An honorable member of the Coffee Shop Has Just Posted the Following:
The official news agency Xinhua reported that China is studying proposals to lift the ban on a second child, if either parent is an only child. The new rules are expected to come into force early next year, and may be extended to cover all families by 2015.
There are currently five workers for every pensioner. This ratio will fall to two by 2035.
Farmers are allowed a second child if the first is a girl. The urban middle class can usually pay the fine, barely enforced in Shanghai where fertility rates are collapsing for other reasons. The shift in policy may come too late to avert an ageing shock. The workforce shrank by 3m last year, an inflection point that has come sooner than expected.
The International Monetary Fund said the working age population will soon go into "precipitous decline". The "reserve army" of rural poor looking for work peaked in 2010 at around 150m. This surplus will disappear soon after 2020. The IMF said there will be a labour shortage of almost 140m workers by the early 2030s.
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