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Old 16-03-2010, 02:11 PM
joemon joemon is offline
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J Neo press conference

After watching J N press conference a few times, I cant help thinking that his wife was dragged there n her words were scripted.The 1st 2 mins Jack was pouring his tear n next 5 mins shouting loudly n angrily to the camera men to get lost.In Sunday Times pic. he looked happy n smiling away.It seems to me he is still the same old Jack.
Old 16-03-2010, 03:22 PM
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Re: J Neo press conference

wat do u expect?

affairs this kind of thing wil ruin his career esp wif ppl who wanna boycott his films lol so he gotta act it up along wif his poor wife who depend on his money to live on, and wif the children also..
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Old 16-03-2010, 03:48 PM
DNDme DNDme is offline
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Re: J Neo press conference

i would say the worst hit is the wife... but however she should be nominated for next best actress award for the fainting scene which i think is very professionally done.
Old 16-03-2010, 03:51 PM
closetspacefull closetspacefull is offline
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Re: J Neo press conference

Sigh... he's just Jack Neo, aint no Tiger Woods.
He's not even fabulously wealthy nor is he know outside of Singapore...

He should just take a quick trip to Canada for a short while and let this blow over. I only discovered his scandal browsing here...
Old 16-03-2010, 04:51 PM
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Re: J Neo press conference

dear all... dont be fool by them... U think the wife really suffer ?! they could be play acting after all..
Now jack has so call " Apoloise" .. he now want to sue those other woman who he claim that he has no affair at all.. hmm.. what about his so call "LOVER" ? what can she do ? how jack is going to compenstate back to the gal.. he never mentioned...
He never learnt his lesson at all... u think those apology blog is done by him ?? i think its most probably done by his manager.. Now he is busy trying to get sporean to watch his "movies"..
They call a press conference and tell ppl to let them off and give them their " blessing".. the media stop and let them off.. and Jack now want to sue all those woman who he claim no affair at all...
Wonder if he is still a p&p member ?
Old 16-03-2010, 07:20 PM
wildbeast wildbeast is offline
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Re: J Neo press conference

hmm... looks like Jack reputation quite lousy with many ppl here.
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Old 16-03-2010, 09:16 PM
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Re: J Neo press conference

Without a doubt Jack is not a Saint but those gals that had made claims and allegations against him are no Angels either.
Old 17-03-2010, 08:12 AM
Orgasmic Orgasmic is offline
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Re: J Neo press conference

Originally Posted by dmorky20032003 View Post
Without a doubt Jack is not a Saint but those gals that had made claims and allegations against him are no Angels either.
The gals who have made allegations against Jack Neo is worse than Jack Neo himself. Wendy Chong for example knows that Jack is a married man and yet she became his mistress and now when Jack dont want her ( which is extremely normal in flings ), she blew up the matter and say she victim.

The real victim is actually Jack Neo and his family, not Wendy Chong. Wendy Chong is a slut and mistress and I have no pity for bitches like her.

The other gal, Le Xuan was even worse. She claimed Jack Neo tried to sexually harrass her and when asked, she said Jack sent her flirty smses, which is DAMN normal in workplace and in school. She blew up the matter even though she was not even molested ( touching of hands ? cmon! )

What a bitch. This episode shows that Singapore gals cannot be trusted and will do anything to get publicity.
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Old 17-03-2010, 01:52 PM
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Re: J Neo press conference

Apparently this days if u hold hand for 5 secnd the girl is traumatised and whateve...

STOMP - Singapore Seen - Furthest Jack Neo went was hold my hand, says Woman No.2 Foyce

Wah shit then next time i want to get the attentions of my waitress partner (working okay), i just tap her shoulder or poke her shoulder , later charges me sexy harrasing how???? in ballroom time can be noisy or darks and u needs to touch.

Foyce Lim, the second woman to come forward with accusations against Jack Neo, told RazorTV that the furthest he went was to hold her hand while driving her home two years ago.

She revealed in the teary interview that she pushed his hand away, adding that she was afraid and traumatised by the experience.
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Old 17-03-2010, 02:36 PM
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Re: J Neo press conference

Seems to be a lot of JN related threads in here. For what's it worth, seems like a storm in a teacup. The press conference was most probably scripted with JN pleading his wife to attend so that have a better chance to save his talentless career. Most probably did not expect his wife to collaspe and the backlash from it worse than before.

But looking at his wife, really one good looking milf
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