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My Panyu Trip
In preparation, I had browsed through almost 200 pages of postings about Guangzhou and Dongguan from Sammyboy as well as WSG. There was a wealth of information. Too much, in fact, for me to sort through and the stories were a distraction and in the end, all I had was a map of Guangdong with Guangzhou, Dongguan, Changping, Houjie, Panyu highlighted. This is so I am orientated as I moved through these territories. I’ll rely on my vendor to see to my R&R.
On my last trip here, I just couldn’t help feeling ‘connected’ with the names of towns as they zipped passed – Panyu, Nanhai, Shenwei, these were places I heard many times in stories told by my grandparents when I was very young. They had held no significance then, but now as they flew by outside the chauffeured car I was traveling in, they brought a lump to my throat. Man, had things been different, I could be that farmer tending to his plot of vegetables which just went by. I had thought about looking up relatives I must have but all my grannies and parents have passed on and I have no one else to obtain the information. I suppose I could check with the town councils here but decided if I am successful in this quest, it could impede somewhat my mission to appreciate the female form in the motherland. A few hours ago I had disembarked from the Jetstar A320 onto the tarmac in Hong Kong Airport and had made my way to the China/Macau Ferry Terminal at the Victoria Harbor in Kowloon to board the ferry to Nansha. Other then the slight rocking caused by other traffic near the jetty, the HKD140, 1 hr 15 min trip was smooth, so smooth I slept most of the trip to Nansha. At the Nansha Ferry Terminal, my vendor’s chauffeur easily recognized me from some distance off. What a difference a RMB100 tip the last time had made. Safely on the road, he left me to my thoughts after some polite exchange. He dropped me off at the Bravo hotel in downtown Shijiao and left after ensuring my booking was confirmed. His boss, he reminded me, would see me later for dinner. The room rate has been doubled, from less than RMB400 the last time to RMB788 due to the Guangzhou Fair. Worse was to come, none of the rooms I had the last time were available. It came with a state-of-the-art bathroom, with whirling shower-head or jetstreams from a dozen heads as you are seated in the made-for-two bath-console. The LCD control panel lets you switch on the radio, adjust heat of the water as well as the steam for steambath! During my last trip, this bathroom was instrumental in the transformation of a session with a very knowing 19 year-old Szechuan lass from great to a sensational all-time memorable. This time, for double the price, I was shown a mediocre ‘deluxe’ with twin beds. What a let-down. I was really looking forward to a repeat performance. The purpose of this trip was to introduce this vendor I had developed to my British boss, who will be arriving tomorrow from Shanghai; tour the vendor’s factory as well as formalize the business. I foresee no problems and do not see why a little ‘entertainment’ will not further cement the ties already formed. Then my boss and I will take a day to the Guangzhou Fair to source for X’mas decorations and some corporate gifts ideas for the UK market. All in I’ll be there 5 nights, he for 4. Lastly, and most important, he’s to formally offer the job to me and talk about my compensation package, although I’ve been giving my services to him on and off for the past few months for free. He’s a great guy, very fair and generous and a great storyteller. I had a few occasions listened to his stories till 4 in the morning. And we’d started chatting at 8pm! Very Tom Clancy stuff and if I print them here, I’ve to kill all of you. At 7, my vendor, whom I’ll refer to as R, arrived to take me for dinner. I guess he must have saw through me and suggested we dine at the hotel. I readily agreed. The KTV I was anxious to get to is located right inside the hotel annex, Carnival, I think it was. There’s nightclub-styled entertainment with dice-playing girls on the ground floor, a massage parlor on the second and KTV above. R is Singaporean, about 50 but could pass for 40s, good-looking and obviously successful. All the mummies and girls there treat him with much respect. He had booked a room in advance with the tall leggy Szechuan lass he met during my last trip. I had mistaken her for a Dongbei girl, so leggy was she. Looks like she’ll be his shadow for some time to come, he’s obviously quite enamored of her. We were led to a handsomely appointed room that could seat up to 5 couples. Another 2 friends would be joining us later, my raised eyebrows must have prompted him to explain. The mummy came in and welcomed us profusely, obviously she didn’t forget the sizable tips she received during our last visit. Quickly a bevy of ladies were led in and I was coerced into picking one. I muttered under my breath mummy’s won’t be getting anything from me this time. The girl, I remembered, was from Szechuan, most of them are, given the proximity of Szechuan to Guangdong, 21, with a forgettable face. Not that I didn’t enjoy myself but she just didn’t have that X factor. At the end of the night, I went out of the hotel across the road for a ‘stroll’, to take a look at the goods on display out there on the streets. It’s about 1am and there were just 3 or 4 of them standing in the shadows of line of trees along the road. A flashing blue and red police car went by and the girls disappeared. I walked to the end of the road and turned back, resigned to sleeping alone. Then from an alley, a girl quickly walked alongside me, slipped her arm into mine and did her sales pitch. I could see was not my type, skinny in her knit blouse. She said it’ll cost only RMB100, so I thought why not. If I don’t find her desirable, maybe I’ll just get her to jack me off. In the room now, she stripped to shower and I could see dark bruises all over her body, hands and legs. I lost whatever little desire I had. Sitting down besides me on the bed, sex was the last thing on my mind. I asked her about the bruises and she matter-of-factly replied the pimp beat her. I took RMB200 from the wallet, gave it to her and told her she may go, but she is intent on fulfilling her job, the professional that she is. So feigning tiredness and lack of sleep etc, I allowed her to jack me. 20 minutes and tired arms later, she realized it was a lost cause and thank me and left. And I drifted off to sleep. |
Re: My Panyu Trip
The next morning I breakfasted on a bowl of very good century egg & pork in porridge and went to the factory for a meeting before fetching my boss from the Guangzhou Baiyun airport.
His flight was on time and we’re back to the hotel in good time. This time the very helpful Front Manager suggested we move to a suite. At RMB1500, it has a adequate living area and 2 bedrooms. Although I’m still deprived of my fancy bathroom, the bedrooms were a whole lot larger with king sized beds, and at a slightly cheaper room/night cost to boot. After dinner with R, we hit Carnival again. Parade time again and somehow I got rushed again in the selection. Enough said that the night ended without guests in our suite although the girls accompanying me and my boss agreed to have dinner together the next evening. Fast forward to the next evening and it’s half an hour past the appointed time and the girls have not shown up yet. We were on the verge of being stood up for the first time in China. I don’t know how my boss felt but inside, I was glad to be rid of the 2 bitches. Tonight I’m gonna take charge and choose the one I like. During dinner, we decided to do the niteclub on the ground floor instead, to watch a beauty pageant. The pageant lasts over 2 nights. What we didn’t know was the participants were culled from the GRO’s in the club. We thought it was a legitimate pageant like Miss Guangzhou. Thanks to the mummy who did the arrangement, the 3 of us and R’s leggy beauty were shown the best seats in the house. Then mummy paraded a bevy of girls before us. Omigod! I really felt uncomfortable with this. It’s so degrading for the girls. I know I sound hypocritical but I’m really cringing inside. It’s bad enough when they parade in the privacy of the KTV rooms (that’s why I always get pushed into making quick choices I regret later – all because I ‘feel’ for them). Here there were ordinary folks in the audience, lots of them. I supposed only the new girls would feel degraded and would grow quickly out of it, but that didn’t help me the slightest. I look at my boss and the perturbed look on his face told me the feeling was mutual. I quickly pulled mummy over and whisper in her ears could we do this elsewhere? But she was clueless and completely insensitive to my request, spouting praise on this girl and that. So I rejected all the girls but to our chagrin, she brought another group, larger than the first, over. I rejected them again, then told the leggy beauty how I felt. She ran over to mummy and a while later, the mummy tapped me on the shoulder to follow her. My boss probably had enough embarrassment for the night and told me to make a choice for him. Now this is something I will not do – choose a girl for a mate, much less my boss, and especially if he’s from the West. I’ve seen enough from personal experience and photos posted in various forums by Westerners to know there is a chasm wider than the Grand Canyon of perceptions of beauty between Westerners and Asians. They are alright with their own kind, but when they come to Asian girls, man, they really pick the dogs. They liked them tanned, big-arsed, flared nostrils a la Melanesian aborigines, a gold-tooth’s a bonus, pronounced cheekbones, in other words, butt-ugly. My apologies if my personal perception of beauty offends. For the record, I’m not biased against any skin color, I like them dark, brown or fair and any shade in between, all they need to be is feminine, born female of course, clean and presentable and, while I am not looking for Ms Universe, at least they meet the minimum criteria to be deemed pretty. |
Re: My Panyu Trip
I made my way through the crowded passageway behind the mummy and found myself looking into the faces of 7 or 8 faces, huddled together into the recess of an emergency exit. One glance told me my search is over. It’s as if she’s suddenly spotlighted, the rest of the girls all faded into the background. She’s young, cherubic with that apple-tinted complexion, and reminds me of the young Teresa Teng. But my focus was really on her milky bosom, which her V-cut gown tried to conceal as much as it exposed. She’s about 1.6m, not tall but oh, she is so deliciously proportioned. Even that little baby fat I detected around her waist adds on to her allure. I like some meat on the bones. She’s not a classic beauty, but one that would grow on you. If there’s one word to describe her, it must be nubile.
nu.bile (adjective) 1. Ready for Marriage - used to describe a young woman who is physically mature enough to have sexual intercourse and therefore suitable for marriage (this must be a very dated description) 2. Young and sexually desirable I must be staring because mummy ribbed me to ask is she the one? I mumbled yes and recovered enough to quickly make my way back to summon my boss to see for himself. I’m not going to be the scapegoat if he didn’t enjoy his stay. I could see that while I was away, he had already made his selection and she’s already assumed the getting-to-know-you position – hand on his thigh, face turned towards him as though she understood his badly-accented Chinese. Good and just as well. I turned to fetch my girl and bumped into her head-on, not knowing she was close behind me. Ooh! That feels nice and soft. She smiled coyly and I wondered what I had gotten into. By the time she squeezed in besides me, I had a hard-on. Which is something that does not happen often, I mean so spontaneous, like for the past 10 years or so. In case you wonder, I’m on the wrong side of 40. OK, OK, right side of 50. And now I wonder if she was the right choice. I probably look like her father, even if she said never mind. Mind you, she didn’t disagree, she said she does not mind, hahaha. She’s from Szechuan Chengdu, 21 and likes the night-life which is why she’s in the trade. Not. I learned a long time ago not to probe other than mild civilities. My heart’s too soft so it’s for self-protection. In instances like this, ignorance is bliss. She has light brown eyes, so pale I wonder if she has some Xinjiang blood in her. The hint of sadness behind those eyes sets off my protection mode and I wanted so much to shelter and protect her. This is dangerous territory and I backed off. She asked why I rejected her the first time. She must have been in one of the 2 groups paraded before us. I told her the reason and she said I am so sensitive and very unlike any guests she has been with, and gave me a well-deserved peck on the cheek and a tight arm hug that told me she’s definitely a B-cupper. Jeez, I need to protect her from guys like me. The beauty pageant started. A total of 20 girls or so paraded in gowns, swimwear and costumes. The show was finely tuned and ran without a hitch. The MC did a fine job as he teased the girls through their questions and managed to elicit applause from the packed house even though this was a staged event. It did have the feel of the real thing. Only 5 of the girls I would book to bonk, but then, in all fairness, this is only because of the abundance of girls on display. I don’t think I would hesitate if the least attractive one up there crooked a finger at me in a pub in another time, in another place. I was so caught up and totally focused with my Szechuan dish I didn’t realized another girl had joined us. To be precise, my boss. So here he was, grinning like a Cheshire cat, a girl on each arm. The new arrival’s a friend of the one he had, and was asked to join in when she came over to get something from her friend, and she did. They’re both new, first night, first night on the job. That explains their lack of sophistication in their dressings and makeup, but which is more than made up for on account of their youth. I like it that these girls are totally unaware how their youth alone is such an attraction by itself. Oh, they know how a dab of rouge accentuates the cheekbones, how lipstick can alter that pair of lips to a luscious pout, but they are totally clueless to the fact their youth is in itself such a magnetic factor. And even if they do, how do you go about sexing up youth? It’s nearing closing time and the question of coming back to my room still did not crop up. I was apprehensive. What if she said no. Hell, they have been known to do that. Why would a luscious young woman who could, in my opinion, have any man she desires, want to go to bed with a middle-age uncle, even for the money? I was telling her that we will be visiting the Guangzhou Fair over the next days when she asked could she come along? And went on to say without waiting for an answer, there’s a great place for breakfast in the morning. Man, this cutie is armed full of tricks and is slowly revealing attributes totally contrary to my impression of youthful innocence. Very smooooooooth. I leaned over to ask my boss if he’d made any ‘plans’ and he shrugged his shoulders, then said what the hell, ask if the 2 of them wants to come along. So I did and they agreed. We said our goodnights to R and his woman, and the very tipsy mummy who came to see us off. Some drunken hugs and feelies later, I am pleased to report mummy possesses a full pair, 36B or perhaps C, in spite of her dainty frame. In her 30’s, she’s not too bad looking, and, truth be told, I wouldn’t mind jumping her but right now, she don’t stand a chance against these frisky Lolitas with their perky breasts. We made our way to our room via the lift from the niteclub directly to our floor. This hotel is certainly guest-friendly. You’ll be apt to agree if I told you there a small basket with 3 China-made condoms besides the bed in every room. About these condoms, they’re sized small, I’m sure of it. Now, dicks don’t grow anymore in adulthood, especially if one’s 50, and I know I am moderately-sized, even though I've been told many times to the contrary. I’ve used just about every type of condoms there is and never had the problem. During my last trip, that blonde-streaked vixen I had had rolled the condom down my member but had to roll it back because the air pocket wasn’t done right. It was so tight she had to use her fingernails to pinch the latex. Ever seen a vacuum-packed sausage? That’s how it looks like. Well, blood was drawn and it wasn’t pretty. Worse, that condom can’t be used again, it’s impossible to roll it back to original position. So another packet was opened and the deed was done, much to our satisfaction. I like to add that each mini-me condom costs RMB15 (about RM6.50). I am prepared this time and had bought a 12-pack ribbed Durex from the friendly 7-Eleven store. On the way to the room, I told the girls (3 of them) that we’re sharing room, and displayed our keycards with identical 818 written on them. They looked at each other but to their credit, didn’t say a word. The walk to our suite from the lift was conducted in dead silence. At the door, we made a show of deciding who gets to sleep on the bed and the floor, but decided finally to all share the bed, saying, I think the bed’s big enough. You can imagine their relief when we opened the door to reveal a large living room with a set of 3 + 2 settee, and doors which lead to 2 large bedrooms. I was rewarded with a punch to my arm while boss got jumped on and tickled by the 2 friskies. |
Re: My Panyu Trip
Kowtow kowtow on such a great writing style!!!!
Up your reputation points! U fully deserve it even though you havent finished the story yet! |
Re: My Panyu Trip
Good FR.. Maybe I should detour to Panyu sometimes.. I always past this place to GZ to meet the Godfather.. Maybe next time I try...
Re: My Panyu Trip
We sat outside in the living room chatting while his girls make themselves available to the bottles of green tea we bought. Neither of us appeared too eager although the truth is I wanna get in there, rip the dress off, expose her heaving bosom and have my, muahahaha!, evil ways with her.
Feigning a full bladder, I went into my bathroom where she was brushing her teeth. Seeing me, she circled my neck, toothbrush in hand, and gave me a smacker full in the lips, toothpaste and all. I could feel Johnny stirring. Palms on her ample buttocks, I pulled her a little nearer, and caught a faint whiff of her fruity perfume which for a strange reason caused Johnny to rear to full height. I could feel the wet in my underwear from the close proximity the whole night long. There was a mischievous glint in her eyes, very knowing, certainly beyond her tender age. She stared long and she stared hard into my eyes, and ground her Mount Venus against Johnny, slowly, very slowly in a circular motion. I think I’ve got her wrong, she isn’t the sweet innocence I’d made her out to be. We must have been standing there chewing each other's lips, leaning against the wash basin, for an eternity, when I heard the boss calling me. “What’s up?” I asked. Boss said the girls have questions. It turns out the girls wanted to know how much they will be paid. I said 1K each. The girl who joined later, the prettier one, asked for more. Greedy bitch. 1K is a lot more than what she’d get in 2 months. I told her no, and told my boss. He agreed with me and told me to throw her out and if the other one bitches as well, to throw her out as well. Now, that’s why he’s the boss, decisive, ruthless, don’t take shit from no one. I turned back to pretty and told her OUT. She must have been so fucking confident to get her way she couldn’t believe what she heard. I went to the door, open it, handed her RMB200 for the evening’s tips, even thank her and quickly close the door behind her. Now I turned to the other one and asked if she agrees to the terms. She nodded and that’s that. Management won, labor lost. That was a rush, it felt good. The foot needed to be put down and I did. I think the girls had mistaken our kindness for weakness. While we’re not cheap Charlies we don’t want to be taken in for fools. Now, back to unfinished business waiting for me in my chamber of pleasure. She heard everything, I had made sure of that by leaving the bedroom door ajar, just so everybody know their place in this game. Now we can get back to the business I have been so eagerly been waiting for. She was in the showers, judging from the lack of mist on the mirror and glass panels, she’d just stepped in. I could see that she’s fair, so fair I could see faint green veins on her B-cup breasts. Her nipples were pale brown with a tint of pink, the size of a rubber eraser on your pencil. I stepped in the shower and she quickly took the shower head to spray water all over me, then spread a very fragrant cream soap all over me. I wanted to reciprocate but she wouldn’t allow it. She soaped every part of me, every nook and cranny, between the toes, butt crack and even gently scrubbed my armpits. Johnny got more than his fair share of attention and showed his appreciation by becoming very red in the face. I was a little disappointed when she didn’t welcome Johnny more intimately, but mai pen rai, never mind. She dried me up, told me to wait for her by the bed and don’t go anywhere (I love a girl with a sense of humor). I went to my bag to retrieve a quarter of a blue diamond, downed it with water and waited dutifully for deliverance. She certainly is taking her time bathing and each seconds seemed to get longer. I want her so much it was almost painful, it was an urge I hadn’t felt in years, a mix of paradoxes. I wanted to explode in her NOW as well as make sweet slow love; I wanted her to be the sweet bashful Lolita I had imagine her to be, but I also wanted her to ride me with wanton abandonment. Sheeesh! Talk about indecision. |
Re: My Panyu Trip
Re: My Panyu Trip
You can change them for free gifts such as condoms and vibrators.. hehehe.. Just kidding.. Nothing I guess. some ego thing for the guys and gals infront of the monitor jamming their keyboard away.. like me..kekeke...
Re: My Panyu Trip
Finally I heard the water being turned off. There was another tortuous wait as she toweled herself. I had dimmed all the lights in the room saved for the bathroom. She smiled at me as she stepped out and switched off the lights in the bathroom. This little girl-woman is in tune with everything I do, completely in sync. I propped myself up to make way for her into the bed but she pushed me back with her index finger, whispering for me to just relax, and please leave everything to her. I could see her silhouette against the dimmed background lights. Her shoulders were set square, like a model’s, and as she moved about, I could see her breasts were more than generous, and although there was some baby fat on her tummy as she bent over, it was hardly discernable as she straightened up. In fact it actually helped somehow to add to her allure. I like some meat on the bones, not for me the Kate Moss rack, which has in the past led to blue/black bruises on the pubic area. I like the cushion as I grind and mash.
She climbed on the bed to straddle me, one smooth long thigh on each side of my chest. Just the touch caused Johnny to tighten himself in anticipation. She bend over to lick and chew my lips, explored my tongue then engaged it in mortal combat. The room had become noticeably warmer. She finally disengaged and turned her attention to my feet. I felt drops of lube on my tummy and Johnny hasn’t even been touched in the slightest yet. Oh my, she’s sucking my big toe. It was good I had a foot manicure and reflexology done the previous day. Now she’s using her teeth on my sole, it tickled and I fought to keep still and not succumb to her manipulations. Tongue between toes, up the ankle, then hyper-jumped to the knees. The knees are probably the most sensitive to tickling and I have to admit defeat. Moving steadily up, she spread my legs further apart and Johnny twitched involuntarily as she gently place one ball after another in her mouth. As she cat-bath my groin, her hair swept continuously across engorged Johnny and I clawed the bed sheet both in pleasure and agony. With one hand gently palming and massaging my bollocks, her tongue slowly traced a line up from the base of Johnny. So slippery with love juice she found it hard to maintain a straight line up as Johnny slipped erratically all over her face. She gave up, grabbed Johnny like a naughty boy about to be punished, and rubbed her face all over with Johnny and had she not stopped to look at my reactions to her ministration, I would have given her a free organic, protein and nutrient-rich facial cream in precisely half a minute all over her face. I told her to stop, otherwise...... She climbed over and put her face very, very close to mine. She wanted to see my reactions. Well, if it makes her happy, I was sweating, panting, close to death and I’ve haven’t even ejaculated yet. She leaned over to take the condom, the Durex, but I told her no, not yet. She’s not going to get away that easy after that torture on me. I want her to arc her buttocks from the bed in pleasure, I want to bring her to the brink of orgasm so many times a slight breath of air across her swollen clitoris will set her off. I ignored her toes and went straight for the jugular, the inside of her thighs. Spreading them I could see her cunt juices had flowed to her bunkhole. I could also see she had a sparse patch of very fine pubic hair and that her Mount of Venus was ample and fleshy, just the way I like them. What have I done to deserve this? This can’t be happening. She’s a goddess! |
Re: My Panyu Trip
I now lie panting heavily on top of her, taking care, even though I am completely exhausted, to cushion my weight with my elbows and palms so I do not crush her, this little fragile thing. When I recovered enough and felt able to move, I make the effort to roll off her. She applied even more pressure to prevent me from getting off her and I gave in and totally collapsed and was soundly asleep.
It could have been 20 minutes or an hour, who knows, when I woke and found myself in the exact same position, on top of her. I must be a deadweight, don’t she feel at least uncomfortable? I looked at her. She was still sleeping, she was so childlike like her sleep. I slowly rolled off her, trying not to wake her up. How could anyone who looked so childlike and naïve be such a tiger in bed? She was like completely into making sure I obtain the maximum pleasure, refusing to let me raise even a finger. Riding me, she had her eyes shut, fingers alternating between forcefully massaging her own breasts and twitching the extended nipples. I suspected she came but on seeing that I had not, continued even though I’m sure it’s must have been uncomfortable. Ever tried to continue immediately after you ejaculate? She revealed during our pillow talk the following night, it was an unprecedented event for her – to want to please someone so much. I am inclined to believe her, there was so much sincerity in her voice. BUT, I shall remain strong. Sometimes my mind goes on a whirl and I wake up in the morning more tired than the night before. This usually occurs when something pressing is on my mind and it’s as though I am not actually asleep. The dreams are not so much dreams as they are thoughts. It is during one of these occasions, I remembered vividly, that my mongering became a subject. All religions and accepted philosophies more or less frown, to put it mildly, on prostitution, whether you’re the perpetrator, pimp or a monger, or someone in the support industry, like the landlord, cleaning lady etc. And I question, am I such an evil person? And this rambles on for the whole night with arguments for and against ……. but I don’t steal, kill, not even covert the neighbor’s wife ….. and I give a little to charity ……. I treat these girls well …. and so on. Anything to justify my actions. And my conclusion, I should just stop having these thoughts, it’s bad for health. I’ll get the best lawyers when I go meet my maker. |
Re: My Panyu Trip
up you for you contribution
Re: My Panyu Trip
clap clap clap !!!
this is real good!!! |
Re: My Panyu Trip
Is Pangyu at the outskirt of Guangzhou...
The last time i went there was jus a sleepy town.. din expect got so much action there.. But there serve cheap and good seafood... ![]()
member of the kaypoh clan....... granted the legal rights to be kaypoh...... THIS IS ANFIELD Fans of Liverpool and Angela Zhang ![]() up list: Bu Jinyun i may be slow in returning favour..but i not "chao kuan" type..who put this siggie for fun.. |
Re: My Panyu Trip
Great writing style...please continue....upp your points already....
Being too humble can be interpreted as being Boastful |
Re: My Panyu Trip
I'm sure there are other happening places. Or not. I really don't know. I'm only writing about 1 KTV and essentially 1 girl so this is more a story than a FR. And thanks to Harrier who upped my points. Now if only I can figure what I can do with these.... |
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