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Health Centre and KTV lounge Tangos It's supposed to be a state secret but you can get great SEX at these places too. Discretion advised.

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Old 08-04-2004, 03:07 PM
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Paramount KTV...

at Geylang...

Nothing unusual and pretty similar to other KTVs with China and Malaysia chicks but what surprises me, manage to touch on the only Singapore gal in there who is in the day working as a factory worker, her name stands as Lyndia.

Standard KTV with 3 rooms (small, medium and large) and in a short period visit the place like 3 times and the boss is already friendly with us, treating us as regulars.

Well, for the songs availability, not really up to date but good enough for you to enjoy some back to the memorable days in the 90s.

Girls wise, range from 26 - 35 but heard there are a couple of 18 year old babes there but none seem attactive to me though.

My friend did spend overnight with one of the nightmare I know when he could have a better choice.
Old 09-04-2004, 01:36 AM
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Re: Paramount KTV...

Originally Posted by D^KnighT
at Geylang...

Nothing unusual and pretty similar to other KTVs with China and Malaysia chicks but what surprises me, manage to touch on the only Singapore gal in there who is in the day working as a factory worker, her name stands as Lyndia.

Standard KTV with 3 rooms (small, medium and large) and in a short period visit the place like 3 times and the boss is already friendly with us, treating us as regulars.

Well, for the songs availability, not really up to date but good enough for you to enjoy some back to the memorable days in the 90s.

Girls wise, range from 26 - 35 but heard there are a couple of 18 year old babes there but none seem attactive to me though.

My friend did spend overnight with one of the nightmare I know when he could have a better choice.
What is the damage ststem like at Paramount KTV as compared to MG or TH?
Old 28-11-2004, 03:20 PM
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Re: Paramount KTV...

Originally Posted by besarhuge2
What is the damage ststem like at Paramount KTV as compared to MG or TH?
The damage is $240(net) for a bottle after hh.Anyway the gal at there is nt tat playful.Cheers!
Old 28-11-2004, 06:04 PM
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Re: Paramount KTV...

Originally Posted by dap26
The damage is $240(net) for a bottle after hh.Anyway the gal at there is nt tat playful.Cheers!
how about the ktv opposite?
Old 28-11-2004, 07:01 PM
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Re: Paramount KTV...

Originally Posted by forex
how about the ktv opposite?
U mean top city?Wanted to try yest but din nt cos there is nt much gal around so din nt try.Mainly prc.
Old 28-11-2004, 11:47 PM
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Re: Paramount KTV...

Originally Posted by dap26
U mean top city?Wanted to try yest but din nt cos there is nt much gal around so din nt try.Mainly prc.
bingo. i just hope that they did some renovations/upgrading. dunno why but never like paramount, maybe because the floor is cement one unless my "buck chew da stamp" lah.
Old 29-11-2004, 01:47 AM
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Re: Paramount KTV...

paramount ktv and topcity gals CMI

238 Nett for 1 big bottle for SH
158 Net for 1 sMAll bottle for SH

some factory gems will be working in paramount .

but almost all cmi , expect for 2to 3 gals , students there too.
CHEONG must Cheong all the way , HAPPY as u can Ba.!

Old 29-11-2004, 12:47 PM
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Re: Paramount KTV...

Originally Posted by ronvo
paramount ktv and topcity gals CMI

238 Nett for 1 big bottle for SH
158 Net for 1 sMAll bottle for SH

some factory gems will be working in paramount .

but almost all cmi , expect for 2to 3 gals , students there too.
From wat i knw,the gal in paramount is nt tat daring and there is quite a no of students pass gal there too.The system is also nt tat good compared to BS.
Old 17-01-2005, 06:48 PM
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FR on Paramount KTV

Went there 2-3 weeks ago, so should still be fairly reliable. I was just there to recce... wasn't really up to any action.

Happy Hour (2pm to 8pm)
Beer: $20/jug

Sad Hour (8pm to 2am)
Beer: $40/jug
Two jugs gets you a free room for the rest of the night

Sound system: Computerised. But the interface is far from user-friendly. Can't decide if TH or Paramount is more fucked up in this regard. One has a manual system with a reasonable selection of songs, and the other has a computerised system with a woefully limited selection.

Girls: PRC, didn't see any other type. Choices not that exciting. Sometimes I think the waitresses are more attractive. The girls are not pushy and will leave you alone if you say 'no' once, firmly enough. Even my wimpy kaki (who got chopped for over $50 at TH from the more aggressive breed) did not have too many problems.
Xiao Yin
Age: 25
Homeland: Fuzhou
Looks: 6/10 (Pimple problem but not too bad-looking)
Figure: 6/10 (Slim and graceful, but flat where it matters)
Playability: 1/10 (Flower vase... not a very beautiful flower vase either)
RTF: F you, maybe

- This one was a tough nut to crack. I wasted 2 hours on her before I gave up.
- Willing to talk, but not willing to flirt.
- Strictly "hug and hold hands" basis only. What am I, still 12 years old?
- Said she didn't work at TH KTV because the action too "hiong" for her. That I can believe... this fragile little wilting flower would get trampled to bits.
- Non-smoker, non-drinker
- Verdict: Totally useless. Can't play, can't talk, don't like her.

Xiao Yan
Age: 30
Homeland: Fujian
Looks: 6/10 (Nice slutty grin)
Figure: 5.5/10 (Full-figured, but a bit ba chai)
Playability: 7/10
RTF: A very slim maybe

- Came in and asked to sit. Friendly and accomodating. Didn't need warming up.
- Full of flattery and sweet talk. Just sounds a bit fake, but at least got some effort.
- Well aged... my kind of woman. Haha!
- Good kisser, hot and spicy. I walked out of KTV with lipstick marks everywhere. Yes... everywhere. Content to let me explore. Too bad I didn't have a lot of time nor enthusiasm anymore by that time.
- Good attitude... looks and figure not that great, but you win a few, you lose a few. KTV has lights dimmed for a good reason.
My kaki had a flower-vase student who butterflied almost 50 minutes, then came back and asked for a tip because she had to leave! KNN.... see also tulan.

In the end, nothing much about this place appeals to me. Others may have different views, because of differing experiences. Share?
Old 17-01-2005, 10:36 PM
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Re: FR on Paramount KTV

Me went there quite a num of time cos my frd gian the gal at there.Still dun understand why he so gian as i can say most of the gal is nt playful.Sat with a student pass mm.Look s quite ok but a cannot touch here cannot there,Simply a vase to me.Prefer the waitress than the gal.Hahaha....
Old 17-01-2005, 10:51 PM
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Re: FR on Paramount KTV

Originally Posted by newbadass
Went there 2-3 weeks ago, so should still be fairly reliable. I was just there to recce... wasn't really up to any action.

In the end, nothing much about this place appeals to me. Others may have different views, because of differing experiences. Share?
wow. wow. wow. bo jio? hee.. kidding.
Old 17-01-2005, 10:53 PM
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Re: FR on Paramount KTV

Originally Posted by dap26
Me went there quite a num of time cos my frd gian the gal at there.Still dun understand why he so gian as i can say most of the gal is nt playful.Sat with a student pass mm.Look s quite ok but a cannot touch here cannot there,Simply a vase to me.Prefer the waitress than the gal.Hahaha....
some people like playable girl.
some people given a vase will do.
different people different taste mah,.
Old 18-01-2005, 02:16 AM
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Re: Paramount KTV...

sorry where is this place?
Old 18-01-2005, 08:48 AM
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Re: Paramount KTV...

Oops! Sorry my fault.

The place is at Lorong 20/22. Around there.
Old 18-01-2005, 12:38 PM
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Re: FR on Paramount KTV

Originally Posted by santaizi
some people like playable girl.
some people given a vase will do.
different people different taste mah,.
Ya some plp maybe wan gf feeling more than playful feeling.So if anybody wan gf feeling maybe can try there.
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