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Come across this interesting article and post for leisure reading…....care to share your thought on this article?…….seem quite true in real life.
男人不坏,女人不爱 其实每个男孩,本来都是想做一个感情专一的好男人的。 其实每个男孩,本来看女孩子都是看脸而不是胸部的。 其实每个男孩,本来都是不会讲黄色笑话的。 其实每个男孩,本来都是渴望爱一个人直到永远的。 只是,没有任何女孩爱这样的男孩,她们觉得这样的男孩太幼稚,太古板,没有情趣。 于是男孩开始改变,变成女孩喜欢的那种嘴角挂着坏坏的笑玩世不恭或者幽默,开始学会说甜言蜜语而不是心里想 说的话,开始学会假装关心,学会给女孩送小饰物讨好她,学会如何追求,如何把握爱情。或者看破红尘,游戏情 场,成为女人恨恨的那种男人。他们可以很容易俘获女孩子的心但是他们也会在黑的夜里叼着烟流泪心里有爱的时 候,没有女孩。有了女孩,却永远没有了爱的感觉 在听到女人抱怨世上没有一个好男人时候 他们不会再去努力做个好男人,只是微笑着擦肩而过。 其实,男人的坏是为女人量身定做的,也是女人推波助澜的。有名著伪证,张爱玲说:如果你不调戏女人,她会说 你不是一个男人;如果你调戏她,她又说你不是一个上等人。如此,做男人就难了。男人们只好选择:宁愿不做上 等人,也要先做个男人,哪怕是个坏男人。把这句话延伸开去,类似的问题太多了,每一点都在催促 男人坏---- 如果你赞美她,她会认为你是有目的的,但要是你不赞美她,她会认为你太没绅士风度了;假如你把气氛控制很浪 漫,你就一定是情场老手,如果不是,那你根本还不够成熟。 如果你常常去找她,她会觉得烦腻,但是如果你不去找她,她会责备你薄情寡义。 如果你吃醋,她会说你心胸狭隘,可是如果你完全不吃醋,她又会认为你根本不把她放在眼里。 如果你过马路的时候没有照顾他,那你这人缺乏教养,要是你小心照顾他过马路,她又会说这是男人 的花招。 如果你飞快的吻她一下,她会说你这人很冷漠,如果你吻的太多,她会大叫说你吃她豆腐。 你若是多看了某个女人两眼,她会指责你到处对女人调情,如果是其他男人盯着她看,她会说他们只 是欣赏而已。 在女人如此复杂的天罗地网中,男人不得不每天变坏一点点坏到一定境界。他就坏的极有味道,坏的令人心动,他 就是这个新坏男人时代的领风人物了,是男性世界给女人预备的毒药。 呜呼,君要臣死,臣不得不死;女要男坏,男人们巴不得撒开了怀。 Wat's your choice??
You cannot manage your life if you do not manage your self. You cannot manage your self if you do not manage your choices. Manage your choices, and you will manage your life.” |
Re: 到底该坏坏??还是乖乖??
Just be yourself, but whether you are bad or good, BE CONSISTENT!
The way to beat them is also on this consistency thing, it will send them to the edge. So the best is, be consistently unpredictable. |
Re: 到底该坏坏??还是乖乖??
Learn the rules of the game. Then play accordingly. Follow the rules when necessary, and break them when necessary. Like what bro colins said, you need to be consistently unpredictable. This is also known as the fishing theory.
Bro NightHawk88, don't read too much of these stuff. Some is good for general awareness. The more you read, the smaller your balls become. You learn to be overly cautious and end up being afraid of doing anything. Action speaks louder than words |
Re: 到底该坏坏??还是乖乖??
Wow well said bro ............ Proudly present ..... SBF: "Bro Colins no. 2" |
Re: 到底该坏坏??还是乖乖??
No lah..I have a lot to learn still!
Re: 到底该坏坏??还是乖乖??
basically for a r/s to work it all boils down to both parties chemistry. all these good and bad guy good and bad girl stuffs only works during courtship. ( may not even work if the other party is the experienced and street wise type who can see thru an iron mask ) after both parties enter a r/s it's a matter of time u get to see the true colours and these true colours will be one of the crucial factors in determining the outcome of the r/s. so like wat bro colins said its better to be yrself and all will be well.
Re: 到底该坏坏??还是乖乖??
IMHO, women prefer us to be : Good, gentleman, romantic, understanding and caring ..... on the surface ..... but on bed, they prefer us to be as naughty and as cheeky as possible.
Re: 到底该坏坏??还是乖乖??
Girl dont like men who treat them too nice ... they want to be conquered ... |
Re: 到底该坏坏??还是乖乖??
reply u in my poor english cos type faster my gf used to spent more time on her work than with me i come sbf find fls to play she saw infors in hp, get angry blow up volcano erupt tot everything over for us le ? nope she stick to me like honey now so be bad or gd i dunno |
Re: 到底该坏坏??还是乖乖??
Re: 到底该坏坏??还是乖乖??
already mentioned and very old saying:-
girl will like their man to be naughty and likewise man wants their girl to be naughty while in bed. |
Re: 到底该坏坏??还是乖乖??
不 好 ... 當 她 好... 好... 當 她 不 好...
Re: 到底该坏坏??还是乖乖??
retirement start from 01/03/210 now in newbie and football section hiding from my zapper frenz Armen....救星 |
Re: 到底该坏坏??还是乖乖??
Well said, modify a bit,
人世间, 很无奈, 女人变坏就有钱,男人有钱就变坏 |
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