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Old 04-04-2012, 07:31 PM
Hardaway1818 Hardaway1818 is offline
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A Getaway

Hi Bros, I have been enjoying all the wonderfully erotic stories posted here by all our kind bros and pcc to many of them. However, I noted that many of the good stories are from a long time back and recently getting harder to find.

Rather than lamenting about the lack of it, I have decided to give it a try and see if I can help to contribute to the spirit of sharing here.

This is my first time writing so pls pardon me if it's not well written. I will be using some Youtube clips to illustrate some of the characters in my story to make it more sexciting (I have a huge fantasy for Korean girl groups and obviously they are not the real characters in my story)

__________________________________________________ _______________

I am Mike, a typical Singaporean man, aged 29, local graduate with a good job at a MNC. I am married to my dream girl (my first and only girlfriend) whom I have dated for 5 yrs before we got married last year. My wife, April, is 5 years younger than me, so she is 24 yrs old now. Both of us came from very conservative upbringing so we are those very well-behaved type of couples who remain virgin till the day we got married.

Life is good for us as both of us love each other very much and we are working hard for our future together. April is a very pretty girl, with long flowing hair, slim body, cute face with the most lovely eyes and a sweet mouth. Most people would describe her as sweet-looking and those very obedient type who would never be wild in whatsoever manner.


Life is usually very hectic for us as both of us are busy with our work and during our free time, we spent our time on the usual activities on movies, shopping and good meals. We are not very active on our sex life as things got a bit stale after a couple of years and we are not those high-sexed kind of couple. And our conservative upbringing did not help us in that area.

We are getting a bit bored with our routine life so when we receive a call one day from our sister-in-law, May, that she and her boyfriend, Peter, is organizing a weekend getaway at Desaru, we immediately agreed to join in.

May is April's younger sister at 19 yr old and she is a first-year student at NUS. Peter is May's boyfriend and they are studying the same course together.


When I first saw May many years ago when I was dating April, she was only a 14 year old girl. From a young, innocent girl, she has grown to be a very pretty girl - lovey-dovey eyes with the most innocent and demure face with the fairest and smoothest complexion. She is those type that you won't even want to scold her when she made mistakes because you won't bear to. I have always treated her like my own sister, always giving her guidance and she has looked up to me as a big brother since young.

However there is something that both myself and April have always disapproved of May, that is, her boyfriend, Peter. Peter is those type of abrasive, young chap who thinks the world of himself, rides a Harley, and come across as somewhat arrogant to me and April. He talks loudly, love to go clubbing, enjoys loud music.....not that these are not good, but he is like the polar opposite of May, who is gentle, quiet and petite, more like her sister and myself type of person. But May just likes him, so we can't say too much either.

On this Desaru trip, Peter's elder brother and sister-in-law, Jake and Kim are joining us as well. We have not met Jake and Kim before and all that we know of them are that Jake is a Army Regular Officer while Kim is working as a HR manager at one of our Integrated Resort.

So that completes the participants for this Desaru Trip:
Myself (29) and my wife April (24)
Peter (21) and my sister-in-law May (19)
Jake (28) and his wife Kim (27)
Old 04-04-2012, 07:57 PM
Hardaway1818 Hardaway1818 is offline
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Re: A Getaway

The trip was planned to be a 4-day getaway from 30 Dec 2011 to 2 Jan 2012, over the long weekend of the New Year. Whole idea is for the group of us to experience something different over the New Year celebration other than watching the countdown on our TV.

Jake drives a Toyota Wish, those 7-seater MPV, so intention is for us to take his car ride up to Desaru in Malaysia, about a 2-hr ride.

So on the day of departure, we are meeting at Woodlands Causeway Point for Jake to pick the rest of us up. We are supposed to meet at 7.30 am early in the morning to avoid the crowd going into Malaysia and when me and April reaches there at about 7.25 am, all the rest of them are already there. That is the first time we met Jake and Kim and phew, Kim is a stunning lady.

Kim is very different from April and May. She is those more womanly type, with the right curves and exudes an air of sexiness around her. Her hair is dyed blonde and she has the most radiant smile I have ever seen. I am in a way captivated by her.... I can't really put a word to it, but she just appears so sexy, so different to April and May.


Jake is a very charming gentleman. Very manly, mature, and exhibit an aura of authority, very much like his occupation, a military officer. I heard he is already a Colonel at his young age and is a SAF-scholar. A very smart guy with lots of charm. Totally different from his brother, Peter.

So we make all the introductions to one another and got onto Jake's car. Jake and Kim sit at the front two seats. Peter and May sit at the middle seats while April and me sat at the back. So off we go for our Desaru getaway early in the morning! Looking forward to a great time together with my wife, my sister-in-law and our newly acquainted friends.
Old 04-04-2012, 08:14 PM
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Re: A Getaway

The car journey is a rather quiet one as we do not know each other well, and it's kinda weird if we talk to May about our family, ignoring Jake and the rest. So the conversation topics revolve more on introducing more about each other and also updating one another about our lives.

It is only then that we found out that Jake and Kim are newly-weds. They just came back from their Europe honeymoon trip and because they have a few days of leave left before starting work, they have agreed to join on this trip. Also the Desaru trip actually started because Jake has a free chalet stay at Desaru, provided as part of a wedding present from his superiors at the Army. Usually people stay at one of the resort hotels at Desaru but we would be staying at a very exclusive chalet, a two-storey bungalow all by ourselves at a special side of the Desaru beach.

When we reach the chalet, we are all pleasantly surprised by the place, large, clean, comfortable and with 3 bedrooms.....

So there come the problem of room allocation... Being the conservative ladies, April and May are against the idea of couple allocation as that would mean May and Peter share one room. So in the end, we decided that the best way would be for Jake and Kim to take one room (since they are newly-weds and would want more privacy), April and May one room while me and Peter share one room (although you can sense that both of us are quite reluctant haha)
Old 04-04-2012, 11:17 PM
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Re: A Getaway

After we settle down at the chalet, the first activity that we must do at Desaru must be enjoying the sun and water at the beach, which is most famous for its big waves that you can't see at the shores in Singapore.

We didn't change into swimsuits but rather all of us chose to wear T-shirts and shorts to the beach, which most of the people do anyway. When we get to the beach, we can see alot of people having fun there. The weather is hot and the sea looks very inviting so we plunge into the sea and have fun with the big waves gushing up the shore. We are just playing around, splashing the water onto each other and letting the waves hit upon us... Throughout the fun, I am always keeping an eye on Kim, as her curves become more accentuated when the wet T-shirt and shorts are drapped tightly over her body. You see her pink bra outline and her panty line on her perky butt.... it's such an enticing sight that I can't get my mind off...

After a while, the waves got bigger and bigger and it soon becomes so big that the waves can tower over our heads and we can sometimes be swept off our feet by the onrushing waves. It is very fun and we start to band closer together so that we can hold onto each other's hands for support when a particularly big wave comes in. That's when I have the chance to grab Kim's hand... I felt an electrifying sensation coming through my hand when I touch her sexy hand... I have an urge to sneak a feel on Kim's body but I have no guts as her husband is just beside us... I don't know what came over me at that point in time and when the big wave comes in again, instead of grabbing Kim's hand, I purposely act as if I miss my step and fumble over, and my hand aims straight for Kim's sexy butt. To my surprise, instead of touching the sexy butt, I touch another hand. When the wave subsides, I quickly glance to see who is on the other side of Kim and it's Peter. That bastard, he actually grabs his own sister-in-law's butt. And Kim is now looking at me with a very weird look. Oh no, did she think it is me who grab her butt? I mean I wanted to, but it wasn't me! Damn Peter.

I had wanted to tell May about what her boyfriend did under the waves but I don't know how to do that..... that I felt Peter's hand on Kim's butt because I wanted to grab Kim's butt? Arrgggh
Old 04-04-2012, 11:32 PM
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Re: A Getaway

reminds me of those reality show - Survival of the Fittest !
Old 05-04-2012, 12:21 AM
Hardaway1818 Hardaway1818 is offline
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Re: A Getaway

Nothing much happens for the rest of the day. As this is the first day here, everyone is a bit tired from the travelling and also the fun at the seaside. So all of us decided to rest early for the night.

We went to our own rooms and here I am, trying to get to sleep on a double bed with another stupid guy. I am almost drifting to sleep.... in my dream, I think I heard a moan. My eyes open and my ears open even bigger. The moan seems so real and another soft moan comes very clearly in the dark silence of the night. The room is in pitch darkness as we are at a secluded bungalow and there are no streetlightings thus no other light came into the room.

I prick my ear and yes, I can hear the distant sound of a bed creaking and moving against the wall and muffled moans in the distant. It must be Jake and Kim. Wow they are newly-weds so must be in the throes of passion. OMG, my mind is running wild, picturing the sexy Kim naked and being rammed by her husband, Jake. The love-making sound is simply making me so excited and horny. How I wish I am the one fucking Kim.

Suddenly I feel my bed moving. I suddenly remembered I am sharing a double bed with Peter. I am back facing him so I can't see him but from the movement, I can tell that the bastard is jerking off to the love-making sounds of his brother and sister-in-law. Disgusting.

I purposely let out a yawn and the movement stops. I have no wish to be in the same bed with that bastard when he is jerking off so I get down from the bed and go out of the room. I can hear the moaning sound of Kim even more distinctly along the corridor. I walk closer to Jake and Kim's room. The sound is getting me more horny and unbearable, but what can I do about it? I got to my senses and better don't stand outside the room....what if April or May see me there? Won't I look like a pervert? So i decided to go downstairs to the kitchen to drink some cold water to cool myself down.

I don't wish to go back to my room as I have no wish to bump into Peter jerking off, so I decided to sleep on the sofa in the living room. After about 5 min, I heard someone coming down the stairs, I sit up and see May coming down the stairs.

May: "Kor (means big brother, May likes to call me that as she looks up to me as a brother), what are you doing here?"

Me: "Errr, nothing. Peter is snoring too loudly, so I think it's easier for me to sleep here"

May: "haha sorry about that. I didn't know he snores. Have to make you suffer tonight le"

It's only now that I suddenly take notice of May.....she is wearing a white sleeveless top with a fitting shorts. She looks so sweet and sexy....oh no, I must be getting too horny by Kim's moans that I am having such distorted thoughts about my own sister-in-law. I cannot be the same as that jerk Peter.

May drank some water and went back to her room to sleep. While she is walking up the stairs, I can't help but to sneak an extra glance at her little butt going up the stairs.....

I am trying hard to get back to sleep but very soon, an army of mosquitoes started attacking me and I gave up and went back to my own room.

To my surprise, Peter is not in the room. Hmmm even better. Now I can sleep in peace without that jerk. I think he must be somewhere listening to the love-making sound and jerking off. Jake and Kim are still at it. Wow they have great stamina.

I close my eyes and try to get to sleep. Suddenly I feel someone crawling into my bed. My first thought is my wife, April. She must be feeling horny from the background music too. Before I can open my mouth, she said, "Shhh, I saw Kor downstairs just now so I know you are sleeping alone in the room. Kor said you snored too loudly. Kekeke. Your brother and sister-in-law is making too much noise."

It is May! And she thought I am her boyfriend, Peter.

She puts her mouth over mine and we engage in a furious tongue fight, frenching like there is no tomorrow, lapping up any saliva that I can squeeze out from her little mouth.

“May!” Part of me wanted to stop this, but I can't bear to do it. I wanted to tell her that I am not her boyfriend, I wanted to tell her to stop, but the more my mind want to stop, the more my mouth, my hands, my whole body fails to obey. My hands are now on her back, moving downsouth to her butt, caressing her butt. I slip one hand into her shorts and touch the naked skin of her butt. OMG, I felt like I am in heaven and in hell. This is so wrong yet so exciting.

I wanted to stop but I couldn't! Just one more feel, and one more and I will stop. My hands are now on her small sexy breasts. I have never thought of May in a sexy manner but now my hands are groping her breasts for all their worth.
Just a little bit longer, I can stop it at any time.
Old 05-04-2012, 12:42 AM
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Re: A Getaway

I like !!!!!
Old 05-04-2012, 06:44 AM
GeylangCheong GeylangCheong is offline
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Re: A Getaway

Good story, keep in coming
Old 05-04-2012, 08:59 AM
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Re: A Getaway

So few supporters? Is it bcos TS is too long-winded? But I like the build-up, different from the other whack and fuck stories. This one leaves more to the imagination, slowly enticing you to the story.

Just like some people love Hong Kong cat 3 movies with story plot vs those Jap AV porn with just fucking

I support you TS, Keep going!
Old 05-04-2012, 02:33 PM
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Re: A Getaway

Fantastic buildup!
Looking forward to all the love, seduction and sex....

More please.. and quickly! hahaha.
Old 05-04-2012, 03:37 PM
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Re: A Getaway

wow nice story! keep going bro!
Old 05-04-2012, 06:01 PM
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Re: A Getaway

Camping for more .
Old 05-04-2012, 08:10 PM
Hardaway1818 Hardaway1818 is offline
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Re: A Getaway

Thanks for the encouraging words! I almost wanted to give up writing the story as I thought no one like it at all.

Only when I started writing a story myself do I realise how difficult it is to write an interesting story that can capture one's imagination.

I will continue with the story as soon as I can find time
Thanks for the support!
Old 05-04-2012, 10:33 PM
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Re: A Getaway

Bookmark this
Old 05-04-2012, 10:33 PM
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Re: A Getaway

bro it's a really nice story, keep it up. i will support you
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