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Old 04-11-2014, 08:35 PM
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Talking best of demonhunter's hot, steamy sex! (Gay)

1. restaurant fun

Although demonhunter was left blushing for a week every time he went to work, both of the men felt that their escapade there was well spent. Even if they were pretty sure demonhunter's secretary knew exactly what they'd been doing... it had still be extremely fun.

They were left wondering where else they might be able to go and have fun, running the risk without getting caught... their close brush at demonhunter's office had convinced them that while they enjoyed the risk, they didn't want anyone to actually catch them. Never mind the fact that they might get into trouble, they also didn't want to lose this fabulous new part of their sex lives, and both of them were pretty sure that if they got caught their enthusiasm would suffer. And both of them liked this so much... it was such a fantastic way to do so many new things with sex, how could anyone be in a rut when they're constantly looking for new places and new situations?!

A few times Jeff gave demonhunter a hand job under the table in the restaurant, with demonhunter later returning the favor - either under the table or in the bathroom, but both of them were longing for something more. And they couldn't help but blush whenever their server walked up, so they knew that they weren't being completely discreet. Especially the first time when Jeff had actually pulled his hand away and it was made very obvious where it had been; fortunately that particular server seemed to be very understanding and had just given them a wink. She'd even stayed away from their table in order to give them privacy for the most part, and made sure she was always very visible long before she approached them... but both of them had been so mortified that Jeff hadn't wanted to try again and demonhunter wasn't sure he'd be "up" for it either.

Still, it had been very exciting, and when they'd gotten the nerve up to try again - at a different restaurant - it had gone much more successfully. They found that if they didn't act as though they were doing anything wrong, then people just assumed that Jeff had his hand on demonhunter's thigh or something. The trick was to try and make it look normal, so demonhunter would put his arm around Jeff's shoulders as Jeff leaned into him, his hand sliding into the unzipped portion of demonhunter's pants. It helped when there was a long table cloth and if they kept demonhunter's pants buttoned.

to be continued

Old 05-11-2014, 11:08 AM
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Re: best of demonhunter's hot, steamy sex! (Gay)

I cant find the ignore button for you, and juding by your points, you aren't very much liked with your stories. why don't you stop posting them and take it else where?
Old 05-11-2014, 11:32 AM
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Re: best of demonhunter's hot, steamy sex! (Gay)

A few times though, they'd had suspicious servers who were NOT as accommodating as that first girl, and they'd just gone off to the bathroom and had sex in the stalls there. There was even an art to that, making sure that they could keep going even when someone walked in. It was easiest if Jeff was facing demonhunter while demonhunter fucked him, since Jeff was the lighter of the two, and then if someone walked in he could just wrap his legs around demonhunter's waist and they could keep going until the person left. In fact, it gave the experience a little bit of an extra thrill when that happened. One time they were pretty sure that the person who came in was their overzealous waiter...

Of course, since he left Jeff his phone number on the check that might not have been because of the reasons they originally thought. Both of them had a good laugh over that one... the guy had looked so suspicious when they'd both come out of the bathroom. Sometimes it was fun when someone knew what was going on but couldn't prove it... still, both of them got a rush of fear and their stomachs fluttered whenever they thought they might be well and truly caught.

Now they were sitting in one of those very fancy restaurants where the tables were spaced out, and they were in a very secluded booth. The server couldn't see their laps at all because of the way the semi-circular booth was positioned, and the tablecloths draped down to the floor... it had to be their ideal situation.

Jeff's hand slid up and down demonhunter's dick seductively, squeezing and caressing as he moved slowly but firmly. Leaning over to whisper in demonhunter's ear, his breath tickled demonhunter's neck and made him shiver with lust as Jeff whispered, "You know... the tablecloths DO go down to the floor...."

And before demonhunter's mind could realize that implications of that, Jeff had looked around to make sure that no one was watching (they weren't and their server was in the kitchen) and then slipped under the table. A moment later a warm wet mouth engulfed demonhunter and he gasped, his hips thrusting upwards as Jeff's mouth slid down his dick, tongue licking and caressing.

His hands gripped the sides of the table as he hissed, "What are you DOING?!"

to be continued

Old 05-11-2014, 04:47 PM
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Re: best of demonhunter's hot, steamy sex! (Gay)

The 1st sentence already telling me its a bullshit. Of all the stories that I have read here this one 100% CMI. Reminded me of that SammieGurl and mcyeoh nonsense full of shit.
Wondering if they are all 1 the same pranster. Why don't stop wasting ppl's time to come in here to read. This section should be for ppl to enjoy the sharing as it says and not for stupid ppl like you spurting useless rubbish. Why don't you get out of here take it else where quit spoiling in this section.
Old 05-11-2014, 06:30 PM
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Re: best of demonhunter's hot, steamy sex! (Gay)

DHG - go accept bro DH's challenge and settle once and for all lah !!!
Don't have to post all these ...
Semi Retired from cheonging.


I will randomly up bros here ... and I do not need any return of favours from those I upped...

Big Huat Arh !!
Old 05-11-2014, 07:14 PM
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Re: best of demonhunter's hot, steamy sex! (Gay)

Originally Posted by Wu Song Jr View Post
DHG - go accept bro DH's challenge and settle once and for all lah !!!
Don't have to post all these ...
If DH meet DHG, and DHG is a lady, what will DH's reaction be?
I guess DH will go buy condom

Chill mates
Old 05-11-2014, 08:57 PM
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Re: best of demonhunter's hot, steamy sex! (Gay)

Originally Posted by Matrix View Post
If DH meet DHG, and DHG is a lady, what will DH's reaction be?
I guess DH will go buy condom

Chill mates
If shes a lady , must see face n figure first hor ... sekali sibeh chui type i cho buey loh .

No time for points exchange .
Old 05-11-2014, 09:22 PM
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Re: best of demonhunter's hot, steamy sex! (Gay)

Originally Posted by demonhunter View Post
If shes a lady , must see face n figure first hor ... sekali sibeh chui type i cho buey loh .

Agree with you, DH!
Support DH!
Old 17-11-2014, 06:41 PM
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Re: best of demonhunter's hot, steamy sex! (Gay)

Originally Posted by demonhunter View Post
If shes a lady , must see face n figure first hor ... sekali sibeh chui type i cho buey loh .

u need to stop dipping yr rotten and smelly dick into ah gua ass 1st faggot.
it might take u a hundred yrs b4 u can turn STRAIGHT guy again.

Old 16-12-2014, 01:06 AM
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Re: best of demonhunter's hot, steamy sex! (Gay)

nabeh cheebye demonhunter tio HIV liao still so arrogant. really pui chao nua!

Old 16-12-2014, 05:09 PM
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Re: best of demonhunter's hot, steamy sex! (Gay)

Originally Posted by demonhuntergay View Post
1. restaurant fun

They were left wondering where else they might be able to go and have fun, running the risk without getting caught...
demonhunter wasn't sure he'd be "up" for it either.

They found that if they didn't act as though they were doing anything wrong, then people just assumed that Jeff had his hand on demonhunter's thigh or something. The trick was to try and make it look normal, so demonhunter would put his arm around Jeff's shoulders as Jeff leaned into him, his hand sliding into the unzipped portion of demonhunter's pants. It helped when there was a long table cloth and if they kept demonhunter's pants buttoned.

to be continued

I feel very guilty , very guilty at that moment when the image of his wife and children appeared in my mind after been fucked by my warehouse manager

We were busy chit chatting and suddenly Mr. Lim came to seat beside me Then Mr. Lim start to touch my legs and hug me, and as you know I will feel high and horny when someone hug me or touch me . So I just let him touch me without any resistance

then Mr. Lim bring me to a isolated area of the warehouse and we start kissing each other. I knew it was Mr. Lim who is the one that kiss me but I was too horny already and I let this high level of horniess of my took over my brain and accept that fact that I am going to fuck by Mr. Lim in no time.While kissing, Mr. Lim's hands were rubbing my butt and my hand automatically when to play with his dick as I was carving for dicks at that time. I help him to stroke his dick and I can feel that his dick as standing straight, struggling to get out of his pants.

he start to strip off every piece of my clothes and left me naked standing infront of him. From the looks from his face, I can see that he never really see a naked girlish boygay before infront of him. Once he sees my naked body, he quickly start to lick my nipple and I start to moan and moan as I really enjoy getting my nipple licked by other man which makes me feel shiok!

Slowly our position changed to 69 position where we help to service each other. Mr. Lim's dick was quite huge and I was sucking his cock like sucking a lollipop. After giving blowjob for awhile.Me: I want your dick inside me...Mr. Lim: But...I dont have condom..This keeps me thinking for a while....Me: It's alright for you...Mr. Lim: Really?!Me: Yea. Come Mr. Lim then insert his dick into my ass and start to fuck me in a missionary position Mr. Lim: Fucking ass without condom feels so good.Me: Yea.. Fuck me more, I am yours.Mr. Lim: Sure...From missionary we change to cowgirl and the finally to doggy which is the position that I like I screamed …….. he popped it out again , and pop it in …. And out … OOOOOOOOOOOOO FUCK Lao Gong !!!!- he was enjoying this torture on me … expanding my well fucked-hole with his -cock … plugging in and out the rim of my ass is the most sensitive …. he grabbed my hips and plunged …. !!! I screamed … plunged his long stiff hard thick 6 incher deep into my doggie ass Mr. Lim: I am cumming...noo..... I am....then shoot his load inside my ass. Mr. Lim: Sorry...Me: No was different without condom …. It was smooth , hard , warm , hot even … I could grip his cock with my asshole muscles … which he enjoyed … he was fucking me … I was griping his with my fuck-hole …he was looking at the mirror …. OOOOO BABY your fucking ass is so GOOD ! … fucking baby I so wanna RAM ….. BABY BABY ……. …. It was one incredible feeling being fucked someone I work with and I started pulling jerking shaking masturbating my soft cock ….OOOOOOOOOO GAWD …. BABY lets cum together …. Lets cum ….. … I closed my eyes and let him pound me pound me I jerk I jerk me … he was a pleaser know how to please my ass and I just enjoyed this brief moment in sex heaven … OH GAWD BABY BABY I AM GOING TO CUMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM …..….. His sperms exploded in a millions squirts white hot pungent sticky in my ass fucked me and made me cum from jerking myself too Oh lao Gong … I called him he holds me close to him and then relaxes as we hug each other still nake. My legs feel weak and he holds me still, his cock becomes limp and exits my hole followed by a steady stream of his warm cum. I look up at him and he tells me to lick him clean I grab his cock and close my mouth around iit, I do as I'm told and clean him up.

I reached the bathroom in record time and quickly proceeded to stretch my legs whilst turning on the shower in full blast. I willed my anal muscles to clench and release in order for the cum to be discharged from my anal, I then used the shower head to spray “deep” into my humble asshole in order for the sperm fluid to be washed away. . I also then emptied my bladder although I didn’t really have a lot as Mr Lim’s love-making antics had cause my bladder to be stimulated such that I felt that I needed to pee … then I did the anal muscles exercise again and continue using my fingers to dig at it until I couldn’t feel anything sticky I heard Mr Lim’s phone sound and I was pretty sure it was his wife.After I'm out of the bathroom, I saw that Mr Lim had got up started to light up his cigarette… I motioned him that I was done and he then headed to the washroom to wash up….No words were exchanged and very soon after we dressed up and when we were done ensuring that no personal belongings of any indication to our secret were left behind,, we left the warehouse quietly I waited for him at the backdoor

at the backdoor.. Mr Lim said, “let’s go…” in a gentle tone that I had never heard him use before, not even to his wife over the phone. He tried to place his right hand on my waist as I walked but was unsuccessful as I had already reached his car…Then, we broke into casual conversation as he sent me back to home…..When we were along the expressway, Mr Lim noticed that I was fairly quiet, not my usual joking self… soon the conversation went like this Me: What the fcuk did we just do? Did u haf a thing for me all along?i couldnt help looking at him menacingly to detect if he from his body language if there was the slightest hint that he was thinking of lying to me..Mr LIm: No, it just happened….Hey, don get worked up ok, we can just pretend it never happened… if u r uncomfortable ok..Me: How can I pretend?

you leaves me wanting more! BUT THIS IS SO WRONGGGGGGGGG. you have families u know! can u imagine how wife will feel if she found out about us???, it’s wrong u know.. things are now so complicated How are we going to continue this without being found out?I was guilty , very guilty at that moment when the image of his wife and children appeared I had crossed the line, crossed so far that I couldn’t see the line! Yet, another part of me was secretly happy as I recounted back what had happened with him in the warehouse Mr Lim was very cute looking, in his late 40's, tall, well built and very manly.nice big thick dick Just my type.
Old 18-12-2014, 11:56 PM
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Re: best of demonhunter's hot, steamy sex! (Gay)

good read.

Old 27-12-2014, 11:26 AM
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Re: best of demonhunter's hot, steamy sex! (Gay)

bump thread for the new year ahead!

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