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Why do men stray
hi everyone, it's me again.
Had been a long time since I last posted in here. Am thinking of starting a new thread about why men stray, ![]() Had ask my 'someone' about this question and his answer is short and sharp - "Home food is nice and healthy...but sometime can't get enough...and not exotic at times...so eat out lor" How about other Bros? share your thoughts. ![]() Any thoughts about the thread subject from Sis here?
My Thread - http://sammyboyforum.com/showthread.php?t=173827 - Someone and me http://sammyboyforum.com/showthread.php?t=186691 - CIM http://sammyboyforum.com/showthread.php?t=240081 - Why do men stray |
Re: Why do men stray
Agreed with your 'someone'.......
Home cooked food will take things for granted after a while and do not care about the feeling of man sooner and later, unable to fill stomach then got to either eat out or even 'ta bao' home lor ![]() |
Re: Why do men stray
i don't think tis stray issue is only restricted 2 men only ...
there is also constant rise in women tat r straying as well !! |
Re: Why do men stray
sometimes things start to get boring,so eat out to spice life a bit.
To all who upped my points... Exchange of pts welcome,priorities will be given to bros who up my points & PM me first. |
Re: Why do men stray
well 1st of all frosty cold sis... it really depends.. nt all men tend to stray... there are many temptations out there and alot of men are unable to take a step back and just go ahead wif enjoyin the temptations.. but some guys are able to do so... i think most guys tend to like spiced up life but it really depends on each individual as its really DPDP.. dunno if i gave the rite advice er nt
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Re: Why do men stray
Well since we men like to use the analogy of food as a comparison, all I can say is I don't get to eat home cooked food that why got no choice but to "ta bao" all the time....
Re: Why do men stray
Agreed with some of the Bro reason given here, as ppl tends to get bored with regular stuff and take things for granted, so we seek something to spice up our life.
Also we also want to fullfill our sexusl desire and dreams too ![]() |
Re: Why do men stray
hehe ... maybe this is the closest fit to WHY ... click on link.
I assume affairs were all about sex, a mid life crises, or recapturing a man's youth. I've since learned that this is often not the case. There are several studies which indicate that men overwhelmingly cheat for emotional reasons - and not physical ones. http://www.mdjunction.com/healthy-re...ve-their-wives |
Hi sis,
Just my opinion. Sweating is not limited to men. It is the nature of HUMAN. Allow me to ask u one silly question. Let's say u have one food u like very very much. Only thinking about it make ur mouth waterful' But if u eat that food and that food alone for about a month everyday whenever u r hungry and whenever u have to eat. Will it b ok? Even a small potato chip(hopefully it is not the one u choose in above scanerio) from outside may make u jump, right? Another example, will u wear the same dress all the time everyday for the rest of ur life or just only for a month? U will hate that dress what so ever much u loved it before. Right? I think it is the same. But, just my opinion, IF u don't want ur guy to swary, there's lots of things u can do. Just make sure he taste the different taste with u everytime. It is not limited to sex. Yes men like SEX. but when comes to life, I think the understanding, commitment, and caring plays lots of game! I once read in a book which they call that as sex with emotion. ![]() They said physical sex and emotional sex will make a happy and healthy relationship. (I'm not sure healthy means no swearing or not, but it is what I understand like that) Hope it answer ur question And also hope I dont irritate anybody Thanks for ur time! |
IMHO, the reason(s) may b 1 or more of the following:
Jamie (FL) is a gem that i like a lot, & she's now on temporary retired mode 4 a few months... For my unconventional FR on Jamie, pls kindly click here... Hope u like it ![]() |
Re: Why do men stray
Sheesh i dont know why u guys like to compare women to food -.- they're human right?
I mean it takes 2 hands to clap no? |
Re: Why do men stray
We all know the reason why men/woman go astray. We yearn for a lil spice, that bit of spark which diminished over the years between two loving couples. Some eat out cos they do not want to trouble their partner or escalate things into something worse cos let's face it, sometimes we are not always on the same channel on things even after talking things out. Some see eating out or ta bao as an outlet to resolve a gaping hole which develops from the mundane day to day rituals of couple life but it takes two to clap and the reason why one eats out cos his/her partner starts to be too comfortable and takes the other for granted.
What we do not realise is that both of man and woman forget how special each other is to one another, and this develops into a cycle. A simple human psychological need to (1) be loved and (2)chase for love. We need both in a relationship and if there's an imbalance in a couple's life where one need is lesser than the other or most of the time in the later part of a couple's life the need to chase for love is not met, some will resort to eating out or ta bao. Just my 2 cents worth ![]() |
Re: Why do men stray
Well, my 2 cents, most man are droven by his little bro., thats why a female sales always do better then a male sales, so that prove it all.... lol. But when a man strays dun mean they dun love their wifey and family.
But again, I must agreed with most bro here, woman stray as well, but most of the time not as far as man. "Home cooked not as good" well said! But again, it takes two handles to clap, being a homecooked food, you must understand your mans need, keep youself in gd shape and skill on bed (its worth your time to keep in shape, dun be a "Yellow Face wife"), once a while give him surprises on the bed, man had always lots of fantasy, each has their special likes and dream, understand him eg. sharing/exchange wife with others, gangband the wife, do it in the wild, watching others have sex, or even wife with other female. Im not saying to give in to your man, but also to let your man understand your fantasy and what you like abt sex (which most spore woman dun do that). Thats always this saying "relationship builds better on bed, man or woman". After all we all human being. Of couse the rest of the everyday life matters is up to yourself. So when a wife said "Why my man strays", have you look at youself? How are you doing or what have you done or not do? I understand sex might not be every womans cup of tea, but then again when man strays, the reasons mostly comes from the wife... sad to say. To be real, age is not a matter! look at the angmo wife, at 60 still doing crazy things together with her man, and must say the angmo man enjoys it with their wife. So yes, I sided man more, but sad to say, man always the problem kid. |
Re: Why do men stray
![]() I think the following factors are at work in any relationship: (i) What kind of person would make the perfect partner me (ii) What I think is the kind of person that would make the perfect partner me (iii) The availability of a perfect partner who feels the same way about me Logically speaking, if all three of the above conditions are met in one and the same person, there wouldn't be an issue with straying. But as you can see, there are already so many problems with these conditions. Already in the case of (i), we can see that the odds of finding such a person may be close to impossible - a rough guess from general opinion would be someone who has fantastic attributes both emotionally and physically. Then things get vastly complicated when we get to (ii), because we have to admit we may not know what kind of partner is really good for us. Just think of all the people who end up falling for hookers or waitresses with disastrous results - they probably see something in the relationship which really isn't there. There are of course a rare and lucky few who manage to live happily ever after, but the odds are really slim. Lastly, the impact of (iii) very likely leads us to look for "the next best thing", which is where most of us end up. Depending on circumstances, the relationship results in varying degrees of success or failure. So what do we do to make up the missing bits? We look elsewhere, of course ![]() That being said, I think a mature person should recognise that things in life aren't perfect, and we need to come to grips with having to remedy these flaws as best we can, even if the methods we use are frowned upon by society. It's all very easy to talk about morals in theory, but which would you rather have - an agitated, unreasonable, incoherent person who sticks to the same partner but can't get over his/her dissatisfaction? Or a calm, reasonable person that tries to get by as best he/she can? It's the people that get hung up on perfection that get very (sometimes even violently ![]()
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Re: Why do men stray
babe, i thought this has been discussed and you should have closure already right? still cannot get over this???
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