An honorable member of the Coffee Shop Has Just Posted the Following:
Despite this, the media the Ministers, MPs and even you, Mr Brown have clearly just gone to attack the CPF protestors for what has happened without getting the full story. For all those who have attacked the protestors, they also failed to show any real sympathy for the special needs children who were affected.
At least Roy had acknowledged and wants to fix any harm he caused mentally and emotionally. Everyone else seems happy to point fingers and blame the protesters.
NParks should have known that the protestors would be passionate as they have seen three previous protests to know what the mood is like.
Mr Teo who has only now come out to attack Roy and the protesters, did nothing during the actual event to spare the children from the protest noise. It seems more like Mr Teo was happy to let the protesters cause trouble and then later join in the bandwagon to condemn them.
Now, Mr Brown is also joining the bandwagon..
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