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Old 17-05-2005, 10:29 AM
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Can a man love 2 women? or a woman love 2 men?

....convoluted answer, yes. but think - if every person involved with the affair, either directly or indirectly, was completely aware of that affair existing, would any of these people be hurt or offended? if so, the cheater is not considering that person enough, by not respecting their opinions, beliefs and emotions over their own actions. this does not mean the cheater does not love them, but that perhaps the love is different towards that person, or that perhaps the cheater is behaving in an egocentric manner, or that finally perhaps the cheater does love their partner as much as they believe, but are making a mistake by momentarily being blinded by ecstasy from that love.
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Old 17-05-2005, 01:00 PM
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Re: Can a man love 2 women? or a woman love 2 men?

Can a man love 2 women? or a woman love 2 men?

1 word to say.........It's a Fair can do it, so is the lady.
Old 17-05-2005, 04:33 PM
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Re: Can a man love 2 women? or a woman love 2 men?

Actually Men can love 2 or more women, because of our testrones can persuade our emotions to do so. Women nowadays can do the same thing too, unlike the early days when they are not much well educated or social status are low. Let's face it, I find numbers of both gender bed hopping around quite common. In the past, for men to sleep around is common, now for both gender it is common. More people can detached the feelings from physical sex and live with it. So whichever sexes can do it, its not uncommon, because people are becoming incerasingly self-centred and individualistic.
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Old 17-05-2005, 06:01 PM
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Re: Can a man love 2 women? or a woman love 2 men?

Originally Posted by airbrush
....convoluted answer, yes. but think - if every person involved with the affair, either directly or indirectly, was completely aware of that affair existing, would any of these people be hurt or offended?

Wah... si peh chim ah!!!

Seriously, I think a lot of ppl of both sexes will not be able to accept it if aware that the other partner is cheating on him/her and depending on the extent of love and commitment in the relationship, there will be some emotional hurt and tensions.

IMHO, a male might be willing to forgive his partner if caught with her lover if he truely loves her and she is willing to renew her commitment to him. But I think generally, women are not so forgiving and will wreak vengence on the men who are literally caught with his pants down.

In a love triangle, I would think there are more cases of emotional hurts and tensions than cases where the 3 can happily co-exist.
Old 17-05-2005, 06:03 PM
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Re: Can a man love 2 women? or a woman love 2 men?

Originally Posted by airbrush
....convoluted answer, yes. but think - if every person involved with the affair, either directly or indirectly, was completely aware of that affair existing, would any of these people be hurt or offended? if so, the cheater is not considering that person enough, by not respecting their opinions, beliefs and emotions over their own actions. this does not mean the cheater does not love them, but that perhaps the love is different towards that person, or that perhaps the cheater is behaving in an egocentric manner, or that finally perhaps the cheater does love their partner as much as they believe, but are making a mistake by momentarily being blinded by ecstasy from that love.
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From my own personal experience, I believe that it is possible for me to love 2 women (and I have). The only problem in my case was that my ex-wife wasn't prepared to "share" me.

Just look at the muslims, they are allowed to take up to 4 wives, on the condition that they seek the "consent of the bigger wives" with the promise that he will not love any wife less.

This practice was also very common in our forefathers' generation where the "jie mei" would happily play mahjong together. It is inevitable that the husband would end up loving one more than another, but he will still love all his wives/concubines.

Just my worthless thoughts.
Old 17-05-2005, 06:19 PM
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Re: Can a man love 2 women? or a woman love 2 men?

it is definitely possible for a man to love many. but definitely will love one more than the others...but love and responsibility is two different things. you may be surprised that most of the Singaporean men actually marry the women becoz of responsibility than purely becoz of love. sad but true

i personally believe that be it the man or the woman who is caught having affair outside, the other will have difficulty forgiving and forgetting the incident. well it may happens...but why take chances? just die die make sure you never get caught.

being quite a mcp myself, i couldnt bring myself to believe that a woman will still love me when she is fuking other men outside...or im juz another sucker sharing part of the meat.

Old 17-05-2005, 09:12 PM
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Re: Can a man love 2 women? or a woman love 2 men?

Originally Posted by airbrush
....convoluted answer, yes. but think - if every person involved with the affair, either directly or indirectly, was completely aware of that affair existing, would any of these people be hurt or offended?

Wah... si peh chim ah!!!


Not so chim lah....T123 lagi chim is because of our testerone...perhaps T123 can elaborate further what testerone got to do with man having more women?
Old 18-05-2005, 02:26 AM
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Re: Can a man love 2 women? or a woman love 2 men?

one i love his body, the other i love his money.
Old 19-05-2005, 08:46 PM
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Re: Can a man love 2 women? or a woman love 2 men?

Originally Posted by poison
one i love his body, the other i love his money.
Yeah babe... and one I love her heart, another I love her pussy, the 3rd I love her breasts and the 4th I love her brain.

Hey, what do you know? A man can love 2 women... in fact, more than 2.... gosh, that proves my theory correct... that man is essentially polygamous or to put it crudely, always horny!!!
Old 20-05-2005, 12:58 AM
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Re: Can a man love 2 women? or a woman love 2 men?

man unlike woman are driven different agenda. 2 love 2 woman is actually a fallacy. Its more because of responsibity and sense of duty that we do not abandon our existing love for a new girl though we love her.

just a quick poll is ow many bro marry their gf though the feeling is no longer there only to seek solace from woman outside. Some may say its because of lust which is partly true. But then again if our gf is so perfect why seek others.

Lust play a role but then lust can result in feelings too.

take a cue from chinese language. Feelings have many way of being expressed lingusticly. "Gan Chue" & "Qin Gan". The key word is "gan" but then both are different, one is physical and the other emotional. Many a times we start with the physical only to end up being emotional .......
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Old 20-05-2005, 05:19 PM
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Re: Can a man love 2 women? or a woman love 2 men?

Originally Posted by machoman
that proves my theory correct... that man is essentially polygamous or to put it crudely, always horny!!!
Spend some time with polyamorists and you realize that communication is what keeps their relationships alive. Polys talk about everything: who they want to go out with, what they do on their dates, how their relationships are progressing......don't we brother...hehehe
Old 20-05-2005, 10:17 PM
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I dunno other women but I nvr been in love with 2 men at the same time so far. Also must forget the last one if not can't start a new one.
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Old 21-05-2005, 10:27 AM
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Re: Can a man love 2 women? or a woman love 2 men?

Originally Posted by Garf
I dunno other women but I nvr been in love with 2 men at the same time so far. Also must forget the last one if not can't start a new one.
I think is not easy for a woman to love two men....any comments from other brothers and sisters..
Old 21-05-2005, 11:25 AM
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Re: Can a man love 2 women? or a woman love 2 men?

When such a thing happens, that person only loves himself/herself. he/she never truly loves any, just feel he/she does and use that as an excuse to prolong.
Old 28-05-2005, 11:18 AM
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Re: Can a man love 2 women? or a woman love 2 men?

...wish one day I will be truely in love with one...then I will be able to answer myself..
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