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Old 15-08-2010, 03:58 PM
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DONGDINGDONG deserves a Tiger! - He's a Good Guy
Back to the days..

To a lot of us here, the development of our inner self started back when we were in secondary school… Coming in contact with the tingling feeling when you see someone you fancy… Waiting in the canteen for that special one to finish her classes… Going for lunch in the fast-food restaurant nearby… Sending her home on the long but enjoyable bus ride… I’m not much different.

Stepping into the school, on the very first day, I was completely lost. Being sheltered for six years in primary school, now I’m all alone in this new environment, what am I supposed to do?
We were all ushered to the hall, where we got to meet our classmates for the very first time. That was when I first saw her, S, the first girl that I eventually went after officially. Wearing a pair of metal framed glasses, not tall, but trust me, looking her figure at that time, it was at least a pair of 34C. C’mon, for a secondary one girl to have that definitely stood out amongst the rest.

Day after day, week after week, all of us got settled into the new environment. Being a guai mama’s boy, I mixed with a group of more decent kids. Decided to join a uniform group, got selected to be a prefect, which was when secondary school became a comfortable environment.
I was one of the shorties in my class. I stood at 155, which I didn’t complain because S was 154! It sort of draws our distance closer. And to add on to that, our surname both started with the same alphabet, hence index number were next to each other. Being able to sit behind her whenever we have any tests makes me so excited, staring at her bra through the blouse, hoping one day, I could lay my hands on her.

And that was when the beast inside me developed. I somehow had to release my urge somewhere.
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Old 15-08-2010, 04:15 PM
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Re: Back to the days..

King was a rich man’s son in my class. Coming to school in a Mercedes Benz, living in a 3-storey house along Bukit Timah, he’s any typical rich boy you can imagine. During those days, Magic the Gathering was the “in” thing. We were all playing. I still remember how he’s always buying those cards and giving to the few of us for free. Trying to show off his wealth. All of us didn’t really like him, but somehow stayed close to him for these benefits. And then one day, I happened to trade for one of these very “rare cards”, which King has been looking for a long time. He was trying a lot of ways for me to give it up, but I refused. And that afternoon, he invited me to his place; where something happened which I never forget till today.

We went to a nearby MacDonald’s to discuss about Magic cards, as King’s mum will only pick us up at 3pm. (we finished school at 130pm) Just before time to head back to school, as his mum will pick up from there, it started raining! What a heavy downpour! During those days, we do not have mobile phones like nowadays, only pager if you are from a better off family. Since there is no way we can contact his mum, we can only run back to school in the rain. When we finally reach our school gate, we saw the silver Mercedes waiting at the door. But too late, we were all drenched!
It wasn’t fun at all when I realized that it was a 2-seater sports car. Her mum, of course was taking the wheels, and I had to sit on King’s lap all the way to his place. (King was much bigger size than me, so, obviously I had to sit on his lap)

Me: Hello, Auntie.
King’s Mum: Hi, DD. Bear with it for awhile ah, I will try to get back home as soon as possible.
Me: No prob Auntie. I’m fine squeezing here. (My foot!)

And there goes the ride to King’s place, all wet and cold, and squeezing in a seat with King!

And when I reach his place, all I could say was wow!
-don't make plans, make options. -
Old 15-08-2010, 04:27 PM
JoeStand JoeStand is offline
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Re: Back to the days..

not bad ... pls cont ... mi go get sticks, starting the camp fire for the rest.. first to camp here...
Old 15-08-2010, 04:32 PM
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Re: Back to the days..

It was like a palace, coming in through the first gate, you have to drive up a slope to reach the entrance of the main door. As the car stopped at the door, a maid, dressed in something like the old times slave attire came out to open the door for us.

King’s Mum: King, bring DD upstairs for a shower and change to some dry clothes. If not its easy to fall sick.
King: Ok mum! DD, come follow me.

I was still dumbfounded by the size of this house. (I live in HDB all my life)

Me: Okok. I’m following you.

King’s room was located on the 3rd floor. There are 3 rooms there, one for King, one for his elder sister, Kat, and one for one of their maid Liza. I went into his room and man! Its like a high class hotel. Ceiling air-conditioning, over-head projector linked to his computer. It’s the dream room of any teenager.

King: DD, quick go and shower! Don’t wet my room ah! U are all wet!
Me: okok! Can I use all the shampoo and all inside?
King: help yourself to it!

Nice rain shower head with LED lightings. I was enjoying myself under the warm water when suddenly the door opened! It was King!

King: Haha! Song right? My 5-star bathroom.
Me: Yeah! But get out la, cant you see I’m showering?
King: Aiyah! Never mind la, we brothers right? What you have I have too ma. OMG! You don’t have pubic hair yet ah?
King started laugh so loudly. I felt myself blushing.

Me: Idiot la, get out and give me some peace la!

Another voice floated in.. “ King ah? Are you back?” It was Kat, King’s sister.
Kat suddenly appeared at the entrance of the bathroom.

Kat: Boy ah, you here? Oh! Is that DD?

I was so embarrassed that I felt my ears burning.

Me: Hi, I’m DD. King’s classmate. Nice to meet you.

King still couldn’t stop laughing.

Kat: I’m sorry I disturbed your shower. Lets talk later when you are dressed. *giggles* King! Get out and let DD finish his shower, I wanna ask you if you took my Sweet Valley High series!

The 2 of them left the bathroom, I was trying my best to finish my shower. Staring at my half erected penis, I started thinking if its gonna be my lucky day…

-don't make plans, make options. -
Old 15-08-2010, 04:53 PM
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DONGDINGDONG deserves a Tiger! - He's a Good Guy
Re: Back to the days..

It was really nice to finish my shower. When I came out of the bathroom, I saw that King was sitting in front of the computer. Walking quietly behind him, I saw him surfing porn! (It’s not the first time I’ve seen porn, always wake up in the middle of the night when the whole family is asleep. My home computer was located in the living room. And those days, it was a 56K dial-up modem. And with the irritating sound of dialing, I was always so afraid of waking my parents up. And that slow speed, almost impossible to find any videos.)

King was looking at these Japanese porns. A few classmates were forcefully invading a teenager in her school uniform. I could instantaneously felt my didi being hard.

Me: OMG, King! How did you get these? Are these from Internet or you have VCD? Can lend me anot?
King: Fuck! Are you a ghost? You scared the shit out of me la! Why you walk no sound one? I still tot Kat came in la!
Me: What me? You were to engross in your porn what! Don’t off it, I watch while you go shower. Quick! After that let's play our deck!

King then proceed to the bathroom, I think I really gave him a fright. Haha! But I was quick happy to do so. Who ask him to laugh at me for not having pubic hair!

I was so engrossed in the porn, the first time I saw a video of how guys try to penetrate the girl, and man! That was a really hairy pussy. I didn’t realize that I was already putting my hairs into the shorts that I changed into after my shower, giving myself slow jerks. I could feel myself cumming anytime.

“King! Mum is asking you to get some food for yourself and DD!”, the door opened!

Kat: Oh DD! Wheres King?

With my hand still holding on to my penis..

Me: Eh.. In the showers. *blushed*
Kat: Oh! It seems like I’m always intruding at the wrong time ah? *giggle*
I took my hand out of the pants, fanatically trying to press the stop button. When I couldn’t pause it, I turned off the monitor. But the moaning from the girl was still coming out from the 5.1 Altec Lensing speakers.
Kat: Don’t worry DD. It is normal. I’m used to it even though I’m studying in a girls’ school. I heard from my mum about how you came back in the car, that’s kinda cute to sqeeze in the front seat ah? Too bad I wasn’t the one sitting at the passenger seat. *giggle*

Me: Eh.. Yeah.. The car was kinda small ma. But never mind, I’m small too.

Shit! I thought to myself. What the hell am I saying? I’m small??? Its such an embarrassing day.

Kat: Haha! DD ah, watch what you say oh.. Guys cannot anyhow say they are small. *giggle*
Me: Oh! I don’t mean that my that thing is small la! Haha!
Kat: Haha, I wouldn’t know until I see. Let King knows that my mum is asking him to go down. Catch you around later, you can continue with where you left off. *giggle*

It was a total mixed of feelings, being caught for masturbating, saying the wrong thing in front of a pretty hot girl. I had no more mood for porn now, I know I needed something more substantial.

-don't make plans, make options. -
Old 15-08-2010, 05:35 PM
YoMushi YoMushi is offline
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Re: Back to the days..

nice story,please continue ;D
Old 15-08-2010, 06:46 PM
my_preek my_preek is offline
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Re: Back to the days..

pitching my tent here, while waiting, I shall also consolidate my stories.

Good one bro.
Old 15-08-2010, 09:23 PM
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Re: Back to the days..

nice story! camping here for more.
**pm me for 2nd/3rd round

33 114 12/3 numbersix+12, 12/3 HKCAD, 5/3 Vinrington+15

2nd xchange list:
27/1 Samkieu+12, 15/1 marklui520+9, 16/11 4Dguru+18, 23/10 rawmaster101+13, 22/9 Havanna Slicks+23, 29/9 124asf124+7

25/2 Returning favour bro thanks=messi
Old 15-08-2010, 10:21 PM
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Re: Back to the days..

Waiting for you ...
Old 15-08-2010, 11:32 PM
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Re: Back to the days..

camping liao.
Old 16-08-2010, 12:34 AM
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Re: Back to the days..

nice 1 ..... pls continue .....
Old 16-08-2010, 12:42 AM
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jasper10 has got little hope of coming out of this alive!
Re: Back to the days..

Bro, please carry on....
Old 16-08-2010, 03:54 AM
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Re: Back to the days..

Another camper here too , cheers ...............
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Old 16-08-2010, 08:02 AM
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DONGDINGDONG deserves a Tiger! - He's a Good Guy
Re: Back to the days..

King came out from his shower.

King: How come not watching le? So fast cum le ah xiao didi? Haha!
Me: Idiot la you. Nothing interesting leh. Don’t like Japanese ones, breast so small. Angmoh better!
King: Haha! I have a wide selection, give up your Tradewind Rider and I will pass you some to see tomorrow. On anot?
Me: No way! Where got so easy one? I give you my Tradewind then how can I still play my Tradewind-gedon deck.
(These are just names for Magic cards then, stirred so much memories thinking of these pasts.)
King: Wah lau, don’t like that la. At most I give you a VIP card to my house la. This is even better than country club ok?
Me: You sure anot? Wont your mum and sis mind?
King: C’mon, my classmate cannot come to my house meh? Don’t be stupid la. Just give me the card!
Me: I think about it la! Btw, your sis said your mum is looking for you. Better go to her now.
King: Okok, I will be right back. You get ready your deck first.

King opened the door and left the room. Looking out of his door, I saw Kat’s room. A VIP card to his house might not be a bad idea. I smiled to myself.
-don't make plans, make options. -
Old 16-08-2010, 08:52 AM
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Re: Back to the days..

bro. clixmax wors. did u fark kat
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