.

The remote-controlled 3 kg device, similar to last Sunday's bombs were made with gunpowder and fertiliser, was defused by bomb experts, a senior policeman said.

"The bomb was connected to a mobile phone and meant to cause damages, rather than take lives, otherwise it would have contained

a lot of nails," the officer said.

Police did not say where the bomb was found, but local newspapers suspect it was in a rubbish bin next to a major department store, but failed to explode as it was not wired properly.

The store manager said the bomb was found by a garbage collector at a dump site.

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Old 10-04-2005, 02:55 AM
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Re: Hatyai airport BOMBED

Originally Posted by thaivisitor
The cracks in Lee Garden Plaza, tiles fell off, etc are not rumours. They actually happened and in the second earthquake, I was there the next day and saw workman doing a hurried job to quickly repair the damages.

Sounds like the situation is very bad, compare to what I watch from the news are always about the police solving the cases and reassuring the ppl everything is fine. Actually I wanted to pm u and was contemplating to go to haadyai for 2 or 3 days for cheonging after I finish reporting my gf in Maesai for Songkran cos I got a week break from work. Looks like have to postpone it until the situation gets better......
Old 10-04-2005, 04:15 AM
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Re: Hatyai airport BOMBED

Originally Posted by thaivisitor
Tiles only lah... not building. Nothing seriously probably poor workmanship as no other hotels have problems

Since you say like tat, it's Green Light from you to travel to Hadyai lah! I will confirm with you again if I'm going over....Btw you celebrating Songkran a not? Dun want to "Rob Kuan Khun".......
Old 10-04-2005, 12:27 PM
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Re: Hatyai airport BOMBED

Hi ThaiVisitor ,

Can check with you how is the situation there now ? Was hoping to visit Hatyai but local police in SIN said better to stay away.What is your views.
Old 10-04-2005, 12:31 PM
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Re: Hatyai airport BOMBED

Originally Posted by thaivisitor
I don't know where this news come from. As far as I know, there was a "dud" bomb where the garbage collector thought was a real bomb and alerted the police. The police found that it was a dud bomb meaning not a bomb.
it was published in The Nation....think nothing serious abt this

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Old 11-04-2005, 11:24 AM
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Re: Hatyai airport BOMBED

Originally Posted by siaoCB
Can check with you how is the situation there now ? Was hoping to visit Hatyai but local police in SIN said better to stay away.What is your views.

I think it'll be better for fellow cheongsters to make your own decision on whether we shld stay away from HDY for a while. It'll be difficult for one to discourage others from visiting the area if there's a conflict of interest by doing so.

No offence to anyone. Tks.
Old 11-04-2005, 02:17 PM
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Talking Re: Hatyai airport BOMBED

Originally Posted by Hasa Sas
"The bomb was connected to a mobile phone and meant to cause damages, rather than take lives, otherwise it would have contained

a lot of nails," the officer said.
I am amused by the officer's irrational assessment.....
Wouldn't damages to buildings take lives as well?
And why do U need nails to kill people? "Blown to bits", not nails is the name of game of bombs

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Old 11-04-2005, 08:12 PM
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Re: Hatyai airport BOMBED

I think its best for the time being to lie low. Maybe Bangkok safer...but Hatyai?
Old 12-04-2005, 02:40 AM
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Re: Hatyai airport BOMBED

Originally Posted by Halffull
I think it'll be better for fellow cheongsters to make your own decision on whether we shld stay away from HDY for a while. It'll be difficult for one to discourage others from visiting the area if there's a conflict of interest by doing so.

No offence to anyone. Tks.
How rightly you have put it. Well I dont think anyone need more than common sense to assess the risk during Songkran week when the bombing could occured in airport and one of the popular shopping center which both are non-politic, non-religion, non-government related place. If it's not for attention catching, what are the intentions? If Songkran is not the best time doing so, what could be the best time?

Well, having said so, I believe it wont deter any hardcore cheongsters to enjoy their plan as they believe they could never be the lucky one. Just pray they dont be at the wrong place at the wrong time for the wrong reason.
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