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Old 03-01-2009, 12:46 AM
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Smile Toilet Peeping at Upper Payar Lebar Rd.

Hi all,

1st time posting here. I shall share a personal true story here. This happen when I was working part time during holidays in a Japanese based company at Upper Payar Lebar rd. I was employed as a store-assistant at the warehouse at the back of the office. Together with me are 2 senior warehouse workers. At the front office are all the desk-bound employees, which includes HR, Accountant , Client reps and managers. The toilet is located at the back of the warehouse, male and female side by side.

One fine day, I was having my usual morning Lao Saing at the male cubicle inside the toilet. As I was squatting there bombing the place, I suddenly hear 2 of the ladies from the front office talking at the female toilet at the other side. It was not loud but I can surely hear something. The 2 toilets are divided by a wall, hence cant be so loud I thot to myself. I looked ard after wiping my ass. That was when I found the reason. The windows of 2 toilets are opened just side my side. Such that, when I stick my head out of the male toilet window in my cubicle, I can looked almost half into the female toilet cubicle at the side which is the squatting type. OMG!!

I went out of the toilet soon after discovering the treasure as I have been inside for quite some time. There is only one male cubicle by the way. I waited for 1 hr again before I went back in and camp inside. Listening intently for a lady to use the cubicle. And it happened! I hear the female cubicle's door close. As the cubicle is the squatting type and the lady using will be facing away from the window and butt facing the window, I waited for a few seconds before I stick my head out and peek inside slowly. I succeded!! A bare ass with her white underwear rolled down greeted me as the lady urined. I recognised her as one of the client reps, a young 20+ malaysian chinese lady. This is the 1st time I peeped at a female using the toilet. It was hard on immediately for me as I jerked off almost instantly.

As it was almost time to knock off, I quickly finished my work and left for the day, looking forward to the next day. The next day, I camped inside the male cubicle only after lunch as morning I was busy unpacking a new shipment. This time rd, I peeped slightly earlier after the female cubicle door close, hoping to catch more stuff. I was right. This time, it was the nice pleasant MILF from HR. She was wearing jeans and I caught her pulling down her jeans, followed by her pink panties and I saw her BUSH!! OMG!! What a sight. Was I lucky or what as she is shitting. For the full 5min, I peeped at her shit coming out of her ass and wipping her ass. This is simply amazing....

For the next 2 weeks of my time over there, I caught almost all the ladies in the front office in the cubicle except for the accountant. I think she does not like to squat. haha... Anyway, I will always have fond memories of the place.
Old 03-01-2009, 01:33 PM
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Re: Toilet Peeping at Upper Payar Lebar Rd.

luckily u were nt caught else dunno hw u r goin to wipe yr ass clean!!!

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Old 03-01-2009, 01:42 PM
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Re: Toilet Peeping at Upper Payar Lebar Rd.

Originally Posted by nashzzz View Post
Hi all,

One fine day, I was having my usual morning Lao Saing at the male cubicle inside the toilet.
hahaha! Bro, i like this statement.

so will you still go back for part time job there and lao sai?
Old 03-01-2009, 02:25 PM
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Re: Toilet Peeping at Upper Payar Lebar Rd.

Fantastic threadstarter, nashzzz!

Wonderful story writing. Even it is not a true one, it makes people believe.

I read alot of unbelieveable stories in this SBF, they (the kinky story writers) can't score 'A' for GP paper will be a waste. LOL.
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Old 03-01-2009, 02:29 PM
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Re: Toilet Peeping at Upper Payar Lebar Rd.

IF TS found out the secret I wonder why the rest of the male colleague never caught on to it, especially those who has been there much is surprising why there were no queue to use the gents toilet....
Old 03-01-2009, 02:49 PM
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Re: Toilet Peeping at Upper Payar Lebar Rd.

Originally Posted by Frankiestine View Post
IF TS found out the secret I wonder why the rest of the male colleague never caught on to it, especially those who has been there much is surprising why there were no queue to use the gents toilet....
Because :
1. Those who did may not want to share their crime story.
2. The other guys are not in the habit of sticking their heads out of their toilet window and peering into the next window. The very act of sticking your head out makes you very likely to be spotted, reported, and arrested.
3. The other guys are not turned on by shitting and pissing women. In fact, I find that disgusting.
4. There's nothing much to see, and the risk is too high to justify the insignificant benefits. Why not pay just a few bucks and see a fully naked woman legally, and get laid too.
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Old 03-01-2009, 03:14 PM
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Re: Toilet Peeping at Upper Payar Lebar Rd.

TS can endure the toilet smell and camp in toilet for so long just to peep at girls doing business peifu
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Old 03-01-2009, 03:32 PM
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Re: Toilet Peeping at Upper Payar Lebar Rd.

Ts do u feel of going back to Lao Saing & as the same time peep again

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Old 04-01-2009, 12:29 AM
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Cool Re: Toilet Peeping at Upper Payar Lebar Rd.

What building is that? Asiawide Ind. Bldg? Citimac Ind. Clpx? Or Traffic Police HQ?
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Old 04-01-2009, 12:41 AM
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Re: Toilet Peeping at Upper Payar Lebar Rd.

TS, very dangerous act. If kenna caught "water wash also cannot clear". U must be damn brave to do that!
Old 04-01-2009, 01:39 AM
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Re: Toilet Peeping at Upper Payar Lebar Rd.

Originally Posted by VanHouten View Post
Fantastic threadstarter, nashzzz!

Wonderful story writing. Even it is not a true one, it makes people believe.

I read alot of unbelieveable stories in this SBF, they (the kinky story writers) can't score 'A' for GP paper will be a waste. LOL.
some stories can be true based on individual real life experiences..
between...this a forum ...not A level exam....Why you mention GP here for wat..?You student specs....?typical 4-eye A level personnel?
Old 04-01-2009, 07:42 AM
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Re: Toilet Peeping at Upper Payar Lebar Rd.

Originally Posted by havana View Post
What building is that? Citimac Ind. Clpx?
Bro,u know there,also can peep.

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Old 04-01-2009, 09:33 AM
nashzzz nashzzz is offline
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Re: Toilet Peeping at Upper Payar Lebar Rd.

This is true experience by the way. Well, thats what makes peeping exciting. I was quite careful though.
Old 04-01-2009, 09:39 AM
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Re: Toilet Peeping at Upper Payar Lebar Rd.

Originally Posted by peanut123 View Post
Because :
1. Those who did may not want to share their crime story.
4. There's nothing much to see, and the risk is too high to justify the insignificant benefits. Why not pay just a few bucks and see a fully naked woman legally, and get laid too.
For the above reasons I fully agree with you
Old 05-01-2009, 01:03 AM
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Re: Toilet Peeping at Upper Payar Lebar Rd.

lol time to gear up yourself and get some vidz going eheh
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