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Old 13-05-2013, 08:49 AM
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Re: why would people are like that? im confused

Originally Posted by huhu123 View Post
Morning early bird catches the big fat abalone

i am 35 yet singles, am i rotting on the shelve. Die i am start a thread looking for gf liao. ANy ladies out there?????
Go, start a thread!! support support!!
Old 13-05-2013, 10:16 AM
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Re: why would people are like that? im confused

Here very happening hor
Old 13-05-2013, 10:39 AM
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Re: why would people are like that? im confused

Originally Posted by sane View Post
Usually I text then I forgot about it unless I m asking something but I do agree with u, it's rude and I feel really bad about it.

That's y i say u r meticulous, really take effort to reply every postings and pm. I tried my best but still will miss 1 or 2, feel v paisay when I realise I missed it and as for pm, I usually reply 1 sentence/few words and sometimes I forget, I just click empty folder n if ask me to recall the sender, I really cant. Then if I already reply out of courtesy and the other party keep asking, I will just give up, feel really lazy.

I think r/s is about giving and taking, a 2 way traffic. It could not be a party who is usually giving, both must be active or else it is very hard to maintain it.
hmm.. i am a 2 way traffic believer though..
but there are times when i like someone too much, i forgot about my belief..
my bad.. i am the one who look for trouble, right?
so, i deserve the trouble and the side effect..
now i really realize it.. haha

Originally Posted by sane View Post
This is fine if they r in late teens/early 20's, disastrous if drag to the late 20's til the 30's. u r right, a woman's youth is very short..

There's once i met this interesting gal in pub 2 yrs ago, she told me that she broke off with her bf at 28. Since then, she has been in and out of r/s but not a single serious one and she seem to be very experienced in dating, even can categorized different types of men and methods of handle them.

She say many married ones has been hitting on her, they will treat her very very nice but it's just fun they are after and boil down to nothing at the end of the day.

By 35, she started to get panic and wonder is she going to stay single forever?

This is quite true for my single friends hitting 30, harder and harder to find someone as they reach older.
hmm.. i think that's y dun even start a relationship with a jobless guy..
if they start rs when they're in teenage, and he's abit lan lan when finding job after he finish o level or diploma, its a sign already leh..

and usually, the gf (who have tendencies of changing people) will think that he may change later. he's young and bla bla bla ..
then in another year and another year and another year, he's still jobless, her excuse will still be there. except that i'll change into nowadays hard to find job and bla bla bla ..
and when the rs hit 5 years or 10 years, she'll be too lazy to find another person as her excuse will be "we've been together for 5 yrs (or 10 yrs) and we love each other and such and bla bla bla"..

then usually after that, the ending would be between two choice:
1. the family will try to make them get married and they married and enjoying a tiring life. wife must fulfill everything that her hubby want (physical and material). not enjoying life, be her hubby's slave (in house, bed and money)
2. before the family succeed in making them get married, the guy will retreat and ask for break up saying sth like "sorry, i'm not suitable for you. can't feed you bla bla bla". and more jackpot if he broke up when she's nearing 30s.

such a horrible thing!
Old 13-05-2013, 10:47 AM
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Re: why would people are like that? im confused

Originally Posted by sane View Post
This is fine if they r in late teens/early 20's, disastrous if drag to the late 20's til the 30's. u r right, a woman's youth is very short..

There's once i met this interesting gal in pub 2 yrs ago, she told me that she broke off with her bf at 28. Since then, she has been in and out of r/s but not a single serious one and she seem to be very experienced in dating, even can categorized different types of men and methods of handle them.

She say many married ones has been hitting on her, they will treat her very very nice but it's just fun they are after and boil down to nothing at the end of the day.

By 35, she started to get panic and wonder is she going to stay single forever?

This is quite true for my single friends hitting 30, harder and harder to find someone as they reach older
Maybe becos by this age, they are already more well established in their career and wants to look for men who are more successful then themselves. Meaning 不肯下嫁.

Back to reality, how many women are willing to marry a guy lets say whose income is below $2000? This group of men makes up quite a huge proportion of the population, by already striking them out, the chances of meeting someone that fits you is already limited.
Old 13-05-2013, 11:27 AM
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Re: why would people are like that? im confused

Originally Posted by PikachuDoraemon View Post
hello bro / sis,

why would man / woman go out to cheat?
Err.. because we are monkeys? ... Seriously, if you subscribe to Darwinian evolutionary theories, we fuck around behind out mates back because it is hereditary for monkeys.

Wombs are expensive -> 9 months to gestate. Sperms are cheap, millions thrown away per shot.

After baby come out, female monkey need a lot of help to bring up. Male monkey investment already done, so can run away.

So female monkey look for good male that stay around. Male monkey move around to get as many impregnate as possible (spread the seed and squeeze out your competitors next generation).

Unfortunately, good male mate not = wanted male. So screw around with the handsome boy monkey behind the back.

See... both males and females monkeys have good reasons to screw around even after finding a mate.

Worse still that human has to add in a concept call marriage where you are suppose to stay monogamous for life (against the nature of monkeys).

Also good explanation for evolution of very restrictive women rights in Middle-Eastern cultures. Basically monkey on top of the heap trying to make sure that the females bear the next generation from his loins only and not waste his resources on cuckoos (literally!).
Old 13-05-2013, 11:36 AM
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Re: why would people are like that? im confused

Originally Posted by DegenerationX View Post
Maybe becos by this age, they are already more well established in their career and wants to look for men who are more successful then themselves. Meaning 不肯下嫁.

Back to reality, how many women are willing to marry a guy lets say whose income is below $2000? This group of men makes up quite a huge proportion of the population, by already striking them out, the chances of meeting someone that fits you is already limited.
DX kor kor oso right leh..

that's what happen with successful mature woman..
they're too picky and dun wan lower income guy..
and usually lower income guy also feel inferior with higher income woman..
Old 13-05-2013, 12:17 PM
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Re: why would people are like that? im confused

If my honey earn more than me i sure dun mind one.
Old 13-05-2013, 12:59 PM
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Re: why would people are like that? im confused

Originally Posted by sane View Post
This is fine if they r in late teens/early 20's, disastrous if drag to the late 20's til the 30's. u r right, a woman's youth is very short..

There's once i met this interesting gal in pub 2 yrs ago, she told me that she broke off with her bf at 28. Since then, she has been in and out of r/s but not a single serious one and she seem to be very experienced in dating, even can categorized different types of men and methods of handle them.

She say many married ones has been hitting on her, they will treat her very very nice but it's just fun they are after and boil down to nothing at the end of the day.

By 35, she started to get panic and wonder is she going to stay single forever?

This is quite true for my single friends hitting 30, harder and harder to find someone as they reach older.
hehe some guys have this perception that if a girl is abv 30 and still single there must be something wrong with her. maybe too career minded, picky or hard to pleased etc. with this kinda perception in mind they will siam and go for the younger ones instead before trying to knw her better 1st.
Old 13-05-2013, 03:48 PM
gaobuzua gaobuzua is offline
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Re: why would people are like that? im confused

you want the truth why men/women cheat??

you want!?

you want to know?!?!?

the real truth and nothing but the truth!?!


nature created us, nature created everything we do and result from that. Nature had created humans to cheat on the opposite sex since billions years ago... why do you want to know the "WHY?"

not happy? leave...... find another partner, there's no right or wrong. It's whether you can accept it or not.
Old 14-05-2013, 07:52 AM
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Re: why would people are like that? im confused

Originally Posted by curiouslala View Post

then usually after that, the ending would be between two choice:
1. the family will try to make them get married and they married and enjoying a tiring life. wife must fulfill everything that her hubby want (physical and material). not enjoying life, be her hubby's slave (in house, bed and money)
2. before the family succeed in making them get married, the guy will retreat and ask for break up saying sth like "sorry, i'm not suitable for you. can't feed you bla bla bla". and more jackpot if he broke up when she's nearing 30s.

such a horrible thing!
That's y there's a saying, before marriage, open both eyes, after marriage, close one eye.

It's disastrous to marry the wrong one.

Originally Posted by DegenerationX View Post
Maybe becos by this age, they are already more well established in their career and wants to look for men who are more successful then themselves. Meaning 不肯下嫁.

Back to reality, how many women are willing to marry a guy lets say whose income is below $2000? This group of men makes up quite a huge proportion of the population, by already striking them out, the chances of meeting someone that fits you is already limited.
Actually my friends' husbands do not earn much and my friends earn more but they have a great personality, v family man. Other than work, they will return home and accompany wife, kids.

Even if going out with friends, they will bring wife along. Personality always come fast, $ is important but not the main priority.

There's no point to stay with a high flyer but linger in insecurity all day long, nowadays wives also contrinute equaly to the household.

Originally Posted by HCKing View Post
hehe some guys have this perception that if a girl is abv 30 and still single there must be something wrong with her. maybe too career minded, picky or hard to pleased etc. with this kinda perception in mind they will siam and go for the younger ones instead before trying to knw her better 1st.D
But hor my single friends are really like that. There's a friend who is currently attached, very tempermental and 爱发小姐脾气 like the whole word owe it to her.

She's fine initially but her attitude is getting more and more severe till she got terminated by the co.

Well, she got figure, slim, nice shapely legs, SYT looks but comes with severe mood swing.

I wonder how long her bf can tahan her, it sure will be a nightmare for him to marry her.
Old 14-05-2013, 12:05 PM
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Re: why would people are like that? im confused

Originally Posted by sane View Post
But hor my single friends are really like that. There's a friend who is currently attached, very tempermental and 爱发小姐脾气 like the whole word owe it to her.

She's fine initially but her attitude is getting more and more severe till she got terminated by the co.

Well, she got figure, slim, nice shapely legs, SYT looks but comes with severe mood swing.

I wonder how long her bf can tahan her, it sure will be a nightmare for him to marry her.
maybe to her bf all can be forgiven for the SYT looks?
Old 14-05-2013, 12:59 PM
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Re: why would people are like that? im confused

Back to reality, how many women are willing to marry a guy lets say whose income is below $2000? This group of men makes up quite a huge proportion of the population, by already striking them out, the chances of meeting someone that fits you is already limited.[/QUOTE]

Yeah money play a very big part in relationships No money No honey
Old 14-05-2013, 03:07 PM
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Re: why would people are like that? im confused

Originally Posted by HCKing View Post
maybe to her bf all can be forgiven for the SYT looks?
No matter how SYT, 没有内含,看旧也 sian
Old 14-05-2013, 09:39 PM
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Re: why would people are like that? im confused

Originally Posted by Greenfrog View Post
wow..sis, sticky and play game all day? that is the makings of a useless man. how old is he?
not really play game all day but most of the time though, i dont know if he is a useless man, he keep ask me to give him few months to find job, he is 31th

Originally Posted by sane View Post
make new group of friends n they will give u moral support
yeah that why i went to meet big_cock, hes really a nice guys though. i like him!

Originally Posted by muscleboi View Post
dating is a game. to make it enjoyable, one must learn to be sticky only at the right time.
well but he seem like pretty sticky

Originally Posted by HCKing View Post
find new bf 1st then break off lor.
its not easy to find a new bf lah, you think like buying vege in market?

Originally Posted by ALonelyPerson View Post
Never play with an relationship , Karma always do return. If the other party did no wrong with you and you feel both of you are not compatible, end it quick before further damage is done... Once a relationship process long, breaking up isn't as easy as it will be .. If the other party is not willing do.. definitely letting go will be a tough thing and your life will be miserable too
Karma? i dont believe so, else all bad guy will go hell.

Originally Posted by huhu123 View Post
TS how old is yr bf?

Originally Posted by gaobuzua View Post
you want the truth why men/women cheat??

you want!?

you want to know?!?!?

the real truth and nothing but the truth!?!


nature created us, nature created everything we do and result from that. Nature had created humans to cheat on the opposite sex since billions years ago... why do you want to know the "WHY?"

not happy? leave...... find another partner, there's no right or wrong. It's whether you can accept it or not.
if you got nothing to say then stfu, thank you
Old 14-05-2013, 09:41 PM
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Re: why would people are like that? im confused

some time i dont understand, if guys no work, then it will be very disgrace, but what if girl no work? will it be very disgrace or its nature that guy need to support her?

some time my bf is telling me that he dont have $$ to eat,transport, some time his hp bill also im paying.
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