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Old 12-02-2009, 07:51 AM
adrianus adrianus is offline
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You know how some of us go online to try our luck in looking for a fling or even a relationship... I have a story to share and would like to seek the opinions of some of the brothers here... Please pardon me if the flow of the story isnt all that good since its quite a factual reporting more than anything.

I recently got to know this girl online. As she was pretty (from her msn profile pictures) I spent quite a fair bit of time flirting with her to see how far I can go... After spending much time chatting with her, I realised that she is one of those kind of girls who are looking for her true love in her life and definately not suitable for a one off fling. As I am already married, I cannot give her the kind of life that she will want with me, so I decided to break off contact with her. I started to ignore her and become unfriendly hoping that she will get bored with me and find someone else to talk to.

However strangely, my actions caused her to want me even more. She started to tell me that she want to have a ONS with me, etc. This is even after I told her that I actually have an OC. She tells me that she believes that she will be better for me than my OC.

I am now very confused as to what to do next. On one hand I am very tempted to have a go with her, but I know that I will never leave my OC for her. After knowing her for so long, I have also grown to care for her and do not want to break her heart by disappearing. Further, the selfish ego in me also tells me not to let go as this lady as super potential fb potential.

I had a few previous similar encounters where I had actually walked away and regret not having a shot...

What would you guys do if you were me?
Old 12-02-2009, 08:12 AM
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Re: For Discussion

I would prefer to regret of not having a go at her, rather than causing myself to be in deep shit as judging from your story, this gal may be the sticky type. I too, had similar temptations, but didn't proceed, mainly because I am very timid.

So to u bro, if u want to have fun, just make sure she has the same mind ah.
Old 12-02-2009, 08:29 AM
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Re: For Discussion

In your case, if she is the sticky type then it is not worth trying. Don't get into trouble as the matter of heart is not easy to deal with. You might not know to which extend she might be involve with you.
Old 12-02-2009, 08:33 AM
adrianus adrianus is offline
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Thank you for your views, bro verytimid.

I agree that it is very dangerous. She can tell on the OC any time. Luckily she doesnt know my real name and our telephone communications is via a number on a pre-paid card. Funny thing is, she hasn't even see my pic.

Most of my encounters are like this. Wonder if its cause I usually target those sweet young things and somewhat made them feel this way.

Sometimes I think guys like me are the worst kind, go around flirting and making people like you but never eat at the end of the day. Maybe should stop entirely.
Old 12-02-2009, 09:49 AM
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Re: For Discussion

Your real name is.... ADRIAN!!
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Old 12-02-2009, 09:55 AM
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Re: For Discussion

Aiya she doesnt know mah... Goodness how can you tell :P
Old 12-02-2009, 10:12 AM
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Re: For Discussion

We get into lot of shits when the small head is the one making decisions.
You had already mentioned your loyalty to your OC.
There is definitely no need to get yourself into this kind of trouble if ONS
without the attachment is your idea.
Old 12-02-2009, 10:16 AM
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Re: For Discussion

in my point of view better dun get too close wif her cz tis kind of cha bo is very troublesome. wats more u mention that she dun even know hw u look like, we will nv know wat a gal is thinking till they tell us or action to let us c.
Old 12-02-2009, 10:21 AM
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Ya, we have seen enough fatal attraction kind of stories...Better stay away and know your limit.
Old 12-02-2009, 10:33 AM
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Re: For Discussion

We don't have place to rear any cows now. So when we go to a farm and see those cows there, we are tempted to milk because we never did before but even if we did before, we still like to milk the cows because we get a bit used to what we have at home.

Sometimes we are tempted to adopt one if we have the capability and keep it ours for a long time.

Have we thought of if that cow got feelings attached and decide to follow you home.

Drink outside can, don't let it out of control and bring that cow home.
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Old 12-02-2009, 10:37 AM
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Re: For Discussion

hi bro , juz to share my ONS experience .
Whenever i m ready to go on ONS , i will always keep my wallet away( juz bring cash ) n ask her to book a room for me , u can find excuse wallet lost , n if she doesnt want to do , then cancell appt with her , tat's for the safety , n if she don mind then u go ahead n enjoy the bonk

ps : off yr h/p during the enjoyment
Old 12-02-2009, 11:18 AM
pewpew pewpew is offline
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Re: For Discussion

Originally Posted by BAD-MAN View Post
ps : off yr h/p during the enjoyment
That is a very bad common mistake made by bros...

Off your Handphone UNTIL YOU REACH HOME, straight away aim for the Charger!!

Because in Singapore, there are only few selected places that have bad reception... So no excuse on why you are not "reachable"....
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Old 12-02-2009, 12:26 PM
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Re: For Discussion

bro TS, i think you have stated in the beginning that you were out looking for a 'fling', or like other bros, was out looking for a 'fling'. that was your main intention?

you love your wife and will not leave her, that shows where your heart is.

now you meet this girl who gave you the impression that is looking for 'true love'(whatever the hell that means) who wants to ONS you, after you ignored her.

hey bro, you hit the spot!

look, men will say anything to get the chick, wouldn't the chicks do the same? only this time, this girl played it right, she got you feeling guilty based on the fact that you already let her know you are married. so, if you ONS her, you feel obligated to her 'true love' tactic.

so i think, maybe along the way of your expedition, you lost sight of your main intention, which is to look for a 'fling'.

you won't leave your wife, would you? keep it simple and don't lose sight of your main intention.

Old 12-02-2009, 12:45 PM
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Re: For Discussion

Originally Posted by adrianus View Post
Sometimes I think guys like me are the worst kind, go around flirting and making people like you but never eat at the end of the day. Maybe should stop entirely.
bro, first of all... can you handle your emotions well? if not, its best you dont eat outside. such flings might be fun but can get messy too. sometimes its safer to stick with commercial sex if you need variety. all the best

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Old 12-02-2009, 01:25 PM
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Re: For Discussion

However strangely, my actions caused her to want me even more. She started to tell me that she want to have a ONS with me, etc. This is even after I told her that I actually have an OC. She tells me that she believes that she will be better for me than my OC.

What would you guys do if you were me?[/QUOTE]

She is using reverse psychology and has the lead...soon you will be putty in her hands. Walk away and don't ever look back.

Briefly, once you bonk her, she owns you. I speak from experience...married or unmarried, it's in the genetic makeup of women. Of all the FBs I have had in the last 10 years, only 1 (out of 18), which is a measly 5%, only wants to meet for sex with very almost zilch emotional attachment. That's it. We part ways once the deed is done - that is, until the next bonk session. Besides, the opportunity cost of us ending up together is way way too much and besides, it's in my genetic makeup to look for FBs no matter with whom I have a long-term relationship.

"She tells me that she believes that she will be better for me than my OC"...this is a scary statement from her and I don't think she means the sex part. If you haven't watched "Fatal Attraction", I suggest that you do so. In the movie, to his dismay a married man's (Michael Douglas) one night stand comes back to haunt him when his lover/sex partner/FB (Glenn Close) begins to stalk him and his family. Art does mirror life...Like I have said, I have experienced it...fortunately, still living to tell the tale.
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