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Old 20-01-2005, 09:59 PM
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Pusi: Cumon baby light my fire…

YP: One minute honey, I need some pics of you…

Pusi: What for? You already have hundreds of pics of me. Why do you need Some more?

YP: Because Boss Sammy threatened to kick me out of the forum if I don’t post some new pics….

Pusi: But you have been such a loyal supporter since god knows when…2000? Cum baby … suck my tits will you… aaarrrh…

My points are for meritorious postings NOT for exchange!
Old 20-01-2005, 10:01 PM
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Re: Pusi...

YP: Yeah…the good old days of kopitiam…when we were having fun at Hotel 81…and that pic with the tissue box is still featured in his other website!

Pusi: I need your tongue baby…I’m so horny I can’t wait…

YP: Finger yourself honey…yes…let me capture a few more shots…I need these pics urgently or I’ll be booted out…

Pusi: They’ve already seem every bit of me … don’t they get tired huh? There are so few comments in your last few postings…and your points are almost dormant…

YP: Never mind about the points lah…I know many of them still appreciate your pics…

Pusi: Don’t flatter me lah…I know I’m getting fat and my spare tires are showing…

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Old 20-01-2005, 10:04 PM
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Re: Pusi...

YP: But you will always be sexy as far as I’m concern…

Pusi: Than why can’t you put that dam camera down and come suck my clit? I know you can’t bear to be kicked out of Sammy’s because of all the sexy syts…thrustmei…Mrs Privpho…Mrs Italy…Ms USB…Tiffy….

YP: But for me you’re still the best…yes baby rub Pusi for me…get her wet… make her cum…you’re so sexy when you’re cumming…

Pusi: Aaaarrrrhhh…I’m cummmiinnng…..

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Old 21-01-2005, 01:54 AM
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Re: Pusi...

Originally Posted by yang punk
Pusi: Cumon baby light my fire…

YP: One minute honey, I need some pics of you…

Pusi: What for? You already have hundreds of pics of me. Why do you need Some more?

YP: Because Boss Sammy threatened to kick me out of the forum if I don’t post some new pics….

Pusi: But you have been such a loyal supporter since god knows when…2000? Cum baby … suck my tits will you… aaarrrh…
Bro YP i like what u quoted being threatened kanna kick out cos i thinked SB wants regular contributions rather than lao jiao.... anyway like what u posted... upz u!!!!
Old 21-01-2005, 01:02 PM
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Re: Pusi...

No offence SB...understand your position and philosophy behind this forum. It's my fav and still unbeatable! Just hated the fact that we can't prevent leechers from reposting our pics elsewhere.

Btw... guys thanks for the super upz in points...whoever you are.

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Old 21-01-2005, 01:14 PM
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Re: Pusi...

Bro, your posts has been one of my favourites, up your points matey!!!
Min Power 5 for Points exchange
Old 23-01-2005, 12:09 AM
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Re: Pusi...

Originally Posted by yang punk
No offence SB...understand your position and philosophy behind this forum. It's my fav and still unbeatable! Just hated the fact that we can't prevent leechers from reposting our pics elsewhere.

Btw... guys thanks for the super upz in points...whoever you are.
looks like you went missing with my fav pusi for a long time...haahaa

she still looks as tasty as ever...
Old 23-01-2005, 12:32 AM
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Re: Pusi...

Originally Posted by yang punk
Pusi: Cumon baby light my fire…

YP: One minute honey, I need some pics of you…

Pusi: What for? You already have hundreds of pics of me. Why do you need Some more?

YP: Because Boss Sammy threatened to kick me out of the forum if I don’t post some new pics….

Pusi: But you have been such a loyal supporter since god knows when…2000? Cum baby … suck my tits will you… aaarrrh…

Heya YP,

I definitely enjoyed your post - perhaps you change careers and do some 'script writing'...!

I've been away... lost in the wilderness since SB kicked me out of the private forum for irregular postings. Me wife is pregnant now so have not been taking too many pics... but will be in contact with you soon.

Cheers bro!
Old 23-01-2005, 05:24 PM
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Re: Pusi...

Originally Posted by Wonker
Heya YP,

I definitely enjoyed your post - perhaps you change careers and do some 'script writing'...!

I've been away... lost in the wilderness since SB kicked me out of the private forum for irregular postings. Me wife is pregnant now so have not been taking too many pics... but will be in contact with you soon.

Cheers bro!
Hi Wonker

Your status is still (P) which means you can still view pics in this private forum.

All the best to the new daddy-to-be!


My points are for meritorious postings NOT for exchange!
Old 23-01-2005, 05:31 PM
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Re: Pusi...

Originally Posted by thrustmei
looks like you went missing with my fav pusi for a long time...haahaa

she still looks as tasty as ever...
Glad you think so... thought you folks are getting tired of my aging Pusi. Anyway there are lots of new members so I thought we can quietly sit back and just enjoy.

Anyway if the newbies were to just click on the member's name and look into the archives...there are so many pics to see...

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Old 23-01-2005, 08:48 PM
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Re: Pusi...

Originally Posted by yang punk
Hi Wonker

Your status is still (P) which means you can still view pics in this private forum.

All the best to the new daddy-to-be!


Hi YP,

Are you sure? This status thingy is 'confusing'. (for me anyway!)

Nope - no access - just tried!

Anyway - let me try and upload a few pics of my pregnant wife and see if it helps. She is a bit 'rolly polly' now... sorta plump looking and not 'quite pregnant' as she is only 4 months. Guess all good things just take time!

I'll be back - but keep up the good work with Pusi. She is definitely 'one of a kind'!

Old 24-01-2005, 10:32 AM
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Re: Pusi...

Pusi: Don’t flatter me lah…I know I’m getting fat and my spare tires are showing…[/QUOTE]

Nice pix bro.. Fat, Mrs YP??? Nah, not true.. voluptuously sexy with all the right curves and ample luv handles where it counts, not to mentioned that luvly smooth-shaven pusi which will make Mei and us guys drool.. YP is a lucky devil.. cheerio.. MRs YP, stay the sexy way u are... sooo invitingly huggable and fresh .. especially the oyster wink, wink.. Just a case with u gals not being thin enuff; but coming from a guy, U can rest assured that U are definitely desirable...
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