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Old 27-11-2003, 01:18 PM
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Talking Interesting Place Out of KL

Some might have heard of this new place called Hotel Chile in Puchong. For those who are wondering where this place is, it is opposite the IOI Mall in Puchong. For those wondering where Puchong is... its about 25-30mins out of KL City and about 5-10mins away from Sunway Pyramids Shopping Centre.

Here is the lowdown.....

Introduction of Establishment
Its a New HC. Its mainly PRC. Its got 'special rooms' where you find a jacuzzi / hot-tub instead of a shower and for those who like visual aids.... a tv and vcd player that plays 'that kinda thing' for an additional RM 20. Usual SPA / Sauna facilities, nothing grand nor fancy but sufficient.

The operation hours are late.. not sure when they start but they finish at 5am!!!! Open daily i think... and if you are hungry, food is served 1 block away (mamak style).

The good bits:
Imagine you are sitting on a couch and in comes the contestants for Miss Hunan / Shenzan / Guangzhou 2004 in bikinis / bra+thong/panty along with their number pinned on their side. The number of contestants range from 10 - 15 or 20 i've seen. Maybe more but was quite late. (was at 130am)

Financial Matters -
RM 198 inclusive of spa usage
there are some apparently who cost RM10 or RM 20 more than the usual.... not much diff but pls be aware.

Review -
I assure you that contestants are of fairly good quality. There are leggy ones, busty ones, sexy ones, cute schoolgirl look types as well that will cater to all.
Feedback from fellow judges rated services to be of good standing though i am sure some may be of average performance.

One of my fellow judges was in for about 1hr and 45mins at no extra charge nor was there interruptions from the management of the establishment. He was apparently blown in the tub, seated on the tub, leaning against the wall and then on the bed before the usual hump and pump. Me thinks her number was 60.

Have fun to all who would be interested to be on the panel of judges for this particular competition!! Try it while it's still new!
Old 02-12-2003, 09:44 PM
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Also heard of this place before. Known to have the prettiest PRC gals in KL. The ang pai there are 79, 61, 81 and 53, according to the cheongsters of KL. But problem is that the place is quite out-of-way. Also, during weekends, the place is packed with viewers to see the gals there. So, you might not get a seat there. Just back from KL, no time to drop by. Maybe next time
Old 03-12-2003, 01:36 PM
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Helps needed

Clean & decent type Unisex Spa?
Going to KL weekend with gf staying Subang area.

Any bros can help recommend some clean & decent type of Spa or Aroma therapy massage tat for both in same room (steam/sauna/spa)

Onli knew Spa at KL city : Wisma HLA & Lion-now Citibank but onli for male and at Penang : 1 of the all suite hotel

Old 03-12-2003, 05:16 PM
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This thread on hanky-panky jointlah.
Old 03-12-2003, 07:06 PM
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By the way, they serve Russkies as well at Rm 250.00. Saw two, not that great but friend was raving about a particular one he had a few days back.

I say stick to the PRC =)
Old 04-12-2003, 06:58 AM
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Originally posted by seafoodgumbo
I say stick to the PRC =)
Thanks to u bro seafoodgumbo!

It'll sure be a must visit 4 me on my upcoming biz trip on the 12-13 dec! BTW, sorry but can I just flag a cab from KL city that'll take me to Hotel Chile in Puchong?? Do most of the cabbies know the hotel?

Last but not least....I concur on em PRC babes!

Many Thanks,
The Hustler
Old 04-12-2003, 10:29 AM
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Originally posted by The_Hustler
Thanks to u bro seafoodgumbo!

It'll sure be a must visit 4 me on my upcoming biz trip on the 12-13 dec! BTW, sorry but can I just flag a cab from KL city that'll take me to Hotel Chile in Puchong?? Do most of the cabbies know the hotel?

Last but not least....I concur on em PRC babes!

Many Thanks,
The Hustler
Bro The Hustler,

Ok...... catching a cab from the City to Puchong is quite a distance... Sadly this haven of sin has chosen quite a 'remote' location. It's not that bad as it sounds so relax.... Maybe about 20-25km from City Centre I'd say.

Here's what i can suggest.... Hotel Chile isn't exactly a renowned 5 star establishment therefore cabbies might wonder where the hell that is... To aid him... remember to mention it's opposite the IOI Mall in Puchong. In the event that you are unable to find a cab from the City to take you to Puchong which may sometimes happen... you can catch a cab to the Sunway Pyramid Shopping Complex (which is a common destination) and then catch another cab from there to Chile. It's on the way so its just not out of the way more of a checkpoint to hop out and in. Sunway Pyramid can also be a good place to pass time and have a meal in event you wanna kill a bit of time before or after your pilgrimage.

Old 04-12-2003, 02:47 PM
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Originally posted by seafoodgumbo
Bro The Hustler,

Ok...... catching a cab from the City to Puchong is quite a distance... Sadly this haven of sin has chosen quite a 'remote' location. It's not that bad as it sounds so relax.... Maybe about 20-25km from City Centre I'd say.

Here's what i can suggest.... Hotel Chile isn't exactly a renowned 5 star establishment therefore cabbies might wonder where the hell that is... To aid him... remember to mention it's opposite the IOI Mall in Puchong. In the event that you are unable to find a cab from the City to take you to Puchong which may sometimes happen... you can catch a cab to the Sunway Pyramid Shopping Complex (which is a common destination) and then catch another cab from there to Chile. It's on the way so its just not out of the way more of a checkpoint to hop out and in. Sunway Pyramid can also be a good place to pass time and have a meal in event you wanna kill a bit of time before or after your pilgrimage.
The worst problem for getting a cab if you do not know the roads are you will see them avoiding tolls and drive you all about before you end up in a hefty sum.

My experience in KL is always go for meter, do not entertain any additional charges, it is not necessary. Depending on the traffic, you taxi fare should not exceed $15 on good condition and $20 during normal traffic jam.

One of the fastest way to Puchong from KL is via Sungei Besi, followed by Kesas Highway (theres a RM$1.50 toll) turn out at 2nd exit to Puchong, keep right and go over the flyover, keep left and turn left when you see IOI mall on your right. It is the newest building in that area.

Last edited by Pricker; 04-12-2003 at 02:50 PM.
Old 06-12-2003, 10:28 AM
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Just some additional tips to share with fellow brudders about Puchong... Regardless of whether you are coming from KL to Puchong or the other way round, try to avoid peak hours like 5-6pm, the traffic is so congested and cabbies will try to rip you off RM30 for a 30mins journey...
Old 10-12-2003, 09:46 AM
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Originally posted by alphaone
Just some additional tips to share with fellow brudders about Puchong... Regardless of whether you are coming from KL to Puchong or the other way round, try to avoid peak hours like 5-6pm, the traffic is so congested and cabbies will try to rip you off RM30 for a 30mins journey...
Very true.... I would only recommend this venue for after hours evening to the wee hours of the morning as it is one of the few establishments i know of that operates till 5am with sufficient stock. Travelling would be faster and easier but not for those cabbing it of course.
Old 11-12-2003, 09:42 PM
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Btw, any brudders know what time does this place start in the afternoon? 3 pm??
Old 15-12-2003, 09:19 AM
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Originally posted by alphaone
Btw, any brudders know what time does this place start in the afternoon? 3 pm??
Not too sure Alphaone, 3pm quite likely to open its doors to the public but unsure if the PRC's start at that time. Most of them stay on-site apparently so it may be quite likely that they would be there... but they do get off at 5am daily....
Old 15-12-2003, 04:58 PM
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Originally posted by seafoodgumbo
Not too sure Alphaone, 3pm quite likely to open its doors to the public but unsure if the PRC's start at that time. Most of them stay on-site apparently so it may be quite likely that they would be there... but they do get off at 5am daily....
I always tot afternoon would be a good time, especially when you are the 1st few.. hopefully can catch them when they are still fresh at the start...

Hey brudder seafoodgumbo, if you dun mind.. next time you go down chio me leh..
Old 16-12-2003, 11:47 AM
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Originally posted by alphaone
I always tot afternoon would be a good time, especially when you are the 1st few.. hopefully can catch them when they are still fresh at the start...

Hey brudder seafoodgumbo, if you dun mind.. next time you go down chio me leh..
No problem Alphaone,

email me at [email protected].

PUCHONG = new smut destination
Old 16-12-2003, 04:38 PM
CuntMan CuntMan is offline
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I don't mind to give u guys a trip to Puchong. Provided i'm around the same area u guys r at. Currently only cheong Klang, sunway, KL area. Puchong, only Puchong Perdana area. It's a KTV cum lsb. Exterior is like a Pub, but behold........... there's more inside.
PM me if there's any outing...........

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