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Old 19-11-2014, 08:23 AM
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Why white men marry asian women and asian men don't marry white women
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Old 19-11-2014, 09:50 AM
StillLearning StillLearning is offline
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Re: Why white men marry asian women and asian men don't marry white women

That may not be correct.

I was born and raised in Singapore, and my parents are of Chinese descent.

Upon graduation from university, I left Singapore, on an exchange programme. I am married to a Caucasian lady, who was born in Europe. She is about 170 cm tall, natural blonde hair natural golden blonde hair, now turning silver in front, and green eyes.
Old 19-11-2014, 11:10 AM
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Re: Why white men marry asian women and asian men don't marry white women

Correct lah.

He is not saying there is ZERO male asian/female causasian couplings. He is saying for every one of you male asian/female caucasian couplings, there is like 50 male caucasians/female asians.

I think from what you see very true lar. For angmohs, i think very easy for them to get foc asian females to bonk. For us asian males, to bonk golden pussy, prob is paid varierty lor.

There are always exceptions like yourself mebbe but generally the above observation i believe is correct.
Old 19-11-2014, 11:17 AM
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Re: Why white men marry asian women and asian men don't marry white women

Originally Posted by StillLearning View Post
That may not be correct.

I was born and raised in Singapore, and my parents are of Chinese descent.

Upon graduation from university, I left Singapore, on an exchange programme. I am married to a Caucasian lady, who was born in Europe. She is about 170 cm tall, natural blonde hair natural golden blonde hair, now turning silver in front, and green eyes. europe...try it with an american wont have a chance..singaporean dickies
Old 19-11-2014, 11:49 AM
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Re: Why white men marry asian women and asian men don't marry white women

Originally Posted by StillLearning View Post
That may not be correct.

I was born and raised in Singapore, and my parents are of Chinese descent.

Upon graduation from university, I left Singapore, on an exchange programme. I am married to a Caucasian lady, who was born in Europe. She is about 170 cm tall, natural blonde hair natural golden blonde hair, now turning silver in front, and green eyes.
Agree, I had a number of friends whose wife is ang mo. Nothing wrong with it. They like each other, and get along well.
I will have headache if I dont see a strange piece of pussy every day

Old 19-11-2014, 01:23 PM
LordAvernus LordAvernus is offline
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Re: Why white men marry asian women and asian men don't marry white women

Pardon me but after having stayed overseas for a long time, I find most Singaporeans, men and women included, quite fixated on a certain form of mindset that is not forward-looking. Perhaps it is to do with the fact that most of them have not travelled much or have remained in Singapore for a long time. But overseas, you find that people are not as fixated on the race as much as the chemistry. If you had stayed in Japan, Korea and China (yes, even China), you realise that people there are not so fixated on Western men. Yes they are curious and would like to find out more but the "obsession" with them is not as great as they are in Singapore. This, I realise, has to do a lot with their cultural richness and upbringing. Their culture is very strong and you realise that the girls there have more pride for their own culture and their own people. In fact, in Korea and Japan, you realise immediately that they would instantly prefer their own guys over guys from other cultures and nationalities unless you have something special or extra to offer that would intrigue them.

For Singapore, the sad reality is that the culture here is so eroded and weak that there is no strong "Singapore" culture. Many Singapore girls I know ( especially the young and ignorant ones) are brought up without proper upbringing and culture. They have little pride for their own race and culture and one might say, shameful to even be considered "Asian". They are imbued with images of white women and they want to reach that "status" where they are on par with white women. This is a cancer that has taken root in the Singapore psyche- foolishly worshipping everything western while rejecting their own race and culture. I don't mean to be racist here but you can see certain groups displaying this kind of unhealthy obsession. You see in Japan, Korea and China, the girls there do not lose their culture although they married western guys. The girls here will no doubt stubbornly deny this but the truth is, they are racist against their own people, whether they care to admit it or not.

Anyway, outside Singapore, these girls ( and in fact guys) will be surprised to know that their reality is false. Girls elsewhere ( and I mean non-Singaporeans) are not so fixated on race than on chemistry. There are tons of Asian guy- Other race women elsewhere. It is these ignorant girls in Singapore that keeps thinking there aren't and keeps wanting to put down their own guys to make themselves look superior and good ( pathetic losers if you ask me). They keep harping on how their guys are not flexible in thinking, not open- minded etc...Please. Stop the bullshit. Our guys are open-minded enough to marry Taiwanese, Whites, Latinas, PRCs and many others. Ask yourself why they are not "open-minded" to YOU. Perhaps, you should scrap your pathetic ego and ask yourself why NOT YOU. Do some soul-searching. Perhaps, you will realise that the one not "open-minded" is YOU. Not all Asian guys are that shallow and the fact that you are lumping everyone on the same boat without discrimination, ironically, portrays you as a pot calling a kettle black. So, please, cut the crap.

In any case, guys, Asian or Singaporean, need not despair. I dated girls from almost all cultures and nationalities, except Africans and Koreans and well, no such nonsense exist for them. When they reject you, its not RACIST. It's just that they are not into you as a person. But this rejection still beats a rejection based on RACISM, which I feel happens in Singapore. Which is why I stopped dating Singapore girls. I tried overseas ( including western girls). Trust me. You won't regret.
Old 19-11-2014, 01:31 PM
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Re: Why white men marry asian women and asian men don't marry white women

Anyway, just to clarify. There are of course Singaporean girls who are not like the SPGs but their name and reputation have been ruined by those who are. Good day, ladies and gentlemen.
Old 19-11-2014, 03:40 PM
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Re: Why white men marry asian women and asian men don't marry white women

Sarong Party Girl (also known as SPG) is a derogatory term used in Singapore and (to a lesser extent) in Peninsular Malaysia.

It describes a local, solely Asian woman (e.g., a Chinese girl) who usually dresses and behaves in a provocative manner, and who exclusively dates and prefers white men. The Sarong Party Girl stereotype was popularised by a series of humorous books by Jim Aitchison in the 1990s, offering a satirical portrayal of the SPG and related aspects of Singaporean culture.

Its true that this concept is Uniquely Singaporean. Name me another term from our neighbors (Pinoy, Cambodia, Vietnam, Indo, etc) that has the exact same term as SPG?
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Old 19-11-2014, 03:47 PM
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Smile Re: Why white men marry asian women and asian men don't marry white women

Originally Posted by LordAvernus View Post
Anyway, just to clarify. There are of course Singaporean girls who are not like the SPGs but their name and reputation have been ruined by those who are. Good day, ladies and gentlemen.
Well said LordAvernus. Up you 13 points.
Old 19-11-2014, 03:49 PM
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Re: Why white men marry asian women and asian men don't marry white women

Originally Posted by blacknight6 View Post
Well said LordAvernus. Up you 13 points.
just upped you too!
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Old 19-11-2014, 10:39 PM
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Re: Why white men marry asian women and asian men don't marry white women

Originally Posted by LordAvernus View Post

In any case, guys, Asian or Singaporean, need not despair. I dated girls from almost all cultures and nationalities, except Africans and Koreans and well, no such nonsense exist for them. When they reject you, its not RACIST. It's just that they are not into you as a person. But this rejection still beats a rejection based on RACISM, which I feel happens in Singapore. Which is why I stopped dating Singapore girls. I tried overseas ( including western girls). Trust me. You won't regret.
good point...singaporean guys are just that uptight....dated bunch of girls from all over the world...including blacks.....
Old 20-11-2014, 10:37 PM
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Re: Why white men marry asian women and asian men don't marry white women

Originally Posted by IwantbustyKim View Post
just upped you too!
Just reciprocated with 13 points.
Old 21-11-2014, 12:29 PM
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Re: Why white men marry asian women and asian men don't marry white women

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Just reciprocated with 13 points.
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Old 21-11-2014, 10:28 PM
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Re: Why white men marry asian women and asian men don't marry white women

Anyway I find Singapore charbo very inferior in term of look & character compare to other asian. Don't izzit our diet & weather
Old 22-11-2014, 12:28 AM
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Re: Why white men marry asian women and asian men don't marry white women

Originally Posted by JackieWong View Post
Anyway I find Singapore charbo very inferior in term of look & character compare to other asian. Don't izzit our diet & weather
Ya. Agree. Very hard to see big @@ sg ladies.

Sorry Ladies, I admit I love big @@

Also never had encounter Caucasian and japanese lady. Guess Sometimes the more you want, the more you don't get it. Hehe.
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