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Health Centre and KTV lounge Tangos It's supposed to be a state secret but you can get great SEX at these places too. Discretion advised.

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Old 04-03-2006, 01:55 AM
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With no intention or urge of mine, I was out of action for more than 3 weeks. So Fri nite I was watching and reading New Paper at the same time around 11am. Was very bored and was flipping the newspaper. Guess where I end up. The classified, with all the Tui Na and HC ads and was thinking how nice if one was open till midnight near my home. Was reading and found out Macpherson Road TN opens till 1am. Hee hee off I went. End up in Yi Fang Body Massage. Walk up the stairs and they operated similar to those in Tanjong Pager like YDH. Place is quite clean and the gals are all sitting outside the hall. Immediately, saw this cute petite gal and ask for her. One thing nice is this place plays 70s and 80s ballads like Peaches and Herbs, Reunited kind of music. Very retro.

Once inside I ask for 45mins as I don’t know if she was good but she looks very pretty with a small mole below her lower lips if not for her height she could be a model any day. BTW no much boobs. Opted for “mo sha” since it comes along with it and I was feel very hot too after my afternoon golf.

Was laying butt naked facing down, she starts to put the warm mo sha liquid on my back and tender rub and at the same time massage my back. All was SOP until she start moving to my butt. She gently drips the warm liquid on my butt cheeks and caresses them. After 5 mins she climb onto the massage bed and continue with my butt. She spread my legs open and start dripping mo sha into my butt crack and move her fingers in and out the crack gently. She did that for a few mins then she start moving her hands towards my marbles, I raise my butt up for her to access my didi. She then put some mo sha and from my butt she slowly and gently moves from my butt down to my didi… once reaches my small head, she did a little twist gently on the head and retract back to my butt. She continues that for several times… and then… Waaa… waaa….sob sob…. I cummed. SO damm shameful so damm fast but so damm good. Either I am losing it, or been out of actions for so long but my goodness she is good. Actually I was prepared for the full battle but misfired…. Sigh. She was saying if that was good, try her for full battle, it will be mind blowing. I promised myself to be back for full battle and this time I will be ready for her.

Place: Yi Fang
Location : Macpherson Road near Mazda showroom, opp side of Caltlex
Tel: 6846 )&#^
Ger : Xue Er (got her mobile, hee hee)
Looks : 8.5 (Very sexy CFM looks, Sze Chuan mei, mmm spicy)
Body: 7 (small boobs)
Ht: 1.6
Wt: How I know, maybe 45-50
HJ: I feel shameful to rate
BJ: Did not get that far
FJ: Wish I had
Rates: Standard
Old 04-03-2006, 03:35 AM
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Re: Shameful

Hi Bro,
It's not shameful at all. It means that she knows how to give good service and make the customer enjoy it.
Old 04-03-2006, 11:13 AM
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Re: Shameful

Thanks for the Fr , must try .
Old 04-03-2006, 02:03 PM
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Re: Shameful

no worries bro ... sometimes it happens ... always got next time ...
Old 05-03-2006, 11:04 PM
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Re: Shameful

So any brudders tried the full battle with her yet... me very curious since I misfire or I.A. half way thru. If someone tried liao...please give FR leh.
Old 06-03-2006, 02:33 PM
hobby hobby is offline
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Talking Re: Shameful

Hi Bro, Standard rates meaning? Can help to breakdown, wallet too tight liao hehehe ... you write until like that must give it a try man.

How about other meimeis? as nice too?

Place: Yi Fang
Location : Macpherson Road near Mazda showroom, opp side of Caltlex
Tel: 6846 )&#^
Ger : Xue Er (got her mobile, hee hee)
Looks : 8.5 (Very sexy CFM looks, Sze Chuan mei, mmm spicy)
Body: 7 (small boobs)
Ht: 1.6
Wt: How I know, maybe 45-50
HJ: I feel shameful to rate
BJ: Did not get that far
FJ: Wish I had
Rates: Standard
Old 06-03-2006, 03:43 PM
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Re: Shameful

Originally Posted by hobby
Hi Bro, Standard rates meaning? Can help to breakdown, wallet too tight liao hehehe ... you write until like that must give it a try man.

How about other meimeis? as nice too?
45mins = $25 with mo sha
60mins = $28 I think

HJ = 50
Fj = 100 I think as I din even go that far... sob sob
Old 06-03-2006, 03:51 PM
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Re: Shameful

Originally Posted by wildehavanas
45mins = $25 with mo sha
60mins = $28 I think

HJ = 50
Fj = 100 I think as I din even go that far... sob sob
bro wildehavanas, nothing to be shameful about that as I had the same experience before so i understand.

i am sure you will be back to show her your real power and by that time, we will expect a very Good FR from you.
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(many lost records liao)
Old 06-03-2006, 03:52 PM
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Re: Shameful

sorry guys..double post....
Bonniesan: Summer, Myth, Berlinda, Noelle, Ewa
ccod81: Anny (1st blood) Marilyn(1st blood) Charmine(1st blood)
Thaiboy: M150, Ewa
Hugoman: Celine, Paris

(many lost records liao)
Old 06-03-2006, 04:28 PM
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Re: Shameful

correct me if I am wrong, I tot TN's standard rate for HJ is $30. In fact I have visited the three TNs along McPherson Road, opp Mazda showroom in three consecutive late sunday evening.

In two occassion, I paid total $55 ($25 for 45 min massage and $30 for HJ) and the last one I tipped additional $5 because I have no small change . In the three encounters, the girl allowed me to suck their neh neh and autoroam.

Originally Posted by wildehavanas
45mins = $25 with mo sha
60mins = $28 I think

HJ = 50
Fj = 100 I think as I din even go that far... sob sob
BTW, if you want to zap me, let me know where is my mistake. I am here to share and to learn.

But if you find my reports/views/contribution are beneficial and enjoyable, don't be stingy on your points.
Old 06-03-2006, 08:30 PM
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Re: Shameful

wa peaches & herbs! must try soon i love tt song haha shld be a really retro place
Old 06-03-2006, 10:24 PM
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Re: Shameful

Good FR bro. Must try when wallet permit.
Old 10-03-2006, 08:56 PM
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Re: Shameful

Any FR on Xue Er FJ yet? I pocket dry so no action yet. ANy bros try?
Old 15-03-2006, 02:48 PM
Waking D're Waking D're is offline
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Cool Re: Shameful

I am a teasing game lover…so without second thought, I quick quick go try brothers recommendation.

Park my car behind the TN shop ( hard to find parking after 6, so I looong looong and found out the private housing behind the TN shop actually don’t have double yellow line, so I park there , free, hah!) and go up to this joint.

3 to 4 girls sitting there, 2 of them quite pretty. And when I ask, “how much is the charges?” the girls say 28 and ask another girl in the front room to entertain me. Knn, a fat, cannot look, dark dress girl. So I quickly ask for Xue Er, hoping she is the pretty one. Thanks god! She is, she is.

So bring me into the room, ask me first time there ah! Say yes.( actually 3 times liao, but months ago). Strip to nothing and lie on the bed. Ok, brother, my room is the most inner room, nearest to the toilet, please avoid this room coz the breath hole (to put your face) in the bed are cover by a bed sheet which block my eyes, can only put my mouth to breath~~~

Frankly, she has no strength in massage. Soft soft touch, press here and there, but I must say, shiok, coz her finger play magic music. I just relax there. Even she massage my back, she can also reach my back side. Put on powder, slowly, she climb to my bed and massage my bud after my back, soft soft touch, reach my leg, right, then left. Then she focus in center, touch my crack line, few times, then reach my ball, my shaft. Tease me , play me music . I just twist a bit here and there to accommodate her finger, so shiok.

The flip over, massage my hand. I look at her white spagetti, and my didi already standing tall. She just slowly touch my hand, fingers, pull pull and press press. And I slowly calm down. Put didi at rest first. She see see, no response from me, then she climb up to the bed, bend down her body to massage my leg, tight. O god! She is so sexy, bobs not big, but damn sexy. And she know how to push blood to my didi, and stay her hand at the top of my tight for a munutes. My didi just dance with my heart beat.

Then she is satisfy and lean over to me to ask my, ‘ni hai yao bu yao qi ta fu wu?’ I ask what other service she provide, she say made love. I decline, say I only have enough to shoot airplane. She don’t want, want to give me discount. Then I nearly buay tahan, coz when she ‘teh’ me, I really buay tahan. So I tell her, my friend recommend me here coz you can make him shoot without turning over. She laugh and just oblige to take oil.

She climb to the bed , spread my leg, and slowly play my groin area. Not like Juagen ( I try a lot), a little bid like Cindy method, but do not have Cindy strength. And I try to pull up her clothes by sitting up, but she refused and say wait. But my didi cannot wait long, so I ‘teh’ her back…Emmm, excuse me, brother—‘Xue Er, mei li de Xue Er, please!’ , ‘Xin Xin Hao, Xue Er, Wu de hao Xue Er’, So I nag until she smile and I say , ‘not convenient for you coz your hand oily, let me help, and I sit up, pull her shirt down. Wah! Brother, nice pair of small bobs, like B cup or less, a bit creamy white, and the best, her nipple is invert one! I squeeze here and there, and she pick up speed, I really cannot hold more, and just unload. Forgive me, brother, I cannot reach her bob and kiss the nipple, coz at that position, I really cannot bend my back to reach her bob to kiss, or not, my sperm can shoot my own face liao.

She help me clean up and I go shower. Come back dress up, and I say next time I want to kiss her nipple and make her stand out, she shy shy and say ‘ni hao huai’, I hug her and pass her 80 dollar, included the entrance fee and left the place.

Will be return to this place sometime next month, bullet not so sufficient. Anywhere, I normally go different joint.

Name: Xue Er
Pretty look, very modern Chinese look.
33B, I think, invert nipple , nice to hold and play with.
No rushing, patient to accommodate
Nice body figure, nice!
Life is full of pleasures....
RTF List:Wei Wei, Bing Er, Swee Ting, LingPei, COCO the Eurasian, Bao Er, Vivian, MiMi, XiXi, JiaJia
Tried List:ZhiYang, YoYo, Xiao Li, Yanzi, YF , QiaoQiao, Duo Ma, Xiao Hong, AnAn, Teacher Yang
Old 15-03-2006, 03:53 PM
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Re: Shameful

guess i have to return to that stretch once again. damn happening!
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