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Old 16-11-2008, 12:21 PM
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Chubby/Heavy Gers....

....jUst being CurioUS again... on the above toPIc:

1. izzit tRue INDiaN MAN like/Prefer Chubby/heavy gers?
2. izziT True Chubby/Heavy gers more HORNYs/WEtZ?
3. IzzIT tRue a NAKE Chubby/HeavY gers - a TurN OFF?
4. IzzIT tRuE chubby/HeavY ger's CAT are more "tight"?
5. IZzIt True Chubby/Heavy Gers CannOT perform much styles on BED?

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KPO BitChy Blue AUnt|e

ONce A BItCH ALwayS A BitCH!~"

NOTE: ReTIreD longer a gal..but LAO Char BOR now...hahaha

Old 16-11-2008, 12:38 PM
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Re: Chubby/Heavy Gers....

chubby gals r really good to spank~ piak piak piak

and for some reason, they're more eager to please on bed, probly due to less bonks they can get~
Old 16-11-2008, 01:06 PM
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Re: Chubby/Heavy Gers....

1. false
2. false
3. false
4. false
5. false

Originally Posted by Blue_gal View Post
....jUst being CurioUS again... on the above toPIc:

1. izzit tRue INDiaN MAN like/Prefer Chubby/heavy gers?
2. izziT True Chubby/Heavy gers more HORNYs/WEtZ?
3. IzzIT tRue a NAKE Chubby/HeavY gers - a TurN OFF?
4. IzzIT tRuE chubby/HeavY ger's CAT are more "tight"?
5. IZzIt True Chubby/Heavy Gers CannOT perform much styles on BED?

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KPO BitChy Blue AUnt|e
I for one even the chubby/heavy/plump gals also I like it's about chemistry. Honestly speaking, I get better sextisfaction from these kind of women than the normal average gal/woman on the street^^
Old 16-11-2008, 01:26 PM
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Re: Chubby/Heavy Gers....

we are all individuals there is no specific traits to any specific race or is up to each individual preferences....for me no particular preference as long as got hole and poke good enough...i am talking a woman that is...
Old 16-11-2008, 01:43 PM
HCKing HCKing is offline
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Re: Chubby/Heavy Gers....

Originally Posted by Blue_gal View Post
....jUst being CurioUS again... on the above toPIc:

1. izzit tRue INDiaN MAN like/Prefer Chubby/heavy gers?
2. izziT True Chubby/Heavy gers more HORNYs/WEtZ?
3. IzzIT tRue a NAKE Chubby/HeavY gers - a TurN OFF?
4. IzzIT tRuE chubby/HeavY ger's CAT are more "tight"?
5. IZzIt True Chubby/Heavy Gers CannOT perform much styles on BED?

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KPO BitChy Blue AUnt|e
err..i can only say true to 2 and 3. must oso add chubby/heavy gers give me fear of safety for my didi scared it pichak under the heavy cow weight.
Old 16-11-2008, 02:03 PM
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Re: Chubby/Heavy Gers....

Originally Posted by Blue_gal View Post
....jUst being CurioUS again... on the above toPIc:

1. izzit tRue INDiaN MAN like/Prefer Chubby/heavy gers?
2. izziT True Chubby/Heavy gers more HORNYs/WEtZ?
3. IzzIT tRue a NAKE Chubby/HeavY gers - a TurN OFF?
4. IzzIT tRuE chubby/HeavY ger's CAT are more "tight"?
5. IZzIt True Chubby/Heavy Gers CannOT perform much styles on BED?

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KPO BitChy Blue AUnt|e
some of my own opinion...
1. nope, me chinese, i also like chubby gers, in fact i prefer chubby than bones & sticks... but i do think ang mo like chubby gays lor
2. i guess so... base on my personal experience...
3. NO..... armpit hair is a TURNOFF!!!!
4. if feels the same leh...
5. why need so many styles? we not doing porn vid right?
Old 16-11-2008, 02:43 PM
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Re: Chubby/Heavy Gers....

1: false...
2: true the ger i tried. (to mi only)
3: true - i cant accept it. (to mi only)
4: false
5: false

i ever had a chubby/heavy ger, but din come.. finally confirm that regardless on how gd attitude the ger had or submissive she is i oso cannot accept it...cos to mi(applies to mi only hor) chubby/heavy gers=ugly gers/no chemistry with them..
Old 16-11-2008, 03:29 PM
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Re: Chubby/Heavy Gers....

I am surprise to know there are ppl out there who do not discriminate girls who are on the heavier side. Though they may not be the looker on the streets to capture ur first impression, but i believe if u give them a chance to get to know them, they will be a group of cool, friendly girls who can really be good friends with.
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Old 16-11-2008, 03:39 PM
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Re: Chubby/Heavy Gers....

Originally Posted by AngelEye View Post
I am surprise to know there are ppl out there who do not discriminate girls who are on the heavier side. Though they may not be the looker on the streets to capture ur first impression, but i believe if u give them a chance to get to know them, they will be a group of cool, friendly girls who can really be good friends with.
no me dun ever discriminate them at all^^ I love them actually!! Best service always comes from these gals power power to the max!!
Old 16-11-2008, 03:48 PM
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Re: Chubby/Heavy Gers....

Originally Posted by Blue_gal View Post
....jUst being CurioUS again... on the above toPIc:

1. izzit tRue INDiaN MAN like/Prefer Chubby/heavy gers?
2. izziT True Chubby/Heavy gers more HORNYs/WEtZ?
3. IzzIT tRue a NAKE Chubby/HeavY gers - a TurN OFF?
4. IzzIT tRuE chubby/HeavY ger's CAT are more "tight"?
5. IZzIt True Chubby/Heavy Gers CannOT perform much styles on BED?

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KPO BitChy Blue AUnt|e
i have not tried chubby girls before but my guess is:

1. i think is more of a diet issue. after marriage didnot watch diet. tulang prata just wack
2. dont know
3. not turn off but the urges to bonk does not surface but i find them very nice and usually quite humorous. i think some tribe from africa like chubby because it shows you can afford to feed them
4. dont know
5. dont know but should be. cowgirl position definately out unless u have steel balls.
Old 16-11-2008, 03:55 PM
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Re: Chubby/Heavy Gers....

Originally Posted by WOOHOO View Post
no me dun ever discriminate them at all^^ I love them actually!! Best service always comes from these gals power power to the max!!
Agree i like chubby wan also as long as face look quite can laio...up u for this bro..
Old 16-11-2008, 04:12 PM
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Re: Chubby/Heavy Gers....

Originally Posted by WOOHOO View Post
no me dun ever discriminate them at all^^ I love them actually!! Best service always comes from these gals power power to the max!!
lets say not FL or working girls la... would anyone consider them (usual girls who are not FLs / working ladies) to be ur life partner?
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Old 16-11-2008, 04:17 PM
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Re: Chubby/Heavy Gers....

Originally Posted by AngelEye View Post
lets say not FL or working girls la... would anyone consider them (usual girls who are not FLs / working ladies) to be ur life partner?
why not huh?? They are human too ma^^ Nothing wrong and all the while I've been talking about non wls/fls. Hee hee Have fun be happi!!
Old 16-11-2008, 04:22 PM
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Re: Chubby/Heavy Gers....

Originally Posted by WOOHOO View Post
why not huh?? They are human too ma^^ Nothing wrong and all the while I've been talking about non wls/fls. Hee hee Have fun be happi!!
oh.. serious? this is quite comforting for the heavy girls out there, it will be good to clone more of ur kind
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Old 16-11-2008, 04:35 PM
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Re: Chubby/Heavy Gers....

Originally Posted by AngelEye View Post
oh.. serious? this is quite comforting for the heavy girls out there, it will be good to clone more of ur kind
clone more of me wahahahahha you sure or not I think better not ah later not enough gals to go around how?? Than I look for who?? Look for you??^^
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