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Old 29-06-2012, 09:47 PM
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GF and GF sis

Who try this before. Need not be on the same time. i need to know what the after effect cause this have been bugging me for years
I must admin that i almost had the chance but i chicken out...... cause that my moral told me that it not right....
Old 30-06-2012, 09:49 AM
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Re: GF and GF sis

I thought you are going to tell us a story.
Old 01-07-2012, 08:23 PM
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Re: GF and GF sis

Please give us your story
Old 02-07-2012, 12:29 AM
dianxin dianxin is offline
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Re: GF and GF sis

please continue still dont know what you talking about
Old 04-07-2012, 03:03 AM
minihim minihim is offline
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Re: GF and GF sis

okok.... if that the case i write it into a story for all the bro to enjoy....

It happen when i was 22, i hook i with my sec school mate. "let call her xiao xiao".... as she is quite small size 158cm abt 50kg... abit on the plum side..... she was like 20 then.
She had a sister which is 5yrs younger then her....I would call her dao dao.... but the true is nothing of her is big hehe..... i know cause i touch every thing before lol....

Me and my GF had a very good sex life as both of us had high sex drive. i recall the first place that we had anything going on was on the 3th week after we got together. we were in at the see saw 5 min away from her house... It was nice and isolated place with the top is being cover up form the HDB flat so no on could see us top down.... and most side is being cover up except for the side where children need the stair...

I recall that we were holding our hand and chating for 30mins and not a single soul walk pass us, so i got evil. I started kissing her lip omg such nice soft lip. 30s later i felt that i needed more so i try pushing my tongue through her lip, which she resisted. Inturn give her a stare and took a snick kiss with my tongue find a way through her lip. She resisted by pulling herself away, i quickly hold on to her wrist and pull her nearer to me sec later the fight was over. She was enjoying it with my tongue and her was tie together and strong suction force from her side (normal case) i can feel that she is enjoying it as if we were doing it back in her room.... (First public Kiss by us)

The kiss when on and on, till my hand got naughty. I started roam around the back and carelessly slip itself underneath her shirt. She was still enjoying the kiss so face zero resistance which is good for me :0 while my naughty hand didn't satisfy with just the back so it try to creep to the front where the boob is. That when she manage to pull herself away and loosen our tie tongue

Xiao : wei we not in my room lor
i : no worry la, for the pass 40 over mins no one pass her lor and it 12+ le no i will pass by here de la
Xiao : You siew arrr how you know sia. i dont want to go police station for this lor
I : ai yo you think the police so free ma..... okok i promise that i dont any how touch ok

I gave her another kiss and when back to tie our tongue together. My hand didn't mange to stay good for more then 3mins. It started roaming underneath her shirt again

To be continues
Old 04-07-2012, 03:04 AM
minihim minihim is offline
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Re: GF and GF sis

OMG it was't that easy to write,,,, I had more fun reading other people post
Old 04-07-2012, 11:06 AM
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Re: GF and GF sis

Now you know it is not easy to write . That is why I always reward bros when they write a good story as a show of my support and appreciation. By the way do please continue with your story.
Will only reward to those who made positive contribution to this forum. Please do not pm me to exchange points.

Please pardon me if the pictures have been posted before.
Old 05-07-2012, 12:36 AM
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Re: GF and GF sis

It started roaming underneath her shirt again

This time it stay behind but it wasn't planning to be good as i was targeting her bar clip As normal i rub around the skin and over the clip try to get a good feel on it. (she always had a 3 clip bar making it hard to take off zzzz) Knowing were the location, I was like a poisonous snake really to strike. I had to wait for her to be lost into the kissing world before i gave it a try. Positioning myself and waiting for the right moment I felt like a rattle snake that ready to strike. Suddenly she close her eye and engross in the kiss, my finger got right into action. Pak Pak two clip came off.
She push herself away from me started to cursing me while she try to clip back her clip but my hand was still within her shirt and try to stop her from accessing the clip and I was try to removing the third. she move a round a lot and start using one of the had to hit me.

I : Wei lower your voice la you want people to know ar
xiao : you scare then why try taking off my bar (reply while hitting on my chest)
I : Aiyo i was so into in and i didn't even know that i was trying to unclip anything
xiao : ya as if you didnt know. You started to unclip only i close my eye
I : Did I, I didn't even notice. I think you want me to if not how come you so sure of the timing
xiao : don't come and bull shit me lor. I think you were planning this all along
I : no la i didn't. Suddenly the last clip came off

To be continues
Old 05-07-2012, 12:37 AM
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Re: GF and GF sis

yeah... especially the GF sis part....
Old 07-07-2012, 10:31 AM
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Re: GF and GF sis

Anymore ????
Will only reward to those who made positive contribution to this forum. Please do not pm me to exchange points.

Please pardon me if the pictures have been posted before.
Old 07-07-2012, 11:27 AM
DreamOfLust DreamOfLust is offline
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Re: GF and GF sis

Sometimes we geisiao until too obvious

Old 07-07-2012, 02:53 PM
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Cool Re: GF and GF sis

Good story. Waiting.
Old 07-07-2012, 04:43 PM
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Re: GF and GF sis

Wow, looking forward to more, especially about the part where u had the opportunity but walked away, must be steelly determination!! Cheers bro .................
" Life is what happens when you're too busy making other plans." - John Lennon

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Old 07-07-2012, 08:08 PM
SeniSeis SeniSeis is offline
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Re: GF and GF sis

hmm.. looking forward to your story TS..
Old 10-07-2012, 01:32 AM
minihim minihim is offline
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Re: GF and GF sis

OK i'm back... had a long break from my compo

I : no la i didn't. Suddenly the last clip came off
xiao : you mad arrr... we in the public le (first time taking off her bar in public)
she got so angry and push me a way so hard that i fall to my back and knock my head to the side of the see saw. by then I got back on to my butt she had already clip back her bar. Dam first try never go will.
that night didn't when smooth after that. I had to spend 15mins to clam her down and then send her home but me had a died hard cock woth sleepless night that night. (will i was 22 too back then)

The next real action was 3 week later. will for the first two week she was giving me cold should. So i could not do much, just kissing and more kissing.

I recall that was a holiday week, so we were all at home. She call me over to help her fix the computer as it was invaded with virus.. So I when over that night about 10pm as she requested. knocking on the door, Xiao open the door for me, I peep in seeing for the parent was in. To my wildest believe her house was as empty as in the day. I wailk in and head toward the comp and saw BIG(Da Da) using the comp. So i waited a while for her to finish up her conversation on the msn messeger while i chat with xiao. 20 mins later the comp was finally free and i start to get into work.

I : Wei, how did you comp got the virus?
Xiao : You know my di di de la. When to surf those porn site. From there got alll the virus de lor.
I : You sure that was you didi that surf the porn site and you didn't de lor.
Xiao : You siew arrrr. I go those site for what sia. If i need i got you ma, got life in action do see go see porn.
I : Hello we been together for coming to months le lor the last time i took of you bar you given color see for 3 week.
Xiao : who ask you take it off in the public de.

I kept quite and when back working on the comp. The anit-virus did work.

I : Wei cannot fix with anti-virus le. I need to format the comp to fix it but it will take about 2+hrs and 11+ now le. I think I better go before your parent come back.
Xiao : Just get it fix. My dad home and in the room. He will not be coming out.
I : Then you mum come back how. She should be back soon right.
Xiao : She will not be coming home. She don't stay here le.

She went quite and showing a sad face so i kept quite and didn't ask into it. I got back into work and send the comp to set format C. After the comp got into action, I put my attention to her. when over to her and start hugging her, to my astonishment i felt nothing under her shirt (In my head : wwa aaa jack pod la, barless le) , after a while and felt that she into kissing so i when in test water with a light kiss on her lip. No resistance. When back hugging, when in for a kiss again, this time i push for it. Going in with a forceful suck, this continues for a long while and my hand got itch esp i knowing that her is barless. my hand just happily slip itself to her breast while i continues sucking all her power out of her. she resisted abit by graping my hand away but it just slip right back once she let go. After a few fight, she gave in, in the mean time i also notice though my finger, her nipple harden. (In my head : Waliao she enjoying le, not resisting nipple harden. it going to be a long night) Suddenly her lip disengage from my and she start moving down to kiss on my neck, then up to the lip and the she when higher to the cheek and poom she start licking on to my ear lop.

To be Continues
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