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Old 20-04-2009, 11:04 PM
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Classic Scam by PRC

I love a PRC girl, but I kanna cheat by her

Check this one. So sad this guy got taken like that.
Old 20-04-2009, 11:45 PM
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Re: Classic Scam by PRC

Nottin new.
Heard of such stories here before also, only not in the forum.
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Old 21-04-2009, 09:43 AM
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Re: Classic Scam by PRC

Yea agree with Bro DYBJ, getting conned by someone stating that their relative is sick is not only the trick of PRC, but many other countries. It is also not solely used by WL or FL too... It can be used by many other people. Imagine, last time when I was cheonging Bkk, almost everytime I went to the airport, there would be someone there claiming that their relative was sick and they had to transfer back urgently.. And they had to transfer thru Hk and had not enough money.... So many different times and so many different people...

Or when I went to Beijing and at the hotel lobby was this old grandmother who acted pitiful and said she did not have money to feed the baby....

Friends and brothers and sometimes even sisters... the thing is... when something seems too good to be true... it usually is.. And just because someone rabba you really nice and makes u feel really nice does not mean that she or he loves you. Love takes time!. And you cannot love someone without knowing that someone! When I say knowing, I do not mean knowing her 3sizes... and her bust size and so on... But really where she stays, where she is from and so on... Words can describe a thousand things... but words are just words... They may look you in the eye and tell you they love you... raw you and so on... but these are all not signs of love... even the cleaning of your place, washing your underwear is not.. You just have to see and feel it and trust your gut instinct and not your small head.

Also please do not give money unless you are willing to lose it all. The same applies to a normal person. If a friend comes to you and says he or she needs money to help his or her family... If the person is unable to pay you back...(and this is always a possibility), then you have lost a friend and a lot of money.... If you lend only wat you can afford to lose, you are still helping a fren, but in a way, you are also protecting yourself.

Do not let the small head do the thinking.
To the bros and sistas who have upped my points, pls leave name and when I can, I will do the same. For those who jus enjoy my posts, thank you for enjoying.
Old 21-04-2009, 11:21 AM
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Re: Classic Scam by PRC

Originally Posted by mike1304k View Post
Friends and brothers and sometimes even sisters... the thing is... when something seems too good to be true... it usually is.. And just because someone rabba you really nice and makes u feel really nice does not mean that she or he loves you. Love takes time!. And you cannot love someone without knowing that someone! When I say knowing, I do not mean knowing her 3sizes... and her bust size and so on... But really where she stays, where she is from and so on... Words can describe a thousand things... but words are just words... They may look you in the eye and tell you they love you... raw you and so on... but these are all not signs of love... even the cleaning of your place, washing your underwear is not.. You just have to see and feel it and trust your gut instinct and not your small head.
agree. no doubt the girl may like u at 1st sight because u look good or well groomed but such good feel almost never last as she may just see another better looking chap at the door-step, same day! Love does takes time and alot of mutual understanding to blossom. which is y falling in love is actually kinda energy draining..haha.
Old 26-04-2009, 11:04 AM
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Re: Classic Scam by PRC

Claasic Scam used by ppl all over the world!
Old 27-04-2009, 12:00 AM
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Re: Classic Scam by PRC

Originally Posted by NewandLost View Post
I love a PRC girl, but I kanna cheat by her

Check this one. So sad this guy got taken like that.
well, all these 'FT' r here 4 the same purpose. just that some guys arent aware or choose nt to aware of this fact.
Old 27-04-2009, 10:54 AM
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Re: Classic Scam by PRC

Originally Posted by HCKing View Post
well, all these 'FT' r here 4 the same purpose. just that some guys arent aware or choose nt to aware of this fact.
Well said. There are none so blind as those who do not wish to see.
Old 27-04-2009, 06:13 PM
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Re: Classic Scam by PRC

Haiz........ poor innocent guy, can some1 sent him e link to sbf to learn more ... :0
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Old 27-04-2009, 09:15 PM
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Re: Classic Scam by PRC

Originally Posted by mike1304k View Post
Friends and brothers and sometimes even sisters... the thing is... when something seems too good to be true... it usually is.. And just because someone rabba you really nice and makes u feel really nice does not mean that she or he loves you. Love takes time!. And you cannot love someone without knowing that someone! When I say knowing, I do not mean knowing her 3sizes... and her bust size and so on... But really where she stays, where she is from and so on... Words can describe a thousand things... but words are just words... They may look you in the eye and tell you they love you... raw you and so on... but these are all not signs of love... even the cleaning of your place, washing your underwear is not.. You just have to see and feel it and trust your gut instinct and not your small head.

Also please do not give money unless you are willing to lose it all. The same applies to a normal person. If a friend comes to you and says he or she needs money to help his or her family... If the person is unable to pay you back...(and this is always a possibility), then you have lost a friend and a lot of money.... If you lend only wat you can afford to lose, you are still helping a fren, but in a way, you are also protecting yourself.

Do not let the small head do the thinking.
Bro this is a good thread for warnings to all Bros !
Old 27-04-2009, 09:46 PM
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Re: Classic Scam by PRC

Originally Posted by jon2000sg View Post
Bro this is a good thread for warnings to all Bros !
Nothing new. agreed with bro jon2000sg that this is indeed a good reminder.
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Old 27-04-2009, 11:51 PM
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Re: Classic Scam by PRC

I would say...another dickhead.
Thats what you get for letting you small head think more than big head.
Old 08-05-2009, 04:03 PM
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Re: Classic Scam by PRC

Originally Posted by jchongking View Post
Originally Posted by jon2000sg View Post
Bro this is a good thread for warnings to all Bros !
this is a good thread for all to see u cheated again and again by prc prostitutes
Er... I thought bro jon2000sg is the one whom always cheat PRC prostitutes into letting them have their nude pics taken while you're the one who always went all the way to their homeground, give keychains and have the ground you walk on worshipped by them or something?
Old 08-05-2009, 04:38 PM
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Re: Classic Scam by PRC

Originally Posted by jchongking View Post
this is a good thread for all to see u cheated again and again by prc prostitutes
jchongking, not other people, its YOU!!!
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Old 09-05-2009, 01:34 PM
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Re: Classic Scam by PRC

yes...its a classic scam, especially used by PRC fls.

met a ktv gal over in guangdong area.. things went on quite fine btw the 2 of us, tried to sian her to become my lover, bought her some gifts, made some phone calls to her here n there, bought her to dinners...

of cos, managed to fuck her la, never asked money from me. (but i still gave her some, since she took time off to accompany me, need to pay fine. sometimes i stay her place, so i save on hotel den i pass the hotel rates to her). We had great sex together everytime i visited her.
Went over to visit her about 3 times.

Felt a bit sian and tired of her le, seemed that nothing much to talk over the phone as well. Finally one day, she smsed me, asking to me to lend her money, saying her dad was sick and needed to go for opt bla bla...(immediately alert red). needed lots of money.

in my thoughts, she muz have sensed that i a bit sian of her and she wanna launch a last attempt to rip me off. I told her i unable to get cash and transfer to her now, and she started sending sms to ask me how. Heartless you guys might think, but i took my stand and refuse to lend her money. Finally she called me to ask me directly if i wanna give her, i said no. and she replied in a very buay song tone, saying dun lend den dun lend and slam the phone on me. well, i haven heard from her since den. haha...

even if she called, i wont go back look for her. things turned ugly le so no point. All my savvy 'investment techniques' might just gone down to drain if she managed to plea me into giving her lumpsum this time.

its difficult to verify if her story is true. at the end of the day, u muz noe how much u willing to put in for her. n there is a possibility she might jus vanish after that...

i also muz point out that not all PRCs are liars, some are quite sincere, but u muz be damn lucky to meet them.
Read sizzling story abt 'Attachment in PRC land' under Adult Disc. abt Sex

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Re: Classic Scam by PRC

This is a scam by many FLs.. I visited an FL twice [which I rarely do!] and the third time she told me - I want to go shopping to mustafa. I was and said sorry, some meeting at office so can't come. Next time we will go.

Of course, that was my last visit!
Sorry can't up everyone in 24 hrs! Please bear. tnx.
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