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Old 20-02-2014, 06:56 PM
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Fine $300 by NEA for littering cig butt

Hi, I know this is the wrong forum to post this question but will they send letter to address?

I know must pay at AXN station after 3 working days but what happens after? Don't want family members to know I started to smoke again

I know irrelevant to the forum but hope bros who kena before can shed some light.
Originally Posted by guyplatinum View Post
Went there 2 weeks ago, went to a wrong street and step into an office..asked whether got massage, she told me fiercely: "no, this is an office!"
Old 20-02-2014, 09:49 PM
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Re: Fine $300 by NEA for littering cig butt

I was with a colleague after lunch and he was smoking at a covered walkway. Lucky I quit a few months back so was just accompanying him. Sway sway he got approached by 2 plain clothes NEA officers and then he kena.

What happen then is that they asked for his IC and printed out this summons / notice to attend court slip and gave it to him. They entered his details into that machine and it was printed out and given to him.

That summons / notice to attend court slip would also offer you to compound the offence (i.e. pay a fine). You have a stipulated time frame to pay the fine at the AXS Machine.

It is only if you intend to fight the case against you then you have to report to court on the date and time mentioned on the summons / notice to attend court slip. If you pay the fine within the time frame, then don't need to attend court.

For my colleague's offence, his fine was $200. He promptly paid the fine at the AXS Station a few days later and that was the end of the matter. He never mentioned that he received any letters or anything from NEA.

I don't know if this applies to your case but should be the same. NEA wouldn't send you any letter or anything so long as you pay your fine within the stipulated time given.

Best to just do it when the time frame opens and settle the matter.
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Old 20-02-2014, 10:39 PM
kuku66 kuku66 is offline
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Re: Fine $300 by NEA for littering cig butt

Originally Posted by WhereGotTime View Post
Hi, I know this is the wrong forum to post this question but will they send letter to address?

I know must pay at AXN station after 3 working days but what happens after? Don't want family members to know I started to smoke again

I know irrelevant to the forum but hope bros who kena before can shed some light.
kenna before... fr me i went dwn directly to the NEA office (Scott Road) after i kenna caught and paid out immediately at the counter n tell the counter nt to send anythin to my address and true enough i nvr received any bills or summon ticket to my hm ....
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