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Old 07-10-2011, 10:18 AM
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Neighborhood Encounter ....

Hi bruthers .... Just had a series of amazing encounter which i thought i share.... now this is long as I want to put the whole encounter in context ... for those who don't want to read long posts ... i politely suggest you stop now.

I've been living in Singapore for 8 years now and a PR. I've recently moved into my new apartment with my gf with a mix variety of nationalities in the neighborhood but fairly interesting. I am half Taiwanese and Norwegian, thank goodness I have more Asian looks which helps alot whenever i go to the local KTVs with some friends.

Now back to my story ... my working schedule is flexible and i tend to work from home once or twice a week whenever i feel like it. On days when I work at home, whenever i need a smoke break, i will take a walk by the pool or playground area downstairs. I noticed that its either late morning around 10am or late afternoon around 4pm when alot of mothers take their kids to the pool. Most of them invite their friends (other mothers) as well. I realized that some of these moms are soooo MILFY! ... what amazes me is that Caucasian women tend not to take care of their shape after childbirth but not some of these that i have seen.

2 of them caught my eye as they wore their swim wear with a large scarf-like dress which tends to be translucent during the day. I would have my can of coke and at least 2 ciggies sitting at a distant watching damn as i wouldn't want to come across as inconsiderate smoking too near their kids.

This observation and my 'timely' smoking sessions started to allow 2 of them to become more warm to my presence. They started to smile and even just say a causal 'hi'.

Then the opportunity came one day, i was at my usual corner and one of them approached me with a slice of cake which they baked. And to my surprise she asked if she could have a cigarette... i offered her and while i lit her cig, i caught a short glance from her eye and a suppressed smile that could have led on to something else. She asked if she could just sit with me for while and of course i didn't decline. We chatted very casually ... exchanged background info etc. She hinted about being bored with her routine and i thought it was an opportunity but didn't tarnish it by being too aggressive.

The following week, i looked out of my window and saw her alone this time by the pool. I went down and pretended not to see her as i entered the other side of the pool. As i swam by her, she saw me and waved ... i stopped and went to the side of the pool where she was and we chatted. It was already 5pm and she told me the humidity was unbearable and wished she had a cold beer beside her. Now, opportunity was obviously knocking hard on my door ... i told her i was happy to run up and get some cold ones down, she initially felt bad about it and i told her it was no problem ... i didn't bother taking the elevator and ran up the stairwell since i only lived on the 3rd floor.... got 2 bottles and my pack of cigs.

When i got down, she was already by the deck chair, all dried up and wearing that beach dress i saw the last time. I thought to myself that she was leaving ... but she was just waiting for me. We had our beer and cigs, and our conversation went on for another hour.... i found out that her husband was out of town most of the time and as luck had it, her kid was having a sleep over with her girlfriend. Our conversation went on to about movies and to cut the long story shorter .. we shared similar genres. She asked if i wanted to order a pizza and grab a dvd from a rental in our condo area ... i told her for sure but i would need to go home to wrap up some work for about an hour first. We exchanged numbers and agreed to meet later and i offered to pick up the dvds as she ordered for the pizza delivery.

Honestly, i didn't have any work, i just needed to call my gf to check what time she was coming back and to figure out an excuse. I told her i was going out with some friends.

Finally got to her place with the DVD.... she was still in the same outfit, translucent beach dress with a damp bikini underneath. She took out the wine, i slot in the DVD... 30mins late, received a call from the guardhouse that the pizzas were here.... settled the pizza and we were chatting, watching the movie with 2 bottles of wine beside us. We kind of lost track of the movie as were talking too much and already onto the 2nd bottle of wine... as we chatted.. we started to get more comfortable with each other and got alittle more touchy.... i had alot to drink and needed to pee... she pointed to the direction of the washroom and while i was in there, i was rinsing my mouth as and adjusting my semi-stiff cock. When i got out.. she was laying there motionless, with her head slouched covered by her hair.. i walked over quietly thinking she fell asleep... i was cursing under my breath that i thought this opportunity was over.... thinking that i shouldn't ruin my chances if this happens again.. i slowly picked up the remote to turn off the dvd and tv. I was alittle confused of what to do ... i noticed on the dining table were some pens and a notepad. I thought the polite thing to do was to leave her a note and politely leave.

While writing the note, i was also thinking that i should put this in a place where she would see it, and also write it in a very casual manner so that if here husband were to stumble upon this note, no one would be the wiser. While writing, i paused every now and then thinking of what to write as it cannot be too obvious... during this time, my back was facing her all the while when suddenly i felt to hands grab my waist with a firm grip to tickle me... i had a huge shock and nearly elbowed her and at the moment i turned around too quick and her nails dug into the side my waists.... she burst out laughing as i tried to gain my composure from the shock and the pain of her nails digging in. I went to the couch as i laughed with her with my hand holding onto my side as i grimaced in pain.... she thought i was having a cramp as i was laughing really hard... until she noticed that i was in some discomfort... then she realized it could be her nails... I jokingly told her that her 'claws' needed trimming... too my further shocked she lifted up the side of my shirt to see if i was ok ... there were 2 dull scratches on my side ... i teasingly told her she shouldn't be lifting my shirt since we only got to know each other ... she was still laughing as she reached out for her glass of wine and said, "this will help" ... i thought she was offering me a drink but she took a sip... put the glass back on the table... and what she did next took me by total surprise.

She put her warm lips onto the dull scratches and twirled her tongue with the wine onto my side as if to soothe and disinfect it with alcohol. There was a very slightly sting ... but it felt good, by now my cock was hard as i slouched back onto the sofa with my eyes closed. She asked me if i felt better ... i was like "hell yes!" ... but told her it still sting. She got up and closed the curtains with a cheeky smile saying "the last thing we need are the tongues or our neighbors wagging"... she came back, lifted my shirt again to take a closer look... this time, no wine, just wet tongue action on my wound as her arms wrapped around my waist ... it was obvious she could feel my throbbing cock on her chest ....
Old 07-10-2011, 10:21 AM
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Cool! Great job.
Old 07-10-2011, 10:28 AM
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Re: Neighborhood Encounter ....

1st to set up my tent.... Go on my dear friend.
Old 07-10-2011, 10:30 AM
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Re: Neighborhood Encounter ....

Setting up tent and awaiting more juicy stories.... Great start.. details are goood!!
Old 07-10-2011, 10:40 AM
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Re: Neighborhood Encounter ....


Pls continue and finish ASAP.
Old 07-10-2011, 11:01 AM
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Camping here. Looks potential.
Old 07-10-2011, 11:06 AM
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Re: Neighborhood Encounter ....

camp for more
Tiko #62
Old 07-10-2011, 11:43 AM
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Re: Neighborhood Encounter ....

shiok reading
retired liao... very seldom online
Old 07-10-2011, 11:52 AM
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Re: Neighborhood Encounter ....

Please continue
Old 07-10-2011, 11:59 AM
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Re: Neighborhood Encounter ....

power to you bro.....
Old 07-10-2011, 12:27 PM
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Re: Neighborhood Encounter ....

Nice. Please continue.
Old 07-10-2011, 02:33 PM
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Re: Neighborhood Encounter ....

Alright ... just got back home from the office. After getting out of the cab at my condo, i saw so many MILFs, guess moving into this place has alot of plus points. Guess some may wonder where i live ... its along the East Coast Area, and for those who drive by the area during the weekdays will notice that in many of the condos around, there are many lonely, bored MILFs buried with routines and are open to discreet non-committed relationships.... alright... back to the encounter....

..... as my breath started to increase in pace as the excitement rushed through my veins with my heart beating faster ... she looked up at me and asked if i felt better ... honestly, i was at a lost for words as i did not expect things to move so fast.... suddenly, i blurted out "look... i know your married with a kid ... i really don't want to ruin family by becoming the third wheel..." and before I could finish my sentence, she put her finger to my lips and went "shhhh... I'm not expecting a relationship... lets just see where this evening takes us... and no one needs to know ... alright?" ... i was like 'holy fuck..." its as if she was on top of it all and taking charge of the situation which i was totally not used to.

She then slowly moved up towards me and sat ontop of me in a straddling position ... brushed her hands through my hair... put her forehead onto mine with our noses touching... and whispered "you're alright with this right?"... i was like where and when the fuck did my conscience suddenly decide to kick in?? here's a hot 32 year old woman, tight and well trimmed body with boobs and ass that would put many half her age to shame ... well maybe not entirely half her age but you know what i mean.... I just replied "of course" ... she smiled and did a quick lick on the tip of nose before proceeding to tease my ear by nibbling onto my ears ... i started to hold her closer and at this stage i could feel her grinding her hips a little as my cock was just bursting in my beach shorts... i was only wearing a pair of lose boxers underneath which did not help suppress the protrusion. I was tempted to grab her boobs but was worried that i was moving too fast... and then ruining the whole moment.

Soon... her lips found mine ... i was waiting eagerly for our lips to lock but that would mean i have to arch my neck forward ... so i just laid in that slouched position and felt her warm breath on my lips and the faint smell of wine lingering out ... she seems to enjoy using her tongue to tease as she used the tip of her tongue to tease the outline of my lips ... and everytime i pouted a little to entice her towards a kiss ... she would back off a little ... only allowing the tip of her tongue to slide around my lips ... you can't imagine the tease!! She seems to be a person of control as by this time her hands were pressed on my shoulders ... almost using her body weight to hold me down in a push-up-like position. Now... I am 1.81m in height weighing 79kgs... she wasn't small or petite, she was probably about 1.7m and weighing a good 65+kgs (i guess). So i could feel her weight pressing onto me and almost holding me down, the only way for me to gain dominance on this situation would require me to really push her back but that would just ruin the moment. So i just laid back and allowed her to take control of the situation for now.

She started to use her lips now ... it was gentle and i could feel that she was out in the sun for some time as her lips were slightly chapped and some of the peeled skin brushed against mine ... but still... they were soft to the touch. Light kisses progressed to nibbling my lips and her teeth started to fine my upper lip as she teasingly bit my lips and started sucking them.... i opened my mouth ... signalling to her that I was ready for her to plunge her tongue into my mouth for a very very wet kiss ... however, only her tongue eased in ... stroking the edges of my teeth... and even as i closed my mouth a little, she would retract ... leaving her tongue at the edge of my lips again... omg... this was torture ... i took the chance and moved my hands around her firm ass ... i tried lifting her slightly so that she would move closer but still... she didn't want to engage in a deep wet locked kiss with me... then i thought perhaps it would be something that represent too much of an emotional expression and that was why she didn't want to kiss ... as you can tell ... my mind was just trying to analyze the whole situation while my cock was trying to breathe.... i gave up trying to move her closer to me... and allowed my hands to slowly move up her back towards her neck... i placed one hand on her lower back... one hand her neck ... slowly guiding her closer to me... in no time our lips met and her arms eased as her body rested onto mine... the kiss was deep... it was wet ... our tongues intertwined as if fighting to tie a knot.... and still i was figuring if this was an evening that i could score with a lady from the neighborhood.

I kept telling myself to chill and stop figuring out too much and just let the moment be.

We kissed and time flew ... her wine-tainted breath injected more and more excitement. I could hear from her heavy breathing that she was aroused ... by now was sweating having had her body pressed against mine for i don't know how long. I carefully put one arm around her waist and another under her thigh, hinting to her a change in position, I slowly flipped her around to put her on her back... onto the sofa ... i was careful to be gentle and also not to be too abrupt ... we i flipped her gently, our lips unlocked as i tried to get some tension of my back by easing backwards a little... she grabbed onto the front area of my shirt to pull me back towards her ... i had to be careful not to let her rip my shirt as that would require me alot of explanation when i got home.

I could tell she was hungry ... as i planted my lips onto hers... not getting enough of that breath and taste that was emitting out of her mouth. .. I was feeling warm and since i was ontop with one leg on the floor and the other on the sofa, it allowed me to maintain a small distance between our bodies that was getting alittle sweaty ... that dominant-side of her kicked in again as she pulled me closer with both her arms and even legs around my thighs... i refused to collapse myself on her as i was feeling really warm, it was obvious she wasn't going to give up easily... she wrapped her legs around me and pulled herself up as her crotch found my cock that was already throbbing... and still i was unsure whether to try and slip my hands under her dress ...

Our tight embrace continued ... she was obviously feeling the heat ... heat from the warm evening and also the heat to get some good fucking... she whispered and asked me if i felt warm ... i just told her i didn't care as my lips and tongue found its way down her neck ... as i necked her ... i still could smell the fragrance of the suntan lotion which was such a turn on at that moment ... i leaned back and flopped onto my back ... onto her generously large sofa ... and told her if we could just switch on the aircon ... i was on my back looking at the ceiling when i felt her getting up ... and as she stood up... her loosely worn dress fell to the ground as she answered me "what for ... we don't need the air con" ... i tilted up head to get a better view as i saw her only in her brown bikini.... all i could think of now was for her to just strip and let me suck on those C+ cup tits .... she bent down and reached for her glass of wine took a couple of sips and asked me if i wanted some more ... the only thing i wanted more of was her .. not the wine ...
Old 07-10-2011, 02:37 PM
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Re: Neighborhood Encounter ....

... many apologies ... i need to get on a conference call now, work beckons me, have to pay rent

Again, thank you for your patience as my story is long and detailed ... this encounter has evolved into something more crazy... and I'm not wanting to leave out the details... after this, before i get on my call, i will walk by the window to see if she's by the pool again...

I promise to update this post once I'm settled with my work.
Old 07-10-2011, 02:42 PM
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Re: Neighborhood Encounter ....

more pls
Old 07-10-2011, 02:59 PM
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Re: Neighborhood Encounter ....

....awaiting continuation with bated breath and excited anticipation
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