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Old 21-05-2006, 12:24 AM
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Didi skin peels.... PAIN! Help!

Hey bros...

Couldn't find the thread posted previously on this issue...

Notice a skin tear along my didi head that makes bonking very painful. The skin tear is along the 'lips' of the didi..

Notice that didi(that part - penis head) gets very red after sex but no bleeding la. Just very painful when bonking. Today (after action) found that the tear is bigger now and got skin peeling off.. (very pain!)

It's not the (frenulum) but the skin surrounding the lips of the penis hor..

Any bros got this problem before or any ADVICE for this painful problem?
Thanks in advance!
Old 21-05-2006, 12:45 AM
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Re: Didi skin peels.... PAIN! Help!

Dont hesitate bro, go consult a doctor asap lah.
Old 21-05-2006, 09:24 AM
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Re: Didi skin peels.... PAIN! Help!

Yup you should consult your doctor
Old 21-05-2006, 10:06 AM
AlexWee AlexWee is offline
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Re: Didi skin peels.... PAIN! Help!

Have this problem quite often.Happen more often to those who do not circumcised.The penis skin very thin and very sensitive like lips.So tear easily during intercourse, esp vigorous bonking. The tears are usually harmless.But painful when the skin get retracted or when didi stands marikita.Even washing is painful.Make sure you don't get love bites there! Tiny bites can also cause tears after bonking.So be very careful!

My own experience.No need to worry if you're into safe sex. The tears will heal.You can apply some antiseptic.But must avoid sex for a couple of days to avoid more tearing and more infection. Most of the tears will heal and you can bonk again with no problems. During the tears, you MUST practise SAFE sex cos the tears will get infected very easily.Open wounds invite all sorts of sexual diseases.Watch out for AIDs! Tears invite more infections.So be careful.Be a monk for at least one week.

If your foreskin is plenty, you can ask your doc for a circumcision.If your foreskin is okay, no worry. If u have tight foreskin,better go for a circumcision. Tight foreskin will result in more tears. Also make sure well lubricated b4 you penetrate.Tears occur when no lubrication or not enough juices also.

If u worry, pls go see a doctor.Any tears or wounds in didi areas can be harmful.So pls go and spend some medical money. Then u can enjoy life to the fullest after that. Good Luck Brother! And don't worry so much.Life is for enjoyment.
Old 21-05-2006, 11:12 AM
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Re: Didi skin peels.... PAIN! Help!

happen to me quite a few times already.
Old 27-05-2006, 12:39 AM
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Re: Didi skin peels.... PAIN! Help!

Just go for a circumcision.
Old 30-05-2006, 12:15 AM
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Re: Didi skin peels.... PAIN! Help!

Happened to me a few times too.. it happens when i get too "heaty" and didn't drink enough water.. and plus aircon in my room, it gets even drier. and when horny wife comes, die.. sure tear.. then have to tah han for few days at least before it heals.. have to put alot of moisturiser cream.. even put it when i go to work!! haha.. 1 lesson to learn.. drink enough water!!
Old 05-06-2006, 12:29 AM
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Re: Didi skin peels.... PAIN! Help!

Sorry to hear your problem. Did this happened after a hot bout of sex? The tearing may have occurred then. This could also be linked to the stress on the frenulum pulling due to the foreskin.

After clicking on the link on the frenulum info, I realised that I actually broke/snap/tear this about 9-10 years back when I was making love with my gal (did not know what the frenulum was called then). I felt a snap and a sharp pain, quickly withdraw my little bro and saw lots of blood. Then the blood rushed down from my big head and I remember falling back on my bed. My gal was terrified then and quickly use tissue to staunch the blood flow. I was blurred out for a while and when I recovered, I inspected my tool and found that I had teared the frenulum. Was off sex for quite some time before I healed fully. The good thing was or rather is, my tool actually felt better without the frenulum restriction and I was enjoying my sex more. Sort of like semi-circum you know. Not sure if your problem is linked to the frenulum and the foreskin but advice is to consult a doctor on this.
Bonk until sianz. No more energy to write another FR unless one is worth the effort....
Old 05-06-2006, 08:54 AM
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Re: Didi skin peels.... PAIN! Help!

happen to me b4 ... just take a break and it should heal in a couple of days ... dun go and aggrevate it anymore ... from what i can see this is an effect of too much vigarous bonkin without sufficient lub
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