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Old 16-06-2004, 08:30 PM
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Talking L18H40G20 - Ayumi

After reading 1 of the post in sammy's about a lookalike of ayumi . decided to go down just now to check it out.

Went in straight, nv even say the gurls i ask for G20 liao, cannot see until she stand out of the tank, OMG at least 70% lookalike leh. small small size 1.
paid upfront and walked to ehr, she held my hand and bring me in her room.

inside, her room is filled with Ayumi's poster and her pictures on the wall, looks like she also knows she look abit klike her.
She had the gold short hair , that ayumi is ahving also. helped me strip and i do the same for her. den a slow SOP bath. all this while she is very chatty. and gosd i go soft just looking at her BIG eyes. moreover im a lover of ayumI!

lied down on her bed, cieling andside wall got full lentgh mirror, wah when i look up, i look fucking big size when she's BJing me. must be the contrast of her small size. hehe.

After a longgggggg BJ, and auto roaming around, she mounted on me for a while b4 i changed to missionary, did at least 4 postitons with her b4 letting go in a doggy! boy shes a good moaner! after tt she smiled at me and she bathed me, helped me dress up. abit shy kind but still a good chatter.
went out 40bucks poorer but a poor man is a happy man.


lOoks: 8/10 (look danm like ayumi to me)
tits: 6/10 small but a handfull
BJ: 5/10 (normal but credit given for gd svc)
attitude: 9/10

RTF? of cuz! definately my kind of girl

Any bros have any mroe lookalikes, please post here also ok? or more detailed FR on this baby. thanks and sorry for my weak english and lousy FR
Old 17-06-2004, 09:51 PM
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Re: L18H40G20 - Ayumi

shes leaving in 4 mths i think...
1 yr posting but well she said maybe wanna do 2 yrs..
Old 19-06-2004, 08:43 PM
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Re: L18H40G20 - Ayumi

Originally Posted by vmtech
After reading 1 of the post in sammy's about a lookalike of ayumi . decided to go down just now to check it out.

Went in straight, nv even say the gurls i ask for G20 liao, cannot see until she stand out of the tank, OMG at least 70% lookalike leh. small small size 1.
paid upfront and walked to ehr, she held my hand and bring me in her room.

inside, her room is filled with Ayumi's poster and her pictures on the wall, looks like she also knows she look abit klike her.
She had the gold short hair , that ayumi is ahving also. helped me strip and i do the same for her. den a slow SOP bath. all this while she is very chatty. and gosd i go soft just looking at her BIG eyes. moreover im a lover of ayumI!

lied down on her bed, cieling andside wall got full lentgh mirror, wah when i look up, i look fucking big size when she's BJing me. must be the contrast of her small size. hehe.

After a longgggggg BJ, and auto roaming around, she mounted on me for a while b4 i changed to missionary, did at least 4 postitons with her b4 letting go in a doggy! boy shes a good moaner! after tt she smiled at me and she bathed me, helped me dress up. abit shy kind but still a good chatter.
went out 40bucks poorer but a poor man is a happy man.


lOoks: 8/10 (look danm like ayumi to me)
tits: 6/10 small but a handfull
BJ: 5/10 (normal but credit given for gd svc)
attitude: 9/10

RTF? of cuz! definately my kind of girl

Any bros have any mroe lookalikes, please post here also ok? or more detailed FR on this baby. thanks and sorry for my weak english and lousy FR
does she allow licking and frenching?
FuCk iT! SmElL iT!

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Old 20-06-2004, 02:21 AM
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Re: L18H40G20 - Ayumi

What time do you usually go down? Whenever I'm there, the fish is not in the fish tank.
Old 20-06-2004, 05:26 AM
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Re: L18H40G20 - Ayumi

Originally Posted by Storm_Sucker
does she allow licking and frenching?

depends on individual bah.. dont think so licking got
Old 20-06-2004, 05:27 AM
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Re: L18H40G20 - Ayumi

Originally Posted by iyauh
What time do you usually go down? Whenever I'm there, the fish is not in the fish tank.

um not sure.. she always got jap customers bao her 1.busy person? mayeb, or not working lol.
Old 20-06-2004, 11:17 PM
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Re: L18H40G20 - Ayumi

Originally Posted by iyauh
What time do you usually go down? Whenever I'm there, the fish is not in the fish tank.

Same here..... Today went down personally to look for her.... But when i ask the OKT for her.... he told me will have to wait for Very Long! SianzZZ!! think must have been the power of this site that Makes her VERY HOT!!
Old 20-06-2004, 11:21 PM
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Re: L18H40G20 - Ayumi

Cool, i love ayumi too
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Old 22-06-2004, 10:00 AM
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Re: L18H40G20 - Ayumi

Originally Posted by vmtech
inside, her room is filled with Ayumi's poster and her pictures on the wall, looks like she also knows she look abit klike her.
She had the gold short hair , that ayumi is ahving also. helped me strip and i do the same for her. den a slow SOP bath. all this while she is very chatty. and gosd i go soft just looking at her BIG eyes. moreover im a lover of ayumI!
Last time her room is better, she got a few pics taken wif her fellow WLs, her hair was dark tat time and she looked very chio and cute wif 2 ponytails tied... Tat time she look like Jang Nara, korean actress. Nw with the full golden hair she might look like ayumi but the gold hair had taken off sm of her cuteness and pureness, which is a killer to me last time...

Originally Posted by vmtech
lied down on her bed, cieling andside wall got full lentgh mirror, wah when i look up, i look fucking big size when she's BJing me. must be the contrast of her small size. hehe.
Her room might be small but the best part is the mirror ceiling and the side mirror, u can see wat both of u r doing to each other thru the side mirror and see wat she is doing to ur little bro by looking up the ceiling... good seah...

Anyway, if I m not wrong, she is going back in this coming September...

By the way, this hse banned bangalas...
Old 22-06-2004, 09:30 PM
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Re: L18H40G20 - Ayumi

i checked it out le.... so so only ba not really look like ayumi. btw can try no. 3 whom is quite aggressive type like going to rape you kind if she fancy you.
Old 22-06-2004, 11:32 PM
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Re: L18H40G20 - Ayumi

I also checked her out.
Not so much like Ayumi but very small sized japanese chick (her hair color is faded fast!) If you think japanese girls are small she is even smaller!

Went over at 7:30pm and could get her straight away. She is so small that you can easily miss her.

Service wise is ok, but I think the brudders here is correct, there are others in that house that look very chiao.
Old 23-06-2004, 09:18 AM
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Re: L18H40G20 - Ayumi

Originally Posted by clover
I also checked her out.
Not so much like Ayumi but very small sized japanese chick (her hair color is faded fast!) If you think japanese girls are small she is even smaller!

Went over at 7:30pm and could get her straight away. She is so small that you can easily miss her.

Service wise is ok, but I think the brudders here is correct, there are others in that house that look very chiao.
1 of the added pt is she have little pussy hair which make her look more like a young sch gal, but dnt worry, she is 21 y.o...
Old 23-06-2004, 11:39 AM
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Re: L18H40G20 - Ayumi

many WL lie abt thier real age btw..

hey no better FRs? detailed abit more 1s den the 1 i posted or something similar?
Old 23-06-2004, 11:48 AM
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Re: L18H40G20 - Ayumi

Originally Posted by vmtech
many WL lie abt thier real age btw..

hey no better FRs? detailed abit more 1s den the 1 i posted or something similar?
Ok I add smore thing here... She dnt allow frenching, even a wanting a light kiss on her lip might even get rejected... but she allow licking... but maybe ask her whether she allow u to do it before u proceed... ought to show WL sm little respect

She said she is born in 1983... althru her body dnt really reflect her age...her body look more younger...
Old 25-06-2004, 05:13 PM
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FR - Ayumi

After reading this thread I decided to go check her out. Got there yesterday about 6:30 or so and she was in the tank. She does look a bit like Ayumi. Others in the tank looked good too...I noticed several had very large tits.

Decided to go with Ayumi. Not so much because she looks like her. More because I haven't been with a girl that small before...she's tiny and very cute.

Got to the room and found out her personality matches her look. Very friendly and playful. She undressed me and took me immediaely to the shower. SOP shower, she dried me and I waited on the bed as she cleaned herself up.

She came to the bed and I again was pleased with how little this girl is. I agree with the original poster...when you look up into that mirror it is incredible how little she is in comparison with you.

She gave me a catbath. Took her time and seemed to be into it. She then capped me and gave me a bj. I like bj to be slow and rythmic, with licking and some deep throat mixed in. Well, she gived a different style bj, but still good. She uses her hands to pump you and has strong suction as she blows you. It's good, but you need some control so you don't blow early. She went on with a little licking and then she sucked on my balls and then with back to the bj. Finally I stopped her cause I didn't want to run out of time.

I pulled her up and she mounted me. Very nice rhythm and motion. Quite tight also. Went through 3-4 positions with her. Again very different as I haven't been with a girl this little for a while. By the way, she's little and skinny, but has good proportion. Very nice body, like a gymnast or something.

Went to doggy, which from how she moved into position I think she likes. Worked some tricks on her for a while. She seemed to enjoy and then I blew.

After, she turned around and laid her head in my lap and I stroked her back and ass for a a gf. Then the buzzer when off and I had to clean up.


looks: 8/10
boobs 7/10 - very proportionate to her small size
overall body - 8/10
hj 5/10, just some play in the shower
bj 8/10 - not my favorite, but she's good at what she does
fj 8/10 - very accomodating.
RTF: Probably. May check out some of the others...good lookers with big tits.

One more thing. She has a beautiful little pussy. Get yourself into position where you can see yourself fucking her and you'll be a happy man!
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