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Health Centre and KTV lounge Tangos It's supposed to be a state secret but you can get great SEX at these places too. Discretion advised.

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Old 18-04-2003, 04:02 PM
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Fortune 11 at Fook Hai Building

Ok, decided to start this thread because most of the F11 information is stuck in other threads. Think it's high time this gem of a KTV gets some exposure.

To kick off things off, I have posted AhGong's FR from KEFOS outing last night
Old 18-04-2003, 04:05 PM
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The Super 7 of F11

The super 7 of F11. (Bazic606, Lurpsexx, AhGong, STA123, +Shagman69, +Beemer. +Teo)

On the eve of good friday, KEFOS force was split into 2 squad. ONe elite force led by my CO etnic attack enemy "century" while the other is led by Stand in CO and OC Bazic606 and Lurpsexx attack F11. The men met up in Raffles MRT station for mission briefing. THis mission involved some new recuits. Let's see their profile:

Beemer - Very muscular guy. New to only local teritories. Like to show off his body with nice tatoo and sexy underwear. Definitely sporting for everything.

Teo - THe quiet Virgin. First mission. A bit gan Jiong. But never under-estimate this man. His frenching skill is one of the main attraction of the night. Although he keep on saying not enough O2.

Shagman69 - THe china specialist. His connection is so wide that we sometime wonder if he's the supplier for all the "Beautiful dishes." Although his out-look doesn't strike you as the White horse prince but his skills can be put into any record books of the world. We have a new nick for him "GOD".

It all started when the Super 7 stormed the enemy compound around 9.45pm. THe place was quiet. It seems to be a party night for all....but no. It was a similar situation from last SP mission.

All team memebrs pick their position. THen the girls comes in.

Bazic and Lurpsexx - since this is their home base, their girls have already been reserved.

STA123 - This is just not his night. both girls he got not happening. so can only be our sentry post. keep looking at the others. Better luck next time bro.

AHGONG - Got the best looking gal of the night. But total disappointment. Can look cannot see. Maybe she pretty that's why she butterfly so much. SHe did strip everything when we play the striping dice game. Veri young.

Teo the virgin - his girl is a cute little thing. When she knows that Teo is virgin, straight starts her attack. Teo was shock and later ask to exchange. bad choice. the next one come in more wild. She starts to suck our teo's mouth until he cannot tahan. THis girl is also one of the violent one. Like to attack bros weapon. Beware.

Beemer - first girl came in. Fun and playful, looks dept not so good. Not Beemer's type. Later Ahgong help to change for him. HIs replacement came very late. Suggested he take teo's reject. He wanted to wait for his replacement. took Teo's first girl. Brilliant choices. His girls was doing him all over. He even do the almost full monty. LAter he was gentlemen enough to send her to where we don't know. hehe

Shagman69 - got a girl that was quite huge in size. THis is another violent one. CAn play people cannot be played. Like to attack bros weapon. Beware. But she is sporting enough and very wild. Tried to arouse bro shag but unsuccessful in the first part. Later both shag and her lose all the clothes in a game of dice. Kudos to both. But this is not the best part. After she lose her clothes, her mind also loose. Start tearing our shag's brief. Heard from shag, it almost burn his weapon into ashes. Hahaha....and not forgetting he tranform himself to ultraman later part of the night.

Everyone who read the FR would think that our mission CO and OC of the night no happening right? Wrong. First Bazic got to ruba ruba his girl's headlight then got a bj from the asst mummy. his low profile doesn't fool us. He's just busy attacking his target.

As for Lurpsexx, this time due to the MIA spaceman and Vest, the mass attack force cannot be carry on 2nite. He did finally do a live firing for the night. He was rode by his girl. His girl was pretty high due to too much drink. But can see she also enjoy the horse ride.

Mission ended ard 2.45am. Overall mission was good. The debrief session was done with all except beemer. Shagman69 have decided to set home base in this joint. AHGONG's Miss A**** later call him on his HP. Looks like he will set a new base in SP with bro CocknBull soon.

Brought to you by AHGONG production,
Old 18-04-2003, 06:07 PM
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Bro Etnic,
Bro Ahgong is so fast.
Heres to add to Bro Ahgong's FR on my part.
My Chick, Ms S is wild and to certain extend seems interesting enough to arouse me. Quite accommodating. Only setback was she butterfly too much.
When Bro Bazic606 said I want his underwear! She started to tear it out. My boxers nearly cut my balls! Knowing she cannot pull them off, she set it on fire to burn it off! Shit!
Bro Beemer came to the rescue with a bottle of mineral water on me.
The only thing missing is a Digicam to capture the exciting moments for training aids purpose.
Bro Bazic606 was the quiet but deadly one. He got the Asst. Mummy down on her knees. I personally thinks he loves Minahs!
Bro Lurpsexx live firing session was interesting. I tried to peek at his chicks bottom but could not see a thing. They were so tightly connected I could not make out a thing?
Bro Beemer was having the time of his life after changing to Mr T's gal. I must say the ex-Mr T's gal was quite sensational. Bro T, Quiet for the whole night. His later chick resembles my ex in Hangzhou. (Chen Yan) of course Chen Yan has better figure!
STA123 was the OOW(Officer Of the Watch in Naval Terms) today. On duty and watching.
I would say the dice game was the highlights of the night where all Bro participated with their chicks. The chicks will stripe after losing. Before long, my Ms S lost everything and it was my turn. needless to say, with her crapy skills, I have to perform a full monty for eveyone in the room. Not to mention I have to lose my undies later part of the night.
Nonetheless, we all had a great time despite the butterflying. All bros were good sport and entertaining.
I think I will make this my home base when I am in Singapore and time permits.
By the way, Bro Etnic, how do I get that KEFOS logo under my nick?
Damn! I'm Dumb.
Old 18-04-2003, 06:37 PM
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Good kinky stuff!

Well done brudders for your successful raid mission! More please!

Now tempted to join the UN mission, plus I have a repertoire of strip games (specialty). kekekek
Old 18-04-2003, 06:41 PM
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Re: F11

Originally posted by shagman69

When Bro Bazic606 said I want his underwear! She started to tear it out. My boxers nearly cut my balls! Knowing she cannot pull them off, she set it on fire to burn it off! Shit!
Bro Beemer came to the rescue with a bottle of mineral water on me.
Woo hoo!!! Your lil bro sure had its exciting moments last night...One moment hot, the next wet...heh heh

Bro Shagman69, I tried to PM you instructions for getting the KEFOS avatar but your PM box is full leh...can clear it? Thanks!

Erm AhGong...clear yours also
Old 18-04-2003, 06:43 PM
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Re: Good kinky stuff!

Originally posted by 2003_newbie
Well done brudders for your successful raid mission! More please!

Now tempted to join the UN mission, plus I have a repertoire of strip games (specialty). kekekek
Register your details with us early to avoid disapointment. Don't last minute ask to join for outing
Old 18-04-2003, 07:54 PM
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First KTV Outing

thanks to all the guys who brought me to F11 last night. This is a real eye-opener for me cos i've never been to such a happening KTV before. The first girl i had she's young, slim,average looking. Knowing that it's my first time there she tried to put me at ease. But somehow i jus can't click with her i also dunno why.
So later request to change girl. Then the brothers recommend a even hotter chick for me. First minute come in introduce each other names and shake hands come and sit on my groin area and start grinding away. I'm realli not used to this kind of thing but i tried to play along with her. French kiss her and i must say she's a good kisser. Then also do some digging here and there. But too bad her neh-neh too small liao. Nothing much to grab.

hehe paiseh huh i'm not realli good in writing an FR. All the other brothers had their fun too except bros STA123 and ahgong. Later on ahgong even demanded that the mummy sit with him the next time we go there. But one thing quite bad yesterday was the girls tend to go away for too long a time and sometimes there will onli be one gal inside the room with us.

Looking foward to the next trip with you guys again!

Old 18-04-2003, 09:48 PM
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MailBox Cleared

Originally posted by etnic
Woo hoo!!! Your lil bro sure had its exciting moments last night...One moment hot, the next wet...heh heh

Bro Shagman69, I tried to PM you instructions for getting the KEFOS avatar but your PM box is full leh...can clear it? Thanks!

Erm AhGong...clear yours also
Cleared my mail box. Just let your mails (kindly note its mails not milk) flow.
Hope we could plan another one soon.
I will post FR after I get Ms S in my bed.

Damn! I'm Dumb.
Old 19-04-2003, 02:10 PM
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Greetings from Genting Highlands

Yo Bros!

Greetings ! It is f***ing cold up here. But,it was sure a hot night yesterday evening....

First, must thank Bro Spaceman for arranging this wonderful nite for the 7 of us. Without his liaison with Mummy Doreen,it would be tough to get the girls androom. Thanks Bro !

What happened...

Bazic- low profile by not low on action. Had the minahs for the nite and did asst mummy Eva(again) and another gal (dunno her name) .But he did get his rocks off towards the end of the evening.... I even offered him my strawberry tool,but was sadly rejected...

TeoKG:as mentioned by other bros, this one raw.But learning fast with help from Miss M*******. She did show him the ropes, and he showed her his dick (?)

AhGong : Teacher tonite did not impart his skills to us or his gal....maybe short tio Miss A**** already? Only time will tell.But nonetheless, it was fun having him around toperk things up when things were quiet... Thanks bro.

Stan - he did not have his luck wif his 2 gals....maybe not his type... sorry pal ! next time I'll help you recce more happening one. Stood sentry for us yesterday nite.

Shagman69 - this one is a " China wo hu chang long". He could be our GOD for China, and this man is a walking encyclopaedia for China escapades. As for last night, he was very sporting and very hot! (literally!). He did the full monty without a whimper and became "Salty Egg Superman" wif his gals bra. Damn funny man! and I split my sides laughing with him. As for the fire incident, thankfully we did not have to call the fire brigade as Bro Beemer was on hand wif the water bucket. Or else, we might have ended up with a Goreng Pisang last nite! KEKEKEKEKEKEKEKE !! Miss S***** likes to play "tear his underwear" game and this can be verified by her victims Bazic and Shagman... incidently the trigger for her fetish last night on Shagman was thanks to a reminder by bro Bazic... anyway, hope you had a fun nite and happy to know you like F11 to make it your base...

Bro Beemer - he is one enthusiastic and happening bro! Initially rejected his gal and had to wait awhile for his Cinderella to turn up. His wait was not in vain, and could see his face light up when he met Miss C. Once she start happening on him, he responded correspondingly and almost did a full monty... nice bod and ang kongs bro ! Maybe when Miss C saw his body, wah ! also start to get hot man! To cut long story short, he did almost everything wif her and some more..... Hope you loved your gal bro! She is most chio and most happening one for you and all bros last night.... Anyway, naughty naughty! Said you were sending her home... but ended somewhere else rite?! Hmmmm, maybe you'd want to fill us in on that huh?! (we are still waiting for your FR) Good job being a fire man ! Next time when Miss S**** is around, bring a water bucket along!

Me (Lurpsexx) - what can I say? Got humped and blown away by my gal last night. I decided to make her my regular at F11 before going there and she did not disappoint me. Early in evening, she was avoiding my slight advances and I tot liao lah! she cannot play again...then, when she said the night is still young, I gave her the benefit of the doubt. We started playing dices and off came the other gals clothes (Shagman69 and AhGong gals). My one good at 5-10 and dice too...Hmmmm... I told her she is my regular from now on and she said she will try to spend more time wif me... she did not disappoint me for the evening, tho she did butterfly away for quite a while as got many customers... my moment of the nite came when she later came staggering back as she was already high on drinks. Being the gentleman that I am, I took her into my arms to let her rest. Sometimes, we must understand that tho' these ladies are working for their money, but they are human too. Showing a love and care can go a long way.....(paraphrased Bro AhGong on this). Anyway, she fulfilled her earlier promise to me and we started getting intimate. I got blown and later humped, and WE enjoyed every moment of it. A word of caution for Bros... when playing (BJ, Fj or whatever J) it is highly advisable to wear caps. I did this and was not too overwhelmed by her loving to forget this mantra. You might not know who she slept with or did what before you. I guess treating your gal with care and concern does go a long way ,now and in the future. Gave her her due worth, and did not take advantage of her being tipsy. Must be done if I were to make her my regular at F11. Bros advised me that she is a bit siao and need to take caution for ta pao ( if it ever came to that). Took heed of their advise and noticed she is also quite into entertaining clients, pouring their drinks and tia with them..... Hmmm, am I sort tio her ? Maybe I am, and will try to keep it that way (barring any unforseen circumstances or new gals) KEKEKE!!
Went home at 4.45am and got onto bus at 7am. Never sleep until now. So very zombie when I am typing this.

A filler abt situation at Genting: saw some postings abt FL gals here ( PRCS , Russkies etc). But saw only a few gals ( 2 russkies and 1-2 PRCs) , not very chio, typical mei mei looks. But got quite a few OKTs hanging around. Now looking at 2 PRCs , and one of them look ilke 15-16, cute cute...Hmmm, is hat my didi calling again? Dunno, but a bit tempted now... KEKEKEKE !!!!

Last night was a most fun nite for us all, esp. me, and it was worth the effort organising this for the bros.

So, when are we going to cheong again???
Old 19-04-2003, 02:42 PM
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Wah wah wah,

Our bro Lurpsexx went into the highland to get enlightenment ah?

Anyway, U must let us know how your training is going when u r back ok? As from your FR, i can see u r happy that u finally fire your weapon at the slightlu drunk or high enemy. I guess u have finally learn the fishing theory. Sometime you need to pull and sometime you need to let go. Showing care to yr girl is good but must show her that when she is more sober. Nvm there will be more nights to come. However, we all enjoy your humpy session. hehehe....
Old 19-04-2003, 03:38 PM
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wah lao! F11 suddenly become so happening ah? been there twice before and experience sucks big time! sigh.... guess we are not that "AR" with the mummy there lah....

sian sianzzzz...... mm..... maybe planning attack next week, seven6, you up for it?
Old 19-04-2003, 04:03 PM
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Like I always say, the services in Singapore can never compare to PRC.
But with the right crowd like we had that night, we are wild and had great fun.
I will definitely do it again, be it full monty or Ultraman. Who cares?
Its the fun we all will have that counts.
Damn! I'm Dumb.
Old 19-04-2003, 04:19 PM
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Re: F11

Originally posted by shagman69
Like I always say, the services in Singapore can never compare to PRC.
But with the right crowd like we had that night, we are wild and had great fun.
I will definitely do it again, be it full monty or Ultraman. Who cares?
Its the fun we all will have that counts.
true true, we cannot all be Roberts lah
Old 19-04-2003, 05:14 PM
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Re: Greetings from Genting Highlands

Hi all,

Is my turn now!! Sorry for the late reply as I was basically having war on Friday (with my fiance - DISASTERS!!

Anyway, after we left F11, both of us were dead tired and off we went to a nearby hotel (Sheraton), and was quoted $190++.. Too expensive, and off we went to Frangance hotel, and before that I drop by 7-eleven to get my amour for the night!!

Cut short the whole story, we check in the hotel and shower, and have sex!! Her attitude was pretty good as she simply treated me like her BF, and although there was no BJ, but we had a good 20mins sex, whacking her real hard and could feel that she was really enjoying herself and most of all, reach her organism!!

The only thing about her was she was very small frame (30+ kg), and could feel her bones everytime during the sexual intercourse, could feel that she was also hungry for sex as she love deep penetration, pushing me even deeper into her hole!!

Looks:7/10(Quite pretty)
Body:5/10(Too thin)
Boobs:5/10 (small)
Skin: 6/10
Service:8/10 (Kind of a relationship than just 1-night stand attitiude from her)

The next morning sent her back, and got a good bye kiss from her and was told that I am more than welcome to ask her out the next time!!

Total damage= $250 / overnight
Hotel= $58
Drinks = $80++

BTW I will really like to appreciate my thanks to all the Bos (Bro Shag, Lurpsexx, Bazic606, Ah Gong, T**, STA123 It was a real eye-opener, and can't wait for the next outing with all of you!!

Old 19-04-2003, 05:32 PM
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Re: Greetings from Genting Highlands

Originally posted by lurpsexx
Yo Bros!

Greetings ! It is f***ing cold up here. But,it was sure a hot night yesterday evening....

First, must thank Bro Spaceman for arranging this wonderful nite for the 7 of us. Without his liaison with Mummy Doreen,it would be tough to get the girls androom. Thanks Bro !

What happened...

Bazic- low profile by not low on action. Had the minahs for the nite and did asst mummy Eva(again) and another gal (dunno her name) .But he did get his rocks off towards the end of the evening.... I even offered him my strawberry tool,but was sadly rejected...

TeoKG:as mentioned by other bros, this one raw.But learning fast with help from Miss M*******. She did show him the ropes, and he showed her his dick (?)

AhGong : Teacher tonite did not impart his skills to us or his gal....maybe short tio Miss A**** already? Only time will tell.But nonetheless, it was fun having him around toperk things up when things were quiet... Thanks bro.

Stan - he did not have his luck wif his 2 gals....maybe not his type... sorry pal ! next time I'll help you recce more happening one. Stood sentry for us yesterday nite.

Shagman69 - this one is a " China wo hu chang long". He could be our GOD for China, and this man is a walking encyclopaedia for China escapades. As for last night, he was very sporting and very hot! (literally!). He did the full monty without a whimper and became "Salty Egg Superman" wif his gals bra. Damn funny man! and I split my sides laughing with him. As for the fire incident, thankfully we did not have to call the fire brigade as Bro Beemer was on hand wif the water bucket. Or else, we might have ended up with a Goreng Pisang last nite! KEKEKEKEKEKEKEKE !! Miss S***** likes to play "tear his underwear" game and this can be verified by her victims Bazic and Shagman... incidently the trigger for her fetish last night on Shagman was thanks to a reminder by bro Bazic... anyway, hope you had a fun nite and happy to know you like F11 to make it your base...

Bro Beemer - he is one enthusiastic and happening bro! Initially rejected his gal and had to wait awhile for his Cinderella to turn up. His wait was not in vain, and could see his face light up when he met Miss C. Once she start happening on him, he responded correspondingly and almost did a full monty... nice bod and ang kongs bro ! Maybe when Miss C saw his body, wah ! also start to get hot man! To cut long story short, he did almost everything wif her and some more..... Hope you loved your gal bro! She is most chio and most happening one for you and all bros last night.... Anyway, naughty naughty! Said you were sending her home... but ended somewhere else rite?! Hmmmm, maybe you'd want to fill us in on that huh?! (we are still waiting for your FR) Good job being a fire man ! Next time when Miss S**** is around, bring a water bucket along!

Me (Lurpsexx) - what can I say? Got humped and blown away by my gal last night. I decided to make her my regular at F11 before going there and she did not disappoint me. Early in evening, she was avoiding my slight advances and I tot liao lah! she cannot play again...then, when she said the night is still young, I gave her the benefit of the doubt. We started playing dices and off came the other gals clothes (Shagman69 and AhGong gals). My one good at 5-10 and dice too...Hmmmm... I told her she is my regular from now on and she said she will try to spend more time wif me... she did not disappoint me for the evening, tho she did butterfly away for quite a while as got many customers... my moment of the nite came when she later came staggering back as she was already high on drinks. Being the gentleman that I am, I took her into my arms to let her rest. Sometimes, we must understand that tho' these ladies are working for their money, but they are human too. Showing a love and care can go a long way.....(paraphrased Bro AhGong on this). Anyway, she fulfilled her earlier promise to me and we started getting intimate. I got blown and later humped, and WE enjoyed every moment of it. A word of caution for Bros... when playing (BJ, Fj or whatever J) it is highly advisable to wear caps. I did this and was not too overwhelmed by her loving to forget this mantra. You might not know who she slept with or did what before you. I guess treating your gal with care and concern does go a long way ,now and in the future. Gave her her due worth, and did not take advantage of her being tipsy. Must be done if I were to make her my regular at F11. Bros advised me that she is a bit siao and need to take caution for ta pao ( if it ever came to that). Took heed of their advise and noticed she is also quite into entertaining clients, pouring their drinks and tia with them..... Hmmm, am I sort tio her ? Maybe I am, and will try to keep it that way (barring any unforseen circumstances or new gals) KEKEKE!!
Went home at 4.45am and got onto bus at 7am. Never sleep until now. So very zombie when I am typing this.

A filler abt situation at Genting: saw some postings abt FL gals here ( PRCS , Russkies etc). But saw only a few gals ( 2 russkies and 1-2 PRCs) , not very chio, typical mei mei looks. But got quite a few OKTs hanging around. Now looking at 2 PRCs , and one of them look ilke 15-16, cute cute...Hmmm, is hat my didi calling again? Dunno, but a bit tempted now... KEKEKEKE !!!!

Last night was a most fun nite for us all, esp. me, and it was worth the effort organising this for the bros.

So, when are we going to cheong again???
Dont b surprised bro, sm of them really r 15-16 yrs old... damn young..
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