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Young Local FL Phenomenon
There is quite a few 18-20yo local doing FL in the FL Dome, most claim they have no choice because of debts etc. There is also some that are under OKT.
More and more girls are turning to FL because of easy money, i think once they FLing, its very hard for them to quit. I really don't know what is this world is coming to. Of course from the consumer point of view, we welcome this phenomenon. They make us feel younger ![]() but... Imagine you have a 18yo daughter, everyday when she go out you will be worried what has she been doing outside. I really quite worried about the younger generation. Any Views?
ThE 0nLy EasY DaY WaS YesTeRdaY... |
Re: Young Local FL Phenomenon
If you want to make sure your daughter grows up properly, take care of her in her early years. A good father whose daughter is being cared for would not anyhow go out for sex becos they got their father's love.
I will have headache if I dont see a strange piece of pussy every day ![]() For INCOMPLETE LIST OF MASSAGE CENTRES IN BATAM See link below http://www.sammyboyforum.com/showthr...6580&page=1281 |
Re: Young Local FL Phenomenon
The power of money is tremendous. To satisfy one's materialism, u got to have $$$. So, I believe not only bcos of debt but materialism is the main cause that leads to this "phenomenon". I agree with NY88 comment with regard to upbringing. As a parent myself, I think family moral education is very important. Also, beware of who their friends are. I don't mean we have to be regimental. I advise my children with firm discipline but at the same time showing them the respect they expect from us. Is not easy being parents but what to do, is our JOB.
Re: Young Local FL Phenomenon
r u guys sure??
tot tat if a dad is MORE protective.. the MORE his daughter will turn rebellious.. =X i myself is frm a SUPER protective & conservative & traditional family.. ppl outside always comment my parents r good parents.. got a good fillial daughter etc.. but... m i?? if i m.. why m i here?? LOL sometimes to ur kids u need to know how to pull back & let go.. in this way.. they know wads right & wrong.. the consequences if they take tis step.. & measure whether to proceed or to take another route.. =) thus.. being parents r so difficult these days.. peer pressure.. bad influence.. urge to find out & try new things.. |
Re: Young Local FL Phenomenon
Re: Young Local FL Phenomenon
it certainly agree not easy to be parents esp in a era where internet is so commonly used, they are easily exposed to the virtual world.
i really feel sad for the girls FLing if they really have no choice but not because of materialism.
ThE 0nLy EasY DaY WaS YesTeRdaY... |
Re: Young Local FL Phenomenon
Upbringing and education is the only solution. We need to pass the soul of a society from one generation to the other.
Re: Young Local FL Phenomenon
Protective and caring is 2 different thing at home. You CONTROL OVER THEIR LIFE, they rebel. That is normal. Supportive? They grow. Be present in their life? They feel love.
I will have headache if I dont see a strange piece of pussy every day ![]() For INCOMPLETE LIST OF MASSAGE CENTRES IN BATAM See link below http://www.sammyboyforum.com/showthr...6580&page=1281 |
Re: Young Local FL Phenomenon
I agree with newyorker88. trick is how to make them feel your love.
Present moment is an abstract concept till you practise it. Tough that current economic situation is quite bad, especially if you have high mobile bills, utility bills and especially medical bills. Love conqures all still stands... doesn't cost a cent. But can you do it? Hope i did not offend anyone... smiles. |
Re: Young Local FL Phenomenon
control = NO NO.... guess most kids will become rebellious when parents "over protect" or control them....
Re: Young Local FL Phenomenon
I concur with newyorker88.
Supportive = open communications, constant encouragement and involvement in each others lives, not just asking what the child has been up to but sharing their daily events like adults. This way, children will be much more inclined to share their thoughts and fears with the parent and parents will be able to share their values in a more receptive environment to the child. Protective = restricting access to seemingly "risky/dangerous/delinquent" activities, ie; no disco, no camping, no staying out/over @friends place, no this, no that.. sounds familiar? makes you want to lie, cheat about "compulsory school trips" so that you might have some quiet time with that guy whom dad and mum doesn't know about unlike more open minded parents who welcome friends and bf's into their homes so that they can understand who their precious daughter is hanging out with. |
Re: Young Local FL Phenomenon
Economy is bad so ppl turn to FL for easy cash?? Frankly speaking, its only unique in Singapore that sex workers are mostly all from overseas (with very very few exceptions). Besides sex workers, most of the labourers are from other countries too. I believe this gave Singaporeans a false sense of superiority and stereotype (all Filipinos are maids, all Bangladeshis are construction workers etc). Not very good for Singapore psyche if we need to compete in the new world.
Pls pm me for return favour. PS - minimun 5 pointers pls. Tks. ![]() |
Re: Young Local FL Phenomenon
you have
A) work like shite for 1.2k a month b) have sex which you enjoy 6 or so times a month and earn the same. 6 x fuck session, lets say 2 hour per session, and another 2 hour for travelling. 6 x 4 = 24. work 24hour, shake leg the other 30 days of the month. ![]() so is it ethical to go out clubbing, have sex with many partner and get paid fuck-all, or consciously go for the sex and get the monies? a US stripper said in an interview: if they wanna pay money for seeing the tits that i use to feed my children, fine, then pay me. strangely nobody seems to say "wah JAV and porn actress so shameless right? fuck for money. " ![]()
Chameleonic online accent:Whatever I goddamn want to be. Great Red Dragon's Lair: http://www.sammyboyforum.com/showthread.php?t=389160 1st ever file GIVING/trading thread in sbf Proud owner of the largest publicly known Sharon Kho and Kelly Arrow Tan picture set ![]() |
Re: Young Local FL Phenomenon
sunday TNP got highlight models turn FL ler.. will go read up, kekeke
4/7/12: Cleared my inbox. Can send me message again. Ran with hot pink FBT shorts, inner netting removed, can feel so many eyes ogling at my long fleshy legs. Selective lady who is nymphomaniac and like to wear sexy when clubbing. Message/Add me as contact to club together. |
Re: Young Local FL Phenomenon
The best way to prevent ya daughter from being rebellious and turning bad?
Read my signature. ![]() A happy family natually will churn out socially responsible off-spring. ![]()
The best thing a father can do for his children is to love their mother. I like BBBJ. I like CIM too. I like Girls Who Swallow Even More. ![]() |
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