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Old 06-08-2011, 03:41 PM
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Warning!!! i gonna Gonorrhoea after trying these FL

Dear All,

This is a warning!!! Never expect to start my first thread in this fasion, but everything have to come to the end. I was diagnoise with Gonorrhoea, although nothing serious and can be cure by injection & antibodies but the mental stress i'm having & my marriage at stack is totally not worth it. Well i have seem a couple of bro before me wrote something similar but i just put it off as something unfortune happen to them but never to me. Well i got what i deserve.

After i got the news from DSC clinic, went down for an injection & the most tricky part is how to tell your wife, in the end i confess & ask her to go for a checkup, fortunately she wasn't infected by me but the trust she once had with me is totally gone... Dunno what fate lie ahead of me. So bro who is married and thinking of quitting should do so before it is too late.

Now the important part, i had a checkup in Apr, everything was fine but the last checkup which is a few days ago, i gonna... Within this period of 4 month, the FL after ruling out the normal massage + hj, left "Yan Zi" from bro Liquid@cid, "Xiao Yue" from bro Sexpowered & "JingJing" from bro Haonan Ge Both is already not around except JingJing, so bro that try them & had bbbj by them, for your own good please go for a checkup... Hopefully all of you are able to read this thread before it is been remove by the moderator.
Old 06-08-2011, 04:46 PM
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Re: Warning!!! i gonna Gonorrhoea after trying these FL

There's no point going on a witch hunt. Ask yourself why any FL would end up with gonorrhea in the first place? It's because her clients all demand unprotected oral sex. It's a chicken and egg situation. There's a "bro" out there who passed on the infection to the FLs that sucked his unprotected dick and is probably still spreading it around. You too probably passed it to a few other girls before you were diagnosed.

Treat ALL prostitutes as high risk sexual partners. Whatever list you may come up with is only the tip of the iceberg.

Studies done in the past have shown that the gonorrhea infection rate amongst the LEGAL sex workers in Singapore was approx 10%. I have no doubt that it's even higher amongst sex workers who don't go for regular screening.

Simply put, this means that for every 10 girls you fuck, 1 of them is infected.

Use a condom for both oral sex and vaginal sex and your chances of catching the bug are reduced dramatically.
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Old 06-08-2011, 04:47 PM
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Re: Warning!!! i gonna Gonorrhoea after trying these FL

I'm looking for data which is more up to date. However, despite the fact that this data is 30 years old, I see no reason why current infection rates would be any lower. If anything, they're probably higher as regional travel and the influx of foreign prostitutes has resulted in huge increase in commercial sex transactions over the last 10 years.

Singapore Med J. 1989 Jun;30(3):263-4.
Chlamydial infection in female prostitutes in Singapore.
Lim KB, Srivasin V, Gan SL, Thirumoorthy T, Nadarajah M, Sng EH, Yuen WS.

Three studies conducted in 1982, 1985 and 1988 investigated chlamydial infections in female prostitutes. In 1982, 115 prostitutes with culture-positive gonorrhoea were studied; 8% were coinfected with Chlamydia trachomatis. In 1985, 86 female prostitutes and in 1988, 100 female prostitutes attending for routine tests were examined. Chlamydia trachomatis was isolated in 12% and 9% of the cases, respectively. Gonorrhoea was detected in 10% and 11% of the cases. In the 1988 study, one (9%) of the 11 women with gonorrhoea had concomitant chlamydial infection. Syphilis was diagnosed in 3% of the female prostitutes investigated in 1988. Our findings indicate that concomitant chlamydial infection occurs in about 8-9% of female prostitutes with gonorrhoea and that 9-12% of the female prostitutes screened harboured Chlamydia trachomatis in their endocervices. A chlamydial control programme in prostitutes is desirable.

Studies conducted in 1982, 1985, and 1988 among female prostitutes in Singapore documented the need for a chlamydial control program in this population. In the 1982 study, which included 115 prostitutes infected with gonorrhea, Chlamydia trachomatis was recovered from 8%. In 1985 and 1988, the prevalence of endocervical chlamydia infection in prostitutes presenting for routine testing was 12% and 9%, respectively. The prevalence of gonorrhea in 1985 and 1988 was 10% and 11%, respectively. In the 1988 study, 1 of the 11 prostitutes with gonorrhea also harbored chlamydia. The prevalence of syphilis, ascertained only in the 1988 study, was 3%. These findings suggest that 8-9% of prostitutes with gonorrhea are co-infected with chlamydia. At present, prostitutes in Singapore are screened only for gonorrhea and syphilis. The high rate of C trachomatis infection recorded in this study indicates that chlamydia infection--on the increase in the West--should be added to this list. In addition, health education efforts are needed to stress the need for additional anti-chlamydial treatment. Currently utilized regimens for the treatment of gonorrhea are ineffective against C trachomatis.

[PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
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Old 06-08-2011, 04:58 PM
RealEstateGuy RealEstateGuy is offline
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Re: Warning!!! i gonna Gonorrhoea after trying these FL

The spreader could be Teehan based on posts soliciting for sex with absolutely no discretion. Does anyone now if Teehan is the real name?
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Old 08-08-2011, 09:24 AM
kgbkgb kgbkgb is offline
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Re: Warning!!! i gonna Gonorrhoea after trying these FL

i always advocate wearing this plus yr usual condom for all sex tryst. Anyone does this??
Old 08-08-2011, 02:39 PM
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Re: Warning!!! i gonna Gonorrhoea after trying these FL

Originally Posted by porn View Post
Dear All,

This is a warning!!! Never expect to start my first thread in this fasion, but everything have to come to the end. I was diagnoise with Gonorrhoea, although nothing serious and can be cure by injection & antibodies but the mental stress i'm having & my marriage at stack is totally not worth it. Well i have seem a couple of bro before me wrote something similar but i just put it off as something unfortune happen to them but never to me. Well i got what i deserve.

After i got the news from DSC clinic, went down for an injection & the most tricky part is how to tell your wife, in the end i confess & ask her to go for a checkup, fortunately she wasn't infected by me but the trust she once had with me is totally gone... Dunno what fate lie ahead of me. So bro who is married and thinking of quitting should do so before it is too late.

Now the important part, i had a checkup in Apr, everything was fine but the last checkup which is a few days ago, i gonna... Within this period of 4 month, the FL after ruling out the normal massage + hj, left "Yan Zi" from bro Liquid@cid, "Xiao Yue" from bro Sexpowered & "JingJing" from bro Haonan Ge Both is already not around except JingJing, so bro that try them & had bbbj by them, for your own good please go for a checkup... Hopefully all of you are able to read this thread before it is been remove by the moderator.
bro. hope you're doing better.

your thread is a sobering reminder to all of us.
of the potential risks, no matter how clean the girl might look.
it's what's invisible that can strike without warning.
Old 13-08-2011, 10:56 PM
tian_cai007 tian_cai007 is offline
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Re: Warning!!! i gonna Gonorrhoea after trying these FL

Bro, I can confirm it's Jing Jing who has Gonorrhoea, so bro who patronize her be warned. I had Gonorrhoea abt a mth ago which I suspect is from Jing Jing. I went back again. This time kenna again, so must be her since I didnt go for other WL again. I even asked the okt whether Jing Jing went for any sceening earlier. He said she's clean, obviously lying thru the teeth. Will never visit the hse again.
Originally Posted by porn View Post
Dear All,

This is a warning!!! Never expect to start my first thread in this fasion, but everything have to come to the end. I was diagnoise with Gonorrhoea, although nothing serious and can be cure by injection & antibodies but the mental stress i'm having & my marriage at stack is totally not worth it. Well i have seem a couple of bro before me wrote something similar but i just put it off as something unfortune happen to them but never to me. Well i got what i deserve.

After i got the news from DSC clinic, went down for an injection & the most tricky part is how to tell your wife, in the end i confess & ask her to go for a checkup, fortunately she wasn't infected by me but the trust she once had with me is totally gone... Dunno what fate lie ahead of me. So bro who is married and thinking of quitting should do so before it is too late.

Now the important part, i had a checkup in Apr, everything was fine but the last checkup which is a few days ago, i gonna... Within this period of 4 month, the FL after ruling out the normal massage + hj, left "Yan Zi" from bro Liquid@cid, "Xiao Yue" from bro Sexpowered & "JingJing" from bro Haonan Ge Both is already not around except JingJing, so bro that try them & had bbbj by them, for your own good please go for a checkup... Hopefully all of you are able to read this thread before it is been remove by the moderator.
Old 13-08-2011, 11:20 PM
tian_cai007 tian_cai007 is offline
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Re: Warning!!! i gonna Gonorrhoea after trying these FL

Btw, Bro Porn, how much u paid for STD screening when u went DSC? And ur report only say Gonorrhoea and not other STD? Sorry, not trying to curse u. What I afraid is Hepes as it is a forever in ur body.
Old 17-08-2011, 12:54 AM
Alf1977 Alf1977 is offline
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Re: Warning!!! i gonna Gonorrhoea after trying these FL

When a man(who already has a gf/wife) fool around n found out by the other half... TRUST is no longer there!!!! Maybe guys will think nothing of it since they think they are able to build the trust again!

the fact is it may take a few years to build trust, but It just take a day to break it ... N it's highly impossible that trust can't be build up ever again.. The worst case the gf/wife will go n find another guy to bed to revenge on her bf/hubby!

Anyway, guys who did raw or BBBJ by other pros/WL/FL n still do raw with his wife/gf is not a responsible guy, or I should say the guy do not love her at all that is why dont even bother if he bring any disease to her...

It is only when u get the disease then u regret!! Then why in the first place dick so itch, go n fuck other slut! N pay money to fuxk sluts somemore
Old 17-08-2011, 07:48 AM
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Re: Warning!!! i gonna Gonorrhoea after trying these FL

Originally Posted by tian_cai007 View Post
Bro, I can confirm it's Jing Jing who has Gonorrhoea, so bro who patronize her be warned. I had Gonorrhoea abt a mth ago which I suspect is from Jing Jing. I went back again. This time kenna again, so must be her since I didnt go for other WL again. I even asked the okt whether Jing Jing went for any sceening earlier. He said she's clean, obviously lying thru the teeth. Will never visit the hse again.
Are you so damn sure? I thought you posted in another thread right after posting in this that you got gonorrhoea from a WL in GL? Do you have split personality or what? And in your 10 threads, all in the last few months, you wrote that you ONLY go to GL as it is safer...

Anyway, I have done a screen capture of all 10 of your posts. Makes me wonder if you have an ulterior motive for posting this.

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Old 18-08-2011, 12:47 AM
Alf1977 Alf1977 is offline
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Re: Warning!!! i gonna Gonorrhoea after trying these FL

Actually it does not really matter if TS is telling truth or what.. Maybe it's not that slut who gave him the disease .. But another slut..

When we come out to play, fuxk prostitutes that is the consequences one should face. Gf/wife will just lose trust in us.. Fuxk more n purposely let wife/gf know if you want to end your marriage.

BBBJ also transmit STDs in case you don't know.
Old 18-08-2011, 12:48 AM
Alf1977 Alf1977 is offline
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Re: Warning!!! i gonna Gonorrhoea after trying these FL

Play all u want n retribution will chance upon u, your wife/gf or your children.

I just wonder why must guys/men get their retribution before they can see the light n know that fuxking other sluts especially prostitutes is the most stupid thing any guy will do.
Old 18-08-2011, 08:14 AM
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Re: Warning!!! i gonna Gonorrhoea after trying these FL

Originally Posted by Alf1977 View Post
Actually it does not really matter if TS is telling truth or what.. Maybe it's not that slut who gave him the disease .. But another slut..

When we come out to play, fuxk prostitutes that is the consequences one should face. Gf/wife will just lose trust in us.. Fuxk more n purposely let wife/gf know if you want to end your marriage.

BBBJ also transmit STDs in case you don't know.
Originally Posted by Alf1977 View Post
Play all u want n retribution will chance upon u, your wife/gf or your children.

I just wonder why must guys/men get their retribution before they can see the light n know that fuxking other sluts especially prostitutes is the most stupid thing any guy will do.

I think you have some issues with FL/WLs/FBs in the past and that is why you seem to have developed such a negative perception and bias towards them.

Hey, searching through your previous posts, you do have 1 recent thread where you kept disturbing Fon right? Interesting thread that shows how warped your mind really is.

This is the thread I am referring to and I'm sure you remember this thread.

Some screen captures to jolt your memory:

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Old 18-08-2011, 11:21 AM
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Re: Warning!!! i gonna Gonorrhoea after trying these FL

Teebs_darklord, of course I remember her for the rest of my life!

It is her (slutty cheap thick skinned Fon) who made me see light to this world that sluts seduce guys in the hope to get marry into Singapore! It is thru her that I find thai girls just holes for guys to fuxk. They r just fan Jian!!! But they r pretty n sexy n send u to heaven when they give me BBBJ.

This slut gave me a hell load of shits n I have been disturbing her for the past 10 months n look like I won the battle against her for she had changed her mobile number like finally! She just messing with the wrong person coz she think I will fall for her n marry her n let her be PR. She is nothing but a cheap n free slut who gladly open her legs widely for any foreigners to fuxk her!

N yes I do have great issues with Thai sluts in particular! I always hope to give them two tights slaps or burn their hair
or disfigure their faces (in my dream) they are so cheap that it's not worth me doing harm to them n imprison myself.

But for guys with low self esteem like me, go for Thai sluts won't go wrong. Coz they are cheap, fan Jian, slutty, treat u like a king.. Just play with them n pretend that you really love them, (give them hope that you may marry her) n just ditch her after u are sick of fuxking her.. Of course dun let her have any chance of threatening u with naked pictures or whatever... They are the cheapest n most of the times free holes to unload yr soldiers. I declare they are nothing but holes! Guys who go for Thai sluts are really ego type who want to be treated by kings by the pretentious cheap sluts who fake u into believing they really love u.. Think of them can make me fuming mad. I wish korat to drowned in tsunami or let those sluts be knocked down by cars/lorries!!!

N becoz of korat girls I will never want to be associated with these low grade people who sell their bodies to any foreigners.. I will never want to patronize local Thai discos because see those sluts make me angry! Plus I will try to avoid anything associated with Thai stuffs, no Thai
Music, no Thai food n no Thai movies. Feel disgusted by their slutty girls!!!

Last edited by Alf1977; 18-08-2011 at 11:49 AM.
Old 18-08-2011, 12:32 PM
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Re: Warning!!! i gonna Gonorrhoea after trying these FL

Originally Posted by tian_cai007 View Post
I had Gonorrhoea abt a mth ago which I suspect is from Jing Jing. I went back again. This time kenna again, so must be her since I didnt go for other WL again. I even asked the okt whether Jing Jing went for any sceening earlier.
i think u should have ur brains checked too ... who in the right frame of mind would want to go back to a lady who pass disease to him to try again for confirmation??

or u must be taking urself as a guinea pig for experiments
retired liao... very seldom online
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