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Old 21-02-2006, 01:53 PM
blackeagle10 blackeagle10 is offline
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The Honeymoon Couple

Dear all,

As the Integrated Resort is coming to Singapore soon and with the rising problem of gambling related vices, the story is only FICTION and any resemblance to any real life story is purely co-incidental. Much as I detest the morality/principles of screwing someone’s else wife, this story will unfortunately be reality to unsuspecting couples who are addicted to this scourge.

Read it for what it is worth…


The year is 2009. October month. The spanking brand new Miracle Resort is Singapore 's adult amusement park. I try to spend three weeks or more a year there to gamble and enjoy the other festivities. My name is Danny, my friends called me Dan. I am Chinese in origin about 1.78 tall and weigh around 70 kg. I have been complimented for my good looks and model for Cleo’s top 50 eligible bachelors may years before. I studied in the US before coming back to Hong Kong working in a mind numbing banking job just to pay my bills. I am never a big winner or loser unless you consider $20,000 a trip big. At thirty-five, I was in my 8th year of gambling trips having been to casinos all over the region and over the years, I was actually ahead by more than a few hundred thousand.

I always stay at the same place and gamble there much of the time. As a regular, I get the freebies they offer to generate repeat business, such as lunches, drinks or tickets to the shows. Each trip I find a nice girl to share my bed a few times, which is part of the appeal. No street walkers. Call girls. Pretty and clean.

On the first night of a two-week stay, I gambled until five in the morning. When I called it a night, I was seventy thousand ahead, which made for sweet dreams someone rudely interrupted by knocking at my door. As I stumbled to answer, the clock read ten thirty. It was Walter Woon, the assistant security chief, who I had gotten to know over the years. A hard-nosed SOB with some old gangter ties, he did a fine job for the casino, handling all the tough problems while his pretty boy boss looked good for the Gaming Commission.

"Having a good trip, Dan?" he asked as I let him in.

"So far, Walter. What the hell do you want at this hour?"

"Planning on utilizing any of the females this time?"

"Like always. Got anybody special in mind?"

"Yeah. I do. You know this is top secret, Dan." That was Walter's code for telling me if I mouthed this off, my legs got broken.

"Well, let me hear."

Walter told me an appealing story, a story I had heard other times but always believed to be an urban myth. A young couple on their honeymoon got caught up in the gambling and were down a total of $26,000 to two different casinos. Both husband and wife had gambled, but the wife dropped ten grand at the crap tables in another casino. That particular casino still had mob ties and was not a good place to leave a bad marker. Walter agreed to handle the collection for all two places. Whether the couple knew it or not, they were better off with Walter than with his counterparts.

"The woman has agreed to work it off, so to speak."

I studied his face but found nothing there. The term poker face was invented for Walter and guys like him.

Suddenly, my cock came to attention. Walter, who never missed anything, relaxed enough to let a twinkle come in his eye when he saw. The idea really intrigued me. But, why? Was it the rape since she was being leveraged into doing it? Her age and innocence? Was it fucking someone else's bride on their honeymoon, or, just fucking another man's wife while he watched?

I guess Walter knew I was thinking hard because he waited patiently as thoughts, I must admit, sexy, even obscene, thoughts, bounced around in my head. Whatever the reason, I agreed to meet them. Walter waited as I quickly dressed. As we walked down the hall toward his office, I made up my mind. "Walter, I will do it, if she is attractive." He did not change expressions when he said, "She is a little small and lean for my taste, but she is attractive."

Subject to meeting her, I agreed to the deal. I would get the woman for the thirteen days remaining in my vacation on a twenty-four hour, no questions asked, all orders followed happily basis. They got the bad guys off their back. Walter and his friends got their money, $26,000 to be taken from the bank I had on deposit with the casino's cashier.

Her name was Amy and was born in Taiwan which she explained was the middle child of humble working class parents. She was twenty-one. She look innocent like the TCS actress Felicia Chin (whom I had a crush on many years ago), around 1.65 in height, slim with B cup breasts. His name was Kenneth. Scared to death since Walter and his boys had more than a few long talks with them, they knew they were in very deep trouble with very bad people. She had been crying, but now was deathly still and quiet except for a few involuntary, intermittent shakes. Kenneth was resigned to his fate. As Walter sat back studying the unhappily married couple, I addressed her.

"Talk to me. Tell me whether you understand what is going on here."

Since I had arrived, she had not yet looked directly at me. Still looking at me only obliquely, her eyes flitted between her husband and me, lighting but a second on either of us, continually moving in her embarrassment.

"He asked you a question," Kenneth said. I caught a glimpse of sexual desire reflected in his voice which surprised me. I wondered if anyone else caught it. When I glanced at Walter, I knew he had heard Kenneth the way I had.

"I will be a whore. I..."

Her voice cracked and she began to sob, tiny, little gasps released under great pressure as she fought to maintain her composure. She was so pathetic, at first I wanted to comfort her, but I did not. It was neither the time nor place for comfort. Had it been, it was Kenneth's responsibility and he made no move toward her.

But, that is not the reason I abstained from comforting her. I was enjoying her turmoil, her slide into the depths of despair. I realized my own deep desire which drove me to participate in this game was her unwilling sexual submission . . . her rape. My cock was hard as a rock and my heart was pounding at the thought.

Eventually, she took a long, deep breath, and slowly it let it out. Still, she had not looked at me. As if relating a tale of death in her family, she spoke in a dark monotone.

"I know what I have to do and I will do it. I will be a bride on her honeymoon, being happy about having wild sex, doing anything the man tells me to do, except the man will not be my husband." Her voice would break the heart of a statue, but it was so erotic, I thought I would be spilt open.

"Anything else?"

"No pain. They promised me no pain if I cooperate."

"Listen," Walter said, seizing our attention. Mesmerized by him, we listened in quiet horror as Walter related a story of a woman who tried to negotiate her way out of having sex with the man who paid for her losses. At the instruction of the casino bosses, she was brutally gang raped by seven men. Walter was making it perfectly clear to Amy cooperation with me was much better than the alternative, and making me understand I was to complete my part in this drama.

To be continued...
Old 21-02-2006, 02:18 PM
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Re: The Honeymoon Couple

Hi bro,

Thanks for sharing the story...looking forward to the part 2.



Brothers who up my points please leave behind your nick and latest posting topic for me to return favour !
Old 21-02-2006, 05:26 PM
blackeagle10 blackeagle10 is offline
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Re: The Honeymoon Couple

I have divide the story into 5 -6 parts so that it is easier to follow..

Part 2

I was watching Kenneth and Amy as Walter spoke. Kenneth acted sexually aroused and I wondered what the hell was going on. At the end of Walter's tale, Amy, for a second, looked at me directly for the first time. It was the expression a prisoner gives the hangman, or, was it something more?

"Well?" Walter asked. There was a long silence.

"I can do this," Amy said very softly as if trying to convince herself rather than communicate to us. I hoped she could do it because the fantasy of her being with me under these circumstances was quickly growing in me. When she reached the point where she looked at me openly, I knew she was ready for the next step.

"Amy? Do we have a deal?"

"Yes. We have a deal," she whispered.

Kenneth was a study in conflict. His eyes were wide, scared, but not angry. I saw lust in them, and apprehension. Was Kenneth getting off at seeing his wife in this predicament?

"Kenneth, I suggest you leave Singapore. Go back home. We will send your wife to you when we are finished with her." Walter's voice left little room for discussion, but Kenneth jumped to answer.

"No. I want to see . . . " He froze, sweat breaking out on his face. She saw in his face what we all saw. We all were beginning to understand why he let her gamble, why he did not protect her as he should have . . . as he promised to do as he stood by her on the altar just a few days ago. Consciously or subconsciously, it really makes no difference, he had set her up for a fall.

She knew now what had happened. She started to weave as if she might faint, but fell into a straight chair. We all waited as her ravaged mind pieced together the puzzle of her life as it existed at this moment. "Go away, Kenneth. Go home. I will call you when they are through with me. We can talk then."

"Amy, I want . . . " Walter stood, waving his arm to cut off Kenneth. "You heard her. The lady has decided."

She accompanied me to my room, then put away her few clothes the bellman brought in her luggage. She looked exhausted. When I suggested she take a nap, she mumbled a thanks and fell on the bed, asleep before I left the room.

The soccer game was in progress on the television. I was sitting in my boxers and T-shirt, reading the newspaper, sipping a beer, as I kept abreast of the televised action. Some ironic broadcasting god caused a public service announcement for Gamblers Anonymous to be playing on the TV as the door to the bedroom opened.

She looked dreadful in a beautiful, helpless, sensual way, which, while seeming to be a contradiction, accurately describes her appearance. I could not understand but only empathize with the feelings of betrayal and abandonment she must have felt when she realized her husband maneuvered her into this situation. I could sympathize with her feelings of helplessness and humiliation at what lay ahead. But, that empathy did not deter me from my part in this play. It made me want the play to continue. I deeply desired what was going to happen, without regard for the consequences to her.

She watched me now, her down-turned eyes slipping up to mine from under long lashes, then darting away again. Slowly, she walked to the middle of the room, about four paces from me.

"Where is Kenneth?"

"Gone to Changi Airport. On a plane to back home."

"May I sit down?"

I patted the couch by me. She moved as if every muscle and bone in her body ached before sitting primly, legs together, hands folded in her lap, eyes always averted from me.

"What is going to happen?"

"You know that. Don't pretend you do not understand."

"Please, don't do it to me," she begged, unable even to look at me, turning to give me a three-quarter view of her face which was angled down. But, her eyes flashed up at me once.

"You heard Walter. You will cooperate! Do I need to call him? Do you want seven men to fuck you instead of just one?"

She never responded. She never moved. She was a lump, devoid of emotion, dead inside. It was I who spoke next.

"Go take a shower, change clothes. Wear something casual. I am ordering in room service. Would you like to eat?" She nodded imperceptibly as she fought to stand. She struggled to walk to the bedroom. Soon, I heard the shower. A suicide attempt by her crossed my mind, but somehow I knew she was too tough for that. Still, I wondered if I was correctly reading all the signals she was sending me.

By the time the food arrived, she had showered and was sitting on the couch in a pretty blouse and a skirt which came to about three inches above her knee. Dinner was a strange affair. Conversation attempts fell flat. We both ate a reasonable meal, however, with a bottle of wine to wash it down. The tension, so thick you could not cut it with the steak knives room service delivered, never eased.

After dinner, she excused herself for a few minutes. When she returned, she sat on the opposite side of the room in a straight chair by the desk. I sipped my wine, ostensibly watching the last of the soccer game, but really watching her from the corner of my eye.

Amy again sat on the edge of the seat, back straight, hands folded primly, knees together, a picture of demure womanhood. She never looked my way unless she thought I was not watching her. Then, I would catch her staring at me with an expression I had trouble reading because of the way I was watching her. When the game was over, I clicked off the tube, sat down my drink, and sat on the edge of the couch, facing her.

"Stand up and let me see you, Amy."

Amy's head popped up to stare at me, her eyes big and frightened. She turned a scarlet red and shook her head 'no'. My immutable stare told her to proceed. She stood, a tear coming to her eye as she began unbuttoning her blouse.

There is something very erotic about forcing a woman sexually, about taking her to or beyond her limits. She seemed unaware her hesitation, and the slow, rhythmic pace of her undressing increased its erotic impact, as did the begging in her eyes.

My mind flashed to Gina, a wild SPG I had dated before she hooked a doctor. Gina loved sex and was a master at building tension, of making foreplay itself so special and unique, intercourse was almost anticlimactic. Gina knew how to make a man force her: how to maneuver him into making her surrender to him, take her against her apparent will. She would surrender with elegance. The eroticism that dance with her generated fueled dreams for a lifetime. Now, Amy was generating that kind of heat, all be it without intent and with consequences, real or imagined, if she did not comply.

Had she looked away, or looked angry or disgusted, the spell would have been broken. But, her eyes continually transmitted their message of humbling and involuntary submission which the rhythm of her hands reinforced. It was a slow, desperate dance by one building desire in another.

Clad now only in a bra and panties, with her hips turned so her leg blocked my frontal view and her arms covered her breasts modestly, she finally verbalized what her eyes and body had been saying: "Please, don't make me . . . "

I said nothing. I had no compunction about making her, forcing her to submit to my demands, to bear my weight when I was ready. It was the incredible, exquisite tension she was building I wished to continue for as long as possible. My cock had never been that hard. I wanted her to continue at her own pace, the pace which was driving me to unprecedented levels of desire.

I could see her back straighten as a hand slipped behind her to release her bra. The bra fell loose, but not away, trapped against her breasts by her arm. She looked away and closed her eyes. Slowly, with one hand, she began to slip the panties off her hips and down her legs. She looked tense, her side to me, body curled to hide her nudity, protecting herself as best she could with only her hands and arms, panties trapped around one trim ankle like a white flag of surrender. Her bush is neatly trim with her white creamy skin accentuating the contrasting colours.

Did she realize how delicious she looked? How helpless, how feminine, with her ass and legs so perfectly posed to arouse the animal in a man? Did she realize she was driving me wild with desire?

Again, I neither moved nor spoke, letting her work her way through it, giving her time to adjust. When she finally looked at me again, she stared openly, as if looking away was more than she could bear. Looking into her big, doe eyes, I was stunned and excited by her expression. It was sexual desire and a pleading for tenderness, more than a reflection of humiliation. It was need as well as embarrassment. Or, was I mistaken, my own desire clouding my vision? It made no difference. I was driven on.
Old 22-02-2006, 03:12 AM
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Re: The Honeymoon Couple

Not too shabby i like it
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Old 22-02-2006, 11:24 AM
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Re: The Honeymoon Couple

Well written, keep it up bro
Old 22-02-2006, 12:41 PM
Bobbyman Bobbyman is offline
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Re: The Honeymoon Couple

Good story bro....moving on....still waiting for more...Cheers
Old 22-02-2006, 02:31 PM
blackeagle10 blackeagle10 is offline
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Re: The Honeymoon Couple

Thank you for your encouragement. Would like to build a nice plot around it to make it more real. However if u have reservations about non-consensual sex , suggest do not read this..

"]Part 3 The Final Surrender

"Move your hands away and let me see you."

She sobbed audibly and quivered. Tears, absent except for one lone tear since we first began, rolled silently down her face. Her hands clenched, knuckles white, muscles in her arms corded, as she fought to do what she knew she must. She turned, like a steel bar being slowly torqued to straightness, until she faced me, legs together, arms rigid by her side, eyes clenched shut, her face a grimace.

Who knows what in a woman appeal to a man? What one man sees as sexual and physical perfection, another finds only vaguely attractive. Amy hit me right on target.

"You are very beautiful."

It was muted, said very unintentionally, just an honest comment slipping out when not expected. She looked very surprised, even pleased, I had said it, as a slow blush crawled up from her belly to cover her face, a red glow to emphasize her sad, passive eyes.

I waited until her hands fell open by her side and the tension lines in her face slackened. I walked to her slowly, watching her eyes widen, tensions return as she stared unblinking, fear evident in her frozen face. With the tip of a finger under her chin, I guided her head upwards and held it there as I softly kissed her lips. Her lips were cool and clammy, evidence of her mental state. Once again, she was rigid as she waited to be taken. But, did her eyes have a hint of something?

Part of me, specifically the part sticking out like a tree desperate to be planted, wanted to take her that instant. But, the larger part wished to continue the slow torture she had begun. I slowly walked around her, dragging my left hand across her cool skin as I did. I could feel her flesh moving under my fingertips.

I stopped in front, leaning into her, letting my hard cock brush her pubis through the protective layer of the boxer's cotton cloth, as I kissed her again, feeling her lips part slightly. I half-expected her to flee. She stood rooted in place.

Now, I wished to bring my desire to fever pitch. All my movements were slow, obvious, visible to her, so her reactions would reflect in her face for me to see. I brought both hands up in her line of vision and lowered them again to cup her breasts. She twitched as if jolted by electricity, as my hands closed on her high, firm breasts and my thumbs found her nipples. Anguish ruled her eyes, her lips curled in terror, but her body, except for small tremors not controllable by her, was still, letting me do as I wished.

Did I misread again, or did desire flicker for an instant? Why were her nipples so hot and hard in my hand, like the nipples of women who wanted my hands there, not like a woman being raped?

I continued to enjoy her body with my hands, enjoy her emotions with my eyes, as I touched her, all of her, slowly, decadently. I leaned to kiss the tender cusp between neck and shoulder, where the collarbone disappears, feeling the hot flesh under my lips. Moving slightly to stand to her left, I brought my left hand under her chin as my right found the cheek of her ass. She gasped as I squeezed, digging my fingers into her flesh. Fingers under her jawbone, I lifted, forcing her on tip toes, feeling the hard ass-muscle tighten in my hand. She was stretching and the ass muscle spasm under the pressure of my grip, sending a jolt to my already overwrought cock.

My right hand released. She shifted her weight foot to foot, trying to balance. The tension in my left arm made it spasm as I continued to force her head in the air. The middle finger of my hand moved across the furrow at the top of her ass where back and ass join, to the divide, sliding down to rest on the puckered entrance, teasing it.

"Please," she squeaked as my finger moved back and forth, and her ass hole throbbed in response, tightening to repel penetration, then, relaxing again.

"NO!" She jumped, squealing as I swatted her ass cheek hard, trying to flee but my hand was in her hair holding her close to me. Her lip quivered as tears again started. As she rubbed her ass with both hands, she could not take her eyes from mine. Her eyes begged me to let her go, be gentle, to give her mercy.

I had no mercy to give. This rape, this taking of her, controlled me as I controlled her . . . without mercy, without humanity, with an animal passion I had never felt.

"Crawl into the bed, Amy."

It did not even sound like me. It was the voice of a lust-filled madman. I watched the delightful sway of her ass as she crawled toward the bed, relishing her subjugation and surrender as much as anything sexual I had ever done. As she crawled onto the bed, I pinned her with a harsh hand on the back of her neck holding her against the mattress. My free hand dropped between her legs to pull at the dark tuft, caress the curve of her ass, as she lay, half-on, half-off, the bed with one knee and an extended foot supporting her weight.

When I released her, she moved again to lie in the center. I watched as she lay face down, then, rolled over to look at me, her lower body still twisted, vainly seeking protection from that which was to follow.

As I knee walked beside her, her fists clenched as her arms came in front of her chest. Her hips turned, bringing her legs up in a defensive fetal position, and those eyes never left mine. I slapped her left thigh again, leaving the print of a palm and fingers in red on the white of her thigh. Her eyes were cowed now. Slowly, her hands and legs moved, fists still clenched as they slowly fell to lay by her head, legs straight out on the bed, together and locked.

"Open your legs so I can fuck you!"

One shake of her head saying 'no'.

I jammed my hard knee between her thighs, relishing the thrill of driving them apart by brute strength, shifting my weight so my full 70 kg were on the fulcrum. She was strong, determined to resist to the end. I could feel the muscles in her thighs quiver and strain as they fought to keep me from between them.

I saw a drop of red on her hand where a nail had spilt her own flesh in a clench of emotional intensity. The sight of the blood exploded a memory from the recesses of my subconscious.

I was twenty seven, with some Kiwi friends in heavy bush of far south Canterbury New Zealand on a deer hunt. I had shot my first deer, hitting a doe in the shoulder with a flat shot from about eighty yards. Ignoring my instructor's yells to be careful with a loaded rifle, I ran toward the deer, who was mortally wounded but struggling to flee. I was panting, gasping, as I stood beside her. She was breathing rapidly and raggedly, her struggling almost over, as she lay dying at my feet.

"You can't let her suffer, son," the instructor said, his hand firm on my shoulder. "We need to put her out of her misery." He told me how to do it and gave me his hunting knife.

In one swift, brutal stroke, I drove the blade of his hunting knife into the doe's throat, severing the caratoid artery. Blood flowed from her neck as the light in her eyes flickered and died. The doe shuddered violently, releasing air from her wounded lungs in the rattle of death.

It was those eyes . . . of the doe in the last seconds of her life, just before the incomprehensible and overpowering knowledge of imminent death vanished with life itself . . . I saw in Amy's face at that moment. I felt her resistance end and the muscles in her legs relax.

A hand on each knee, I pulled her legs up and apart, bending and spreading them, opening her, rolling her hips up to give me the angle I desired. Her fists relaxed, revealing the hole in her palm, the blood oozing to form a red slash in mute acknowledgment of her sacrifice. Her B cups tits were heaving and her prized pink slit was glistening with light secretions. Her pink labia look almost virginal with her folds almost intact. A thought flashes through my mind -she must have spend a lot of time at the tables than in her honeymoon bed..

Bending her double, I lodged the tip of my cock between the lips of her pussy. In that instant in which I was poised at her gates, I felt her love juices thick around my cock head and the bloated fullness of her lower lips. Yet, from the corner of my eye, I saw the blood in her hand where her nail had penetrated her skin. I seized a wrist in each hand, trapping her hands by her head, shifting my weight to power my cock into her using my hands on her trapped wrists for balance.

Now she was frightened! She knew that this thing was going into her pussy, and feared the pain and damage that it might do. I saw the fear in her eyes.

To be continued......
Old 23-02-2006, 02:06 PM
blackeagle10 blackeagle10 is offline
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Re: The Honeymoon Couple - losing it all

I will continue to finish part4 as I hv already written them. if support is thinning out, I will probably stop here and not continue.
Thank you.

Part 4 The Conquest

I saw her doe eyes flicker and change as I drove my cock into her in one, swift, brutal stroke.

Time stood still as I froze, like a statue, my cock buried in her, my eyes burning into hers. I could feel her cervix against my cock head. I could feel her heat and slickness around my shaft, a spasm of her pussy walls around me. I could feel the inside of her thighs from my rib cage to my crotch, and the front of her calves under my arms. I could hear her ragged breathing, see the labored rise and fall of her breasts. I could smell her heat, her fear, her desire.

I could see her eyes: her soft, woman's eyes.

Amy shuddered violently, releasing air in a hushed but unmistakable murmur.

"Please. Stop. You are too big…” But it was too late.

The size of my pulsating cock was pushing her internal walls in a way that she had never felt before. There was pain, but since she was fairly lubricated, she could tolerate it. There was also a feeling of fullness that mixed with the sexual stimulation, causing all thoughts except the sex act to leave her mind.

After a few minutes of working at it, I was finally fully inserted inside her tight pussy, and started moving his cock in and out at a slow pace.

Amy’s eyes snapped open. Her face contorted into a grimace. She open her mouth gasping for air.

Then I entered her quickly, shoving my hard cock into her still throbbing pussy. It felt so good to slide into this tight new bride. She was so wet and warm inside. I looked down her beautiful face - it was contorted with pain. “Stop, stop! It hurts! Please stop!”

I started to pump in and out of her, ignoring her pleas. She tried to sit up and get away from me. I continued, the width of my cock was stretching her tiny pussy wide open. I could see her flesh grip me tightly as I fucked her.

“Stop! Stop it right now!!!” Amy’s eyes had filled with tears and her teeth were clenched together. Her pussy betrayed her as it welcomed the invasion of the hard filling cock. I stayed in that position keeping still for a minute, breathing heavily and hearing the pounding of my heartbeat together with hers.

“Your pussy is dripping, you know you want this….” Taking it like this, I slammed my hard dick into her sweet hole. She howled in pain and I grinned. I shoved my dick roughly into her, her pussy clenching around my cock, trying to eject me from her warm depths, but it only succeeded in stimulating me even more. I could hear the loud wet sounds her clenching twat made as I slammed my cock into her.

I vigorously drove my dick in and out of her cunt; violent thrusts that felt like they would tear her body apart.

“Aaaaaarh… Ugh……!” Amy lay writhing in agony as her pussy was violated and stretched beyond her pain tolerance. My dick was larger than she thought she could handle. It hurt so much but she couldn’t fight me off. She tensed her body up, causing her pussy to clench harder around my cock.

This was too much pleasure for me. Soon, I was fucking her with wild abandon. I could feel her body loosen up as her wet pussy milked me. Amy’s body cried out for my hot stiff dick. She opened up her legs more to allow me easier access to her hot molten depths.

She was moaning softly and making unintelligible sounds “Oh, Aaaaaarrgh….Unnnh!!” She raised her hips to meet my thrusts, and I grunted as my balls tightened and she felt me near climax. Her tiny pussy was so hard to resist, and because it was tiny, it made it harder to keep from ejaculating as it clenched around me.

I fucked her pussy faster and faster. Amy tossed her head from side to side, feeling another orgasm coming on. Our heavy pants and groans were loud, and only served to hasten our orgasms.

“OH FUCK Yes!!” I bellowed as I rammed my cock deep into her and shot his seed straight into her womb, pumping rope after rope of steaming cum into her tiny sopping pussy.

Amy couldn’t take it anymore, she began to come as she felt my hot jets of cum spray into her cunt. She bucked her hips and milked every last drop out of me. There was so much cum from the both of us that it leaked out from around my dick and trickled down to Amy’s anus, leaving a shining creamy trail.
The white bed sheet underneath her arse were stain in a pool of dampness with her juice mixing with mine.

I pulled out and collapsed on top of Amy and kissed her cheek. I slowly rolled to my side and slowly darkness enveloped my satisfied body with my semi-hard cock still throbbing away…

To be continued if there are interests shown for this story
Old 23-02-2006, 02:27 PM
tph1977 tph1977 is offline
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Re: The Honeymoon Couple

Gd one man.. Go GO og!!!
Old 28-02-2006, 09:35 PM
blackeagle10 blackeagle10 is offline
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Re: The Honeymoon Couple

Since I have written part 5, I wil just upload it. I hope readers will give me feedback as I have not thought abt the ending...would the husbadn accept the wife back or would he reject her as 'damaged goods'

Part 5 The Restaurant Play

The young bride had never felt so cheap and used in her life. All of the values that she stood for and all of the things in her marriage to Kenneth were simply hanging by a thread. Why did she throw away her future & possibly her marriage at the gambling tables?? She and Kenneth were so in love and nothing seems to go wrong until their expedition into the Miracle Resort in Singapore. Throwing away $5,000 was bad but losing up to $26,000 over 3 days is criminal.

Amy was so frightened, shivering in fact when those rough, tough swearing men with tattoos were starring lustfully at her. She tried to look away from their leery gaze, locking her arms and legs together. She was to be their ultimate prize, a sex slave to do as they wish for 6 days. Kenneth just sat there with his hands on his head. That is when Walter came into the picture and made her & Kenneth another offer. Was it out of pity for her, knowing if she had been submitted to those men, her body may survive the ordeal with dreadful scars, her mind may not.

Dan was a fantastic lover, except for the first night when he was rough with her, Amy enjoy being fucked by Dan. She was no virgin when she married Kenneth, having lost her virginity in college to her first love at 18. Sex with her husband was measured not wild. Having honeymoon sex was part of her marriage experience but having sex with a stranger was not part of her sacred vows. Amy sighed deeply. She had called and lied to her husband about the sex part, how she didn’t enjoy doing it with Dan. What would Kenneth think of her now?? Is he going to accept her as though nothing had happen?? This is very humiliating for her.

If she can, she must somehow get home before the 13th day dateline is up. Her family and colleagues will be asking questions about what happen during their honeymoon in Singapore?? Why has her husband returned home much earlier??

It is now the 4th day. I had a few errands to run in the city and have ask Amy to join me for dinner at the Italian Pebbles by the Beach Restaurant.

As she walked into the restaurant, she paused and closed her eyes in resignation. There really was no choice, she told herself.

The doorman and bellhops eyed the young woman with open admiration. They had worked at the hotel long enough to know that a beautiful woman who showed up at the hotel dressed like Amy was going to be flat on her back taking some dick soon enough. They envied the wealthy men who somehow always seemed to get between the legs of the finest looking women.

Amy was directed to a circular booth in a secluded corner of the restaurant and there I was making notes on my PDA. She stood at the table on trembling legs for several moments before I looked up. The young bride had worn what I had instructed her to wear. She had on a very short black leather skirt that hugged her well formed ass cheeks with a G-string underneath. Her long, tanned legs made their naked way down to her well manicured feet in a pair of open toed high heeled shoes. The top was a tight turtleneck that she wore because it was made of fairly thick material. She chose this because, as instructed, she was allowed no bra. Even so, it was clear that her tits were not contained in a bra, as the nipples pointed out provocatively as she walked.

When l finally acknowledged Amy standing there, I smiled broadly and offered her my hand. She smiled back, revealing her perfect teeth, and her face beamed beautifully with the smile. It went through her mind that she had just smiled for the first time in a long time.

"Amy, please have a seat."

Amy sat in the booth. It was shaped like a U, and had a back that was several feet high and made the booth extremely private. I have moved to the middle of the back of the booth and motioned her next to me. Amy slid along the padded seat until she was sitting next to me. A long white table cloth covered the table.

As we ate, we talked about our lives and how I have worked and lived in the US prior to coming back to Asia. Amy had just started work when she met her husband and they were married within 6months of courtship. Unknown to her, Kenneth had a gambling addiction.

Amy sat next to him half listening to this story, but trying to work up the courage to ask about an early release from her obligation. Her mouth was dry from nervousness. She sipped on the gin tonic that I had bought for her. When she finally spoke, her voice sounded cracked and high-pitched.

"I ... I ... I really would like to go home earlier," she finally stammered.

She quickly realized that this request came out of the blue.

I chuckled gently. "I'm sure you would," I replied. "And, if you assist me as I know that you will, then, certainly, you will go home earlier… all in due time." I said.

She listened to me with a terrible dread. Amy expected what happened next. My hand moved to the silky smooth skin of her creamy thigh and remained there caressing the soft skin of her inner thigh while we spoke. What she didn't expect was that I would lean over and kiss her mouth. As my tongue probed her mouth, his hand went under her top and began to softly knead the fleshy breasts and nipples, quickly bringing them to a stiff attention. This startled Amy, but she did nothing to stop me. She even forced herself to tongue back at my intruding tongue. After what seemed like minutes, but was probably only a matter of seconds, I pulled my mouth from hers. I continued to massage her B cup breasts and looked into her brown eyes as I do so. Her sensitive nipples remained erect to my touch. Finally, as a waiter approached, my hand moved from under her blouse.

l ordered them each another gin tonic and told her to finish the first quickly. Amy downed the drink as soon as she could. The public assault on her body then continued.

"Open your legs up for me," I said.

Despite her foreboding, Amy parted her legs. My fingers found her well manicured pubic hair and massaged the top of her pussy without entering her. Still, the moisture became evident on my fingers as he rubbed her pussy lips vigorously, and several times he wiped his fingers off on her inner thigh.

I then stuck his middle finger into Amy's moistened love hole which brought a nearly silent cry of passion from the young woman.

"Ohhh," Amy moaned. Her eyes closed and her small hands instinctively went to my hand as if she could somehow control my meaty fingers. There her hands remained, one on my wrist and the other on the back of my intruding hand. The sensation brought on by not only feeling my finger working within her, but also feeling the movement from outside her was almost more than she could bear.

As her pussy bathed my finger in wetness, she struggled with the physical desire that she was feeling. Was she just a whore, she wondered? Why did her body betray her?

Despite her brain screaming for me to stop, Amy couldn't keep her pussy from a wetness brought on only by deep sexual desire.

I smiled slightly at the reaction from my companion. Amy's thigh muscles relaxed ever so much and her breathing became a bit labored from her parted lips. I even noticed that her hips began to move in the ancient dance, meeting my finger's every thrust ever so gently.

He knew that if he continued to work her love hole like that she would be brought to orgasm. But that wasn't what he was interested in accomplishing. In fact, he had accomplished all that he wanted when he showed her that she could be brought to the threshold of orgasm by him even in a public restaurant.

The young woman knew that I was going to fuck her that night. The tingle in her vagina and the buzz that she had from the gin tonics clouded her judgement, but she knew that until she is released from her obligation, she was my sex partner, unwilling or not.

*** ** It was Friday morning and Amy lay nude beneath the luxurious sheets of the five star hotel that we were staying in. The bedspread and blanket had been pushed to the foot of the bed. The sheets were bunched up and snaked between her exposed tanned legs, brushing the soft flesh of her inner thighs as they covered only her neatly trimmed pussy and flat belly. Her B cup breasts lay naked and exposed on her chest. The nipples which capped her lovely breasts still tingled with the sensation of her last orgasm. Her beautiful brown eyes stared out from her beautiful face, her jet black hair lying uncombed on the pillow.

She watched as I looked in the mirror and put the finishing touches on getting dressed by straightening my tie. Amy could feel the large load of sperm within her ravaged orifice that had been deposited by me, and her juices which I had caused to overflow during my intense fucking of her were drying into a flaky mixture between her thighs.

As she expected, Amy had spent the previous evening, night and now morning satisfying my enormous sexual appetite. I had just finished giving her the second of two morning fucks minutes ago. Despite the fact that she regretted being forced to endure my carnal cravings, Amy recognized that I have awakened an animalistic side of her that she previously did not know existed. Once awakened, she knew that she had met the thrust of my long, thick cock over and over again with a willing and wet thrust back. And many times during the past eight hours she had climaxed in response to my hard driving cock.

To be continued...
Old 10-03-2006, 10:12 AM
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Re: Singapore IR - Sex on the sly

Aiyah, so far no comments -leh. Will be introducing a new character into the scene to make it more interesting....
Old 10-03-2006, 11:26 AM
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Re: The Honeymoon Couple

camping here lah bro. must be more descriptive in the sex details..
Old 12-03-2006, 12:25 PM
maxknight maxknight is offline
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Re: The Honeymoon Couple

Blackeagle10, please do continue... I everyday come here looking forwrd for your new posting. I'm trying to compile your story which was very enjoying after a hard day work.
Waiting for your next post....
Old 12-03-2006, 05:13 PM
blackeagle10 blackeagle10 is offline
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Re: The Honeymoon Couple

Since there are some readers here who enjoyed this story, I will continue penning a few more chapters. I do hv some experience as I hv close friends working in casinos, urban legend or not, some innocent people do get into trouble like this...trying to protray a happy ending here but most marriages would not withstand an "interference of this magnitude" . The husband will fell cuckold and started to treat the wife badly and abusing her physically and mentally for screwing other men even though he may be at fault in the first place. OK will upload story later tonite..
Old 12-03-2006, 06:27 PM
ilovesg ilovesg is offline
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Re: The Honeymoon Couple

Good Job!! Carry on bro! waiting for more. !
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