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Old 18-05-2014, 07:08 AM
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Alpha Male 2.0, a soul-searcher's guide to a happy life

This is not written by me, but it's damn good, especially for all SBF pleasure seeker people who want to live a happy life but always seem to face unhappiness whether in work, relationship, or sex.

Here it goes:
There are three kinds of men out there.

The Beta Male

The first type, the most common type by far, is the beta male. About 70% of men in the modern era are betas. Betas are typical “nice guys”. They’re hardworking, submissive, needy, fearful, and play it safe. The spend their lives being controlled by girlfriends, wives, families, bosses, cultural conditioning, and other external factors.

“Beta male” is an issue of degree. Betas can go from completely hopeless pussies to decently cool guys but who still have lots of regular drama and unfulfilled dreams.

The operating goal of the beta male is to not risk.

• I can’t do that, my wife won’t let me.
• I can’t do that, my girlfriend said she’d break up with me.
• I can’t start my own business, I might not be able to pay my bills.
• I can’t vote for that guy, I might not get my welfare.
• I can’t do that. My family won’t approve.
• I can’t do that. Only selfish people do that.

You get the idea.

The Alpha Male 1.0

The next type of man is the Alpha Male 1.0. This is the “classic” Alpha Male, and what most people think of when they hear the term. I have also called these men “Needy Alphas”. They make up about 25% of the modern male population.

Alpha 1.0s are tough, masculine, confident, dominant, capable, successful men. They take charge and get things done. Unlike betas, Alpha 1.0s rule others rather than being ruled themselves. Alpha 1.0s are great guys.

The problem with Alpha 1.0s is they are highly sensitive to what others in their lives do or say. If an Alpha 1.0’s girlfriend or wife doesn’t play ball, he loses it. He starts yelling, screaming, commanding, and setting rules. The same goes for his family members, friends, children, and co-workers.

When everyone does exactly what they’re told, Alpha 1.0s are great men who live great lives. When anyone doesn’t act in accordance with their specific parameters (which, of course, is all the time) they’re angry, and feel threatened and disrespected. They often live lives of 60%-70% happiness, 30%-40% anger and negative stress.

The operating goal of the Alpha 1.0 is to control and to be heard.

They love to boss other people around and to issue long lectures about proper behavior. They often get pissed off and love to “set people straight”. Having other people listen to them and acknowledge them is of extreme importance to these strong men.

The Alpha Male 2.0

That leaves us with the final type of man, the Alpha Male 2.0, which comprises the remaining 5% of men. The Alpha 2.0 is exactly the same as the Alpha 1.0 with two significant differences.

The operating goal of the Alpha 2.0 is freedom and long term, consistent happiness.

He has structured his life so that every morning he wakes up and can do whatever the hell he wants, the way he wants, any time he wants, without having to check in with anyone. He is free from the agenda of a girlfriend, wife, boss, or society.

That doesn’t mean he doesn’t have a special woman in his life. He certainly can. It means he can do whatever he likes without having to get permission from her, or anyone else.

Very unlike the Alpha 1.0, the Alpha 2.0 doesn’t care what other people in his life think or do. He has structured his life so as to maintain a high level of happiness and well-being no matter what else happens with anyone in his life.

If the woman in his life throws drama at him, he shrugs and has sex with someone else. He doesn’t argue or lecture; that would damage his happiness. He never needs to worry about a boss, because he doesn’t have one. He’s outcome independent. He doesn’t care what others do…he’s on a Mission.

Because everyone in his life knows he does this, people quickly learn to not give him all the drama, anger, rules, and problems betas and Alpha 1.0s regularly have to wrestle with.

The five traits of the Alpha Male 2.0 are:

• He is consistently happy. Not happy sometimes and upset others, but consistently happy.

• He is confident. He strides boldly thorough life.

• He is masculine. Every culture has a different definition of masculinity, but regardless he is a bastion of constancy, rationality, strength, courage, and other positive masculine traits.

• He is free. He is not chained down by the rules normally governing relationships, marriages, jobs, businesses, cultures, or politics.

• He lives an abundant life. He does not lack sex, money, fulfillment, love, excitement, or freedom.

The Alpha Male 2.0 is truly free. If you are a man and you seek a life like this, use the resources on this blog and other Blackdragon web sites, as well as the sites of other men in the manosphere and seduction community to start on your path.

Please join us. Society needs more Alpha 2.0s.

It’s a very, very good life.
Old 18-05-2014, 07:11 AM
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Re: Alpha Male 2.0, a soul-searcher's guide to a happy life

Here are some useful glossaries:

See a word, phrase, or acronym on this blog you don’t understand? Just find it below in the alphabetical listing. Any word in italics is another word also defined in this glossary.

Many of the below terms are mine, and many were originally created by others. Even the ones created elsewhere I use in a very specific context, as defined below, and the definitions of these words may not be exactly the same as those originally intended. Whenever I use these terms, I am referring to the definitions below, not any definitions you may have heard elsewhere.

AFC – Average Frustrated Chump. The typical needy guy who rarely gets laid unless it’s a high-drama girlfriend to whom he clings to. The opposite of Alpha.

Alpha – Generic term for Alpha Male. There are two kinds, 1.0 and 2.0. Both types are the opposite of an AFC or a beta. (In my writings I capitalize Alpha, I do not capitalize beta. I do this on purpose.)

Alpha Male 1.0 – The usual type of Alpha Male most people are familiar with. A man with all the characteristics of an Alpha Male 2.0, but who is not outcome independent. The Alpha 1.0 is a strong, usually successful, confident man who can get women, but who also often and quickly gets upset and offended when a woman he wants rejects him or doesn’t act in accordance with his desires.

Alpha Male 2.0 – An extremely confident, non-needy, outcome independent man who can quickly and easily get sex and love from women whenever he wants without having to promise anything to anyone. A man who does what he wants, whenever we wants, regardless of what other people want for him or tell him.

ASD – Anti Slut Defense. A condition created by societal programming experienced by women wherein they attempt to avoid sex, even if they want it, so as to not look or feel like a “slut” or “inappropriate” or not like “a lady”. ASD is a cause for major confusion, frustration, and psychological dysfunction in women, since they strongly desire sex but are repeatably told there is something wrong with it.

ASD often drives women, even very intelligent ones, to extremely irrational behavior and rationalizing. Because ASD is a direct result of exposure to societal programming, ASD grows every year a woman ages, until it maxes out around her early 40s. For example, a 37 year-old woman will easily have ten times the ASD of a 19 year-old woman.

Beta – Beta male. A man who chooses to be dominated by the woman he’s in a relationship with. A man who usually follows orders and desires from her, either happily or reluctantly with complaining. Betas are usually very affectionate and full of oneitis. Most betas are AFCs, but a large number of betas are actually former Alphas. Betas are sought-after by women seeking marriage or long-term monogamy, but women also get bored with betas and usually leave them eventually. (82% of all divorces are initiated by the female, and this is the primary reason.)

Betaization – The slow process by which a woman transforms a man she’s in a relationship with from an Alpha to a beta, usually by means of drama, demands, rules, sex (giving or withholding), or threats. Betaization is a completely natural part of a woman’s biological makeup and is usually not done from a place of malice (though there are exceptions to this). A successful Alpha 2.0 consistently avoids betaization; AFCs and many Alpha 1.0s eventually succumb to it and become betas (or at least very beta-like).

Cheating – The act of promising monogamy to someone then getting sexual with someone else without the first person’s permission. Though society hates to admit it, cheating is a cultural norm and is widely practiced. Cheating is sometimes viewed as “easier” than establishing honest open relationships. (In some extreme cases of irrationality, cheating is considered “more respectful” than having an open relationship.) Cheating almost always leads to drama and usually leads to bad breakups and is thus never a good idea, polyamory, open relationships, or serial monogamy being much better options.

Comfort Bombardment – A process by which you get a woman comfortable about you after the first date is scheduled via online dating but prior to actually meeting her in real life. Comfort Bombardment raises the odds of sex considerably and reduces the odds of flaking.

CTF – Cheating Time Frame. The amount of time you have installed in your brain before you will cheat on a monogamous partner. If a monogamous relationship lasts long enough to equal your CTF (and many do not), you will cheat, even if your partner is doing nothing wrong.

Everyone’s CTF is different. CTF is a function of sex drive (higher sex-drive people have lower CTFs), age (younger people have lower CTFs), intelligence, (CTFs are higher in average-intelligence people, lower with smarter and dumber people), upbringing, and various other personality traits. Some boring, low sex-drive people have CTFs of infinity, but most people in the western world under the age of 45 have CTFs somewhere between three months and seven years.

Serial monogamists are better at avoiding CTF by constantly switching monogamous partners before their CTFs are ever reached.

Christian Troy Disease or CTD – A condition of delusion when a man who is used to having lots of sex with lots of women repeatedly attempts monogamy and always ends up cheating. Men with CTD have constant relationship problems until they finally accept themselves as being incapable of monogamy and embrace nonmonogamy as a lifestyle. (Named after a character in the television series Nip/Tuck who repeatedly suffered from this condition.)

DESC – Dating Site Email Communication. When you’re in a conversation with a woman using a dating site’s messaging feature, as opposed to instant messaging, texting, or using your own email account.

DHV – Demonstration of Higher Value. Anything that demonstrates your value to a woman over other men, whether spoken or implied (implied is always better). This can be many possible things, including but not limited to confidence, money, advanced sexual skills, good looks, social proof, wit, a big cock, and anything else women desire from men.

Disney – Any thought derived from societal programming that monogamy, child rearing, or traditional marriage is pleasant and/or permanent in the modern era. Disney is usually suffered by women, but a certain variation can be suffered by men as well (see: Guy-Disney).

Disney Monogamy – Any monogamy that is expected to last longer than three years with no breakup, divorce, cheating, or long-term boredom, ever, by either party. Disney monogamy is often expected in relationships and marriages, even though it almost never occurs in the modern era; serial monogamy, polyamory, or open relationships being more viable options.
Old 18-05-2014, 07:12 AM
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Re: Alpha Male 2.0, a soul-searcher's guide to a happy life

Dominant – A type of woman, the loose feminine equivalent of an Alpha 1.0. A strong, bossy woman with an inflexible list of standards and rules the man in her life must adhere to, or else she gets offended or upset. Represents most women in the modern era, approximately 65%. (Many dominants mistakenly believe they’re Independents. They aren’t, because they’re dependent on bossing a man around.)

Drama – Any harsh negative actions directed from a woman to man where the man is the target of said negativity. Screaming, nagging, complaining, arguing, demands, crying “at you”, threats, ultimatums, the “silent treatment”, refusing sex because of non-medical reasons, all of these things are drama, and there are many others. Drama is not “anything negative”. Specifically, it must be harsh (sweetly lying would not be considered drama) and focused at the man (angrily complaining about her boss at work would not be considered drama). Drama is a female trait. (Men have guy-drama.)

EFA – Early Frame Announcement. The strongly conveyed but unspoken overall message to a woman non-verbally conveying who you are and why you’re there. Your EFA begins on the first second of the first date and continues for at least three months before it can be softened if necessary.

Examples of EFA include: A nervous, talkative guy on a first date is demonstrating the EFA of an AFC. A guy constantly telling a woman she’s pretty, buying her dinner and flowers, and getting upset when she talks about other men would be the EFA of an monogamous boyfriend. A guy who acted like he didn’t care, confidently talked about sex, and had lots of pretty girls all over his Facebook page would be the EFA of an Alpha. A woman will usually subconsciously conform her behaviors and expectations to fit the EFA of the man she’s interacting with.

FB – Fuck Buddy or Friend with Benefits. A person you’re having sex with at least semi-regularly who is just a friend. There are no romantic feelings or intentions. Spending time with an FB in non-sexual situations is minimal (otherwise, she becomes an MLTR). One can have multiple FBs.

Gender Myopia – The condition of being so narrowly focused on what your gender is attracted to, you are completely blinded to the realities of what the other gender is attracted to. You think the other gender wants exactly what you want, which they don’t. Example of male gender myopia: Men sending women pictures of their penises in order to turn them on. Example of female gender myopia: Women bragging about how “sassy” or “tough” or “independent” they are in order to attract men.

Guy-Disney – The incorrect thought men have that somewhere out there is a girl who will love you forever, never cheat on you, never get bored with you, and never break up with you.

Guy-Drama – A particular form of drama directed from a man to a woman. Unlike drama, which is feminine and takes many forms, guy-drama takes the form of a lecture issued in order to correct behavior. “Setting her straight”, “straightening her out”, “laying down the law”, commands to “respect” him, or issuing “rules” are all forms of guy-drama. Guy-drama is extremely ineffective at managing a relationship. It simply creates more drama, or at best, simply delays (instead of preventing) future drama.

Hard Next – A permanent breakup. Where a man leaves a woman, never contacts her again, and literally never sees her again (or at least never again in a sexual context). Needed only in extreme cases of woman-on-man drama or abuse.

Independent – A type of woman, the very loose feminine equivalent of an Alpha 2.0. An independent, strong, happy, busy woman who doesn’t concern herself with what the man in her life does when she’s not around. She never issues demands or rules to men despite her stronger nature. Independents tend to be more rare in society, representing only about 10% of women. (Most Societally Programmed women prefer to be Dominants or Submissives.)

Long-Term Monogamy – See: Disney Monogamy

LSNFTE – Long Soft Next For Temporary Exclusivity. A common occurrence with Alphas in nonmonogamous relationships where a woman leaves the Alpha, who will not give her monogamy, so she can get a traditional boyfriend or husband who will. The new boyfriend/husband is always an AFC, beta, or Alpha Male 1.0, who eventually either bores her to death, irritates her with too many rules, or cheats on her. The woman then leaves the boyfriend/husband and goes right back to the Alpha, resuming the sexual relationship. LSNFTEs last anywhere from a few weeks to many years.

LTR – Long Term monogamous Relationship. The “standard” type of relationship, heavily encouraged by Societal Programming. A relationship where monogamy is practiced by both partners, either happily or reluctantly. Monogamous boyfriend-girlfriend relationships, monogamous live-in relationships, and TMM are all forms of LTR. In the modern era, LTRs are prone to drama, cheating, and in the case of long-term LTRs, extreme sexual boredom, particularly in the case of the female.

MLTR – Multiple Long Term Relationships. The typical type of polyamorous relationship. A woman you’re dating nonmonogamously who you do actually care about at an emotional level. You are romantic with her and care for her far more than just a friend (you may even love her), but you date and care for other women as well. One can have multiple MLTRs.

Monogamy – When a man and a woman in a relationship are not physically sexual in any way with anyone else other than each other. If they say or pretend they’re monogamous but are secretly cheating on the site, that’s not monogamy. (It’s “monogamy” in quotes).

“Monogamy” – When the word “monogamous” or “monogamy” is used in quotes, that refers to relationships that are supposed to be monogamous, and might look monogamous to the outside world, but really aren’t. There’s cheating going on, by at least one partner. “Monogamy” also refers to relationships where one or both parties promise monogamy, but deep down have no intention of keeping that promise. “Monogamous” relationships are extremely common, and in terms of non-married relationships, are almost the norm in the modern era, particularly among younger people. “Monogamous” relationships are prone to extreme drama, for obvious reasons.

Mono-GF – A monogamous girlfriend.

Needy Alpha – An Alpha Male 1.0.

Next or Nexting – Verb. Refers to either a soft next or a hard next. Usually a soft next.

Nonmonogamy - A global term encompassing polyamory, polygamy, open relationships, or relationships like an FB and WD where sex is occurring but monogamy has not been promised. Nonmonogamy is often the term used instead of more technical-sounding terms (like “polyamory”) which tend to frighten people who are not yet familiar with these concepts.

NRE - New Relationship Energy. The temporary, short-lasting, overwhelming feeling of joy one experiences when first dating a new person, usually not lasting longer than several months (though it can be artificially extended out to a year or so if people get married or have a baby together). Often referred to as the “honeymoon period”. NRE is likely the most powerful positive emotion a human being can feel, stronger even than love, but it is extremely temporary. NRE often leads to poor decision-making and oneitis, and is the cause of many divorces, breakups, and drama.

OLTR – Open Long Term Relationship. A very serious relationship, equivalent to a serious boyfriend, girlfriend, or spouse, where you are are fully in love with and are committed to one special person but you both are allowed to have sex with other people on the side as long as they’re only FBs or an ONS. This differs from MLTR where side-lovers can be “more” than just an FB.

OLTR Marriage – An open marriage (with some ground rules regarding sex outside the relationship) with an enforceable prenuptial agreement and no co-owned debts or assets between parties. The only safe and responsible form of marriage in the modern era. OLTR marriage is the opposite of a TMM.
Old 18-05-2014, 07:14 AM
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Re: Alpha Male 2.0, a soul-searcher's guide to a happy life

Oneitis – 1. A set of actions and behaviors where a man does things in order to get one particular girl or “not lose” one particular girl, at the expense of pursuing other girls and/or at the expense of his own freedom and happiness. 2. Any non-minor compromise a man makes to a woman (either to “get her” or to “not lose her”) that will immediately or eventually restrict his freedom or damage his happiness. Example: A man promising to always pick up his socks or keep the TV at a certain volume is not necessarily oneitis, but a man with a healthy sex drive promising to never get sexual with any other woman is certainly oneitis as defined here, since eventually that promise will make him less free and less happy.

ONS - One Night Stand. Having sex with a woman once, perhaps twice, and then never seeing her in a sexual context ever again. Not something I personally practice or endorse, but it is popular among certain Alphas.

Open Relationship – A relationship where you are emotionally and perhaps financially committed to just one person, but can “get a little on the side” with their permission. Essentially an OLTR, though sometimes not quite as serious. This is different than polyamory where you are actually “dating” and “have feelings for” multiple people.

Outcome Independence – The quality of not caring how an interaction with a woman ends up. If she has sex with you, great. If she calls you an asshole and walks out, great. If she just wants to be friends, great. It’s all the same to you, because regardless of what happens you’ll be on to the next woman. Outcome Independence is hands-down one the most attractive qualities a man can have to females, perhaps second only to raw confidence.

Opener – The very first email you send to a woman on an online dating site.

Polyamory – The condition where a man-woman couple are both allowed to date (and have sex with) other people with each other’s full consent. There are often ground rules, and nature and amount of the external sex varies based on the how “serious” the couple is. Essentially an MLTR relationship. (Polyamory should not be confused with polygamy, which is completely different.)

Polygamy – One husband legally married to multiple wives. The husband is allowed to (effectively) have sex with whomever he wants, wives can only have sex with the husband. Polygamy is the secret, preferred biological method of pair-bonding for men, though it no longer works in the western world. (Serial monogamy being the biological default for women.) ”Polygamous” as a general adjective can also be applied to non-married relationships where the man is allowed to have sex with other women but the woman is not allowed to have sex with other men. Polygamous relationships/marriages are jam-packed full of drama, for obvious reasons.

Provider – 1. A beta. 2. A non-beta who at least somewhat agrees to the terms of betaization and follows through on them.

Provider-Hunting - A phase a woman goes through, usually when she’s over the age of 27 (but can happen at all ages) where she seeks to settle down with a beta, now preferring the perceived stability and compliance of a beta over the fun, great sex, passion, and excitement of an Alpha. Because of the excessive amount of needy AFCs in society, provider-hunting women don’t stay single long, and find husbands or live-in boyfriends very quickly.

Relationship – Any situation where a man and a woman have had sex at least three times in a six-week period, even if it’s just an FB. Anything shorter or less frequent than that is not a relationship as defined here, perhaps more of an ONS category.

Societal Programming – Any thoughts you have as a result of society’s extreme and constant efforts to install falsehoods within you to further the agenda of the elites. Societal programming can range from anything like “Lincoln invaded the south to free the slaves” to “Democrats go to war less than Republicans” to “Relationships are about compromise” to “The stock market is safe” and hundreds of other falsehoods in many different areas of life. Your brain is filled with correct-sounding but completely false societal programming and your goal should be to weed these thoughts out as much as possible.

Social Proof – Clear evidence to women that other attractive women find you desirable. Social proof is an extremely attractive quality to women (though women are often reluctant to admit it).

Serial Monogamy – A constant succession of monogamous partners, one after the next. This system is almost always initiated by women. Usually, no one partner lasts longer than about three years. Generally speaking, the younger the woman, the faster she switches partners. Serial monogamy is the secret, preferred biological method of pair bonding for women under the age of 50. (Polygamy being the biological default for men.)

Shallow - A type of VYW. A very social, bubbly, talkative girl who moves from topic to topic very quickly. The opposite of a singular.

Short-Term Monogamy – See: Serial Monogamy

Singular – A type of VYW. A very intelligent, moody, quiet girl who likes to talk about one specific topic and enjoys deep conversations. The opposite of a shallow.

Soft Next – When a man removes a woman from his life for a short period of time, usually three to seven days, during which he completely ignores all communication from her, because of drama she gave him. At the end of the soft next, the relationship resumes as normal. Soft nexting is one of the most effective tools in a man’s relationship arsenal. Soft nexting is impossible to use on a woman you live with. Women can also soft next men, but it’s executed very differently. (See: LSNFTE)

Submissive – A type of woman, the loose female equivalent of a beta. A woman who tends to like the man in her life take charge and make most (though not all) the decisions. She tends to be uncomfortable with, and turned off by, men who don’t take charge of things with her. Represents about 25% of the modern female population.

TEP – Three Exchange Process. Pitching a first date to a woman on the third or fourth email exchange with her on a dating site. This flushes her out into the “no” or “yes” categories much faster than delaying the date pitch further.

TMM – Traditional Monogamous Marriage. A marriage with no prenuptial agreement that is expected to last the rest of your life with no divorce, and where permanent monogamy is promised and expected by both parties. TMM no longer functions properly in today’s society though it is still widely attempted. TMM is the opposite of the OLTR marriage.

Ultimate IOI - When a woman sends you a text shortly after a first date, before you send her anything, saying something like “I really had a good time” or “It was so nice meeting you!”. This is as close as a woman gets to saying “I want to fuck you!”. When this happens you are almost guaranteed to have sex with her the next time you see her (unless you really, really screw things up).

Type 1 VYW – A VYW who is disgusted at the thought of having sex with a man who is more than about four or five years older than her. It’s a complete waste of time for older men to pursue these women. Represents about 30% of VYW.

Type 2 VYW – A VYW who is strongly attracted to much older men. Because of Societal Programming, she’s often forced to keep these desires a secret from her family and friends. Represents about 15-20% of VYW.

Type 3 VYW – A VYW who tends towards men in her own age group but wouldn’t mind dating a much older man if he was desirable enough, not creepy, and had strong enough game. Older men are still outside of her comfort zone, however. Represents about 50% of VYW.

VYW – Very Young Woman, a woman between the age of consent (usually 18) and 23. VYW have the lowest ASD of any age group, by far.

WD – A relatively new Woman you’re Dating and do care about but have not yet promised monogamy to.
Old 18-05-2014, 10:09 AM
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Re: Alpha Male 2.0, a soul-searcher's guide to a happy life

Interesting read
Old 18-05-2014, 12:56 PM
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Re: Alpha Male 2.0, a soul-searcher's guide to a happy life

So what that about?
Old 18-05-2014, 01:15 PM
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Re: Alpha Male 2.0, a soul-searcher's guide to a happy life

uncle angmo no good. see no head, no tail
Old 18-05-2014, 02:27 PM
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Re: Alpha Male 2.0, a soul-searcher's guide to a happy life

I need Alpha 2.0 too

Please join us. Society needs more Alpha 2.0s.

It’s a very, very good life.[/QUOTE]
Old 18-05-2014, 04:15 PM
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Re: Alpha Male 2.0, a soul-searcher's guide to a happy life

Originally Posted by keyraccoon View Post
So what that about?
Originally Posted by real_king View Post
uncle angmo no good. see no head, no tail
In layman's term:

There are 3 types of males:

1. Controlled by gf/wife/other people, and most of them not happy/unable to enjoy life. Most of the times not dare to cheat, but wants to.

2. Control others, can be a financially successful man but if fail to control others will angry/drama/emo. Most cheaters fall in this group.

3. Control self. Emotion will mostly not be affected by anyone in anyway. Do whatever he wants, fuck many girls and no drama, happy most of the time. Honest with girls in the first place, doesn't need to cheat.
Old 18-05-2014, 04:30 PM
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Re: Alpha Male 2.0, a soul-searcher's guide to a happy life

Sifu also said, (and also studied by scientific community):

Humans were not meant to be monogamous (one sex partner only) biologically from our very first ancestors...

You can be married until 60 years old but most (MOST) sex only happens in the first 3 years, and then diminishes by a lot. Most people come up with excuses like busy/child/tired/health/etc but they don't realize it's biological.

MOST guys want sex most of the time, with many girls.
MOST girls will have sex for a period of time with the same guy.

MOST wives will get bored of even 100% nice husband after 3 years.

What does that mean?

Guys want a lot of sex. Girls will only have sex if she's not bored with her partner. In MOST monogamous relationships, both are IMPOSSIBLE.

For an Alpha Male 2.0, he has a lot of sex, with many girls, don't need to pay and each girl finds him fresh and not boring because it's a new fucker in her life which she hasn't got bored of. He lives a life that other guys can only watch and envy, but you, yes YOU, can live this life too, as long as you're willing to let go of the social conditioning that grabs you by the balls.

One life, one chance.
Old 18-05-2014, 04:43 PM
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Re: Alpha Male 2.0, a soul-searcher's guide to a happy life

Wow... too deep la...
Make it simple
Code of conduct nos 7
Do anything U like and don't be caught lol
And U will happy live
Old 18-05-2014, 06:21 PM
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Re: Alpha Male 2.0, a soul-searcher's guide to a happy life

Originally Posted by yip65 View Post
Wow... too deep la...
Make it simple
Code of conduct nos 7
Do anything U like and don't be caught lol
And U will happy live
That's the whole point. Alpha Male 2.0 does not fear of getting caught (and then the drama and hurt if got caught) because he has nothing to hide and commit in the first place.

Why promise a monogamous relationship in the first place if already know that it doesn't work for you?

If the guy doesn't need sex or a lot of it AND STILL LIVE HAPPILY, or his partner can fulfill his sexual needs all the time (not just a few years), then this article does not apply to him. But honestly how many guys are like this?
Old 18-05-2014, 06:32 PM
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Re: Alpha Male 2.0, a soul-searcher's guide to a happy life

I'm a true Alpha Male. I walk around with all types of hot girls begging me to fuck them. I drive a BMW and have a lexus too. I have a condo in town and a house in Bukit Timah. And all this at age 22. I mean some of you losers haven't even kissed a girl till you're 30. I love it when I see chinese dudes look at me with envy when I walk around with the hottest chinese girls but these girls are just for licking my ass. I fuck only hot white girls. My dick is thick and long and I give all kinds of whores pleasure. I've beaten up a lot of fuckheads too since I'm a great MMA fighter. Fact is I AM THE ALPHA MALE that rules Singapore. So may people worship me and those don't, I destroy. You guys can learn a lot from me. Bow down.
Old 18-05-2014, 07:59 PM
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Re: Alpha Male 2.0, a soul-searcher's guide to a happy life

Originally Posted by lotsfits80 View Post
In layman's term:

There are 3 types of males:

1. Controlled by gf/wife/other people, and most of them not happy/unable to enjoy life. Most of the times not dare to cheat, but wants to.

2. Control others, can be a financially successful man but if fail to control others will angry/drama/emo. Most cheaters fall in this group.

3. Control self. Emotion will mostly not be affected by anyone in anyway. Do whatever he wants, fuck many girls and no drama, happy most of the time. Honest with girls in the first place, doesn't need to cheat.
Thanks this one I understand.
Old 19-05-2014, 07:12 AM
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Re: Alpha Male 2.0, a soul-searcher's guide to a happy life

Originally Posted by unclecock View Post
excellent blog. but many males are not ready to make this kind of "high-level" choice in life.
Yeah, mainly because of social conditioning since we are young, that we needed to date, marry and have only one partner for life. This can be seen in cartoons, movies, stories, news and even from our circles of people we know. The fact is it is not a scientific law which is not compulsory to be followed.
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