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Old 09-01-2014, 12:58 AM
homegirlK homegirlK is offline
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25f seeking for.....

just trying something new hope nobody zap me.
25 yrs old female chi here looking for a relationship. not into fwb/fb/sugarbaby/paid sex. might not be the most correct place to look for a partner but i will just give it a try anyway. im not an ogre or an elephant. just an average girl next door who's lonely. it would be nice to find someone to cafe-hop, catch some movies and even exercise together. im open to making more friends as well (:

you must be chinese, single (very important), financially OK and below the age of 35. having a car is also a must. i prefer men who are not big in size. athletic/toned is definitely attractive.

do reply with an introduction and maybe some form of contact eg email/line/whatsapp.

i'll be waiting! cross fingers hope to get some good replies
Old 09-01-2014, 03:06 AM
Lamborghini Lamborghini is offline
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Re: 25f seeking for.....

I hope you find whatever you are looking for.

Bonne Chance !
Old 09-01-2014, 03:15 AM
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Re: 25f seeking for.....

But ur pm only can store 10 pm only since you are on mod!

My advise is to create a email so tat they can email u first...

Gd luck in searching
Up my pts and i will up yours as well(Power 5 and above pls)

Target: 18000 point hit... will be part time now only in point exchange... Thank you for the points

Please pm me for second or third round first before u up my points cos worried not able to return cheers

Last edited by Tai_zi21; 09-01-2014 at 03:50 AM.
Old 09-01-2014, 03:48 AM
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Re: 25f seeking for.....

Mailbox gonna be flooded soon!

Good luck TS with your search.
Old 09-01-2014, 07:27 AM
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Re: 25f seeking for.....

Now our youngster must choose bf who drive car and must be wealth, no more like last time "you jump I jump"
God that sent down an angel to earth and ...
That ME

faithful and loyal to your gf/bf/wife/hubby

Cherish your love one.


Old 09-01-2014, 08:02 AM
ddog ddog is offline
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Re: 25f seeking for.....

sounds like a troll with high expectation. Ddog is athletic but also out with popular models and won't mind out with any girls but the requirements, no thx. Ddog knows a beautiful famous person whose bf rides the bus and it doesn't matter to her.
up me up u
Ddog with long hard tail... luv chasing pussycats
Old 09-01-2014, 09:28 AM
rong33 rong33 is offline
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Re: 25f seeking for.....

Hi ts, your mail is full. Kindly provide alternative or pls pm me. Eligible candidate here.
RESPECT others to gain RESPECT
Old 09-01-2014, 09:39 AM
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Re: 25f seeking for.....

Originally Posted by homegirlK View Post
just trying something new hope nobody zap me.
25 yrs old female chi here looking for a relationship. not into fwb/fb/sugarbaby/paid sex. might not be the most correct place to look for a partner but i will just give it a try anyway. im not an ogre or an elephant. just an average girl next door who's lonely. it would be nice to find someone to cafe-hop, catch some movies and even exercise together. im open to making more friends as well (:

you must be chinese, single (very important), financially OK and below the age of 35. having a car is also a must. i prefer men who are not big in size. athletic/toned is definitely attractive.

do reply with an introduction and maybe some form of contact eg email/line/whatsapp.

i'll be waiting! cross fingers hope to get some good replies
aiyah.... too bad you like small dicks, I failed there..... and the single part
Old 09-01-2014, 09:52 AM
Rotanibbulb Rotanibbulb is offline
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Re: 25f seeking for.....

why would somebody like small dicks? and why is having money and a car important? so what can u offer? how high is ur income? what car r u driving? and how good r u at sucking?
Old 09-01-2014, 09:53 AM
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Re: 25f seeking for.....

Good luck ah..
All I want is a whiskey twice my age served by a woman half my age!
Old 09-01-2014, 10:03 AM
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Re: 25f seeking for.....

Originally Posted by homegirlK View Post
just trying something new hope nobody zap me.
25 yrs old female chi here looking for a relationship. not into fwb/fb/sugarbaby/paid sex. might not be the most correct place to look for a partner but i will just give it a try anyway. im not an ogre or an elephant. just an average girl next door who's lonely. it would be nice to find someone to cafe-hop, catch some movies and even exercise together. im open to making more friends as well (:

you must be chinese, single (very important), financially OK and below the age of 35. having a car is also a must. i prefer men who are not big in size. athletic/toned is definitely attractive.

do reply with an introduction and maybe some form of contact eg email/line/whatsapp.

i'll be waiting! cross fingers hope to get some good replies
1. can you pls define "financially ok" ?

I will also like to quote our Minister Vivian B here in his exchange with Lily Neo in Parliament :

Dr Vivian Balakrishnan:

How much do you want? Do you want three meals in a hawker centre, food court or restaurant?

2. if one has the prerequisite of a car, fit & toned body + financially ok, i think that individual would have many flings, FB etc and would not even consider " average girl next door "

3. maybe you should put down your own height and weight, and cup size since you are asking for so much from bros here too. Dont just take, give as well.

just my two cents worth and no offence intended.

Old 09-01-2014, 10:32 AM
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Re: 25f seeking for.....


Ur inbox full liao lo. I want to sell myself to u le..
Can pm me?
Old 09-01-2014, 10:38 AM
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Re: 25f seeking for.....

1St of all with such asking all I can say is good luck.

Only one question same as some bros highlight why specify "small dick" is it like hokkien saying "want to song but scare pain?? "
sent me an angel with a pair of lovely legs in hosiery
Old 09-01-2014, 10:41 AM
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Re: 25f seeking for.....

Originally Posted by acidicavex View Post
1St of all with such asking all I can say is good luck.

Only one question same as some bros highlight why specify "small dick" is it like hokkien saying "want to song but scare pain?? "
Seem to me it's body build size not 2nd bro size hehe
Part time Mercedes taxi driver Monday to Friday.

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Old 09-01-2014, 10:47 AM
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Re: 25f seeking for.....

Originally Posted by ColdBlood99 View Post
Seem to me it's body build size not 2nd bro size hehe
Small build bros..... I see most of those 18-23 all most very very tone body lol
sent me an angel with a pair of lovely legs in hosiery
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