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Old 12-07-2011, 09:07 PM
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Masturbating in public toilet is a crime?

I almost got caught by vivocity security yesterday !! Somehow managed to escape from there.Is it a crime?
Old 13-07-2011, 09:23 AM
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Re: Masturbating in public toilet is a crime?

How do you masterbate? you sound very loud? How did he almost caught?
Old 13-07-2011, 09:27 AM
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Re: Masturbating in public toilet is a crime?

Originally Posted by anjna16 View Post
I almost got caught by vivocity security yesterday !! Somehow managed to escape from there.Is it a crime?
How did the guard came to know about it? Did he trail you to toilet and caught you pants down? Or, did you use hand (hands) or your mouth to PCC and making hell lot of surp surp sound? Lastly, I conclude that you did not close the door and PCC at the standing urinate bowl instead of the bowel toilet bowl cubical.
Bonk safety and happily.
Old 13-07-2011, 10:05 AM
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Re: Masturbating in public toilet is a crime?

The security guard must be peeping tom.

Or you moan too loud.

Don't tell me you masturbating at the basin outside the cubicle.

I know I can do anything even bring a girl to have sex in the toilet cubicle.

Army verdict.... "You can do anything you want as long you do not get caught."
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Old 13-07-2011, 10:58 AM
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Re: Masturbating in public toilet is a crime?

Think he went inside gals toilet to peep and at the same time PPC!!!
Old 13-07-2011, 11:03 AM
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Re: Masturbating in public toilet is a crime?

Good one......

Originally Posted by kums View Post
Think he went inside gals toilet to peep and at the same time PPC!!!
Owe 2nd rd - Lookingaround, kopigaogao, MikeCarl, 222nge, undergroundtree, Jay Chou, Hamka, exactmatxspeed, solopop, aurahiongka, ejectjoy; loneyheart, randily, bigbirdbird, Botakhead2, and few others - no space to write in signature but recorded.
Old 13-07-2011, 11:27 AM
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Re: Masturbating in public toilet is a crime?

i doubt doing it in a male toilet is a crime, you are inside the cubicle locked so there shouldn't be any indecent exposure in the public. i guess it is a crime committed by the person who found you pcc cuz he must have opened your door forcefully or have peeped at you
Old 13-07-2011, 11:43 AM
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Re: Masturbating in public toilet is a crime?

if u wanna know the answer, then do it again
retired liao... very seldom online
Old 13-07-2011, 11:46 AM
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Re: Masturbating in public toilet is a crime?

u are shaking your own dick or the guard?????
Old 13-07-2011, 01:04 PM
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Re: Masturbating in public toilet is a crime?

Originally Posted by anjna16 View Post
I almost got caught by vivocity security yesterday !! Somehow managed to escape from there.Is it a crime?
You loser, that's disgusting. Spraying your semen all over the toilet and floor. What if you were the unsuspecting person (including handicapped, elderly or kid) who had to use the stall after you dumped your cum all over the place. If you are going to do something so sick then spray your home bathroom. SG society is a clean wholesome family oriented society not some promiscuous dirty society where people go to public stalls to jack off. What's next for you? Rape? Flashing your dick at a public place? So disgusting you loser.
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Old 13-07-2011, 01:15 PM
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Re: Masturbating in public toilet is a crime?

Hi TS, your post is too transparent for any bro to advise. Like some bro who have correctly mentioned, it really depends where were you at that point of time during your near-missed.

I'd hope you are in the correct toilet at that time

Whatever indecency there might be, as long as you are in the cubicle, there is no reason for anyone to consider you as causing a public indecency which you can be charged under Section 20 of the Miscellaneous Offences Act.

For anyone who climb over the cubicle wall or peep you under the cubicle door, is literally invading others' privacy and you may bring him to Court with outraging your modesty which is also an offence too. I'm sure some Bros here have experience this before, perverts trying to peep to those small little man-made holes in between the cubicle walls.

So, if an occurrence like this happen upon you again, simply look-up or look-down and tell him, "Halo, what are you looking at, never see a man masturbating izit?"

Happy Masturbating......
Old 13-07-2011, 02:03 PM
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Re: Masturbating in public toilet is a crime?

I saw this chio bu in microminiskirt and followed her liao..suddenly she take escallator i peep peep she no underwear !!!steam ready i follow her.. i on the first floor she on second floor liao..vivocity the glass railing can see very clearly.suddenly she got phonecall she stand there and talk.she facing her back on the railing can see her full butt !! after sometimes she turn to this side can see her cheebye fully liao !!!!she never shave one..cannot tahan i went toilet same time security oso came to pass urine i dunno.he took the next cubicle.I was shaking and i always little bit make sound one lor.he heard i dunno how he peep.he knock knock the door.i open door and run fast.all look at me.i came to mrt and escaped if he caught me? he call police?
Old 13-07-2011, 03:50 PM
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Re: Masturbating in public toilet is a crime?

obviously TS are those who stand hours at the urinal doing nothing but keep shaking dick while looking at other peeing.......homo guy
Old 13-07-2011, 05:42 PM
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Re: Masturbating in public toilet is a crime?

Originally Posted by sky_liner2 View Post
Or, did you use hand (hands) or your mouth to PCC and making hell lot of surp surp sound?
You mean he could have BBBJ himself?.....
Old 13-07-2011, 05:59 PM
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Re: Masturbating in public toilet is a crime?

Originally Posted by anton View Post
You mean he could have BBBJ himself?.....
Who knows!!!??? There are some ppl who have flexible body.....
Bonk safety and happily.
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