An honorable member of the Coffee Shop Has Just Posted the Following:
The AGO’s report submitted to the President last week was the most unpleasant thing to happen and so near the GE. Fortunately, a miracle really, that there was no wrongdoings except for some discomfort and explanations to do. And after the explanations things will be normal again, unlike the AHPETC saga. The revelations by the AGO reports were nothing serious unlike the AHPETC that was all about incompetence. In the AHPETC’s case, also very ‘heng’, no wrong doings. Please disagree with me if you have to.
The AGO report was most unfortunate in the sense that many distinguished grassroot leaders, some like to spell it as grassloot in TRE, were found wanting with lapses like conflict of interests that were not declared. It was unfortunate as these people are definitely honourable people, and mostly very rich and would not have been involved in any wrongdoings. Rich people are less likely to play foul as they have a lot of money and dignity. They are selfless volunteers committing time and money to serve the society. Many have been awarded PBMs or BBMs to reward them for public service and service to the people and also statement of their honesty and integrity.
And many of these are likely to be of noble birth or from the aristocracy and it is so unfortunate that while serving the people, some times lapses are simply innocent lapses, they are now seen in a bad light. They would be cursing themselves for volunteering their services and ended in such uncomfortable position through no fault of theirs. I think many would have second thoughts about serving in the grassroot organisations.
One commentator in the TRE has this to say and I quote,
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