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Found a sore (looks like a burst pimple) on my pubic area.
I use condoms all the time and the last time I bonked a WL was a week ago (G38 in one of the houses on Lorong 8). It totally freaked me out so on the day I found the sore I visited a GP. The GP asked about my sexual history etc. He said he could not ascertain what it is: could be a pimple, an ingrown hair follicle or the worst case scenario is syphilis ![]() He said he could not tell unless wait a few weeks and come back for testing. He said I can opt to play safe by assuming the worst case scenario & take a penicillin jab. I decided to take the jab and he also gave me some cream to put on the sore. What worries me is that 3 days before the sore appeared I bonked my wife.... I am keeping my fingers crossed and praying its just a pimple. This really freaked me out. Maybe I'll decide to quit the commercial sex scene.... any bro faced the similar situation as me? |
Re: Sore
The penicilliin jab to the buttock hurts like hell... (the doc warned me on this already)...
The question I have is: I use condoms all the time and in the proper way... is it still possible to catch syphilis this way? There is no ichyness or pain for the sore.. it just looks like a burst pimple. |
Re: Sore
"No man, against my fate, sends me to Hades'. And as for fate, I'm sure no man escapes it, Neither a good nor bad man, once he's born." |
Re: Sore
Syphillis is the worst case scenario, and I have had a similar scare. The adage goes 9 to 90 days. Thats the incubation period. In other words if you have become infected with Syphillis it will show out as stage one ( a sore, or burst chancre ) within that time frame. One point to note is that syphillis sores are generally painless, and in some cases, don't ask me how, go totally unnoticed. An infected hair follicle, which I have had before, is painful as hell when it swells with pus!
Basically, you get a syphillis sore, (stage one) if you are in contact with a carrier who has an open sore. Maybe on the end of your knob if you have unprotected sex and the sore is on her outer or inner lips or at the base of your dick if she has it on the outer area of her cunny. Did you notice any sores on her pussy? Some guys (gay) have had syphillis sores on their butt. I have also seen a picture of a guy with a syphillis sore on his thumb! I always do a brief inspection of as much of the pussy as possible before going down on it or banging it, even with a CD. Good luck. |
Re: Sore
Here's some info on syphilis that i found on the web:
Syphilis Incidence and Transmission: Syphilis is a complex sexually transmitted infection caused by the bacterium Treponema pallidum. It spreads through direct contact with syphilis sores, which occur mainly on the external genitals, vagina, anus, or in the rectum. Sores can also occur on the lips and in the mouth. Transmission occurs during vaginal, anal, or oral sex; a pregnant woman can pass the infection to her unborn child. Infection occurs when the organism penetrates a mucous membrane or through broken skin on any part of the body. It cannot be spread by toilet seats, door knobs, swimming pools, hot tubs, bath tubs, shared clothing, or eating utensils. Symptoms: There are four stages of syphilis infection. Primary Stage: The time between syphilis and the start of the first symptom can range from 10-90 days (average 21 days). The primary stage of syphilis is usually marked by the appearance of a single sore (called a chancre; pronounced “shanker”), but there may be multiple sores. The chancre is usually firm, round, small, and painless. It appears at the spot where syphilis entered the body. The chancre lasts 3-6 weeks, and it will heal on its own. Even after the chancre disappears the person continues to be contagious, and will progress to the secondary stage if treatment is not administered. Secondary Stage: The second stage starts when one or more areas of the skin break into a rash that usually does not itch. Rashes can appear as the chancre is fading or can be delayed for weeks. The rash often appears as rough, red or reddish brown spots both on the palms of the hands and on the bottoms of the feet. The rash also may appear on other parts of the body with different characteristics, some of which resemble other diseases. Sometimes the rashes are so faint that they are not noticed. Even without treatment, rashes clear up on their own. In addition to rashes, second-stage symptoms can include fever, swollen lymph glands, sore throat, patchy hair loss, headaches, weight loss, muscle aches, and tiredness. A person can easily pass the disease to sex partners when primary or secondary signs or symptoms are present. Latent: After the secondary symptoms disappear the person enters a phase with no outward symptoms that may last 10-20 years. The organisms may now be invading inner organs including the heart, brain, and liver. After the first few years of the latent stage, syphilis is no longer infectious. Late or Tertiary: In this stage the effects of the latent stage appear. These depend on which organs the organism has attacked. Blindness, deafness, liver damage, skin ulcers, heart disease, paralysis and/or brain damage are all possible symptoms. Syphilis may also cause premature labor, or deformed or diseased tissues in a newborn child. It may also kill a fetus whose mother is infected, if the mother is not treated early in the pregnancy. Diagnosis: A health care provider can diagnose syphilis by using dark field microscopy to examine material from infectious sores. Syphilis bacteria show up with a characteristic appearance. A blood test for syphilis antibodies can detect the infection. The blood test is accurate, safe, and inexpensive. Every pregnant woman should have a blood test for syphilis, and it is required by law in California. It is also required to obtain a marriage license in California. Treatment: Syphilis can be treated and cured with a single dose of penicillin or comparable antibiotic if the person has been infected less than a year. Larger doses are needed for more established infections. Treatment cures the infection and prevents further damage, but will not repair any damage already done. Persons who receive treatment must abstain from sexual contact until the syphilis sores are completely healed. Persons with syphilis must notify their sex partners so that they can also be tested, and, if necessary, receive treatment. Syphilis can reoccur if the person is exposed to infection again. Syphilis and HIV: The genital sores caused by syphilis in adults also make it easier to transmit and acquire HIV infection sexually. There is a 2- to 5- fold increased risk of acquiring HIV infection when syphilis is present. Prevalence: In the United States 35,600 cases reported in 1999 though more cases occur each year than come to the attention of health officials. Of the nine states with the highest rates (2-5 times higher than the national rate of 2.5 cases per 100,000), eight were in the South. Some fundamental societal problems, such as poverty, inadequate access to health care, and lack of education are associated with disproportionately high levels of syphilis in certain populations. Cases of primary and secondary syphilis in 1999 had the following race or ethnicity distribution: African American 75%, whites 16%, Hispanics 8%, and others 1%. Syphilis reflects one of the most glaring examples of racial disparity in health status, with the rate for African Americans nearly 30 times the rate for whites. Prevention: Practice safer choices to reduce your risk of contracting syphilis. Safer choices are: Always use barrier methods (male condoms, female condoms, dental dams) during sex (oral, anal, vaginal) and limit your number of sexual partners. Get tested with your partner and have sex only with each other. Do not engage in sexual activities with anyone but yourself. Even when barrier methods are used syphilis can still be passed through contact with uncovered areas. Always see a health care practitioner for any sores or lesions on the genitals. Avoid sex with people with undiagnosed rashes or legions. Know and be able to recognize the symptoms, and get tested when appropriate. ... I'm still hoping that it is just a pimple (although the shot of penicilin will probably take cate of it if its syphilis) |
Re: Sore
Hope it's just a pimple though...
In a Blind Man's World..... Cock Eye is KING We are ALL MILLIONAIRES when we Ejaculate...... CLEAN Body, IS NOT EQUAL TO DIRTY MIND With Power COMES GREAT RESPONSIBILITY |
Re: Sore
Re: Sore
Cold sores are ulcers, like those in the mouth. At first, the area will have reddish dots, then will erupt n shred skin to become ulcers. Got two type, 1 type is ulcer transmitted from the mouth. Second is genital ulcer transmited. The latter tends to see more than 1 ulcer. However, Cold sores transmitted from the mouth to the prick, is juz 1 dot(eventually becomes an ulcer). Usually will have pain. Bro, maybe urs juz a follicle, n u tot its a pimple n u squeeze it rite? But do go down to DSC for check cos they r specialists man. ![]()
"No man, against my fate, sends me to Hades'. And as for fate, I'm sure no man escapes it, Neither a good nor bad man, once he's born." |
Re: Sore
Re: Sore
Re: Sore
Re: Sore
I wanna quit too man. Went for DSC Check-ups. Enough is Enough! Hope its still not too late for a change. I typed my remorse here i tink 3 years ago, yet i couldnt quit the scene. sighz! ![]()
"No man, against my fate, sends me to Hades'. And as for fate, I'm sure no man escapes it, Neither a good nor bad man, once he's born." |
Re: Sore
yup ... if knew earlier these things ... may not tried GL at all, but after tasting the pleasure it is hard to give up this, trying to set a date to give up ... but the date just dragging
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Re: Sore
I think that thats a good advice.. gonna quit. This episode makes me realize what's important. I first became a samster because wife not into bonking (just like Bro Frankenstein's wife lah)... Bro Sorin, hows your check up? All clear? Hope so. All the best for that. |
Re: Sore
Went for the check ups. Now waiting for the results. sighz...A long wait.. Bro so have u gone for ur check-up at DSC? Cheers Sorin^^
"No man, against my fate, sends me to Hades'. And as for fate, I'm sure no man escapes it, Neither a good nor bad man, once he's born." |
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