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Old 02-09-2004, 08:27 PM
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just gave my first ever fuck to June today, having major Aids phobia now.....

Hi guys, what's up?

Well, i'm a 24 year old guy who decided to give sex long awaited try today, since i haven't been doing anything with my gal even though we have been together for 4 years plus, she doesn't seem interested at all.

Read through the forums and decided on June, went to number 8 and asked for june, she came almost immediately. Told her i was a virgin and she gave me a look of disbelieve. anyway, the whole thing seemed surreal, it was over so fast.

she stripped, washed me, gave me a bbbj, and then missionary, then abit of cowgal, then missionary again. basically i could last much longer, but she seemed so disinterested.... decided to shoot and fuck off. wanted to do doggie and 69, and lick her pussy etc, but once again, first time fucking and she seemed in such a rush.

All in all, the whole thing was disappointing, masturbating seems to fell much better, haha

Anyway, the thing is, i'm now having a major Aids phobia. I was even thinking of having just a BJ, but she went into it so fast that i couldn't stop her. and the thing is, it was a blowjob without any condom on....

I had an abrasion near the base of my cock, so i pasted some tape over it to try to prevent any contact of bodily fluids with my exposed skin. blah blah blah...

Basically, to cut it short, i had a bbbj (i heard that STD can be transmitted through the mouth if there is an ulcre etc), and also had the chance of having contact with her bodily fluids due to my abrasion. Now, i'm really regretting it since it wasn't as good as i thought it would be, and it doesn't seem to be worth the risk anymore. I hope you guys understand how i feel, so help me out.

Can anyone tell me about the health check of the WLs? how often etc etc, and is there anyway that i can enquire about june's current status or from her next check up? or has anyone been to her recently? (today is the 2nd of september) please help a fellow sex lover out, really really need the info to make me feel better. I guess my curiosity got the better of me, and my needs.... this will definitely be the first and the last time.... sorry bros.
Old 03-09-2004, 09:31 AM
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Re: just gave my first ever fuck to June today, having major Aids phobia now.....

Wah advice can i give u?
I tried her b4, nothing happened.. ie std, blah
June's service is nt what the other brothers mentioned.. slow, this n that.
To me: she juz seems disinterested.
Different didi, different treatment.
RE your situation, wait for 1 or two weeks.
See got any fishy, ie pee pain.. got special pimples(with pus)
If yes, go see the doc.
If nothing, shld be safe from sTD.
If still afraid, go take a aids test after 3 months.
IF you r still afraid, dun cheong also. PCC lor, safest.
If it is meant to happen, no way u can siam. But muz also take precautions.
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Old 03-09-2004, 10:15 AM
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Re: just gave my first ever fuck to June today, having major Aids phobia now.....

Well, based on the 2 experience above on June, don't know if she's as good as others claimed. The other time I went there, I wanted to try June but just let the okt recommend someone. In the end quite regret cos my one not very good, so regret that I didn't ask for June instead. But it seems I shouldn't be so regretful, hehe. Maybe like what other bros have alway emphasized: For $30, what do you expect

As for the worries, think you should be quite alright since the WL go for regular check ups. And June has been around for quite sometime. If she got anything, wouldn't be able to carry on doing business.
Old 03-09-2004, 03:21 PM
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Re: just gave my first ever fuck to June today, having major Aids phobia now.....

if you cheong with so much concerns at the front of your head, then advice is don't cheong anymore. Else, after each time, you would have so much questions.

well, since you already have first blood already, then stop loh.
What you think you understand, you may not really have doublecheck by rephrasing your understanding as a question!!!
Old 03-09-2004, 04:40 PM
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Re: just gave my first ever fuck to June today, having major Aids phobia now.....

1st blood? is juz an addiciton..
got 1st time, surely hv 2nd time.
Time and tide awaits no man.
Old 04-09-2004, 10:21 PM
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Re: just gave my first ever fuck to June today, having major Aids phobia now.....

Originally Posted by s3xm4niac
Hi guys, what's up?
No matter what Congrats to you from Uncle, at last the thing you trying to lose for the past 24 years, you have done it!
One more thing, dump that girlfriend of your or you better rape her soon, 4 years no sex? This is not feudal china brother!
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Old 04-09-2004, 10:41 PM
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Re: just gave my first ever fuck to June today, having major Aids phobia now.....

can see that u just had your first time as this is the first time you posting in this forum..
Old 05-09-2004, 04:33 AM
RogerChongZY RogerChongZY is offline
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Re: just gave my first ever fuck to June today, having major Aids phobia now.....

IMHO you are quite a cheapskate.....only spending 30bucks for your virgin bonk. No wonder you did not feel shiok, at least should have gone for cat150. One in lifetime bro, gone to KS cat30
Old 05-09-2004, 09:49 AM
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Re: just gave my first ever fuck to June today, having major Aids phobia now.....

What has been done can't be undone.
You should have thought carefully about it before you visits any WLs/FLs. And not after the entire event then you start to worry. Since you have already finished the session with her, might as well don't worry too much and see how it goes. Worrying is insignificant and it doesn't help anything. What will come will come.. And frankly speaking, I think you are quite safe.. Unless you tell me that you are a regular 4D or ToTo winner. Or you always win whenever you gamble. Then you will be under a different category...

The rationale is "Don't worry too much since the event is already over and you can't do anything now to reverse the time."
Old 05-09-2004, 12:31 PM
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Smile Re: just gave my first ever fuck to June today, having major Aids phobia now.....

Hi Frenz,
Sad to hear this from you. But really, if you are really worried, you should go for a 100% check-up at Kelantan Lane's DSC clinic. Basically, you can ask for all the tests to be done, each additional test is an additional cost, including HIV & other STDs. Total cost should be less than $100, since its heavily subsidised by the govt. However, the test results will take some time though, and in the event ur still worried before the results came, you can actually go for the anonymous testing on every Wed & Sat at the same place conducted by AFA. The result is very fast (just 15 minutes) and you'll know, but only available for HIV.
Also, you dont have to say sorry to the bros cos u dont owe anyone anything, its really a bonk at ur own risk thingy. However, if you've read up some articles on the Internet, you'll actually know that if u wear protection, you're really quite safe, though i cant say 100%, since nothing is 100% sure in this world.
If after the thorough check-up, ur still worried, then I will suggest not bonking around anymore, just stick to one partner or if not, see psychiatrist for help. Hope that helps u man .

Originally Posted by s3xm4niac
Hi guys, what's up?

Well, i'm a 24 year old guy who decided to give sex long awaited try today, since i haven't been doing anything with my gal even though we have been together for 4 years plus, she doesn't seem interested at all.

Read through the forums and decided on June, went to number 8 and asked for june, she came almost immediately. Told her i was a virgin and she gave me a look of disbelieve. anyway, the whole thing seemed surreal, it was over so fast.

she stripped, washed me, gave me a bbbj, and then missionary, then abit of cowgal, then missionary again. basically i could last much longer, but she seemed so disinterested.... decided to shoot and fuck off. wanted to do doggie and 69, and lick her pussy etc, but once again, first time fucking and she seemed in such a rush.

All in all, the whole thing was disappointing, masturbating seems to fell much better, haha

Anyway, the thing is, i'm now having a major Aids phobia. I was even thinking of having just a BJ, but she went into it so fast that i couldn't stop her. and the thing is, it was a blowjob without any condom on....

I had an abrasion near the base of my cock, so i pasted some tape over it to try to prevent any contact of bodily fluids with my exposed skin. blah blah blah...

Basically, to cut it short, i had a bbbj (i heard that STD can be transmitted through the mouth if there is an ulcre etc), and also had the chance of having contact with her bodily fluids due to my abrasion. Now, i'm really regretting it since it wasn't as good as i thought it would be, and it doesn't seem to be worth the risk anymore. I hope you guys understand how i feel, so help me out.

Can anyone tell me about the health check of the WLs? how often etc etc, and is there anyway that i can enquire about june's current status or from her next check up? or has anyone been to her recently? (today is the 2nd of september) please help a fellow sex lover out, really really need the info to make me feel better. I guess my curiosity got the better of me, and my needs.... this will definitely be the first and the last time.... sorry bros.
Old 05-09-2004, 02:36 PM
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Re: just gave my first ever fuck to June today, having major Aids phobia now.....

Originally Posted by Desmond
If after the thorough check-up, ur still worried, then I will suggest not bonking around anymore, just stick to one partner or if not, see psychiatrist for help. Hope that helps u man .
See psychiatrist for after-bonking effects??
Old 06-09-2004, 05:47 PM
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Re: just gave my first ever fuck to June today, having major Aids phobia now.....

bbbj should be ok lah ...

but if you had uncapped bonking session then u should b afraid.

but anyway, if you're afraid go see a doc like what most bros here

suggest. to be safe then sorry.

good luck buddy
Old 06-09-2004, 09:33 PM
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Re: just gave my first ever fuck to June today, having major Aids phobia now.....

think u better wait for a month before going for check up cuz the AIDS virus wont so fast be detected one..
Old 06-09-2004, 11:49 PM
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Re: just gave my first ever fuck to June today, having major Aids phobia now.....

damn , I know i be throwing stones to a drowning guy but can't help after reading yr frs . you are such a loser . You got a GF for 4yrs and you haven't screw her yet(*@#)

Are you a spider rocker?
Old 07-09-2004, 05:38 PM
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Re: just gave my first ever fuck to June today, having major Aids phobia now.....

wa.. dun need to scold him until like this ma.. spider rocker.. wat a term
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