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Health Centre and KTV lounge Tangos It's supposed to be a state secret but you can get great SEX at these places too. Discretion advised.

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Old 23-12-2012, 11:31 AM
SyntheticD SyntheticD is offline
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Thumbs down Nobody want to recommend...

Hi guys,

I've been asking around for bros to recommend good pinoy pubs for almost a month now.

Why all so secretive? It's not like I am a new member...
Old 23-12-2012, 11:41 AM
lifeisfun lifeisfun is offline
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Re: Nobody want to recommend...

did you bother to read thru the forum ?
you are not new but you asked like one...
Old 23-12-2012, 12:41 PM
Mp5navy01 Mp5navy01 is offline
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Re: Nobody want to recommend...

Bro...I do understand Ur difficulty. ...some ppl in office 8 to time to recce....but during weekend sure gte time to find mah. .....even when shopping or jalan around...sure can find wan....u go chip g liao...then share..I'm sure the Lao jiao here sure share wan.... too many Bro find the easy way out ask bian.....sure dun have wan....
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Old 24-12-2012, 08:00 AM
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Re: Nobody want to recommend...

Originally Posted by SyntheticD View Post
Hi guys,

I've been asking around for bros to recommend good pinoy pubs for almost a month now.

Why all so secretive? It's not like I am a new member...

U post here like a crybaby that its not like u are a new member. But your attitude and behaviour sure suggests that you are a new member.

Considering your join date and cntributions u are still considered new.

Dont be lazy. Read the forums.
I am Osama Bin Laden... and I HATE NEWBIES WHO JUZ ASKIN CONTACTS..!! Do I have to say more..?!?!

To all bros who up me... THANKS...!!! I will up you as soon as I can... (please tell me your latest posting)
It's NOT the number of posts that counts. It's the QUALITY of the postings.
Old 25-12-2012, 01:43 PM
SyntheticD SyntheticD is offline
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Re: Nobody want to recommend...

From my experience pubs have a very short life span... So what good would it do me searching posts that have been made long ago... And having to reask if the pub is still alive.

Now how different would that be from just creating a new post and asking. It seems like people here are too obsessed with the search function. Take it easy man, it's not like a single post is gonna take up so much space of SBFs servers.
Old 25-12-2012, 02:15 PM
acidtest acidtest is offline
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Re: Nobody want to recommend...

Unrepentant huh?
Old 25-12-2012, 02:34 PM
Lemonpie Lemonpie is offline
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Re: Nobody want to recommend...

Originally Posted by SyntheticD View Post
From my experience pubs have a very short life span... So what good would it do me searching posts that have been made long ago... And having to reask if the pub is still alive.

Now how different would that be from just creating a new post and asking. It seems like people here are too obsessed with the search function. Take it easy man, it's not like a single post is gonna take up so much space of SBFs servers.
Just dun argue. If u want to know whether its alive, just make a trip down and u will find out. How "big" is singapore? Why not i get u the pinoy girls to ur house, help u strip her naked and let u fuck her and after u finish i help u send her back? If everyone has a attitude and thinking like u "its just a single post, why those senior bro so selfish" this forum will die off with everyone asking the same question and those senior keep answering. U r not alone in this world so dun think its just u only.

We like to see new things and post, not entertaining some small kids by helping to feed them.

If u dun like how sbf is, just move on and find ur answer else where, otherwise if u can put in effort to ask around like u say, why not u leave ur house, move around to places which u read from outdated post and u may get to find some treasure in your search.

From my experience, if a pub close, another pub will be opened as it will be easier to get a license to open at the same location which was a pub before.

Stop blaming others and start looking at the mirror

Life is SHORT, but dont SHORT change ur life
Old 25-12-2012, 07:19 PM
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Re: Nobody want to recommend...

Originally Posted by SyntheticD View Post
From my experience pubs have a very short life span... So what good would it do me searching posts that have been made long ago... And having to reask if the pub is still alive.

Now how different would that be from just creating a new post and asking. It seems like people here are too obsessed with the search function. Take it easy man, it's not like a single post is gonna take up so much space of SBFs servers.

U dont wanna risk trying whether the pub is still open... Then u expecting other bros to do the risking and dirty work for u? Thats not the way things go in SBF. Like another bro mentioned.. U dont like the way things work here then go find other forums lah...

Lucky school holidays ending soon... Go back to school boy...
I am Osama Bin Laden... and I HATE NEWBIES WHO JUZ ASKIN CONTACTS..!! Do I have to say more..?!?!

To all bros who up me... THANKS...!!! I will up you as soon as I can... (please tell me your latest posting)
It's NOT the number of posts that counts. It's the QUALITY of the postings.

Last edited by OsamaBinLaden; 25-12-2012 at 07:35 PM.
Old 25-12-2012, 11:16 PM
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Re: Nobody want to recommend...

bro TS u joined 2008 ... post 15 .... pts -2 .... u sure a SENIOR

U whom dum share n post n expect bros to share ... what r u expecting ??
search n u shall find ... no need to ask
Merry Xmas n happy 2013 to cum
Old 26-12-2012, 04:30 AM
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Re: Nobody want to recommend...

Hi All, I shall made an apology first if my words do offend anyone then I speak out my mind.

I have been monitoring this web page for few years before I joined, there are a few pointers to make.....

1) Playgrounds are getting lesser nowadays compaired 2 or 3 yrs ago. I confirm many old boys knows too. So all are trying to keep their regular playgrounds secret. If there are plenty out there do you think anyone need to come here to ask for tips, I guess no. I should say nothing is selfish or generous.

2) Too much of postings endanger to yourself too, am I right to say. Nobody wants to get busted n your family need to redeem you in the police station right??? Will you dare to go to a joint where the place is heavily posted wif frs, Not for mi. i wont go lor

3) All of us do run about outside spending our valuable mollah trying here n there for a right place; So who will so easily share their places around and waiting to be destroyed.

To make my story short and sweet....

Have 1 and 2 advanture places is good enough, save your valuable mollah for new ones in your regular playgrounds better than running all over this little red dot like a blind man wasting petrol and energy, not all places are good also and they are getting smarter in conning our mollohs too.

Btw I only kepo into this forum to read up, many ppl are getting too serious here, I not going to play for the rest of my life n I am contented liao............Life is short, God put me here since day one and I not going to let him take it back after>>>>>>>

I achieve wat I wanted,

So keep healthy and merry Xmas and enjoy for the last week left of 2012
Old 26-12-2012, 04:59 AM
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Re: Nobody want to recommend...

Originally Posted by SyntheticD View Post
Hi guys,

I've been asking around for bros to recommend good pinoy pubs for almost a month now.

Why all so secretive? It's not like I am a new member...
Try to visit Orchard Towers... there are many there at the basement... hope this helps.
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Old 26-12-2012, 11:31 AM
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Re: Nobody want to recommend...

Originally Posted by loneyheart View Post
bro TS u joined 2008 ... post 15 .... pts -2 .... u sure a SENIOR
Now down to -10 in less then 24 hours... guess this thread is Zap-tastic!
Old 26-12-2012, 11:47 AM
Kalyan Kalyan is offline
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Re: Nobody want to recommend...

Originally Posted by SyntheticD View Post
Hi guys,

I've been asking around for bros to recommend good pinoy pubs for almost a month now.

Why all so secretive? It's not like I am a new member...
From 2008 till now you should have some playgrounds to trade with others.

We are "guest" here so just appreciate the house rules no matter what.
Whats the house rules for my view?
1. Share my playgrounds for a start. Post my fr discreetly and avoid being zapped.
2. Request senior bros to upz me when they pm me.
3. With reputable points, I started to xchange n trade with other bros.

I joined in jul n as of now, I have quite sufficient points to request, and handful playgrounds to try out when I am around the area (be it north south east west).
Thats how the game is being play and you will enjoy if you follow the rules and do your homework.

Hope my sharing is useful to you.
Old 26-12-2012, 02:10 PM
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Re: Nobody want to recommend...

Originally Posted by SyntheticD View Post
Hi guys,

I've been asking around for bros to recommend good pinoy pubs for almost a month now.

Why all so secretive? It's not like I am a new member...
Do a search and you might be able to get a few contacts and details in the forum.
In SBF since 2004. Ex nick D^KnighT.
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FR on our Vietnam trips can be found at under Entertainment.

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