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Old 09-09-2014, 10:47 PM
SpikeTitan SpikeTitan is offline
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[Story] Unknowingly caught in the act

Hi guys, it has been a very long time since I last post any stories. Two years, 1 month and 1 week to be exact! Many things have happened within this period of time. For those who have read my previous story about my Uni life, this story would a new one, or should I say a branched out version.

I graduated from engineering and landed a job in research. Like most research, my colleagues are mostly PhD students while I'm a research staff. There are pros and cons about being either student or staff but thats not important here. There are only two Singaporeans in my lab, me and another student. The rest are foreigners which I have no interest or are married.

Jessica was from my previous story. After we graduated, we didnt talk like before since we are both working. The last fuck we had was good. She is still with her BF but I had to move on and find new target.

The story begins here:

The other Singaporean in my lab is Sheline. Sheline is a year older than me, about 2.5 years into her PhD. Some physical attributes about her:

1.65m tall
Around 45 to 50kg, slim built
B cup
She is a dancer so she had great legs and waist, perky butt

Sheline caught my attention when I first met her. She is the party type which I found out later. Her dress sense was quite seductive. Tight sleeveless shirt and tight jeans. I really love to look at her ass move lol. She put on this perfume which is really feminine and the smell can be overwhelming. I use this scent to trace her whereabouts haha. Her keys will cling when she move around so these two traits are unique in identify her presence.

Sheline has a boyfriend. About two to three years into the relationship. I never harbour any ill intentions to jeopardise their relationship and I hardly talk to her. We talked very formally at first but started to open up to each other after I was assigned to the desk right beside her. It was god sent.

She never mention about her boyfriend in my presence. I only met him a few times during our lab outing. He was taller than me. I'm 1.75m so he should be around 1.8m. Well built with muscles and manly looking. Handsome chap I would say. I'm nowhere near any description I had of him. Sheline love these type of man. Sometimes she would tease me that I'm too skinny.

During one of our lab outing last year, my mentor was casually mentioning to me that she and her BF doesn't look like a couple because they don't behave like one. More like good friends in my opinions too. Even my other colleagues say the same. I stride off his remarks in the end as they may just be respectful of their behaviour in public. They got engaged earlier this year.

To be continued ...

Last edited by SpikeTitan; 09-09-2014 at 11:55 PM.
Old 09-09-2014, 10:54 PM
R32wanfun R32wanfun is offline
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Re: [Story] Unknowingly caught in the act

Camping here
Old 09-09-2014, 10:57 PM
SpikeTitan SpikeTitan is offline
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Re: [Story] Unknowingly caught in the act

I will try my best to update daily. Need to piece togther the events for the past year and this story event is still ongoing at the moment.

For those curious, the picture link below from JAV DV1273, has resemblance of her:

There is another JAV actress who has a stronger resemblance, but I have deleted it from my collection. It striked me real hard when I first came across that JAV. I will try to find it back.

Last edited by SpikeTitan; 09-09-2014 at 11:50 PM.
Old 09-09-2014, 11:47 PM
jambuj jambuj is offline
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Re: [Story] Unknowingly caught in the act

pitch a tent here, TS please continue your story......
Old 10-09-2014, 12:14 AM
simidai simidai is offline
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Re: [Story] Unknowingly caught in the act

Campfire started, tent up & ready...
Old 10-09-2014, 12:23 AM
SpikeTitan SpikeTitan is offline
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Re: [Story] Unknowingly caught in the act

Sitting beside her, I get to know her more as the days pass. At first she would ask me to join her and other colleagues for lunch. As she is the active type of girl, she will always be the one to organise outings, gatherings and lunch.

Slowly, she began to ask me to join her for lunch, just one on one. It was a nice feeling, since its the only time to check her out and get to know her

I was passive since she was engaged. I was nicer to her than anyone else. Maybe because she is also a local and she has been rather nice to me as well. During our casual conversation during lunch or the wait time between experiments, she never mention about their relationship. Neither was there any sexual talk.

However she has this sleeveless singlet-like shirt that she wears. It exposes half of her chest. Since she is a B cupper, her cleavage is not so obvious, but I could still see her bra

Most of time when she wear that, her bra would be a black-laced type. When she leans forward to type, I can easily see her half her boobs. Most of the time I only manage to glance at it before she sits upright.

There was once I was talking to another colleague. She was wearing a proper T-shirt. Her collar was loose and I think she caught me glancing downwards and she quickly used her hand to cover it. I was thinking that girls would always do this to protect themselves, but for Sheline she was not so conversative in that manner.

Few months ago I had to attend a safety course for a week. That week was also the period that she had to go overseas for a conference. When she came back three weeks later. I noticed there was a change in her ...
Old 10-09-2014, 12:36 AM
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Re: [Story] Unknowingly caught in the act

Bro, good story, pl share more
Old 10-09-2014, 10:16 AM
SpikeTitan SpikeTitan is offline
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Re: [Story] Unknowingly caught in the act

It was the week for her return from overseas. I remember its was a Monday. Two of my colleagues came back to office in the afternoon around 2pm. Everyone was so excited to see them and of course what they bought from Europe. Sheline was nowhere in sight.

*Beep beep* My handphone got a message. It was Sheline.

Sheline: I will come to office later. Still feeling sleepy.

Me: U wanna stay home to sleep?

Sheline: Nah its ok. There is a meeting later. I will feel bad to skip it.

I went back to do my stuff, waiting anxiously to see her later.

************************************************** ***********
"Hello I'm back!!" Her voice blasted through the office. "Sheline we miss you!!". Everyone gathered around her. I just sat on my desk and decided not to join the commotion. "How are you? Was it fun? I asked when she returned to her desk. "Yup it is sure fun! I will tell you more after I settle down. Still suffering from the jet lag".

A week had pass and I have yet to talk to her. Sheline was more engrossed in data analysis on her computer than anything else. She became anti social, skipped lunch and go home late. I couldn't hold back anymore.

Me: "Sheline are you ok? You look really haggard. Still suffering from jet lag?"

Sheline: "No not really. I feel kind of sick after returning. My stomach is unwell, no appetite to eat too. Got to catch up with work *sigh*"

Managed to go home with a colleague one evening and I asked if she noticed a difference in her. My colleague name is Yan Ning from China.

Me: "你有发现Sheline最近的心情很低落吗? 知道发生了什么事?"
[Did you notice Sheline is feeling down recently? Do you know what happened?]

Yan Ning: "不知。的确她有变化。"
[I don't know what happened. Indeed there was a change in her.]

Me: "已经两周了,也低落了太久吧。"
[It has been two weeks, it is too long.]

Yan Ning: "或许她还在疗伤,和男友分手的事。"
[Maybe she is still recovering from her heart break after breaking up with her boyfriend.]

Me: "什么?! 分手了?! 我可不知道!。"
[What?! Breakup?! I didn't know that!]

Yan Ning: "糟了!!我大嘴巴!你和她关系很好的,平常一起去吃午饭,以为她和你说了。"
[Shit!! My blabber mouth! Your relationship with her is good, often having lunch together, so I thought she told you.]

Me: "没有!她什么都没说。多久了?他们不是以经订婚?"
[Nope! She didn't say anything. How long has it been? Aren't they supposed to be engaged?]

Yan Ning: "她有和一些同事说。分手就在她去欧洲之前的那周。会觉的可惜,在一起有三年,她的青春也就这样浪费了。不 过她嫁错人就更糟了。别说是我暴露的!"
[She told some other colleagues. She broke up during the week before going to Europe. Its a pity to have wasted her youth being together for three years. However it even worse to marry the wrong guy. Don't tell Sheline that I told you about this.]

So my mentor was right. The lack of affection was a sign of their unstable relationship. He is around to notice them far longer than me. Now that she is single, she was more carefree than before. It has been two months, Sheline is pretty much back to normal. But indeed there was a real change somewhere...

Last edited by SpikeTitan; 10-09-2014 at 11:32 AM.
Old 10-09-2014, 11:00 AM
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Re: [Story] Unknowingly caught in the act

Good build up, keep it coming TS
Old 10-09-2014, 11:08 AM
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Re: [Story] Unknowingly caught in the act

such a pity a banana like me can't read chinese

can someone translate please? lol
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Old 10-09-2014, 11:24 AM
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Re: [Story] Unknowingly caught in the act

Originally Posted by lostlilvirg View Post
such a pity a banana like me can't read chinese

can someone translate please? lol
Your wish is my command bro, but I am not professional translator

Me: "你有发现Sheline最近的心情很低落吗? 知道发生了什么事?"
Me: did u realize Sheline is feeling down lately? Do you know what happened?
Yan Ning: "不知。的确她有变化。"
Yan Ning: I don't know but she sure have changed
Me: "已经两周了,也低落了太久吧。"
Me: it has been two weeks and she is still feeling down
Yan Ning: "或许她还在疗伤,和男友分手的事。"
Yan Ning: maybe she is still recovering from the breakup with her boyfriend
Me: "什么?! 分手了?! 我可不知道!。"
Me: what?! Breakup?! How come I don't know!
Yan Ning: "糟了!!我大嘴巴!你和她关系很好的,平常一起去吃午饭,以为她和你说了。"
Yan Ning: shit, me and my big mouth. I thought u are close to her and always go lunch together with her so I thought she would have told u.
Me: "没有!她什么都没说。多久了?他们不是以经订婚?"
Me: no! She didn't tell me anything. When did it happen? I thought they had engaged?
Yan Ning: "她有和一些同事说。分手就在她去欧洲之前的那周。会觉的可惜,在一起有三年,她的青春也久这样浪 费了。不 过她嫁错人就更糟了。别说是我暴露的!"
Yam Ning: she told a few colleagues. They breakup the week before she went Europe. They have been together for three years and she wasted three years of her youth on him. But it better than getting married to the wrong man. Don't tell her I leaked the secret.
Old 10-09-2014, 11:28 AM
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Re: [Story] Unknowingly caught in the act

haha no need to be professional, as long as can understand.

thanks bro! Much appreciated

Up you later when my 24 hours are up hehehehe.
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Old 10-09-2014, 11:30 AM
SpikeTitan SpikeTitan is offline
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Re: [Story] Unknowingly caught in the act

Originally Posted by lostlilvirg View Post
such a pity a banana like me can't read chinese

can someone translate please? lol
I have translated the conversation for you
Old 10-09-2014, 11:33 AM
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Re: [Story] Unknowingly caught in the act

haha thanks as well, spiketitan.

Sorry for the trouble, much regret not learning mandarin when younger lol
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Old 10-09-2014, 11:37 AM
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Re: [Story] Unknowingly caught in the act

Staying for the story
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