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Old 14-01-2011, 12:48 AM
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Condo, tenants and myself

I always logged on to SBF, read the interesting stories of others on my free time. Never thought I would start a thread.

I just decided to start a thread, maybe becos of the kopi that I can't get to sleep. It's nothing to shout for compare to the bestest! But my humble past.

My wife and I bought our first condo in year 2004. We were engaged then and so, we decided to buy a house first before she left for UK for her study. We bought the unit with left about 9months of tenancy. After clearing all the paperwork, she left for her studies while I stayed behind taking care of the rest.

I remembered that Saturday morning after sending my wife off at the airport. I called the tenant's mobile given to me by the previous owner.

Me: hi, this is Evan, mr Ong gave me this number to call you. I m the new owner of the hse you r staying.

Tenant: yes yes. I m expecting ur call.

Me: can I come over to pick up the rent and maybe discuss a better payment arrangement?

Tenant: yes yes, I will be back in about an hours time.

Me: sure. I will be there. C u.

Hung up, I drove my car onto TPE to the condo in the north.
We had viewed about 10units in this 5yr old project and decided on this unit becos it is very well maintained, all windows faced the pool, and the owners were selling it urgently becos they were migrating, so the price we got was very good. While viewing, we were told that this unit was rented out to a group of 3ladies working in a same company. During the viewing, I can see that all the rooms were tidy and maintained, maybe becos is for viewing.

Reached the condo about 20mins earlier. I walked around the estate and checked out the facilities. Finally, walked over to a chair that faced the pool and sat down checking out the swimmers.

Phone rang

Tenant: Evan, I m going up now, you can come over.
Me: ok, sure.

I turned ard and saw a slim tall girl wearing sport outfit entering the lift on the tower to my right. She was wearing those tight white shorts, a pale blue single and a visor cap.

Walked over, took the lift and up to level 12.
The doors opened and I found the same girl I saw earlier going through her bag.

She looked up and probably surprised, "Evan?"
I smiled and said, yes, I was early. You have a problem?
Tenant: yes yes, I think I might have left my keys in the gym. Can you hold on for awhile?

She made some calls on her phone while I tried to pretend to look at the scenery from the corridor. She is about 1.75m tall, had a pair of long and nice legs, very proportion. The lovely curve of her butt with visible panty line shown on the tight white color shorts. I m a sucker for nice firm butt.
Her pink color bra with white lace can be seen from the side. They look big to me, maybe C but you can't tell cos of pushup bra. Hate this invention!

Tenant: I might have to ask you to come back 2 hrs later. I need to go to pick up my keys and my frens will be back later of the day.

Me: how about I drive you there since I hv nothing to do for the day?
Tenant: oh great! Thanks..... By the way, my name is Jyaying.

Me: nice to meet you.

We shook our hands n got into the lift to basement to get my car.
I drove a SLK then. It is a bit awkward to get into the seat compare to family car. I opened the side door and helped her in.

Trust me, the sight was unforgettable. The seat was pretty low, so I held her hand to help her get into the seat, at that very moment when she bend her head and tilted her body to get onto the seat,..........

Sorry, I m sleepy, TBC
Old 14-01-2011, 09:32 AM
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Re: Condo, tenants and myself

camping for more...
Old 14-01-2011, 11:25 AM
thickdick thickdick is offline
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Re: Condo, tenants and myself

Good Morning!!! Please continue the story....
Old 14-01-2011, 07:30 PM
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Re: Condo, tenants and myself

Nice start... please continue
Bros who have upped my points, please PM me where your thread is. I will return the favour.
Old 14-01-2011, 07:34 PM
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Re: Condo, tenants and myself


Nice start; please continue as we would like to see where this leads to...

Rasta Marley
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Thanks & Cheers
Old 14-01-2011, 08:32 PM
azukibun azukibun is offline
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Re: Condo, tenants and myself

camp here bro...
Old 14-01-2011, 09:20 PM
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Re: Condo, tenants and myself

More please.
Old 14-01-2011, 09:21 PM
hereford hereford is offline
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Re: Condo, tenants and myself

Nice story , camping
Old 14-01-2011, 09:23 PM
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Re: Condo, tenants and myself

Threadstarter has become silent.....maybe he has now moved in with the tenants and is finding it difficult to find free time to continue as his hands are too busy
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Thanks & Cheers
Old 14-01-2011, 09:48 PM
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Re: Condo, tenants and myself

He is still under moderation. His posts will take a bit longer before it appears.
Old 14-01-2011, 09:54 PM
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Thumbs up Re: Condo, tenants and myself

Forgive me for the late posting.
I was using iphone to surf and write.

As I held her hand, she was getting into the car, the time seems to be frozen. The logang, the creamy white breasts and a bit of the nipples were showing. If I can, I will hold them with my hands.....

We chatted while I was on the road. She is from Korea, 25 and she applied for the job in the finance sector, and got a posting here. Kim Jyaying that's her name. Kimchi dish. I like. I always find korean and jap look identical. She is very fair, very sharp nose, i guess she might have gone under the knife. Small foxy eyes, and the lips to die for. The journey was pretty smooth although I hoped for a jam along the way.

I dropped her off at the carpark opposite cineleisure, guess she might have gone into the fitness centre just next to it. What's the name, I don't really know. She came back with a smile and again, we were on the road.

Strangely, maybe I know my fiancé was not around, I m very comfortable chatting and talking cock with another lady. I haven't had this kind of moment with the opposite sex for awhile. Maybe I just when my fiancé was ard in Singapore, I made the conscious effort not to get too close or even talk too long with the other sex.

Reached the house, or should I say my house. Is still very neat and tidy. She passed me the rent for the month. Had a short exchange, and I was about to leave before I said

Me: hey Jyaying, do u.....

TBC, OC is back
Old 14-01-2011, 10:21 PM
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Re: Condo, tenants and myself

wow lucky dude.. the stage is set for some exciting action..
Old 14-01-2011, 10:42 PM
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Re: Condo, tenants and myself

good start! camping for more updates.
**pm me for 2nd/3rd round

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Old 14-01-2011, 11:42 PM
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Re: Condo, tenants and myself

lesson learnt: must rent out to the "right" type of tenants!
Old 15-01-2011, 12:06 AM
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Talking Re: Condo, tenants and myself

TS, bro, please continue. Story has great potential leh.
Take more kopi!!!

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